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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Dec 1937, p. 1

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r ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Vol, 1. No. 48. ORONO, ONT., THURSDAY, DEC. 23, 1937. Subscription, $1.25 Per Year. ü : ' Ï 1 K"A , / * ^ ■ '7 .-x/ Asks Institute To Help Compile History and Relics For Durham County Mrs. Bowen Gives Interesting Interesting Address at Women's Institute Friday The Orono Branch of the Women's Institute held their meeting in. the Council Chamber on Friday afternoon, afternoon, Dec. 17th. In the absence of the -President, Mrs. O. W. Bolpth, the 1st Vice-President. Airs. AI. 11. .Staples, was in, the chair. The meeting meeting opened by all repeating together the institute Ode, with Mr-. R. 11. Brown at -the piano. Christmas Carols Carols were sung. Miss Kathleen Stark contributed a ■ very tine solo. Mrs, (Bev.) J. H. Otterhout read a very suitable Christmas message, followed by prayer. ' The 'Secretary, I Airs. E, Flamm, read the minutes of the last meeting, and the Treasurer's report was given by Mrs. II. Dean. After the business part Airs. F. W. Bowen gave a reading on the protection protection of the archives, referring to many very ancient relics that, are preserved preserved in the archives in Ottawa, and historical review. Mrs. Bowen's personal personal interest was in compiling the x history of Durham County and wish- N ed the Institute would take up both the compiling ; of history and pioneer relics and' suggested five different ways .off Collecting : 1st--Aippeal to our older members. 2nd--Collect authentic- copies' of documents having historic value. 3rd--Collect books or pamphlets containing containing family, church, township or County history. 4th--Collect old maps, books, diaries, diaries, ledgers, letters, newspaper files, old school books and photo-. 5th -- Have 'a library of historical value, writers of Canadian history, Kathleen Trail, Mrs. Hoodie, Emily Weaver, Quillet, John Squair, W. L. (Smith. Mrs. Bowen, also spoke of pioneer life and the IT. E. Loyalists, how they had to live, taud the food' they used, the social gatherings and modes of travel, and read, a list of names of pioneer families found about Orono, taken from ,T. Squair's history- She then read a chapter from Finely Weaver's book on the County of Durham. Airs, Bowen concluded by reading a vèfy interesting letter, a copy of one written by a Mr. Steadman Steadman Beibeo, of .'Meaford, Ont., to his cousin Mrs. ITanison Bebee of Brec- kenridge, Quebec, dated July 18th, 1918, giving the history of the older people in Hope Township. This Mr. Bebee is a great undle of Mrs. Bowen Bowen and wrote her personally a couple of years ago at the age of 97 _years, since that he has passed' on in his 99 th year. The acting president expressed her appreciation and thanks to Mrs, Bowen for the fine address. Mrs. LOCAL NEWS Mrs. Gordon Mbiia 11. of Clarke Union won the goose at St. Saviour's Christmas tree on Monday evening. This year's Christmas tree and concert concert is said to be the biggest success for some years. The ladies of the Orono Women's Institute met jn the basement, of Park St. Church on Tuesday evening and filled 300 bags for the Community Community Christmas Tree, also a dozen boxes were made up of fruit and candy for the shut-ins of Orono. Also three bales off fruit,, vegetables and clothing were sent out for relief purposes. purposes. .Mjps. E. Dean was- convenor off the Christmas boxes and bales. How is the time, to order a subscription. subscription. to send to your son, daughter daughter or other relatives and friends, The Orono Weekly Times is printed fifty-two weeks in a year and what could be more appreciated by former townspeople than to receive a, weekly budget I'miii their old home town once a week. Ho need to write letters letters so often, as our paper gives all the up-to-date news of Orono and five surrounding community. .Subscribe today--we know they will appreciate this weekly journal that covers - the district, like a blanket. Eagleson. also tendered, a vote of thanks to all who assisted in flic program, program, seconded by Miss A, Thorn - ton. The following interesting Items were given at the meeting : The first Orono Band Was - started in 1858. In 1863 the canal was dug turning- part of the water from What was then the Wit mot creek into "the Orono creek. ■Orono was created à Police village on August 16th, 1854, by action of the Council of the United Counties of Xortituinberlan d and Durham on petition, of fifty residents. The. first, . Presbyterian church in this neighborhood was' built on land which was given by Mr. Thomas Waddell, on his farm. Lot 21, Con cession 5. , The deed bears the date June 25, 1839. The first church was a , small- frame structure, afterwards enlarged. There were also sheds to accommodate the vehicles. But all these have long since disappeared. The only thing' which now marks the place is- a little unkept cemetery. The lot waisi one acre in sze. The roll call was answered by historical historical plaices visited, followed by mi sic arid singing. The meeting then closed. The committee in charge, Airs. Eagleson, Mass Thornton, Mrs. Geo. Bowen, Mrs. B. Allin and Mrs. A. A. Bolph, refreshments. PARK ST. CHURCH CHRISTMAS SERVICES Most favourable comments were heard about the 1 Christmas services at Park Btreet Olïurch last Sunday. At the morning (service the minister preached a. fine arid appropriate sermon sermon on "Visitors to the Mangier cradle," Mr. Osterbout said the old man arid the child, were welcomed, gentile women and wise men were also, there, humble toilers and a crafty king were: at thfef cradle, of Jesus, scribes, Pharisies and Angels were visitors to the Christ Child Saviour King. Very fine music "was: furnished furnished by the choir st this service. In the evening a special song and musical -service was conducted by the mini 'ter in which the. excellent choir excelled them,selves. There (were large crowds at both "services. Escaped Serious Injury In Head-on Crash At Whitby Wednesday GALA NIGHT FOR CHILDREN CHILDREN AT ST. SAVIOUR'S Christmas Orono Continuation School Holds Successful Dance -The Orono 'Ocmfinroation School dance I held, on • Wednesday evening Wish a decided success financially; Over ninety (couple were present to trip tilie light fantastic. ■ The hall was very beautifully decorated decorated by the girls. 'Christmas trees were, placed around the hall, decorated decorated by colored bulbs, ah" hunting ami streamers added to the glamour off color. The young people held sway for the evening, beautiful young girls in now gowns and hand-bane young men still added to the picturesque Scene. ' / -Lloyd Budge's Otvlioffliy from Port Hope supplied" tfie music for the evening. At midnight ti.e girls: ser-' ved a very tasty lunch,of .-laudwichcs, cake and coffee, (Great credit. is due the' girls fftr their unitsiring efforts to make this diariee the best, yet, and it seems they have .sdce'cëded. It w-ae worth flee .admission ; fee to watch the dancers, see the decorations decorations and listen to the music. 'Congratulations giids. Sitting at our typewriter on this chill December morn we feel the Spirit of Christmas' marching down the aisles of Time to usher in the most magical 1 period of the year. True, with (it- comes the 'anxious fret- fulness of harried shoppers; the pale faces: arid lagging Mo© ta taps of tired shopgirls; the shivering Banta Clauses: tinkling tiny bolls beside their charitable pavement potti; the yean ling, inexpressibly sad faces of mothers and: fathers who can see no rift in the pàil 1 of dark despair that hang over their lives; the sordid faces- of undernourished children who still hope that the magic light of this magic season might, yet break through the clouds for at least ,a>" few days before before they return again to their too, too, meagre life. Vet: how potent is that, very magic ! And how unattainable in prin t ! Then the doors: of our hearts' swing open 1 Then the flood-gates of joy and happi - ness surge through the great heart of humanity and all people draw nearer to that of universal brotherhood with a, feeling that all mankind 'are kindred kindred with Him whose advent into this .world was choired by a chorus of shining angels' in resplendent skies. The enduring miracle, of Christmas is that each off us recognize it and Come more Or less under its magic spoil. The onlooker may see only clamour and turmoil--yet every one off us in this motley.human crowd has some mystic , Christmas' hope which flowers: in' the contented eyes of old folk remembered, in the "shining glow of the young as it issues in shouts of joy, in the warmth, the gaiety, the prevailing peace around, the Christmas Christmas hearth ; in the tranc i en t, ray of gloriouti sun that breaks through the ini'pehetraible cloud of despair. And what is the beacon light that floods the. earth with its trailsend- ant sptèndour of this joyous season ? Is. it not that twenty centuries ago was born in the city of David the Messiah, the. 'Christ, the Prince of Peace. And so may we sing Ail peaceful was the night, Wherein the Prince of .Light His reig;n- of Peace upon the earth began : The winds' with wonder whist Smoothly the waters kist, Whispering new love to the mild . •ocean. : Who .now hath quite forgot to rave. While binds of calm sit brooding on the charmed waive. 1 Bing ou t,- ye crystal spheres, v On.ce bless our human ears. Iff ÿe bavé .po'wey to" touch, our see - nan;/'"' \ ; ■ ■ And let jyorir- silvcip ehirrie ' • Move in melodious time, And let the base of Heaven's deep organ, blow : : - And with your ninefold harmony. Make up full consort, to- the angelic symphony, ■ " --Milton The annual Christmas Tree and. Concert ' at Gt. Saviour's Sunday School on Monday, December 20th, was) a decided success from every point of view. The Parish Hall was filled with men, women and children, all! being young together jn celebration celebration oiflthis most: joyful" season. The program was in charge of the A. Y.I'.A. with - Edwin Manning in the chair, and consisted of songs and reditaitions' by the pupils and a pretty little dance number by Greta Mercer, Mercer, besides a solo by Mr. W". Mitchell, two stiri'S by Mr. Arthur Bell, a guitar guitar solo by Cecil Bruton and a musical. musical. number by the l.eskard quartette by Mr. - AI, Harrison. BecitiatiioTi'S were given by the following-: following-: Alorit, Biichardson, Albert Mitchell, Conn:e Afitcbeji, Thelma Jordan, Chriysa Jordan, Betty Jordan, Jordan, Velnia Morgan, Francis Cowan. Jackie Mqfiatt:, Bobbie Warm an, Dimriy West, Juiiiiti' .West,. ". Mr: .Allen, the Sunday School 'Stiperiti tendent, sipoke briefly, and: the Beverend D. B. Dewdney also spoke, complimenting all who took part in the program arid especially the very efficient manner in. which the chairman- conducted the meeting. The presents from the tree were then handed out after: which lunch was served and the meeting closed with the ..National Anthem. Messrs. Win. Armstrong, J. J. Gil- fillian and Mrs. Milton. Tamlblyn celebrated: celebrated: their birthdays un Wednesday,, Wednesday,, December 22,nd. We, know -the ages off the first two mentioned, but are -not going to give them away. Monday evening the Young People's People's Society off Park Street: held a short meeting. Air. A. J. Knox and Edwin San-dercock played a violin and ehvlio selection, accompanied by Mrs. .'Sandercock ; Air. -Sherw'in gave a short talk on the scripture which was read earlier in the evening. Colin Taylor read a Christmas poem.. The president. Mr. Bob Keane, tried: to nominate some delegates - to -attend the winter school at; Lindsay. The remainder of the evening was spent in game.-. We are sorry to hear of the serious illness of Air. Joe Hail, who is, confined confined to his bixl. Councillor C. H. French, Mr. and Mrs. R. Moftatt and Children Hurt A head-on collision occurred one, block east, off the four corners, Whitby, Whitby, on Wednesday night, when a 1936 Dodge Coupe driven by Councillor. Councillor. C. H. French of Whitby, proceed proceed ing' eas|t collided with a 1932 Essex Essex Sedan driven by Mr. Robert Méfiait, Méfiait, of Orono, Both cars were badly dam-algede, -fortunately the occupants escaped: .with injuries of a minor nature. nature. The accident occurred: at approximately approximately 9.45 on a-slippery pavement pavement at which time a car with a flat tire was parked on. the south side of the highway with a tow-truck directly directly behind it. The car driven by Mr. Moffat t, proceeding east, hit the Coupe driven by Councillor French. The collision occurred almost in the ■centre off the road. In a position almost almost parallel with the rear of the tow - truck. Mr, French sustained a bruise above the, eye where the steering wheel hit him. He also snlklairied a. bruise on: the head and was badly shaken up. After receiving medical attention, he was taken to his home. : In the other car, was Mr. Moffatt with his wife and two children. Mr. Moffat Moffat was knocked unconecious, 'when his head, came in contact with the windshield and suffered bruises arid cuts, also his wife suffered bruises and a fractured rib, both being badly -thaken up. The frame buckle of the Coupe was broken and both headlights .and the front fender completely smashed. The steering wheel was broken arid the radiator bent in. The damage to the Sedan wals most serious, pos- stibly to the extent of $200. -The frame was badly bent, front fenders, and grill smashed, and. the radiator smashed. --- --o- ' 'Owing to many other 'attractions, the Euchre -and Five Hundred under the auspice's of (lie L.O.B.A., had only only seven- tables off 500 and three of euchre. 'The prize winners were as follows :- 500, first prize, Mrs. Fred Cowan, toilet set; Thomas McHeil, shaving lotions' ; consola i ion, Mrs. IT. Lowery and" Percy Lnmi. Euchre, 1st prize, Mrs. Biclmrd Fowler, toilet set; Ernest Patterson, shaving lotion1; lotion 1 ; corisblation, Miss Crane and Herb. "Murray. Midget Hockey Team Being Formed In Orono An Orono M idgei Hockey team is being organized: in Orono for boys twelve years -arid under. This is a s-tep in the right direction'. The only way to develop this national game is to teach the children when they are young, it ul-o makes them athletic- athletic- and induces clean, healthy 'Sport. Hpw that .winter is here Canada's National game will hold sway until the end of March land hundreds off team= are being formed, for this winter winter pastime. The- following officers were effected to build up arid manage this) team : ■ Pries idont -- John Cornish. Treasurer -- Oililie Cooper. , Manager:--r O. A, G-amisiby. "Coach Frank Pearson. Captain. -- To be selected later by the boys. • A paper is now being taken around for the boys to sign, and the following clause appears on the paper and to be enforced : : (Now therefore, -we, the tindersfiued, solemnly solemnly agree with the Orono Alidget Hockey team arid its officers, and with our mothers and fathers and with each other : First, to do our best to make the Orono Midget Hockey team the best hockey team, that wo possibly can ; second, we further agree not to smoke or use profane language). 1 "With the proper : training this team , will receive, it will, teach" the lmys tea til play, to help on-e another, >and also teai-li obedience ,fo the coach arid manager off the team. Halve your boy sign this petition so that he. Can learn the rudiments": off hockey, also to be a clean sportsman sportsman when he grows 1 up, life's luck to the Boys' Alidget Ifockey Team.

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