V X XL -A‘> ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Vol. 1. No. 50. ORONO, ONl .THURSDAY, JAN. 6, 1937. Subscription, $1.25 Per Year. Lively Discussion Over Charge For Picnics At Park Board Meeting Charge Made To Help Keep Order And To Prevent Over Crowding The annual meeting of the Oronb Community Park Board held their annual meeting in the Kumvite Inn on Monday evening when fifteen members were in attendanev. Dr. N. Colville, president, was chairman and Mrs. J. Rl. Cooper, secretary. The meeting opened on time and the business' of the evening taken in hand. . The minutes of the laht meeting were -read and adopted. Dr. Colville then addressed those .present on the doing’s of the Park Board during the year just past. He said that most of the work was given to the Forestry, and that the Board did.' not ’want to interfere with the splendid work they were : doing, as it was in very capable hands. He also asked the director* to take more in- terest in the park, and make the •hoard a live one so as to get more work acco mipHiisirec!. John A mi-in mg then, took the floor. He said his subject was not a personal matter, but' that he would like to see the charge for organized picnics wiped off entirely. That the townis'hip owned the park: and that the township paid the taxes on it. IIo said if the Board needed money they could hold a street fair and raise money for the upkeep of the park, and that ihe park should be as free as the air we breathe, but he would not agree to -nuking any charge for picnics. If tin people know the Park Board needed money for improve- merits it would be forthcoming by liolding a: street: fair or by other means.. . Dr. Colville said that the reason for the: .charge whs to try and k< the park: from herroning too crowd There is no charge from persons with- in a four mile area on alt sides, but if I heir was no charge for'outside pic- nics there would be no w(a:y to keep order in tho nark. In organized, pic- nics1 there Was nlways Someone at the head of : them in appeal to. He said the revenue from the pieties n monnt- ed to $85.00 for the year, but the charge was not started until liate in- the -season:1 f : ' v -, '.Mrs,.Oopper «fid th»*":., wc. Hot like the (!vealY" . park at B of Barley have give, estry for 1 what they esfry help park. â- .Mr. A Park I’o: would give work. Mr. Rolph -a i«l ii needed a ‘lots thought to know • just how the should be rur and also to:know what to do. : M r. C. H Awdc. was in fastro- the Small charge. He never heard on any complaints from picnics for t charge made and thought that ' people were all satisfied and at same time help to upkeep the par Mr. R. R. Waddell then ga treasurers reports after, the boo been audited by Mr. Awde a: A. J. Staples. The balance at ' NEW BROADCASTER HAS APPEARED IN ORONO Those who dlid not listen to the hockey broadcast on Saturday night mussed the treat of the season when Dick Hansel was broadcasting on the short wave through the gardiens, and this is what, we heard1 : “And hear is a gentleman over here. Now what is your name Sir,’* and who .should we hear huit our old friend Mr. O. W. Rolph. He did fine and. by the sound oil his voice we do not think he was bit mike shy. On his return he said lie had a lot more to say but they cut him off. Practice up O. W. and you will be able to get more in next lime. N them an incentive. annua: meeting was $416:70, receipts for the year amounted to $37.14, with the expend! I urea at $87.20, leaving a balance o.. hand of $866,42 to date. Mr. Waddell was strongly in favor of the small charge and tha t they had oo objections from the persons charg- ed. He said there were two thing’s: he thought iriiost: essential. Ihe first be- ing,' that if these organized picnics pain!" they would feel more at home and most of them want to pay, then they also take an interest in the park. The second is that if any ben- ches/ate damage or any other thing there is always some one in charge who you ean always go t-o. When a few families go to : the park tlieii" is no charge nteide,- only on organized parties,and they are only asked to pay $1.00 up to a hundred and $2.00 oyer a hundred. To camp in the park :over .night the fee "is oOe. or $1.00 per week. 1 am and always: have been since the park started been in favour of this charge, as 1 believe the people en joy - themselves better when they know they have helped in some way the improvements of the park. In this six year plan with the 'Forestry, Mr. Iiinton agreed In do all the work and the Bark Board to supply the money for the improvements, to do -some- thing every year â- until it is: made, a 'beautiful park. y Air. John Anmistrong then .made the following suggestion to the Board of I Directors : “That tlie cliurge for picnics be done awiay with and seine other means decided on to raise money for the park’s upkeep.†This was .seconded by Mr. O. W. ' dph. ' suggestion was put to an s and: was .-clQtpa'te.d. -heni called for the elee- ' “rs to f i 11: the iposi- h-H» offiieersi A-fr. GAYâ€"McROBERTS A very regrettable error occurred in : the Gay-AIcRoberts wedding write-up of last: week. The lino (Hazel Adrina, daughter of Mr. and) failed to least in the machine and was massed 'by our proof reader, thus 'Causing the omission, so this:week we are reprinting' the article correctly. We extend- our apologies, to Airs. Mc- RdbertJS for. this mistake.â€"Editor. On Saturday afternoon, December 25th, at the parsonage, Bowmanviilc, the marriage took plaice quietly of Hazèl Adrina, daughter of Mr. and Mrp. R. -J. AteRoberte, Kendal, to Clmrles Edmund, son of Mr. and Mrs. John (lay, Leskard. Rev. If. W. Bannister conducted the ceremony. They were attended by the groom’» sister, AÊpr El va Gay and by Mr. Harold McDonald, of Kirby. The bride wore a three-piece brown lace dregsi over taffeta with pink georgette blouse and brown accessories. Alias. Gay wore rust crepe with black ac- oeseoriesv The happy couple left immediately by motor for western points includ- ing Toronto and Woodstock. For travelling the bride donned a rust coat., brown veJvetean hat with mat- ching accessories. On their return they will reside on the farm at Leisi- kard. Discuss New Courses At Annual Meeting Of Local School Board Purchase of Hydro Seems Possible w After Election J. Riddell Heads The Poll â€"H. M. Mercer New Trustee RETIRES AS REEVE Mr. Oeoiil Mei'cvv. who .has. served for seven years as Reeve of ' Hope Township Ootmeil:, retired at the end of 1937, much to t'he regret, of his fellow- coumcdllors and1 -the people of Hope Township. His dutic*s as our ProvinciM representative -will no ,1’iilu oticupy a large part of ids time, and we feel sure that he will do every- thing -in his power to promote the. in - terests of Durham County. CHRISTMAS TREE AND ENTERTAINMENT On Thursday afternoon, December -23rd, Santa 'Glaus brought out both young- and old to enjoy the 'annual Commun tiy 'Uhrisititnas Ehtërtain- mçnt in the Ororto'town: hall. The frtmt 'seats Were â- â- â- â- well-. filled with young excited children awaiting 'Santa's 'appearian'ce. A splendid, programmé under the direction of Mr-. Robb was enjoyed by all. Hr. .Neal*. Porter acted as vliainnau and the children were on :!:cir best he havimir. '(Numbers. wvi e given by school ddl di've from O't'ono, Leskard, Cowau- vil'le,- iStarbville and: Lockhart’s.. A choir consisting of adults from the community and: under the direction of: .Mr,'. iStèwhrt. hang several Christ- mas carols. At the eonclu-ioii of the program each child received' their beg of candy and "nuts from -Santa. ANNIE BOWEN New Slate Blackboards Will Replace Old Boards Five candidates were in the field for Police Trustees to fill the three seats. The pole opened at 9 o'clock in the morning and closed at five in- the evening with the day passing very quietly. The main question was on the purchase of hydroâ€"or rat lier to elect three trustees to the Board who were in favour of the purchasing of the system from the Hydro Com- mission, for at the next vote on the purchasing of the system . the three Trustees would (be the Hydro CmmiriBsioii to look after the outfit if they were- sulccesBiful. 'After- the pole closed M:r. W. II, Barrett, the Returning 0@B6r, count- ed the ballots with the assistance of the poll clerk, Alà tt, Harrison,: and the following were elected : W. J. Riddel],.171 11. M. Alercer, ' 142; John Gibson, 135: the two defeated candidates were L, A. Dent, 132, and II. A. AIill-on, 8®. The Hydro slate comprised W. i. Riddell, 'll. Alt Mercer and L. A. Dent, who went down to defeat by four votes, but Air. Riddell, a strong Believer in the purchase of hydro, lead the poll. With two of their Can- dida tes cl idl'd : this: - seems to be the first teotory for . those -who. are in favour of purchasing the -y- mm. Mr.. Aiill’son was the only one of last year’s Board to go down to - defeat, with a total vote of S5. - There were 402: names on the list of those entitled to: vote, brat only 250 turned! -out to exercise their fran- chise. Iif and when they vote on the purchase of the system only the tax- payers of the village, will have a vote, this allowing around 172 votes on the question. At the present time we are not; cer- tain when the next vote will be taken but we have heard rumors that it will be sometime" in March. Let vis now turned in behind the new Board and help them carry on the business of the village and make Orono “A better place to live.†SOLVES RADIO PUZZLE TvTe understand Air .Chas. Ar-vde .wi'srdn'e of the lucky one^- T-he Orono Continuation School held their annual meeting in the school’s - assembly room om Wednes- day, December 29th, with a very small turnout of ratepayers. Mr. R, R. Wailde'.l being re-elected. trustee for the year 1938. The annual report of the trustees, was read, by Air. Waddell, a few of the main points of the report be- ing the suaoesB with which the study of agriculture for .the first year had s'n,uni. The attendance in the school being slightly larger than the previous year, and also that the mew s taff were working "efficiently and harmfonioii'Sliy. During the year à tlag pole and fiag had been erected for the school and some new slate blavkfoardls had been installed in place of the old. shiny surface une-, which Dr. 'Colville, as health officer, said â- were ,-xiroiiiely hard : ton. duo chil- dren" - eyes.: Gradually all title boards in the school wills be replaced wifi: the slate (boards. Mr. Waddell stated that on the last Visit of Inspector . Rà ndiali- tes the... school he inform"-1 ,.“,10 trustees that jirobably bc-ifore-rjXTpiüml>er next a now Course of istudy woii'id hv compul- sory by the I tepartment of .Educa- tion, including dShoip .Mocha,niesâ€-, and “Home Economics.†These studies . would entail; fin ; approxiimate ' exipcwdlitm'o u-f around 62,000 for . iui-pmein:. However, no one seems û'Ctinitè about the ctonipra.lsbry nature of these. -sHudies and the, trustees passed ' a.'* -résolution . as followsâ- : “That - .tidfore. the trustees Boa : -1 - â- 'ireiiiered fitevtetofihti ' 'iMblc "if;, : any contidieralilé' “rim on these, new 'courses,' tnat: the. 'matter be s'ulbinviitted' at a: ygehera'l meeting 'to, the. ratepayers (providing it' becomes oompihlsory to: adopt these studies;†Mr. Waddell pointed out that die .Department pî Édtuicafiôn Mssimnes .. 50 .per cent, of the icofft, which would iirake the probable cost to Orono. $1,000, ' Mr. A. >). Tamblyn stated; that lie thought these eo'uirses of study to be a splendid thing, that it is just what the schools needs. “What use, have our boys1 witlh. French; and 'Latin you ourâ- farms? 'Our 'dollars on educa- tion are a® Spent in the interest of tin* city boys. ' 'Since agriculture lias been taken up in the school wë have noticed a consideralble difference n, the intelligenoe with which our bo- handle certain jobs .on the fletor A» do not want our farms depleted, want our iboys taught .gom:etilling t!yy will benefit them for farm life and v illiink “Sboip Mechanics'’ and “Home Bcononiica†oiie of the finest studies -did be obtained.†E. Amite’' dig emjphasized uiestlur’ !' R. J. Hancot M Yx- - Tito iinaTriage took place nosd'ay eveaing, Dixanubei- - â- Diaufei’th ("nited . C'hni' garet Ellen .A.moM, yot ter of . Air.. ' a nd Mrs,, J'd Robeiit John Hancock and Mrs. H. E. Oronii, with Rev. , officiatinig. IT1 â- riage hy he gown of i ma tel dug in the »' and. I'll Test I