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Orono Weekly Times, 30 Dec 1937, p. 2

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mm 0 mm an ÏWO NEW FORD V6 (ARS FOR PMS:V lÈÊm T H E F STAN DARD : v-: . ; mm 'mmi ■■■: IPWf fî . ■ ■ g|g§| es iiiiiiiillii :':x¥ ; S:::";: : ?>: : :>: ill ; : : ; : y :: ■ ?'. xpxsysijx; i:WaWS5 Sf^BBttSg " f &F*m . ; ' ■' msM. w pÈ;llvîB Kl# iU|| llliil ■* PERSONAL ARE YOU HUPTÜ^ r,JDy REL1EF ' COMFORT , positive support with our advanced method.. No elastic or taulerstraps or steel. Write, Smith ManufacUU-iiif! Co., Dept 21», Preston, Preston, Ont _ j - . . . . '. -/ ""^^POPCORN ~ ™ POPCORN--HIGH QUALITY GUARANTEED One Hundred Pounds, Six Dollars -- cash with order. John G. Coleridge, Box. 479, Kingsville, Ontario. POULTRY 1500 TWEDDLE SPECIAL MATING CHICKS Free. Write for full information about Tweddle's Annual Chick Contest. Tweddle Chick Hatchery, Limited, Fergus, Ontario. OUR CHICKS GROW FASTER, BIGGER, make better pullets, layers. Healthy, hardy, bloodtested. Free chick feeders with early orders. 1988 prices now ready. Cornwall Chick Hatchery, Cornwall, Ont. TOBACCO LEAK 1 BURLEY, FOUR POUNDS $1.00, fourteen pounds $8.00. Five pounds Virginia Leaf Cigarette Tobacco $2.00. Postpaid with flavoring. Natural Leaf Tobacco Co., Leamington, Leamington, Ontario. Agriculture Is Our Forgotten Industry Rowell Probe Is Told That Aid Was Lacking For It. Canada did less to assist its agricultural agricultural industry from the ravages of price decline during the depres sion than any other country, Premier John Bracken of Manitoba claimed before the royal commission on Dominion-provincial Dominion-provincial relations at Winnipeg. Winnipeg. When the measures taken to aid Canadian: agriculture were compared to those which other countries gave their wheat producers, 'we can reach no other conclusion than that agriculture agriculture is Canada's forgotten industry," industry," Mr, Bracken contended. Chairman N. W. Rowell took exception exception to the word "forgotten." "The head of the government of Canada in those years was a man from Western Canada, familiar with western problems and the interests of agriculture," Mr. Rowell stated. "I cannot but think he was concerned with the welfare of Western Canada MAKE YOUR LIVER Produce its bile Your liver has a big job to do. Make it do what it is supposed to. Its job is to produce produce 18 to 36 fluid ounces of bile every day and, send it through the system. If it- falls down on its job you suffer. AND HOW $ The most effective stimulant for the liver known to medical science is calomel, which in small doses Is one of the highest use in congestive conditions, especially those due to over-eating, over indulgence in alcohol, lack of exercise, etc. Tahol Tablets contain a certain certain proportion of calomel, blended with cas- cara and other medicines. They arè mild and harmless. But your liver understands and takes the hint. For sale at all druggists, 50c. (B) FOR SALE X >1 v SALE--GOVERNORS FOR ÂÜTOMO- bile engines for land use. II. W. Crosby, ;:ü Clyde St., Hamilton, Ont. "OR , ALE--LAVENDULA VERA -- TRUE English lavender flowers, for sachets. One Dollar a pound, delivered, Canadian Pacific Bulb Gardens, Duncan, Vancouver Island. FURNITURE FREE! 2,000 Pieces Furniture FREE! IN LYONS' 1938 CATALOGUE OF NEW AND Re-conditioned Furniture. Write now for this free, illustrated catalogue to give you an idea of Lyons' remarkable furniture values. LYONS' TRADE-IN DEPT» NEW AND RE-CONDITIONED: . BARGAINB Cn 5-Piéce Bedroom Suite m two- *«aU tone walnut finish-. .Dresser, Chif- ■ ,hg Room • Tension* ta- ../Ychairs; like. * 'Chesterfield suite. . . .field and 2 roomy .■;>M in a good quality With reversible Marshall Thoroughly cleaned and reconditioned. reconditioned. AA Large 3-drawer dresser with rnir- ror, in walnut finish, steel bed In walnut finish, sagless spring and. brand new roll edge felt mattress. Completely re- finislied. 4*15 AA Six-piece Enamel Breakfast Suite. Buffet, drop-leaf table and four Windsor chairs. Perfect condition. Oak Kitchen Cabinet. Top has sliding door front with flour and sugar containers, large cupboard space in base with bread box and three drawers in fine condition. condition. $11 $6. TiS ^~ Burner Gas Stove with oven. $49, Guaranteed. AA Brand .new 3-piece chesterfield suite, upholstered in fine quality repp cover, rust shade, Marshall reversible spring cushions; full webb construction. &|20 ÛÛ Brand new Chesterfield Bed Suite. <&pv»#*U O' chesterfield bed has large wardrobe. wardrobe. 2 big chairs to match. Covered in hard wearing repp material (rust shade). A real bargain. $4 GÎA Dressers in all finishes with large mirrors and 8 drawers. SSA lin , Chiffoniers in oak and walnut tpv.5JV up finishes. 1 A ^sft Br °lH iea< l Singer Sewing Machines, sp a v.vv Guaranteed good condition. <[*•? AEJ Brand new all-felt Mattresses with 1 heavy roll edge, well tufted -- in cretonne covers. All sizes. $2,50 Up Melal Beds - A11 sizes. ^614 BraDd nGW Chiffonier in selected ^ birch with walnut finish -- five drawers -- Colonial design. Odd Chesterfield Chairs with Mar- *""***■* shall reversible cushions, 5ft Bcautiful 6-piece walnut Bedroom ; J Suite. Large dresser, vanity, chif- ; fonler, full size bed, sa g less spring and brand new all-felt mattress. Completely re-conditioned. re-conditioned. Like new. on Nine,piece walnut finish Dining 1 Room Suite, Buffet, china cabinet. cabinet. square extension table and (> leather upholstered upholstered chairs. Completely refinished. SUGGESTIONS : FQR CHRTSTMA S GIFTS We have a large assortment of chairs, coffee coffee tables, end tables, lamps, 1 sewing cabin- ets, cedar chests, radios,- rugs, lied room and dining-room furniture, etc., at -the most ren- Sonahle prices in - Toronto. ! All our furniture is thoroughly cleaned and re conditioned in our own factory and: carefully packed for immediate immediate shipment on receipt of money order, Our Mg flew 1938 illustrated - Catalogue is now ready, Be .sure- to- Write- for one. LYONS' BEDDING AND UPHOLSTERING CO. Manufacturers Oi'KX KYKXiXCS 478 Yonge St., Toronto F ord offers two new cars for 1938 -- the Standard Ford V-8 and the De Luxe Ford V-8. They are different in appearance--- appearance--- but built to the same standard-of mechanical excellence -- on the same 112- inch wheelbase. Because people liked our 1937 ear so well, they bought more than of any other make. They 1 iked its looks, its smooth performance, and the way it handled. We have improved on that car in the newly styled Standard Ford V-8. But some folks wanted still more size and style, with the same fundamental Ford advantages. For them, we have designed a new De Luxe line. The De Luxe Ford V-8 Sedans are longer with more room, larger luggage space, and finer appointments. Be Luxe cars are equipped with the 85-horsepower Ford V-8 engine. They provide more motoring satisfaction at low Ford prices. The Standard is even lower priced than the De Luxé. It is a brilliaht, modern cSf. It has graceful new lines and well-tailored interiors. It gives you the same basic advantages advantages of the 85-Korsepower Ford V-8 engin'e. Before Ford made V-type 6-cylinder engines engines available to every one, they were used only in expensive cars. Since then, four million Ford owners have learned the genuine enjoyment of driving' an 8-cylinder 8-cylinder car with âlhrSiind economy. The low prices of the De Luxe and Standard' cars make it easy for you to step into the Ÿ-8 class. . ■ FIT YOUR CAR TÔ YOUR NEEDS With two distinct designs, two body sizes arid two price ranges,, you'll find a 1938 Ford car to fit your personal needs exactly. Whatever one you choose, you get time- •AW' proved Ford V-8 performance. Whatever price you pay, you get a car built soundly to serve you well..., That's the Ford way. FOR LOW DELIVERED PRICES SEE YOUR LOCAL FORD DEALEST De Luxe Ford V-8 models are Coupe, Tmlor SëtFan, PorîTor Sedan, Convertible Coupe, Club Coupe, Convertible Club Coupe, Phaeton and Convertible Sedan. Standard Ford V-8 is available in three models: models: Coupe, Tildor Sedan and! Fordor Sedan. Ford sells a fully equipped ear at the lowest possible price. The prices on Do Luxe models include twin tail lights, two windshield wipers, two sun vigors, twin electric horns, cigar lighter, de luxe steering wheel, glove compartiment compartiment clock amtl lock, chrome wheel hands, in . addition to front and rear bumpers and guards, spare wheel and tire and tube, tire lock, and fiëàdlight beam indicator. Prices on Standard models include front and réjfr bumpers antT guards, spare Wheel and tire jpd tube, tire lock,, one tail light, one windshield windshield wiper, hue sun visor, cigar lighter, headlight beam indicator, and tfro horns. yf Classified Advertising AGENTS WANTED HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS AGENTS W AMT Sill TO SELL BABY CHICKS In your district for one of Canada's largest Chick Hatcheries. Apply Box 10, Suite 421, 73 Adelaide West, ; Toronto. ARTICLES FOR SALE GOVERNORS FOR AUTOMOBILE ENGINES for land use. R. VV. Crosby, 25 Clyde St., Hamilton, Ontario. AVIATION COURSES IN FLIGHT INSTRUCTION, NA- Vigation, aeroplane and engine mechanics, licensed instructors. Leavens Brothers' Air Services, Limited, Barker Airport, Toronto. BARN ROOFING--FENCE POSTS OUR DIRECT FACTORY PRICES SAVE YOU money on Supertite galvanized roofing. Superior Steel Fènce Posts and steel granary granary lining. Superior products Limited, Sarnia, Sarnia, Ont. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WOMEN -■ start A DRESS AND Lingerie Lingerie business of your own, A shop, or from your own home. Excellent profit, Increasing business. Prices to meet competition, and garments superior in quality. ; Small Investment Investment starts you off. Write Camden Dress Company, 7A Camden Street, Toronto, CATTLE DUAL-PURPOSE SHORTHORN BULLS, ONE to twelve months. Twelve to fourteen out of fifteen nearest dams in their pedigrees average over eleven thousand pounds millt per year. Prices $55.00 to $80.00, Federal? Accredited, Bayside Farm, Owen Sound. FILMS AND PRINTS ROLLS DEVELOPED, PRINTED, 1 FREE enlargement 25c. Re-prints 10 for 25c. Photo-Craft, 18314 King St. E., Toronto. ZERO PRICES, EXPERT WORK. ROLL with free enlargement 25c. Trevanna Studios, Studios, 93 Niagara Street, St. Catharines, Ont. FREE!--TWO BEAUTIFUL ENLARGEMENTS, (one colored) with roll developed,, eight glossy, fade-proof prints, 28c; highest quality. quality. MAchray Films, Winnipeg, ANDREWS' ACADEMY OF HAIRDRESSING, Government licensed. We train you for Board Examination. Free prospectus, tifil Bioor West, Toronto. MADAME HUDSON SCHOOL, HA1RDRESS- lng and Beauty Culture. Write for pamphlet. pamphlet. 707 Yonge Street, Toronto, MISCELLANEOUS Cut Your, Own Hair LITTLE GIANT POCKET BARBER, the automatic automatic hair-cutter for men and boys, really does cut and trim the hair, and does it well. Bend for circular. S, J. Jackson, Canadian Distributor. LEARN SHORTHAND, ACCOUNTANCY, Typewriting by mail. Satisfied students throughout Canada. Write for free prospectus. prospectus. Dept. C., Canada Business College, Hamilton. Ont. PATENT ATTORNEY ROY L. KNOX, REGISTERED ATTORNEY, Information regarding Invention Patents; Drawings; Registrations; Sales. 14 Metcalfe, Ottawa. PATENTS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR. LIST of Inventions and full information sent free. The Ramsay Company, Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank St., Ottawa, Can. Issue No. 1--'38 and all the provinces and that he did what he thought - , was in the interest interest of the nation as a whole 1 ." "I had much to do with the Dominion Dominion Government of that time and can subscribe 100 per cent to what has just been said," commented Mr. Bracken. Read it or not: Frost does not cause the leaves of trees to turn yellow and red in the autumn. FILMS DEVELOPED WITH SIXTEEN- GLOS- sy prints (two of each) 25c. Free enlarge- ment. Eight Photographic Greeting Cards, 25c. Speedy, satisfaction guaranteed. Superior Superior Service, Machr&y, Winnipeg. PORTRAIT IN, FOLDER---FREE WITH, ..EVERY ROLL PERFECTLY DEVEL- oped and printed. 25c (coin). Star Snapshot Snapshot Service, 166 King St. West, Dept. Y., Toronto. CLOTHING FOR SALE GOOD USED CLOTHING, LOWEST PRICES. Write for catalogue. Yonge Street Clothing ^change, 502 Yonge Street, Toronto. WEAR SMART STYLES AT 45 Retain An Attractive Figure Disfiguring extra pounds that make it difficult tt dress as ÿou .-)«;ÿh are often duo to sluggisV ess of y or &. When this great cleasiBÈè of ! ' on-.j i distributor of energy is inactive «verworked, sugars and carbohydrates whir, should be stored in the liver develop into fatty tissue. Middle aged and older women with attractive figures invariably possess healthy livers. Froit-a-iives fruit liver tablets put your liver in good condition, and keep it healthy- You feel better, skin dearer, eyes brighter, are more likely to retain your graceful figure--wear smart young styles. Thousands Thousands of women use Fruit-a-tives for this reason. Try them, 25c., 50c., all druggists. FRUIT-A-TIVES,S",s

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