'Classified Advertising 1 â€***Anrir.tcc Cnn^RAlE I BEONZB, GOVERNMENT APPROVED â€" AH I lULto r-urt o/m-c- __ | prize winners, Western Fair, London ; On- tario Provincial Winter Fair, Guelph ; ex- cellent market type. Clarence Beattie, Melbourne, Ont, CUT YOUR OWN HAIR HlTTLE GIANT POCKET BARBER, THE ...(malic hair-cutter, tor men and boyu. lily does cut and trim ti e hair, and does V Veil. Scud for circular.! 8. .7. Jackson, i 7 Bloor West, Toronto,] Canadian diS- ; Stouter. ______'____â€"â€" AVIATION COURSES IN FLIGHT INSTRUCTION, NA- vigation, aeroplane and engine mechanics, licensed instructors. Leavnna Brothers' Air Services, Limited, Barker Airport, Toronto. CLOTHING FOR SALE GOOD USED CLOTHING," LOWEST PRICES. Write tor catalogue. Yonge Street Clothing Exchange, 802 Yonge Street, Toronto. FEATHERS WANTED OATHERS BOUGHT, GOOSE AND DUCK. - Highest prices paid. The Canadian Feather and. Mattress Co., Ltd., 41] Spruce St., Tor- FILMS AND PR I NTS ROLLS DEVELOPED, PRINTED, 1 FREE enlargement 2f)c. Re-pririts 10 for 25c. Photo-Craft, 183# King jSt. E., Toronto. ZERO PRICES, EXPERT WORK. ROLL with tree enlargement 25c. Trevanna Stud- ios, 03 Niagara Street, St. ; Catharines, Ont. FREE!â€"TWO BEAUTIFUL ENLARGEMENTS (one colored) with roll developed, eight glossy, fade-proof prints, 28c; highest qual- ity, Machray Films, Winnipeg. .-FILMS DEVELOPED WITH Êïx*EN GLOS- sy prints (two of each) 21c. Free enlarge- ment. Eight Photographic Greeting Cards, 25c. Speedy, satisfaction guaranteed. Su- perior Service, Machray, Winnipeg. FOR SALE FOR SALE-LAVENDULA VERA â€" TRUE English lavender flowers, for sachets. One Dollar a pound, delivered. | Canadian Pacific Bulb Gardens, Duncan. Vancouver Island. “ FURNITURE FREE! 2,000 Pieces Fuiiniture FREE! IN LYONS' 1»38 CATALOGUE OF NEW AND Re-conditiôned Furniture. Write now for this free, illustrated catalogue to give you an idea of Lyons’ remarkable furniture values. LYONS' TRADE-1 IM DEPT. NEW AND RE-CONDITIONED BARGAINS tPAA Cfl o-I'n-Oc Bedroom Suite in two- eput^tetJU (one walnut finish. Dresser, Chif- fonier, full size panel bed, Bagless spring and «rand new all-felt mattress.! Completely re- iehed. 8-Piece solid oak Dining Room Suite. Large biifjfet, extension ta- ble and 6 leather upholstered chairs; like new. $29. qq Beautiful 3-piece Chesterfield Suite. Full size Chesterfield and 2 roomy chairs to match, upholstered In n good quality French jacquard with reversible Marshall spring cushions. Thoroughly cleaned and re- conditioned. z|<rk Large 3-drawer dresser with mir- W ror> in- xvalnut finish, steel bed in walnut finish, sagless 'Spring and brand new roll edge felt mattress Completely re- finished. <|*1 g? ftjfi six-piece Enamel Breakfast Suite, f LJ.UU Buffet, drop-leavf table and four Windsor chairs. Perfect condition. EA Oak Kitchen Cabinet. Top baa sliding, door, front; with flour and containers* large cupboard space in base w’/th bread box and three drawees in fine con- dition. $6 75 3~Burner Gas ytovje wllth oven. â€" Guaranteed. $49. qq Brand new 3-plece ekesterfldld suite, upholstered in fine quality repp cover, rust shade, Marshall reversible spring cushions; full webb conatruction?, fîn ^ran^ now Chesterfield Bed Suite. èpOÃŽ/.W chesterfield bed has large wa;M- ff»be, 2 big chairs to match. Covered in hoard wearing repp material (rust shade). A i-eal largain. Dressers in all finishes with PORTRAIT IN FOLDERâ€"FREE WITH EVERY ROLL PERFECTLY DEVEL- opeil and printed. 25c (coin). Star Snap- shot Service, 166 King St. West, Dept. Y., Toronto. PATENT ATTORNEY ROY "T.. kÂiLs7ÜËÜTs'I *ERED ATTORNEY. Information regarding invention Patenta; Drawings; Registrations; Sales. 14 Metcalfe, Ottawa. PATENTS AN OFFER TO EVERY " INVENTOR. LIST of inventions and full information sent. free. The Ramsay Company, Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank St.. Ottawa, Can. “ PERSONAL ARE YOU RUPTURED? RELIEF, COMFORT, positive support with our advanced method. No elastic or understraps or Bteel. Write, Smith Manufacturing Co., Dept. 219, Pres- ton, Ont STAMPS AND COINS WE BUY AND SELL OLD STAMPS. TORON- to Stamp Company, S6 King Street, West Toronto. POPCORN†POPCORNâ€"HIGH QUALITY GUARANTEED One Hundred Pounds, Six Dollars â€" cash with order. John G. Coleridge, Box. 479, Kingsville, Ontario. POULTRY FREEâ€"1600 TWEDDLE SPECIAL MATING Chicks. Nothing to buyâ€"nothing to sell. Write for details regarding. Twaddle’s An- nual Chick Contest. Tweddle ChlCjk Hatch- ery Limited, Fergus, Ont, large mirrors and 3 drawer,s. Chiffoniers in oak and walnut; finishes. $4.50 up $6.50 up a g/» Drop-head Singer Sewit,-g Maiihiues. -• Guaranteed good co > 1 >oi«, AC Brand new all-felt Mattresses' with heavy- roll edge, ' well tufted; â€" in cretonne covers. All stof>gr. Metal Bf’eds, All sis&sW. $2. 50 up Qg Brand ne w Chiffonier !r< selected birch witth walnut finish drawers â€" Colonial design, &A QC Odd Chesterfield Chairs with Mar-' ep'il’.eJeJ shall "reversé*•*--jk$üïïüus.' “.• Beautiful 6-piece walnut Bedroom suite. Large dresser, vanity, chif- fonier, full size bed, sagless spring and brand new all-felt mattress. Completely re-condi" tinned. Like new. $67, $59, 0Q Nine-piece walnut finish Dining Room Suite. Buffet, china cab- inet, square extension table and 6 leather up- holstered chairs. Completely refinished. SUGGESTIONS FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS We have a large assortment of chairs, cof- fee tables, end tables, lamps, sewing cabin- ets, cedar chests, radios, mgs, bedroom and dining-room furniture, etc., at the most rea- sonable prices In Toronto. All our furniture is thoroughly cleaned and re-conditioned in our own factory and carefully packed for Im- mediate shipment on receipt of money order. Our big new 1938 illustrated catalogue is now ready. Be sure to write for one. LYONS’ BEDDING AND UPHOLSTERING CO. Manufacturers OPEN EVENINGS 478 Yonge St, Toronto HAIR GOODS 1GS, TOUPEES, TRANSFORMATIONS, Braids, Curia, and all types of finest qual- ity Hair Goods. Write for illustrated cata- logue. Toronto Human Hair Supply Co., 528 Bathurst St., Toronto. HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS ANDREWS* ACADEMY OF HAIRDRESSING, Government licensed. We train you for Board Examination. Free prospectus, 961 Bloor West, Toronto. MADAME HUDSON SCHOOL, HAIRDRESS- ing ......Culture. Write for pamph- Yonge Street, Toronto. T MISCELLANEOUS ' shorthand; accountancy, , Typewriting by mall. Satisfied student* throughout Canada. Write for free prospec- tus, Dept. C., Canada Business College, Hamilton, Ont. ~ ' NOVELTIES ^ * NOV EliTIES 12 ASKOR'i iiti SAMPLES -- Only 10c. Novelties, 8. luzziim, B.C. OUR CHICKS GROW FASTER, BIGGER, make better pullets, layers. Healthy, hardy, bioodtested. Free chick feeders with early orders. 1938 prices now ready. Cornwall Chick Hatchery, Cornwall, Ont. | ' Smiles and | | Chuckles 1 $ A GOD GRANT ME â€" God grant that life shah bring to me a, harvest, rich in golden deeds. And grant that somehow I may serve in helping those in direct needs. God grant that with a cheerful smile 1 may allay another’s fears, And give me kindly hands to wipe away: my weeping sister’s tears, X would not serve a multitude nor touch the millions on the way, But grant to me that happiness of helping those I meet each day. You can get people to give three- cheers for a thing that you can’t get (hem to give anything else for. We’ll take a ‘ shot†at the banker today: Wifeâ€""Hello, darling, did you have a hard day at the bank?†Bankerâ€""Bey, who are you?" Wifeâ€" Oh, we’ve gone through that every day for nine years. I’m year wife.†Bankerâ€""Have you means of idea- ah cation?†Wifeâ€""Yes, here’s my signature. You can compare it with the one in your file.†Bankerâ€""Hh! Looks » little differ- ent to me, but I’ll (eke.-® chance. Any news ?†-vx____ - Wifeâ€"“Yes, Ruth I-Iiggins called up. They want us to go over there for dinner on Thursday.†Bankerâ€""Hm. How do you know it was Ruth Higgins?†Wifeâ€":“Why, she said so, of course. And besides, I recognized her voice.†Bankerâ€""Oh, she said so, and you recognized her voice? Now isn’t that dandy? And you expect me to take a chance of getting gypped out of my dinner on flimsy identification like that. Before we accept, I want to see her myself, and get a written identi- fication over her signature.†Read It Or Not:â€"Thomas Parr, of Shropshire, England, married a sec-' ond time at the age of 120 years. The old man was, at least, observ- ant: Rural Fatherâ€"“Why do you spend so much time on the crease of your pa nts ?†IfCH 777 STOPPED IN A MINUTE ... Ans you tormented with the itching tortures of tcvenm. rashes# athlete’s foot, eruption», or other ekiai afflictions? For quick and hmpy relief, nia® cooling, •ntieeptic, liquid D. D. EX Prosetiptlfta, Its gentle oils soothe the ini* Sskin, Clear, «reaseleas and stainlessâ€" fast, Stops the most intense itching fitly, fit 33c trial bottle, at drsg More*. - j money hack,1 â- 20 Issue No. 2â€"*38 DISLOCATED ELBOW LED TO MEURIflS Could Net Straighten Her Arm Four months ago, this woman dis- located her left elbow. Although the elbow was properly set, she developed neuritis and could not straighten her arm. She. was ordered to take Kruschenâ€"with the happy result de- scribed in this letter ;â€" “I had an accident four months ago, and my elbow was seriously dis- located. Fortunately, it was set right there and then, but afterwards, I could not straighten the arm to its full extent. It was X-rayed, and the surgeon told me I was inclined to be rheumatic. I was ordered to take Kruschen Saltsâ€"one teaspoonful in a glass of hot water on waking. Now I am getting along famously. The pain in my elbow is better, and, daily, I am able to extend the arm more easily.â€â€"(Mrs.) P. Rheumatic conditions are often the result of an excess of uric acid in the body. Two of the ingredients of Kruschen Salts have the power of dissolving uric acid crystals. Other ingredients assist Nature to expel these dissolved crystals through the natural channels. College Sonâ€""It is very important, Dad, not to wear baggy trousers." Rural Fatherâ€"“Important, is it? Did you ever see a statue of a famous man who didn’t wear baggy trousers?†People don’t hate you for doing them a favor. It is because you keep reminding them of it.†Young and Inexperienced Father (looking at triplets the nurse had just brought in)â€""We’ll take the one in the middle.†One of the most miserable men on earth is the fellow with quiet., old- fashioned tastes and a very modern wife. The kind old lady had just used the public telephone for the first time, and had given the operator quite a hit of trouble; After she had finished her conversation she called the ex- change: Kind Old Ladyâ€""I’m very sorry to have given you so much trouble, miss, so I’m putting another nickle in the . slot for yourself.†A good way to pile up enemies is to give people what you think, they want instead of what they ask for. Georgeâ€""I got a real kick cut of kissing Katherine last night.†Charles-â€""More than usual ? How come?†Georgeâ€"“Her father caught me-.†We don’t mind children enjoying childhood if they’d let us enjoy grown-up hood. A man wont wearily into a barber shop and slumped down in a chair. Manâ€""Give me a shave-.†Barber-â€""You are too far down in the chair for a shave. Raise up a lit- tle, please,†Man --"AM right, just let me be. Give me a hail cut.†Bâ€"D Fm Teg' ram LI c Study isgfiwâÿ High 1 » L â€!0.-Miles Long Pïïr'î of F ska Is Discover Hax- ary$5 Sm=>rey Carried Out. Un- ci. s is. A "test-tube†highway, nearly 100 miles long, expected to develop a basis for reducing accidents in Penn- sylvania. Typical as to communities, open country, paving types and dimensions, the test road will apply only to reme- dies which have proved effective. Fur- thermore, remedies and traffic devices will be restricted to those which can be put to state-wide use. In an interview, Mr. Canning, the Engineering Director, expressed high hope for the experiment’s success. "So far as we know,†he said, "this is the most extensive highway safety test ever undertaken. On a, much smaller scale, certain test observations have been made in the past, but we can find no record of an experiment such a,B the one now under way in Pennsyl- vania,.†RUN-DOWN? IT’S YOUR NERVES It is usually when your nervous balance $e upset that you feel low in health and spirits! Restore that balance by feeding your starved nerves. Take PHOSFERJND- You’ll feel better almost at once. At druggists, 60c, $1.00 and $1.50. 70 PHOSFEBINEBSK All Sorts cf Driving Conditions ; The highway chosen has a relative- ly high accident iver â- d. It. goes thro cigii iso y era! types, of e r m muni ties and traverses varying landscape,,, so that all sorts of driving conditions are included. It also contains widths of pavement common to Pennsylvania, and is paved with different types of surface used on the State’s highways. "Complete accident records for the past 12 months will be obtained in a survey,†said Mr.. Canning, “and wherever it is found that highway conditions have been a contributing cause, the Department of Highways will be asked to eliminate hazards. Major improvements will not he at- tempted, hut such minor improve- ments as super-elevation of curves, lengthening of sight distances, re- moval of roadside structures and wid- ening at hazardous points will bo car- ried out as preventive measures.†To Last a Year The experiment will last a year, and the accident record for that period Will be checked against the record for the preceding year. The result is ex- pected to prove the effectiveness of improvements in eliminating highway casualties, and from the experience gained officials expect to develop a safety formula for State-wide applica- tion. Engineering, education and: enforce- ment are the principal weapons to be used against accidents. Publicity will inform, users of the “test-tube†road of. the nature of the experiment, so that complete co-operation may be had. Soviet Is Planning New Power Projects Political Prisoners Will Provide Labor for Largest Hydro-Tech- nical Construction in World. The Moscow newspaper,. Rabochaya Moskva, reported last week that the Soviet "government had instructed the Nkvd, the Russian secret political police, to undertake a vast construc- tion program, including huge power dams, highways, railroads and indus- trial plants. Political prisoners of the Nkvd composed much of the labor that re- cently completed an 1,800-mile rail- road paralleling the far eastern sec- tion of the Trans-Siberian Railway. 'Fen thousand of the prisoners were freed after its completion, the govern- said, for good work. To Irrigate Drought Area Under the direction of the secret police, the newspaper said, a dam would be built on the Volga River as part of the "largest hydro-tech- nical construction in the world.†It would be located at Kuibysbeff, for- merly Samara, 500 miles north of the Capsian Sea, When finished the dam and its power plants would serve to irrigate a large drought area and supply the industries of the Moscow-Oral regions with 2,500,000 kilowatts of electricity a year. Farther north at the reservoir of the Volga two other dams, with power plants, would be located on the junc- tion of the Kama, Pechora and Vychegda Rivers. Parts of these pro- jects were already under construction or planned, the paper reported. LISTEN... ,, imm-msA I IMPERIAL TOBACCO'S / IMPERIAL TOBACCO’S INSPIRING PROGRAM Every Friday Night on a National Coast-To-Coast Network Esperanto Would Benefit Mankind Lidia Zamenhof, daughter of the late Dr. Zamenhof, inventor of the universal language, Esperanto, is on this continent on a six months’ lecture and teaching tour. Miss Zamenhof is a graduate of the University of Warsaw, holding a mas- ter’s degree in law. She has travelled extensively in the interests of Esper- anto. Many well-known books have been translated into this language by Miss Zamenhof, Is Used in Paris Since the advent of international radio programs', telephone service, etc,, it is an obvious fact that a uni- versal language is essential,- While as yet Esperanto hag not been widely studied on this continent, it is proving' its effectiveness in for- eign countries as is indicated by the recent despatch from Paris, France : “Esperanto henceforth will figure alongside French and English in signs of all Paris railroad stations, designed to guide the wandering foreigner. The Paris Chamb er of Commerce is offer- ing courses in the international lan- guage and there are several score ..Stenographers who can take dictation for those’"WiSfiteg. to:, sepd letters in it. The Lille radio station broadcasts parts of its program in tn»«, language.†It is claimed a universal language will he one of the great factors in the unification of mankind. Fat contains glycerine. When combined with an alkali in soap mak- ^Ij^^gi^h^rine is released as a by-product. - Official efforts to increase cotton- production in Yugoslavia hâve nearly trebled the output in the last year. Canadian Fire Losses Show Huge Increase TORONTO.â€"Fire losses in Canada for the week ended Dec. 22 are esti- mated by The Monetary Times at $280,400, compared with $.113,350 dur- ing the preceding week, and with $110,200 during the , corresponding week last year. Fire losses from Jan. 1 to Dec. 22 totalled $32,9.12,100 com- pared with $12,986,200 for the corres ponding period last year. MINERALIZING PLANT FOOD NATURAL MINERAL PHOSPHATE Improves Yield and Quality of all Crops For full details write Dept. W, MINERAL COLLOIDS (Canada) LTD. 137 West Wellington St, Toronto Minister’s Son Invents Invisible Ear Drum Old motor tires are bought in Am- erica and shipped to China, where they are used for soling shoes instead of leather. The Invisible Ear Drum invented by A. O. Leonard, a son of the late Rev. A. B. Leonard, D.D., for many years secretary of the Board of For- eign Missions of the Methodist Ep’s- copal Church, for his own relief -from extreme deafness ; me! "heiad noiskfcs has so greatiyyimiK-.’oved hm hearing"x. -l'a: can join in any ord- inary conv'èV'-RV n, g ft. : < the theatre and hear ~w ’’boat dïS- culty. Inexpensive and 5 a blessing to many poop . Booklet ta A. O. Leonard, A, Canada Cement Building, M imi real. is pro Write £oi inc.', Suite HI** 111 NRDIRhgtfil listen io '-THE SHADOW"â€" Every Wed., CFBB, S i7a3C jt.ra.