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Orono Weekly Times, 30 Dec 1937, p. 4

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X . K « rT f ORONO WEEKLY TIMES CLARKE ACCLAMATION (Continued from page one) courtesy and i-ou-'deration--equal rights. to: all and special privileges to name, ■ Deputy-Reeve Patten spoke briefly of the work done by the council during during title year -and llhainked' the electors-for electors-for hi- re-election. oGouncilior Win, Lining spoke highly highly of the manner in which Mr. A, J, , IStnpl'as, Clerk -of thé Màmicipiaiity, •and Mr. Aiwdie, tax collector, handled their offices:/throm-ghouit the year and gave a summary of the finiamoi-al : .'standing of the 'council,' p-binting out tllna't altihouglh the expertes this year were excessive, still they had been .a,bite to comic -oütt on top: with rto money borrowed,- no raise in the rate of taxes and money on hand. Tliis report received a; very dfeervihg clap of appréciai Im: from the assembly. assembly. . . Councillor Lowery being the fourth speaker ,of the 1 .afternoon remarked vthaf'the previous: speak-cri/ had pretty thorougMy covered -all he intended to say. Ho stated (bait there bad 1 been some criticism- -regarding (his surplus. surplus. P-eoiple asked why, ilf there was a surplui- why coiuild-n'-t more of our roads have, been gravelled I Why carry a surplus' Willi $3700 less than we had liast, year means that some lime during the year we would have had 'o borrow : or spend less, eon.-e- ijiuMitjy a surplus is always a, wise course. - Every ddl-lar saved 1 is a dollar earned. If it had not been for the heavy stomiis last year we would have had $4000 more for township business. Someone asked the Reeve of this towmship if we had a road policy. Our ipolicy is to rebuild bridges, repair and do necessary work on ro-aicb and maintenance work. Expenses Expenses on roads .liast year amounted to $18,087.69, We never have a delegation delegation coine before us with a ipiropo- sitioh that dodsn'it entail spending money. It: is quite a job to gat interested interested in shovelling' snow in J illy but that it? what the council talked -about during (lie hoit weather and hiad it not been for 'the high road expenses expenses we would have started on snow expenses sooner. We have spent considerable money-on summer roads but we want better winter roads. 'Obuncilkir L-ovekm explained in detail several special jobs that were done last year on certain bridges and the expenditures resulting jn this and equipment. "I libre henrd it said til'iJat the township of Clarke has the poorest roads in the county, but T •would like to eay I have been over praeticiaHy all of them and with the exception of Hiasitingisi the roads in Clarke Towqy'hip far surpass any other township roads. We have been- as ocono-niical as we can be and perhaps perhaps we have "been considered tight- at times but we do not: -spend money -before we get; it and 1 think you will agree this is a good policy. J. Roger Rowe addressed the as- .somtily, no-1 as a candidate for election, election, but discussed fully the questions questions 0# comity auditing and equalisation. equalisation. v * Cm m TRUSTEE NOMINATIONS (Com inued front page 1.) have never been renewed. If they take the wires oil the pales the poles will fall down. There is not one transformer in. Orono- fit to carry the load and if Or-ono buys it 1 hope they realize they a re buy lug a heap of junk. With this remark Dr, Colville came hack with tile argument that if it wals so about the poor condition: of the hydro poles and. wires as Mr. Halli says, wouldn't Or-ono have to- replace them anyway L' There is a great deal tin what Mr. 'Riddell says, $6,500 was handed out of Orono. We might 'just- as well have had it. 1 think although although it is -a heap- of junk, let us buy-it if"We have to n-placc it in any -cais-e, j -Mr. Riddell replied to Mr. Hall's ! statement--thalt the fact "that the -.poles were only a. small ordinary pole and that under the circumstance.- -they mast remember that they /had 1 given uninterrupted service. Mr. Chase is ready and willing to cooperate cooperate with Us. The.-'.poles, in How inanvillv 'were put in, the same time as the -ones in Grono--have they fallen fallen down ? It would not take long or lie of a very big expense to set poles in' Grono. They need not be placed all a! once. All our money goes out of Grom, and n or a. cent comes back. Mr. Roy Corn !► It remarked that in Port Perry they had purchased 1 their own power and it was all paid for., iWe have no service charge whatever. | The question of the fire siren was ; brought up again but .soon: faded in thin air when Mr. Wm. Armstrong saill he didn't think it was- necessary to spend $150 on a new arrangement, that as far as- he was concerned he didn't -see why our present- system wasn't mtisIflaKtory. The fact that some people don't hear the fire alarttri is no reflection on the system, but more reflection qin the soundness with which some -sleep. Advertising of the Village of Oriouo f-or light industry received aho-ut tih-e same enthusiasm as that of the fire eiifen, Mr. Dent's statement statement t hat, there wias no us-e of get- ing nva-iiiifiiciuring concerns in the ^illiage when hydro was so expensive, s itielelied further discussion. REXALL CONTEST RESULTS Classified • ANNUA] MEETING The annual niaîting -of the 11<>rt i- cultural Society will be held in the Assembly Hall uf the Orono Oonti11- uai im; Schonl on Tuesday: evening, dan nary 11th, at 8 o'clock. b-5U-c A INN UAL MEET niNio z ■ The J tegular 'Annual Meeting of 1 lui'hani (Jentnall Aigri-euilturai So- tiiaty wii 11 !be held in the Grange Hal-1, G romp, at 2.00- pan, . S ,,iurihiy. Jau- Illil'.V 8-t it, 1938. Etoc-ti on ol: officers 'for 193 8, pr-esentaltvoh of financial stateme: it, outiinitig pie licii-eis for en- saiiii g ,v< tor, general Im fintito. Every member is invited to e< me and 'bring an intei •v-reel friend. W. H. Jarrutihcr-s J . O'. Gainey Pres. Bee. We a re -agents for G oun t-er Check .Books. Get. youv next- order here. Mr. Gerald Fisk spent Sunday with Miss M. Richardson. Mr. Robert Scott, of I'arr.v Sound a re visiting in, the neighborhood. Mr. 'and Mm Oecil Vice, of Brook- . lyrr, spen t, Christ mas at Tom Webb's. (Mr,: P. Mantel is putting in a. planning planning mil] beside the blacksmith -hop. Mr. find Mrs. Lew Webb spent the .other - evening at Mr.. Las, iSexsmith'sl Air. Archie Whi:nc:l moved into Low Webb's ,.n Main Street, South "encLyA. The farmers -are busy hauling hom/e their wood a-s 'sleighing ils good. Air. and Mrs. Wm. Malley, of Newcastle Newcastle spent OlirLuna- ar Mr. Robert The contest Wa/si keenly contested land we thank our tiu-iiomers in Orono and the sumnmdiiig dis'triot whosi -support made it a succès». The prize winners were as follows : Girls 1 --- Mildred 1 Richards. I v ilex wrist watch ; Jban Manning, do'll pram-; Audrey Billing,, -desk set; dfcfetitjy Linton, cedin' chest; Shirley Porter, "Marie"' doll; Joyce Tennant, "Beverly" doll ; Wilda. I looey, "Patsy" doll ; Joan Bruton, "Barbara" "Barbara" do-l'l. B-oys -- Marvin l.ium, bicycle; George iShiaw, motion p-iei-ure projector; projector; Donnie Mercer, hockey gaunt- j.etgq- ■ D'èa'B-- West, " l eroquiinole board ; Jackie 'Bryson, table tenuis set; Hiarry Rowe Lynch, radio g'lobe of (he world. Gray's. Air. Xurman. and; Bernice Gain, of Toronto, -spent Christmas at their father's-, Mr. Edward Cate. Miss; Annie Thompson, our school teacher, its spending Christmas with her mother. Airs. Charlie Thompson, of Kendal Mr. William Rennie i? going to take -six weeks course in the Forestry Department at Guelph. His son Andrew Andrew is going to -run. the hardware while he is away. Miss Annie Hew lia tit, of Peterborough, Peterborough, spent the other day in the village village looking over her ho-uise. She is going to put improvements on it, in the spring. s i KIRBY GROCERY PHONE 51rl7 We Deliver ROLLED OATS, QUICK COOKING 6 LBS ...25c. PEERLESS SOAP .9 BARS......... ...25 c. YOPk: PEANUT BUTTER LARGE 24c McCORMICK'S SODAS 1 LB. pKG....... ..,14c. MIXED CANDIES 1 LB ...,10c. OZYDOL LARGE ^3c LUX LARGE 23 c RINSO LARGE ...23c. LAMP CHIMNEYS ..10c LANTERN CHIMNEYS ..10c. oTal oil 5 GALS... ...75c. BOWMANVILLE .Mir. Clark .Morrison, and .Mrs. Morrison, a/lls'o Raymond their s-iom, were Christmas guests in town. Buses on- .No. 2 Highway have been busy during the holiday week, -also the steam railways getting their Mi arc. Cengra-tullati-ons to Mr. and Mins. Fred: Tamblyn on their 80th wedding day. May they sec; their 60th anniversary anniversary is our wish. 'Sorry to learn of the illness of Mr. Philip, the very efficient; superintendent superintendent of St. Rani'.-' Sunday school. We hope to- hear of ultimate recovery. A n-uimlber of Newcastle people are at work here in the new firm in. the old piano shop while some from -there are at work on the new Goodyear addition addition as bricklayers. IM-r. Harold Altai, -Newcastle, was n : town Sunday iiftvrnuim last and held forth on the trombone with the -rehestm of ISt. Paul's Sunday school and. calling' on old friends. 'Pleased to note the fine program put on by (he Kendal -chon! under the supervision of the teacher. What Could be better than such an entertainment entertainment at the holiday season. IS-o-me of -our old timers have been -under the doctor':-- 1 care the past two weeks -but soon will! be able to be out - again. Oid. Father Winter -seems to take some deiiglu in eli.ns.itig some of them oooiiAmally. We notice out - old fm-en-d T. W, in the role of -Santa at the Lake Shore; ■school entertaiiiiiicii! which was under under the direction- df Miss Hilda Rowland, Rowland, the i.nergeiK' teacher. Pleased to know it was a eueoesis. M-r. laiitd Mrs. Eidtviosters, grocery and 'meat purveyors, King St., and Mr. Raymond Morrison, in the Finance Finance O -ce of the Toronto Tele- gram neuiepaper, called o-n a few of their friends and relatives while here; Well, the next 45! mile question is whien is the cement to be laid 1 on -the 'Orono-iLiiidis-ay Highway, that certainly1 certainly 1 lis one way that should receive the attention -of those in authority, liyping -i ll will be oin the way soon. M r. -and Mrs. Wallace Simw, of Toronto, were guests of Mr. -and Mrs. I). R. Morrison, on- Christmas, also Mjr., W-esilley Shaw. Frliiendls and relatives arc. -allwayis pleased to see their old time guests- at this season or any -other for that n*:i titer. Men «ire at -work getting the public ech-obl rink ready for the youngsters, but the public school does not mean the public generally., They will have t-o 'take to-. the pond or build one of their own. I.a.-t. year there was a lot of -gru-mlbllitog about people taking ad- vam-tiage -of this ohiMmn's rink who laid no night to dio so. We are pleased to notice St. John's A-nigHean Sunday tSehool have an orchestra. orchestra. in connection, -and of -great as'siistiau-ce in the m u deal 1 part of the school: work. The conductor is a member of the icongregaition and takes great interest in her work with the young. M.-i.v they he heard, in oon- n-ectioim with other doiinge in town. The 'Oh-airles Bonnml-1 family have moved up to ABlton where the head of the house bias a/u- engagement in the big radio ststiou B.C.L. Only one or two ere on duty at the station station here, but what the future will biting forth we have not learned. The mainiager of the big new station will live -i-n Oa-kvil-l'e. Mrs. S. B-ounioali] is Spending the holiday , season with Ol ilotes, and Mrs. Bonn sail at present. present. : The Legion Band, or part of the regular regular number came out on Christmas Eve -and -did -a little -serenading around towra. We did nut bear' of thie result if the rmisMal peopfe appreciated appreciated (heir effoi'its or no-t. However, However, if the citizens vote in favour of what they need in the w-ay of fi- ii-ance that will headoff thé serenading serenading business, as if would not be a -fair deal] to ask eertaimi citizens to -put up when, others Just pay the tax. Well time will tell how it works- out. SIXTH LINE -Mir. J. Stewart was recoirbly a visitor visitor with Messrs. Arthur Bo-Sito-ek and Gexa'gx- l.uxvii and regretfully as well -as synitàitiheti-c'ally .- report them . -as. yerÿ! ill.. Holiday -visitors were, Alexander Henry, Orono, at Mr. Ç. A. Cfcope-r'-s; Mr. and Mr@,. Gilroy with the Alex. Hoy family, Osh-aw-a; Mr. Thorna:- a-nd sojj-s V-c-iiQ and Lawrence ; with fj'lieiiids In Toron-to-, -aind 1 Nurse Jean 1. iStewnrit at holme, (fur V'êhêrWblfe n-eighfoor, .Mm V-ain-- mittii. passed to her reward oui: Thursday Thursday and the funeral took plla-ce -the -foBoiwing day and the service whs mn-duotéd by Rev. Eiigerve beech, A r-espectied. neighbor and native of Cl-arke she died in the nin-ty-eighith year of her -age. The death of Mrs. Robert Dewell occurred on Friday at- the hotiie of Mr. Frank Cbopcr after a prolonged illness. Iter husband predeceased her one year ago- last month and both were amiable , citizens. The remains were interred in BallydufE cemetery on Monday. The funeral was private. The service was cm due red by Rev. Eugene Beech - of Newtbnvill-e. All our local Christmas tree en- tert-aimmenlts were duly appreciated under supervision of teachers Misses Gladys and Katie Stewart and Annabel Annabel Hendry in the 6th line, Kendal -and: McLean'* schools respectively. Santa was duly appreciated in. every place. George Morton, trustee, and Rev. Eugene Beech, chairmen, the fermier of the first and the latter of the -lais t two- ai* mamed. Safe it is to say that Ohrisfmas trees a-n-d S-anta -are always popular with grown up as. well jais children -as witness o-ur cro wded wded town- hall in Clarke's capitol in Oron-o oil- Thursday. LESKARD Everything see-ms quiet these days -s' there will be no election for m-un-i- npal" affairs. 'Mi-s-s Marjorie Tennant leave- for Furonto shortly where she has- -secur'd -secur'd a position. 'Christmas passed with * smile gain, everybody seemed t-o enjoy the east once again. We understand wedding belle have een ringing again. Congratulations Charlie and Hazel. Mr, and Mrs, Carl Billings and laughters are spending a few days- -t Wes-tou, . the guests of Air., and. Mrs. Will, Indh. Mr. Carl -Billings straw stack tipped tipped over one day this week .cover-, ng two eolt-s. Air. Arthur Bell call- id neighbor-. f 0 - help) get them out and iKin the yard was filled with- men. doth oolite were removed uninjured. Home and .School Club was held Monday night with a good crowd present. Miss Rena Ball, Lawrence Tarriis- and Gerald Shackleton were ■espo,risible for (he fine program pre- eented, A duet was given by Helen and Roy Scott, music by the oivhos- ra, violin musiip by Kenneth Shackle- ton, music by Charlie and- Lawrence 'Tam's, ,mouth organ -selection by George Ralph. Mrs. La verm- Patterson Patterson gave a very interesting talk on hinn-e nursing. Progressive euchre was then played. Mrs. Will. Bell won the ladies' prize and Raymond MacDonald won the gent's prize, Mr. Fred! Trull and .Edith Trull won the consolation, prizes. A good lunch was served and 1 the remainder of the evening was -spent.-in dancing. Music was supplied by Hartwell! Lowery, Kenneth Sh-aekletun and Charlie Harris. NEW YEAR'S EVE SKATE A New Year's Skate will be held in the Orono rink on Friday evening, dome out -and -skate -the -old year out and the new year in. A good time is guaranteed for all. Professional Directory DENTAL CARD OF THANKS Mildred Richards wishes to- thank all those who so kindly fodjped her so successfully with their votes in win niiig the Rex-ail] -contest for -girls. Orono Rink Skating Monday, Wednesday, Wednesday, and Saturday Nights Children Monday, Wednesday Wednesday nights and Saturday Saturday afternoons Children under ten hot allowed on ice Saturday night Band Saturday Nights SKATES SHARPENER AT RINK DR. J. e. MILNE, Dental 'Surgeon, 'Surgeon, Grono. . Office hours: 0.00 a,ni. t 0 5.00 p.m. Evenings by appointment. appointment. Newcastle every Wednesday Wednesday and other days by appointment, appointment, Phone 18rl. MEDICAL DR. H. E. MANNING Physician and Surgeon Orono - - - 'Ontario- Office Honrs : 1.80 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. Sunday .by Appointment SZ /Q, AU' TED Auctior 3i V, ISON Valuator Con-ducts Âifôtion -Siales of all size» and; at reason able, rates. Comniimioat-e with him at Pert Perry, Ontario, or see his Clerks, A. J. Staples or A. E. Morton, ait Orono, for date. G. RICHARDS Practical Watchmaker All Repair* to WEtches, Clocks, and Jewellery, will receive our prompt attention PARK STREET ORONO 8k John J. Gilfillan Phm. B. QUALIFIED OPTOMETRIST Licentiate of the College of Optometry Optometry of Ontario Office Houto: 10 to 12 a.m. and. 2 to 4.30 p.m and 'by appointment in C. B. Tyrrell's Drug Store- Phone 68r2 PARK ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. J. H. Osterhout, B.A., B.D. Pastor iSHINDAY, JAN. -2nd 111 a.m.--Communion. All p-res- $ ent. | 7 Service. I Tint minister ait both services COME AND WORSHIP Wishing Everyone the C x vtpliments of the Season W. CARLETON First house north R.R. tracks NEW YEAR'S EVE PORT HOPE At H is Greet 1988 at -Our Midnight Frolic iri-gh-Olase VAUDEVILLE Hats, Horns and Balloons "The Life of the Party" Mii.Gi'h! Comedy witii Oem-e Ray- •mand,' Hamtiet -HiillMia rid, Vitot-or Moon 1 and Jo-e Pemiar SAT., MON. and TUES. Mtuhroe Saturday at 2.30 4< The Prisoner of Zenda" With RoniaM 'Cjohmian, Madeleine Carry IT and ODou-gO-as Fairbanks Jr. Next WED. and THURS. Evenings Only, 7.00 and 9.00 "Live, Love and Learn" 'With Robert Montgomery and Rdsaliind 1 Russell - HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL

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