k X m Pc I $ i ■ KKK1.V TIMES a. _.. _-<t- ■' i i Lflv-aiWv' and Ian y Bailey, of Tor 1 ' i ; Mr. Lawrence res, .'.Mr, Ken ..cry, and Mr. and àf Markham, at , v ..iîéesor.-&i>^ Mr Geo Oam > COWA NVILLE ■ - . , : - Brooks'Obwau spent x>"\ "! "5, *• ™ 6 ,h '- °- Ôüi^or.'OKfnO; ^ Cestui, Stringer m * 1S *' V'u, o • t-' lk '"Vv ,,n r ~ x ' ■ ■ ' ,i IlaskC ■ ristmas 4 wi!^nA:Mw K. .!/„ 1 xW k»ut Sundlafr . . ■ ■ M __. r -^iax!itrf' visited Wtiriéyyilfe, J. vriade a nd family spent. wiflv Port Britain friends, and Mins, i l. K.iufman spent with Mrs. Woods, Cubourg. i I' ->n Uiariing'ton spent; iristmaS; with her mother in Ken- da:];.'. . iMi-gis Ruby Boyd, Toronto, is y isitting; isitting; Mr. and Mrs. George MiciCuL lO'ligfc ' Rev. and Mirs. E. !.. Beooh and were Ohiitistmias guestis with don friends. number of our young people weiit- out to Oroiiv skating rink on Christinl&ti might. ; Mr. and; Mrs. Reg. Woodlmm, Toronto, Toronto, spent the week-end with Mrs. Norman 8)a;mis. : ■ tMir. .and Mrs. Wilbert Laurgstatly of Toronto, were Chri-nitas .guests of Mrs. Mabel DaingsitiafF, Miisi ' Allie'. SëdMtt, Toronto,- and 'Mr. ■ .fast Nesbitt, ( 'binage, EL. were hoiive 'for Christmas, Mr. and Mils. Cecil Robinson were ühmi sittings visiters with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kiobiiieoin,, Kendal. Mr. amid; ; Mrs, Brock Bethink had QliriStmias dinner with Mr, and Mrs., •I ack TurnerCrooked' Greek. «Mr. amd Mrs. W right, E'iiniidvillen, were Christmas guests of her sister, Mrs. John B&iri-e and Mr. Barrie. Mrs. Enko'H 1 , MiHbrook, is spendi nr" Christmas and New Year's with he." dnuighiter, Mrs. ' 'George MoGuSbugh, Miss Edna; Pearce and Mr, Walter ion, Montreal, « are visi ting the; t's parents, Mi', and Mrs. ,1. T. Port Mr , >1 Mr, 'A' , low, of: with Miw lX\e Gralhixrii Miss Viol.!, iCtPngswortii of lf >" onto, and AEslsAd® f' V Fae , «P^ilMs Joneste Bud spent the weekend kt home k" el ,ts. Mi a^tmlas with her x M : r. ; ai|id mA MG nl ' \li I Wiaikw'oith Xj) Mien ill, of u 1 family -pen ' ihristma^ with ■ l : tphflpw T. -I. Sir;;,son :M-d fiunily- ' ' " Mr. and ! Mrs. Wm, 1 .arm and Miss were with. Mr. and Mrs. < lolsiorne, for Christ- 1/ . Nr!)®'. iiSi.l.gpbnd- ", at her .ltcrne; at $ew- good crowd -at cl®.ich and communion was .al Mrs, Walter Tliortieli- and ^,,£Tcy-' spent. a few days .last week 'in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. fYed Brimaicombc. of Kirby, spent Christinas with Mn . Wm. C'ars'oadden. There was no Young People's meet inig on Thursday evening Hast on count of the ()hri<inia> comceftei. .Mr. and Mrs. George Quanted Ware spending the Christmas week with their son, Mr. Harold Quantrii! a Whitby Miss Anniie Thompson. teacher of Pontypooh school, i,s spending, the holiday with her muflier, M rs. Chas. Thompson. M'i'os Georgina Darlington and,Mr. William Darlington a,re spending the holidays with their mother;. Mrs. A. Darling'ton. Mr. and Mrs. F nt Thompson and Mr. land .Mrs. George Thompson i iipenit Christmas at Mr. Stain. Thompson, Thompson, N ewtonvillie. The funeral of Mrs. Robert Van at.la -was held at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. A. Jaekso-n. Deceased was "in her 98th- year. We are looking forward to the Presbytery debate oil Timrsdi.v evening, evening, January Oth, in, which some;of our v.imig people, are taking part with .Niowtoinivi'le iHis their worthy op; ponents, all-',n to our mock election,on. this Thursday evening, December 90th, winch is ali o ipgit Op by thC Toning People's Society. The Sunday iSeliotil is .rc-orgap- ized; fioir another year with the follow-» img -officers;elected : Supt., L, D. Bell ; 'Asst; Sppt., Arthur Thompson; iSec Donald 1. it tie; Asst. Sec., Leonard Palis ; T reins., Kate 'Steiwlart; Pirn i«'t, .Jean Mercer; A-sis't, Pianist, Myr lie F'fffllst; Teacher's Primary. Jenny Weight; Junior Girls, Almia Bell; Junior Boys, Arthur Thompson. T.h origanized ' clasises have yet to elec 1 their teachers. There was a splendid,- .attendance at MaLeati'e Christinas,! concert wlviel- was held in, the Orange» I ta il ton Mon day evening, December 20 th. A splendid program was presented': by the pnipiliiiunder the direction, of fee"»» ton'cticr Miss A munbrdl-e ITeij the f Tyrrell's Drug Store jf DRUGS STATIONERY KODAKS PHONE 68, OROjjQ Dependable Winter Tonics I WAM POt.K'S EXTRACT OF COD I.IVHK OIL p.oo J "KftPIvER" COD LIVER EXTRACT, 1 U'> 95c. »J[ 2 i .ns o )R [: "MDkK;E.lkEE" TONIC * ....... f. PL'kl'.'l'iCCT EXTRACT- OF wum,, OIL, 1 LB. 2 LBS. FOR [:SCOTT'S EMULSION, SMALI LARGE Cr ..$1.50 S # ••$1.00 ' TIT GOD 53c. 98 c. 53 c. 98c. Happy New Year ! I u; You Save with Safety at Tyrrell's Rexali Drug Store!# DON'T FORGET TO ATTEND I'll E MOTION PICTURE SHOW TOWN HALL, ORONO Thursday, Jan. 6th FEATURING HARRI FT BEECHER STOWE'S Uncle Tom's Cabin VLSO BOB CUSTER IN A THRIFT.IN lELODRAMA OF THE WEST. "•MARK OF THF .PUR" KING PICTURE jDF LIFE ON i jiE RANGE :■uck-'G-.k' 'L ; - x : ;. ■ ,1:1.' ; ' .'« ■= kf-v-'-yc EXTRA VRY WILv /X , 'illti'sifratted with Colored the Screen .take it a'curn! old time sin:; ongi ... *es at 8.00 p:m., k 25c; Childre , „5c >u Big ence t, . h : sis . w 5t ' « . . e hï; 'his , n et depic - ang t), h T ,, k : 1 The G is Son of God m ^ mn S men wit,*,, nd making tin servants of V w come near )! ^|| "A !