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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Dec 1937, p. 8

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G . ORONO WEEKLY TIMES NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS NEWTONVILLE NEWCASTLE Mr. and Mrs. Willis June? and Mrs.. L. S'avery were in Toronto on I ricmy. Mias Elsie Wallace spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. I It-rh. Alexander, .Mivrki'iurn. ' Mr. and Mrs. Wil'lds Jtuiea visited their nephew in Belleville Hospital' on tiiwnd'ayl 1 lAhis-s Bacon, R.X., Bo-rt Hope, spent Thursday with .Mr. and Mrs. fS. E. Jones. Mr. and Mrs.- Baiqhe and daughter, I )c( nrise, Toronto, were Sunday .guest's ■ of -Miss',I. Laing. (Miiss! Inez 'Symons, Morriish, visited her grandpa rcnts, Mr. and Airs. R. J. Rowe over the week-end. Mr-. Fo-ter. Mr. and Mrs. Hibbard and Jnyve. Mrs. Lunna and two children, children, all 1 of Toronto, 'spent Sunday wth Mr. and Mrs. Win. tikaipleton. I". C, League was : in dharge of Jatek Kimball. Bible reading 1 ,' Melville- Melville- Samis 1 ; solo, Edna Donnub ; dueet, Misses ■ Elide Wallace and Mary Lane; : study book; Mrs. Geo, McCullough ; piano solo, Miss Lena F arrow. ■December meeting of the W. I, was held at Mrs. Wm.. Milligan's. Mrs. I). Kaufinai. gave a f ull and interesting interesting report of the W. L Conven- tion from Wednesday morning till Friday night, which she attended ' in Toronto. In the business part it was decid ed : (1) To send >a box to ' the Port Hope Shelter for Christmas; (2) to see about trees for the park. At the close ,% dainty lunch was partaken of. KENDAL be ob- S'lmday There is .one; case of scarlet fever in town. Mrs. R, W, Gibson spent Monday in Toronto. The Mi 1 Morrocks motored to Toronto for a few days on Tuesday. Air. AM.. Graham has : returned from a visit with- relatives 1 ' in W'i ud- sor. Air. and Airs. AV, E. 11. Ward are. spending" their Ohriiftmas vacaition in Toronto. Mir. Gordon Ketehcnn recently visited Air. and Aim*. Charles Parnell in Trenton. Miss Marion A LI in has taken a school at Bolton starting the first of the year. Newcastle is to Imve a rink, weather weather permitting, under the management management of Mr. George Buckley on Foster's Foster's flats. The Community Christmas: Tree for the children will be held Friday afternoon with Santa Claus in attendance. attendance. Mr. Percy Brown, who has been laid up with a badly cut hand, is once again on his rounds with His Majesty's Majesty's mail. Airs. E. Chapman and Miss Ruby are to be congratulated upon the very beautiful Christmas tree in their west window. Mr. E. : Roy Butler, of Toronto, (pent Thursday with his mother, Airs, li. P. Butler. Mrs. Butler continues in a critical condition. Communion service; will served at the eUUl'Cll llVXf morning. The S, ti. will hold its re-organization re-organization on 'Sunday next at 1.0 o'clock instead, of, last Sunday as arranged. The Women"' Institute are holding a crokinole party in the, Sunday School: room on Tuesday evening on December 18 th. There wa - a good attendu ih'c at church-dn Sunday morning and Air. Beech gave a splendid Christmas message. Cl i'V ■ -i'a s Carols, first Noel" and "Gently Alary her child," were sung by the and a duet "Stient. Night" was iTyrrelFs Drug Store 1 DRUGS STATIONERY KODAKS PHONE 88, ORONO The 1-id hoir Langstaff and Agnes S Let your Christmas Gift this year be § } FLOWERS I l: @ t FROM THE DALE ESTATE '$ ANTIOCH NEWS (Too late for last week) A number from this neighborhood at'ended ! he funeral ; of Miss- Mabel Tucker last Friday. Our' sympathy is extended to Air. and - Mrs. Lutiher Barraiball and sister of the deceased. Congratula Hong to. Air. and Mrs. Li Harness, who celebrated their sixteenth sixteenth wedding anniversary December December Wth. : ' 'oflO : 11 is rumored that W. S. M.oilu i ! intends running for Councillor if there is an election the coming year. ms Dean's Bakery Wishes ail their customers customers a A Very Merry. Xmas || , RSh 'a Happy and Prosperous ÿf- New Year' m $ ! CHRISTMAS GREETINGS Wishing our many friends and customers customers the compliments of the season CEOARDALE DAIRY Will YOUR RADIO GIVE YOU Jack Benny Every Sunday Nile ? ? or Do you get stations Static and Sputter Have your radio fixed GET RESULTS Gms. R, Knox Rhone 42r2, Orono i years Radii Serving the public for six years : (formerly ■■ with ■ Green's Radio Service), 12th and : Monterey tits., Detroit. Aire.' Herrington, who has been Staying the summer with tier cousin Miss Hedges has returned to Syracuse Syracuse for. the winter. All's. Herringtons: Herringtons: son was marooned in Buffalo owing to the storm and. necessitated Mrs. Herrington's delayed return by train. The Lake Shore School and Sunday School combined to hold a very successful successful Christina-" entertainment at the school on Friday last, under the capable direction of Miss Ilildh Rowland Rowland assisted by Mr. W; T. Jackson in the role of Santa Claus, a fine entertainment, entertainment, Christmas Tree and Basket Social was enjoyed by the: entire entire district. The Woman's Auxiliary of St, George's Church held their annual election ,rf officers last week and the executive for the coming year is as follows ; President, Airs. W. II, Gibson; Gibson; let vice-president,. Mrs, J. Scott Howard ; 2nd vicet-Prèsident, Mrs. D, E, Dewdncy; secretary, Miss- C. B. Butler ; treasurer, Mrs. R. W. Gibson; doi;eas secretary, Mr,si. Bert Brereton ; seeorotary rveasuver of literature, Miss B. S. Me In rod; ; see- fer tTiWiaci' message," Aire. Walter Ha.igb ; social service sWro- tnry,. . Miste Naomi TTorroteks; junior snpt., Mrs. D. R. Dewdriey ; secretary- treasurer Little Helpers, Miss Audrey Audrey Ilorroeks; reporter at board meetings in Toronto, Mrs. Frank Mason. sixthTm (Held over from last week) Mr. Joe Greenwood, for sometime "i resident of Kendal and well known here, is ait present in Port Hope for heart trouble and a- friends to a friendly neighbor we hope he may sohn be wed again. As stated in last issue of the Times we had hope that the improvement in the condition of the valuable mare, the property of Mr. Cornish, would continue to improve, but a relapse Paused: lier death on Saturday last, The u are was a good one and the cause - of death gi ven was a'bcess ' of the lung. The prophet Iïosea arid his ways',Cit'd ways',Cit'd partner Comer was the subject of a very interesting sermon by the Rev. Eugene Beech in the church here on Sunday last. This was a toll - jog ml m-astivefly iilustri, tion how kind I b'Hveil's patience jus always nersistsi in spite of human and prodigality. prodigality. The discourse next Sunday will be on the theme of Glii'istmais. As, ordinary and we hope loyal citizens ami when roads are blocked by snow we hark"back to the pa,fh- nm-ter days and a-sk questions; and think ais-o of votes as we stand and .-driver before, a ; grea t, big snowbank which dares further progress. Besides, Besides, this we m ay also, have - thoughts of higher taxes; rearing its ugly - head which is 1 also the. cause of the uneasy nueatjoriv'--is it retard or advance ? '.A:s,a farmer I would . very politely make another query which I have vet- tied: tooraydown satisfaction. . Is the average farmer an easy mark to promises made by out rulers great and small ? bv Bernice White. . We are looking forward with un tor est to the Alock Election, which is being put on by the Young People's League on Thursday evening, - Dec. 30th, Our young people will be candidates candidates for the mock ootfndl of CHarkje, TomiAip for thus coming year and are prepared to _ hand out some humorous as well as itntrucnvc advice on how to run political affairs.. affairs.. Come and enjoy the evening with us. , A splendid concert was put on by the pupils of Kendal school under the direction of their teacher, Aliss Kate Stewart, on Friday evening. The concert opened with Christmas, carols, "Deck the Hall," "Good King Wenceslns" and "O. Li title Town of Bethlehem." Other songs and chor- use > by the school were "tiee Amid the Win ter's ' Snow," "Why do bells at Christmas, ring," "A. merry lad the farmer boy," by the junior boys; "The broken branch," by the junior girls. ;. "Bonnie Dundee," "My Pets, "The Lincolnshire, Poacher," " The Rorv Apulo," "iSamta," "Go imp Joan," "The Angels Song" and "O clear w.lmt can matter be. A mouth organ solo was given by Ag- nes White and a piano solo by Helen Mercer. A folk dance, "Sir Roger," was put on by the sichool and a dialogue, dialogue, "A practical use for peddlers." also a comedy, "The .Cbri-siinras Bud ding." There, were a goodly number of presents on the tree and the chi' dren and adults spent a very, enjoyable enjoyable evening. Young People's meeting was hc.h as usual on 1 "hnrsday evening .and wars in dharge of 'Mr. I red Cornish and Clarence .Bell,- .the citizen snip convenors. The; meeting opened with hymn: "Silent- Night." Hymn " Q dome all ye Faithful," was sung. A splendid ten minute talk was given by Mr.' Beech. Topic, was given by Air. Cornish, who -spoke on the subject, subject, Bridge- of Life," which was quite interesting, Readings were gii yen by Jean Mercer, J ferny Wright and Alex. Little, A. piano solo waiJ given, by Aimahvile Hendry and a month organ solo by Earl HEXES, at 00 els. ... CYCLEMENS, at 90 els , $1^ *h c i SL50 AZALIAS, at $1.50, $3.00, $4.0iW ^ ,.00 These plants are sturdy and of? I excellent quality. They make | f excellent Christmas Gifts §• | I f f. S I •if; Wishing you a ft Very Merry Christmas and every Happiness the New Year has in store I * ; j££ You Save with Safety at Tyrrell's Rexali Drug Store ! Boyd. Solos, "Sweeter as:; the years roll by, Y snu "T were sung brow out the life line," were sung by Mr. Swarlbrick. Aiiilrabelle Hendry and Chm-iu'c Boll were chosen as 1 del eg at es in the délia délia ting tourn,ament of the Osh aw a Presbytery. The firisk of this series of ddiiating wiilll be held here on Thursday- evening, January 6th, with Newtonville Y.P.IT. as -the worthy opponents. opponents. .; Meeting w»s closed, with hymn "Away in a manger" and the Mizpah Benediction. ST MINUTE SUGGESTIONS LADY BETH HOSIERY, Pure Thread Silk, full-fashioned, G-strand, 42 Gauge, Extra Fine Knit, t lose Eil'iing Ankle, j French Panelled Heel, Guaranteed Fast Colors, ask for it by name, LADY BETH HOSIERY, Chiffon Weight or Ser- vice weight, PAIR 69c. H ROYS' GOLF HOSE, good Quality Wool Mixture, 4-in- ! 1 Rib, 7-8 length PAIR 35c. J : TOILETRY GIFTS--Perfumes/ Bath Salts, Face « Powders, Talcums, Manicure Khs, Men's Shaving Cream's and Razor Sets 25c. to 69c. #: BOXED STATIONERY 10c. to $1.00 T* Last but not least, that parcel should be wrapped neatly. We : have everytthing in Wrapping Supplies, Tying Cords, Rib- COWANVILLE Mrs. Roht. Reid is visiting with her daughter ;n Toronto, The Chi'ist-niins entertainment was well a atteindod at Clarke on Thursday evening. Mr. W. B. Hawthorne: sip-cnt a few days with Mr. -and Airs. George Henderson. Henderson. Mr, and Mrs. Brooks' Cowan spent Bun-day evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Dickinson. Mr. and Mrs. George Henderson spent. Friday evening with Mr. and Airs. W. A. Reid. Miss' Phyllis lllollinlgsiworth a-n-d Air. Bill Morley spent- .'Sunday evening evening with Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Stringer, Stringer, Mr. and Mr~. \Y. C. Crosshw. Mr. Jack Barnes' and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Stanley Po-rtéous visited Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ha skill, Port Britain, on Sunday. There wii'l be a spCciial evening service in Cl-.-nko cIiutcIi under the, auspicèr 1 of the Sunday ticlrool . at 7 30 pun., with Mr. J, J.' Aiellor as speaker. : : ■ ' - BIRTHS DFAHNE -- In Toronto, on tiat-ui'- dlay, December 18th, 1.93J, to Mr. and Airs. \-Ym. Devine (née Doro-i Clough), a dsiugh ter. .- COMING EVENTS " Clarke Pit ion Chris (mas. Concert will be held on Thursday, Dei'enibet 23rd. Admission, .Adults 30c. ; 0jiil- dren Free. h - 18-e. bons, While and Colored Tissue Paper. We thank you for 'the business entrusted to us and wish everyone the best Christ- and -a most successful 1938. , mas ever, ORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE YOUR popular shopping CENTRE i ! I Home and Building Improvement Pays You Big Dividends, Both in Comfort and Convenience Wishing Everyone MERRY CHRISTMAS H. A, Clarke C. S. McLaren PHONE 48R16 Orono Coal & Lumber Co

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