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Orono Weekly Times, 30 Dec 1937, p. 1

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y OROiO WEEKLY TIMES Vol. 1. No. 49. ORONO, ONT., THURSDAY, DEC. 30, 1937. Subscription, $1.25 Per Year. The Orono Weekly Times Wishes Everyone A Happy and Prosperous New Year Police Trustees To Battle F a Supremacy As Five Qualify For Positions Excitement Holds Sway In Orono--Hydro The Main Question Nominations for Police Trustees for the Village of Orono were held in the Town Hall 1 on Monday evening, Mr. Jiarik Armstrong acted 1 as dh-aiv- miaim for the evening. Mr. Harry Milfeon, Soereta ry, opened the meeting meeting with, tihe reading' of the minutes and financial report. The nominations resulted as follows follows : : 1 ; ■ ; Jbhn H. Gibson -- Proposed 1 by W. H. Barrett and Seconded by Win. •Stott. _ 1 ; ' :H. A. Mill-son --- : Proposed by Geo, Hooper, ; -seconded' by F. J. Ball. L. A. Dent -- Proposed by ■ <T. E, Armstrong', seconded by George Butters Butters . €. Wood - Proposed by Mrs. J. FJag'leSon, seconded by Mrs. Margaret Cooper. W. -i. Itiddell r- Proposed bv C. T. Miller, seconded by P. M. I.unn. J. E. Armstrong -- Proposed by P. M. Lull'll, sebomded by C. T. Miller. Geo. Butters-- Proposed by P. M. I. unn, seconded 'by W. E, Armstrong. H. M. Mercer -- Proposed by W. E, Armstrong, seconded: by 0. T. Mill 1er. ' , *!!« Tim i- standing for election arc : John Gibsgn, Harry MH-lison, L. A Dent, W. . J? BiddëiSxand II. M. Mercer. Mercer. ' , ■ ■ Thy first speaker for the evening was Mr. W. E. Biddfi. who gave a fialk on the Hydro question and other subjects. IklW Mr. Riddell--It seems funny to me that nobody here ha» anything to say when -outside , mue 4 hears many suggestions, .Irat possibly this is am Indication filât there is not a great deal of faillit * to find 1 with u-s as' far as 1937 is concerned. There arc throe tlvyegs I wish to bring to yqta" afitesntton. You know we have sent a; -fine depairtinent report report to the Pire< Marshall for a number number of yearns and have received considerable considerable prai-e for 0 ur work. Since the last fire has happened a great deal of crticism lias been thrown at our fire signal, «ten*! people at the south end of the vfj|f|g©- claim they didn't hear the last fire alarm. A fire alarm syvti-m '*1 rail I be installed alright, in connection wiili our local telephone system and: I would assume the cost would run a round $150. ■My second; poind to place before: you tonight is the advertising of the village for small mamifamurers. I beffieve it oou'lld be done, and my third point is the Hydro question. I have dome here prepared to give; you straight information, but I would like to inform you that I am not seeking any remuneration with the hydro. I feel on this hydro question question thlat I Would not be" a worthwhile citizen; if I did not try to do what I -could for my fellowmen. We have brought this question up before and alt that- time it was not received, but what has happened since Would make history. You have the same system today and you don't own a wire or a pole and pay the same rotes as three years ago. Think what the hydro has: profited in 1935, '36 and: '37 from, Orono. In 1937 1 am a.-Filming that, their melt profits in Orono will be close to $2300 and 1 am satisfied; it will be higher in 1938 because there was five horse power knocked oil coining- into Orono. In three years: there was sufficient money taken out of Orono to pay off eleven debenturea. You would be in a position position to hand the ratepayers of Orono the surplus -profits. I have asserted the* the, service charge would 'be 38c. per month. Domestic service fetiarge: would; never be talkcm off. The point that 'Struck rne so hard is this---five year's ago we asked you for a fire engine. iSixty ratepayers, signed that petition'. $3200 cash ymi authorized us to spend amid you did it willingly, and 1 - am now asking you to buy something tllilat. will be money back in your pockets and seemingly we cannot find enough people in Orono with courage enough to bake hold of ibis tiling. There is mithir.n more proifiijtaible, than: ;.domestic lighting: .Mr. Giteon suggested a public meeting be called. -A resolution was passed later in the éven-itig- that the Police; Trustees ne- goitiaitë wiitlh; Olarke Towtisihiip Cmm oil ait their first meeting for permis sioiiT In Ivnve vote on purohlasé of 11 y dro' iâmd isetiinig of debentures. Agreeing with Mr. Riddel] on the Ilydro question;, Mr. L. A. Dent, stated stated that although, he was of the older generation be fGilt it his duty to do all he could to bring this hydro to Orono for the benefit of the future citizens and hlis felilb> 1 would feel ti pride in the. fact liinl 1 was putting something away for the benefit benefit of the future generation'. The Hydro Commission do hot want our hue in es- "m the present condition. They d,, not want to be bothered keeping up small individual accounts. The [lydro situation in Orono is closely similar to renting a house, after all our money is 1 paid in year after year all we have to show for '•ur money to the end 1 of an indefinite indefinite time is a pile of rent, receipts. People have the idea that there is '-wmothing queer in this whole affair. The fact of the entire situation is. fhn f you simply Ibvty your power wh-nlesafle instead of retail. tRpriglrtly aigmments followed the remark* made by Mr. Riddell and Mr. Danit. Mr. É. Hall regarded the Doles in Orono as a pile of junk and 1 defied any hydro man to say different. different. Orders 1 have been issued by the Hydro Commission to have wires renewed renewed in Orono but with the talk, of Otono buying their own power they (Continued on page four) GAY--McROBERTS On Saturday af ternoon, December 35th, at the parsonage, Bowman ville, the marriage took plaice quietly off Mrpi. E. J. Mvl.viia rr.-, Kendal 1 , to Charles Edmund, son of Mr, and Mrs. «John Olay, Lesikiard. Rev. F. W. Baonnisiter ci inducted the ceremony. They were attended by the groom's sislter, Mi®®. Elva, Galy and by Mr. Harolld McDonald, of Kirby. The bridé wore a, tihreeypieee brown lacé dve.g over taffeta, with pink georgette blouse and 1 brown accessories. Miss Gay wore rust crepe with black 01c- cossories. The happy couple left immediately by motor for western points including including Toronto and Woodstock. For travelling, the bride donned a rust coat, brown velveteen Wat with marching marching accessories. On their return they will reside ou the farm at Leps bard. HONORS TO ORONO A very nie© dance was held at xdwoaistle on Friday evening .last, under the auspices of the Mpharuhs of Rhythm Orchestra from ()sh- awa. At this event; à prizes was given for the queen of the ha®, the judges for this event were -Mos.-rs. W. F. Eiicldard, Newcastle, Orme Gamsby, -Orono. The judges apparently had some difficulty in awarding the prize and a third judge was called 1 to the res,'cue in the person, of Mrs. Percy 11 a re of Newcastle. Orme, of iviur-e, was delighted as Mrs. Hare agreed with his selection who Was no Iess : a, person than Miss.'..Hazel Wood, ditiigiitv! of Mr. Charles Wood of Oromi. The dance ccrtuinly warranted warranted a tetter attendance. AN APPRECIATION The Oommunity (lliPi'Sitfmaa Tree Oommittee want, ho express' to everyone everyone their sincerest appreciation for the generous support of. the people at their annual tree held on December December 23rd. tSipiaic-e does not |icrmi: mentioning all who: glavd of thér ti tire, material, lab-on* and, money, iso will yo-u all accept accept our thanks. F hum chiil.v this is our story : Total receipts .... ....... ,$ 38.50 Total expend'ture- .... .... 38.27 Balance carried over .28 -For this amount we gave 315 children-treats, children-treats, and 4 families received extra goodies suitatei for the Xiiuas season. Orange Concert And Dance Huge Success 'Thé beat concert and dance of the year was held in the town hall on Wednesday evening when over* three hundred were in attendance. The first part of the evening was taken' up . by the Duncan Cowan Concert. Co. i>f Toronto, which Consisted of music, long and story by Duncan Cowan;: Reader and Piano Accordionist by Dorothy Merrell ; Tap, Ballot, Acrobatic Acrobatic and Toe Dances by Florence Waldrum, and Pianist and Acwni panist, Louise M. Weatlick. After the program the floor was cleared for dancing, with Wilson's Merrymakers Orchestra, of Oshawa, pin,■dying the iniitic. The hall was crowded and dancing space was always always at a premium. There was round and square dances so eyerydne enjoyed enjoyed themselves. There 1 were five lucky number prizes,'but only three were given, the other two most likely were out at the time • or lost their tickets. The" winners were Miss : Marian Marian Simp-nit, Lawrence Hooey and •Jim Rfutherford. Streamers were thrown around the ball and the dancers were well entwined entwined together with masses of colored colored paper. Lunch was served in the basement of the hall at midnight, with the dancing continuing until two a.m. 'Owing to lack of space ' we are obliged to hold over the Uhri.-r.mns tree ont er raniment and the annual school meeting until next week. ENTERTAINED AT TEA Mrs.' W, J. Inch. Sen riot Road, Toronto, entertained at tea last Friday Friday afternoon: in honor of her da ugh- ter-in'-Üaw, Mrs. John Carman Inch, whose , marriage at 'Stamford, .Conn., on October 12th was an event of much interest. Mrs. John Carmen Inch Was formerly Miss Pauline Nancy Whitts. Assisting Mrs. W. J. I itch in recei vi ng were her d'aughter- in-law and the kfter'-s 1 motlher, Mr-. George S, Whits of Stamford. The hostess was gowned in bl-aclc velvet with gold lace jacket, and wore a corsage..of Talisman roses, while Mrs. John Carman Inch wore her wedding gown; - of white velvet fashioned on Princes lines, with court train, and » corsage of orchids and lily-of-rhe- valley. Mrs. Watts; was in peacock blue vdlyet and wore . 0 corkage of Talisman roses. The livint| room was dpcorated with rosea and autumn "innms. and the tea room in white 'tmiims and candies.. Pouring - tea, were 'Mrs: Erivest. Ilpugihton, Mrs. ■Robert Gréer, Mrs. E. 11. G. Worden, Miss Ruth iSitraiigways, and. those who : aksfeted 1 were' Misées Eltene Houghton, Grace Irvine,, Norma Dickinson, Margaret Benders and Mrs. Stanley Seal. Mrs. Inch -also hold open; house for about 50 younger people in the ettening, the time being spent in dancing and games, and a buffet supper was served. Clarke Township Council Given Acclamation On Showing This Year After Numerous Expenses Are Still Able To Show Healthy Surplus Nominations for idarke Town-hip Council were held in the Town Hall at Orono on. Monday afternoon. From the very ouitset tllie ratepayers showed their considération for the 1937 'council 'council by giving them a nice New Year's gift--an acdlamatioti--to every man on the council to carry on their good work for the year 1938, The 1937 conneii. by titrict economy, slaved money for the rotepayers, ami still had to >pend quite a . sum of money oil roads: and bridges thrpyglhout the township. : Numerous bridgéis had .to be rapaireid anid* others had to he replaced replaced with new strurtures due to the heavy spring freshets. Very few ratepayers ratepayers burned out to the ti'iminaliim- as the majority of them were satisfied wiitii the present :;<|6u,noil, and thus urge them to do their best for the coming year. Hipeenii making then followed 1 : T. A. Reid, Reeve --I am disappointed disappointed there is not a larger crowd in the ball and on the platform this afternoon. From remarks heard: around the towiishnip weiall anticipate ed tin eleebidn. Yon pay your taxes n and we spend them with' the greatest greatest care possible and try to give you >a " report on: elcotion day, I wonid like to take a few minute' to deal with country council aff'ars. 1 might just say that three reeve.- are not tending again" for 1:938 and they are going to be niis-ed badly in the county county council. The Towiuslh.ip of GOiairke third in, its- contribution to the comity treasury. .The 'I'own-.-lfip of Clarke is the third highest- assesiaed of ufiban iimiiieijjaiiiii/s. In the last, year vvv have haVl fireMhE^tig""e^pen~ sea. Last year the Reeve of Hustings Hustings • bad • tnlaidte ■aipplii'Ctiti.on' to : provincial provincial government to have the road from ( Xi'hourg to Hastings as a pro vinciiil Highway. He oa'.lled u;p Mr. Lovekin to nec<imipan.v him to Tor• onito to made an, -appioinitment to- the Minister off llighwitys. asking for the county road to be taken over as a highway. The minister was very must, impressed and it wai- only a "it ici i will make the appropriation $97,000 this year. Ait the beginning of last year':- freshets there-was art least $15,000 worth of damage done before we started out. The Roads 'and 1 Bridges Cdnnmittee -Said there was nothing to lit but raise the ap- wotpriation. iSpeiakmg of roads, go back again, about April when Mr, Rafiton and 1 inysidlf went to the counity council in January to get more road or the township of Clarke, We asked "or the -even lib line through .Clarke ,1'so a piece from Newtonvilio to the take and a piece from Leskard, over to the county road. I took a map and showed them the layout. That night things looked fair but .next; m-orn-ing Tings ciisünged. 'Other municipalities began asking f or ; reads to be taken Over and lit got beyond our control. In the June session the .reeves- of various nunii-eipali-bies asked that delegations come before the council and they oo-ttldu'r be refused, The way it wound up was -that the whole thing was loft to the Roads amd Bridges lomma-itfee to make a report, back in the December sermon. In the December December session 4 1 2 miles were taken on in Hope Township and 3 muniei- palli-ties in iN-ortfaiumlberl-a-uid were given 8 1-2 miles- and JO miles' in five ither toiunicapalities. and: Clarke got seven; miles. I think you will real- m how how hard- it it-; t;o get township township roads taken on as county roads. It is not only talking that does- it, it takes a. lot of squirming around to get this done. Regarding thé financial staitemeint of Clarke we have not had to borrow any money and relief bus not been excessive. We try to create jobs for families on relief. We get a subsidy 011 this." We have not had enough snow fences but we are now making them here in our own little factory fyr.. a little over 5c, a foot and creating creating work J "ding iur road resbetè Ifi, " leal more n, -a-oit all o ver ton , da-miages on lirr. heavy we have not •. the gravelling work w< ,.u:<i like to. have dbne. We have only tried our best to eut the suit to fit 1 the cloth. We have got to be hard to short, time 'after when: the depart- keep taxe» down. We know how your ment notified the Reeve of Hasting, money » earned to pay taxes, by the that the road 1 Was to b-e taken over, n the June sesisiou of County Council Council it was brought up about raising tin 1 appropriation for the Rnaids and Bridges commit tee. It came up for debate. There was no use in talking, roads could not be kept up with the $40,000 appropriatton. Some thought it should be $100,000. If that much more were added the county rate mut# go up, but if yon rememiber, the prowiracial gwernmenf assumes 100 per Cent, of the cost of the Old- Age Pensions .and Mothers' "Allowances, "Allowances, You have $27,000 now w hioh can be added to the $70,000 appropriation; Wat of yo-ur brow, and as long as 1 in Reeve of ClarkeTowrishiip- w.e. are . ,ot going to throw away your money 10 matter what -it costs. I11 four ■ears we have not borrowed one dob ar and we h-ave lowered your town- hip rate. In seven years your to-wn- hiip rate has been lowered six mills ] Pan say it fearlessly that not one township in the United Counties is n the good financial standing that Oarfee enjoys. I want to thank; the electors for re-eléeiting me for' 1938 and I will serve you in the future s- 1 have in the past with the same (Continued on page four) Larger Turnout Wanted To Attend Annual Meeting or looked for--roily air interest in our v-itimmiiif;v. And yet when the annual annual meeting was advertised and held a. year ago there were not enough came ouf to, do; business and it was necessary to go out into; the highways and tihe byways and bring in enough members to form a quorum. Dq not let this hapt en again. Such an occur occur one 0 its, no encoura'gement to your Board of 1 Direetors. If you have constructive constructive criticism to offer the annual annual meeting is time and the jfi.'ire. But be there anyway this year to eneburag-e the good work that is. being done and give y opr assistence to further imiprovements.. The people of Orono and district; have in our park one of the greatest assets of our eonummity. For a number number of years it did not go over so hot, but lately, it has dome to be appréciât^ ed not only by folk from: a .distance hut by our people. Many improve- m'ento however could be added' if local citizen).- would take .more: interest interest in it. Now is the time of year to, plan for next sea-son. - The annual meeting will be held next Tuesday evening at the Kumrite Inn. Every resident within four miles nf the Park 'is a member of the Orono- Commun ity Memorial Park Association---" annual fées; or other dues are payable

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