1 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, -VC""' Noil F. Porte}', wo learn, has re-1 -Mr. E. II. Waddell was re-eleeted cerrflly purcibais-ed' « new iiiiauraneé 6 Aobl trustee : at the ann/uti 1 meeting. agenny. . ! M'kb Eldilth- Dent, nuTse-dn-train- «Mr. 1 Wbert Cobfolodbek , who is on , iiDg . of 0 | sl , :lawa Hospital, Mr. George ■the teafclrrng .rstfcff ml: Jf ami^top ()|f (Xy^aH, and .Mr, and Mrs. H igh Slehoigl!, .1 s borne at lus iatbiea s, ; Gordon Dent and son, of Toronto, Suent 'Ubrisitmas dlay with . Mr. and iA the Cbrof- Mr. Will Cbibblodiiofe, for mias holidays!. Mr. Jamesi; HhlM*. and Mr. George Young',of Toronto, were Qhristnw guests of Mr. and Man. K. Patterson Mr. lïiallètf leaves next Miami, : Flbridia, : ( 'hr istt nta s : gu es ts of M r J. J, Gi-lififian were, .Mias Viola G:il- f i ! 1 : : n. Toronto-, Mr. Jim : G i Hi 11 an, or Ciliatbaffl, . 'and Miss Y folia. Gjlfil-lan, of Kincardine.: Mr. A. IT. Davy, M v. XV. II. Dunn, Mr, and Mil's,,.. Kenneth , Frialiek and Mrs. !.. A. lient. The Eiokbardt Bios, who .were so favorably received when they present e<f tllic Swusisl, B.ei.1.1 .Ringers, . will be with ms again oh J antiary tith, .siiow- ' A live for week for ■il Mrs ' !; g the mil time play, "Uncle Tom 1 " a story that 'will Claibin,' ever. Mr. and Airs. Chas. 11 arris motored, to t Ciokiimhius nii .Friday, December 24ith, to celebrate the tiSt.h wedding ianniiversary of M.m Harris' parents 'diauigliter Ruby, of Totijii'to.,:, ospent 1 -Mr. and Mrs. John Stephenson. 1 lie Chriatimaj- with Mtis_M Daw ' and family; of Might children were all Mrs. L. FtialiokJ ^ LOCAL A® SOCIAL 1\/T 1 •' ..0^ Mr. and bert S co if, t-r.. ^ W 1 _ Mrs, Ki'iilietli M; si Q of Petertoo-'rouf' . with Mr. 'arttf ISL.' / ' wtt - (Mr. G. Carr, )of llatrem^^stiss Vera 'Carr, of Tomiitio, Miss EeLA Oarr, of Bowimlamrville, Mr. G; Alclred, <•!" I low mniivi'lle, and Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue, of Tyrone, «pent Ohi'Utmtis With Mr. 'araLM|pg,_ C ha-s. Shaw. Mho J. o. Gilfilhm reccned a letter letter this week from Mr. A. II. t Sandy ) 0ibhard. Librarian .of Moose Jaw Public Library, who will! be remembered remembered by older Orono people as an olid. Oronile. He sends. bast- wishes for a Happy Ohristmas for all his old friends. He Is not pleased because because Jack Armstrong did not. call on him during Ms lajst trip. present for this 1 happy event, dtti and Wi.l- ' The Orono Midget; Hockey tear) ■ I'd, Mr. and (held their first practice ait the Orono ..ta soin Oscar, ritik on Thur-cTny evening. Mar.a 11,1 tie- Chris,timbal g-er O. A. Glainslby and' coach Frank Pearson are both well satisfied wit! the boys. With a few workouts they will be able to. demonstrate to the oH ei: boys the finer arts of the game. ■ !f'-ruron Cowan when in Orono always always takes home from fifteen t -.ijwepity ! oaves of Dean's bread -and Vm' of it as hist neighbors .always want some. When lie is aitywlier, within, a radius 0 f ten to fifteen miles of Orono lie always sends a car -to get the bread. This is a very high compliment, for Mr. Dean and his bakers and he is getting a. wide reputation reputation for his snowy white, fluffy bread. I Happy New Year X | ;\\ AMAH'S is " Just around t'h<; corner," and as wh. look toward the Holiday Season this year wc would like to meet each and everyone of our business friends wlho have shared the ups and down's with its this year. To all our friends, both Hop and Mysdf want you to know, that you and every member of your family, have our Sincere Rest. Wishes for a Very Happy and Prosperous New Year. Sincerely yours PERCY LUNN I RED t WHITE STORES Along with our Very Best Wishes for a Very Happy and Prosperous N ew Year we offer you the following Low Prices g Wonderful Soap, ^y^irs 1 Gold Medal Marmalad* jars Campbells Tomato So for - Choice Wax Bea r Purity Quick Oats, large p Large pkg. 1 with 1 Pla n -Moss Marjorie Sisson was in Tor onto for the l.vo-.lidiay. : ; •Mr. C. Myles is home for the Ghrisühiias holidays'-. . Mr. (Thus. Tyrrell sponf;-Christnia, j in. .Iiiaimiltoti with relatives.-- Miss Freda W i Ison- ie -spending her holidays ; with lier I parent;: in Toreunto. .Mr. T. MfdNeil spout The holiday his willi daughter, Mrs. Gordon Mar tin. Mr. and Mr-. W. Cowian. spent CbrigtnW with their daughter, ' . Mrs Turner. Mr, and Mrs. Moat, of Oakville, spent; Christmas with Mr. 11. Z. and Miss Uaill. Misé Marjorie Adam- is spending the Christltiilas holidays at her home in -Otiiemee. Mr. and Mrs. Harry .Mercer and f aimlily spent Christ mas with .Mr. J Ball, Lceitiard. Mr, and Mrs. G. M, Linton aril fa n'-ily sip-e-nlt Christmas in Toron Ici; with his mother. t Mr. Weiiltacie -Slisspn.. from Toronto ' spent I'hi'istmi-- xvii.li his motiher .M. ; rs- Mhry Kissim. _ .dr. iihcr, of lvivKiaiHi J.ake,' visiting during the holiday, week with Mr. À. J. Knox. Mr. 'Charles Doncaster -spent. Chris,tniias with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wight of Bowimaiwille. Mr. ainld Mrs. J. 0. Gurney and daughter Glenn: spent Christmas in Toronto with relatives. (Mm; Dave Fourni and son Kiliie, of Toronto, spent Christmas at her father's, Mr. W. E. Hnvey. (MifeeT Eve Bo tick, of Toronto, h-ae been' sipendnig a few day,- with her sister, Mm- E. A. Forrester. iMiyia Mary Knox, teacher in Al- lisittm, .is, spending the holidays with her father. Mr. A. J. Knox. Mr. L. Gamslby and daughter Hilda spent Christ mas with the former's daughter, Mrs. George Baling. Mr. and Mrs. Euseelil- Ramsberry of Montreal, visited the latter's parents, parents, Mr, 'and Mrs. F. Duniciam. M r. and Mrs, A. J, Talmlblÿn "and family had their Christmtis dinner with Mr. amd Mr-. Etulssell Best. Mr. and Mrs. Linton, of Marmora, spent Chriistmlas with their daughters, "Mrs. Gauitrel .and j Mrjsi; Oortiiisih. ■Mr. John: Grady is spending the OHristirniais holidays with bis parents:, Mr. and Mrs, J, E, Grady, Hamilton. Professor Frank Knox and wife of Kingston, spent iChfistmla,<: with the former's father, Mr. A. J. Knox. Mr. and Mrs. 1L 11. Allin spent Cbristimas with their diatighter and so-nsiiti-llaw, Mr. and Mrs, Irwin Bragg. Aliases Marion and .Margaret Dixon are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Dixo.n (hiring the' -holiday -holiday season.- T. Miss ; Jbe Armstrong of Hartford. Comm., is .spending the Christmas holidays with her mother, Mrs. Ç. G. Arin-pfong. ■ Rev. W. •]. II. Smyth, of Port Perry, and -sister M'w J&ne Smyth, of Belleville, visited at R. II. Browri's on Monday. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Stinson and family, of Toronto, visited with bis father, Mr. Whiter Stinhoh, over Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Aidriene and son Madison, of; Toronto, spent Ohristmas day w ith Mr. and Mrs XT.--U " PATTERSON'S SERVICE STORE PHONE 19rl9 WE DELIVER Quick Oats, 5 lbs - - 22c. Pitted Dates, 2 lbs. ; - , - ■ U;.; 20c. •# WIIK.XT FLAKES, 5 lbs. : ,23c corn; fijakes, : 3 for .....:..,..2Sc. Creamery Butter, 2nd grade - 3 1 c. Red Seal Salmon, 1 lb tins . 22c, FIVE ROSE FLOUR, I OlirOii.A SODA OR \CK- cwt $4.10 I ERS, 2 lb. box....... ..35c. 28-oz. Habitant Soups, I omato, Vegetable, Peas . . . 1 Oc. ê $ CHIPSO, large package package 19c. MINCE MEAT, 2 lbs' for... Cocoa Castile Soap 13 F resH Fig Bar Bit 1> We extend -to one and all a. Very B'app'yAST-.---=~- Prosperous New Year We would ap-preciaite a shares of your trade for 1938 f I I s ARMSTRONG'S $ '•■Cr'ÜSL ■wW We wish to thank all our Customers for their loyal throughout the i i t « m