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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Jan 1938, p. 6

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oiio x o w i-:ek i , y 11 m es NEK A IBORt lOOD NEWS NEWTONVILLE M v. W. Tlu-rtle L busy nun iug bis tiji'wiimit ' dti fer jiurtiv .ofZOe'eit 3 /ebb1/e «. Wo in.liivt Fred -.till busy mi the tnew; cage. When are you .getting the bird. . ", - : Mi-'- .'.unie Fhbm/psp/n -'lent a few d n- m \t xxlbi tdg< bel m g mg batik to lief ftclfobt in 'Pontypodl. Miti F/ditii Olayltmi, who in at .present teSuhing-. liurtib - .f Iiameroift> spent a tin days li re vutli liei uncle. Mi Toni ItOÿ ; ; t We are; Jfiad to ltani ; Miss Nellie Hill has, takieti up- luir diutics. agiiiti at -the. School' where , she taught before she look sink. The Women’s Institute had a ,e.?o- qiuiuole party oil. Tue day evening of last week withâ-  a good attendance and everyone;;. ' enjoyed a splendid time. Sldh'oo 1 ijiiëëfjngçis over for another year and a lively .one it was. Evan Quantri'll replaces Ç, D. Bell on the lmard. 'Mr. Win. 1 >ar:iogiim has retumcid to (‘alabogii- |tovicontim* â-  his «Intis- aiftei':sp6ntKiu|ti the holidays, wi til Ms mother,Miss Georgina Darlington, aMu spen t Ghfistohae at home. â-  \\Te eongjrarhulale Mr. and Mrs.; Wini. Fatten, 9th concession, who on. Deeeiilber 1 thfli' celebrated their; / golden/ wcdtding anniversary at the hoiiie- ;ot - thciir daughter. Fred. Wilson, Garden Hill. The Ladiesi Aid Tibet on Thursday "afternoon and were reorganized with the following ! offii ers elected â-  Presi- dent;, Mrs. TtlM)r|he;y:-;i'.;wiiaST#hShi:.e.h't,. •Airs. Alexander ; Secretary, " Mrs. M. iKobinsmi": TileasijM'di'y Airs. A... Jack- son; pianist, Alina Bell. t "huivii and Fluidity tiiebool was ! , n-.i .! . .. 'Sktudlay mlu'iiirig am! we an -ovry to Lay . < .11- pastor, Mr. Let eh.. only got as far as Rtarkville . witli liis cai and had to walk the rent rtf tile way.Si Owing to the wadis being htocited" wi th ' : the 1 it-avy sn ow std'mi. ' .Er iilayI nigh t, . The Jamief:\ meyling of the Wo '.1'men's' Imstituite will he held at the b- ;,:;.iMi's:, ..Shoubidek oii Timrs- vtiary|, liltb, and will be in .-of Airs. J, Patton’s: group. The P/- 1; wtilibe. health liihta 'alS- ipre- - -utaTTrtsâ€"__ Jhvch member is u-ked to biiug a qjiîth LL < k and a prize will be given for the Timst original one,, also êatifi n/iembcr is asked'""';!,j bfing the tildesI teas cup they pus-, sess tci irtake ; up in1 çoileti lioh of old time 'relics :.'|!6r ; inspection .at the meeting M!r,: the itid .-Mrs, Huttihison speii, week-end in Toronto. Miiss Ben,a Hoskin ha- been visit- ing M’iss Woo'd, Orono. Miv'-A. Isrr.y, (if: Ottawa, spent the holiday with his family here. Mis., Helen Anderson returned to her. hehool/ at Blairttiii: on (Sunday, ' Miss Florence Bur'ley gyvve a birth- day party tb her friends last ' week. M r. and Mrs. EUiu-v Randal], of (Mvawn, .were holiday guests of Mrs. Harry Randall. â- /.-Mr.- and ""Mrsi; Wilfred' -McKay and family ; '.-ipesf. New ; Year’s; with ; Mrs. J ohn McKay, ‘Rtarkville.:" Mrs. Harry Lane ami Leona, of â- Oivlborne, were 'week-end guests of Mr. and AfÿjS. W. G. -Lime. Kiir. and1 .Mi's, 1 frock Fetlik-k were New Year’s'guests ,of Mr. ami Mrs. Gtarenee Turner, Ntiwioastle. Mr. ami Mis. Briitoe Leuty, Port libpe,' slpeii't Nevv Year’s; -with her parents, Mr. and ;.M.;r;s. W. < ". Lane. Mr. Eilwood1 Moore, ("astieton, lias been visiting Mr. and Mrs. James Stark, who have moved into the vil- lage rpeQn-tly. , Miss Annie -Neslbitt and Mr. Jamies Nesbitt Jr. motored to Toronto on Friday and; brought; home Miss Allie Ne-bitt for New Year’s. ; . The aiimm 1 school "meeting was field; in the//sehiool on. Wedm-day af- tefriiDon. Mr. Stanley . Rowe â-  wiis elected trustee. - The other two trus- tées are Messrs/. Wm. P>urley and Wln>'. Stapleton. The now officers for the A . A. are: Pro-idet: ;. Mrs, J. T. " Pogrce; Secre- tary, M|'hdihhfge:AY:a!ikeyi Treasurer, Mrs. AY G Lute They decide 1 to have qua rter l.v m-ee li rigs i n f u lure in stead of monthly meetings. " The ci/tii'i'se txf trine love never runs. smioot/li. Tlii- was proved this week,, A, fyomiig' man from I.. i n <l-' â- , 'who aufeeij ..tip smeet; hie. fody /friend here NpWs’Yêar’à; Live, rpnf lifuiclt .'/inpaitbiw banks ami did1 ti.o-t. Teach here till New" Year’s night, otie hour after,sho- b-adi gonti/on to Garden f ii'U. Hedtift Walking; AVo hâve’ not .heard when lie; réatilied' Onrdvn Hill. Appointment. soft/Tvey.: '".Lydia;- E- â- Grirdiy, B.A., one of the two yvobieh 'mif; infers elf the. United Church oof Garind'i,: as -eerctary . i J the •eonmiit- Tee on the /HeatipmtiBg/sGrder and : Women Workers,, was ainiOuTiced tins >.veek; by the sub-executive of the General Gountiil of ‘he United Church.' â- Miss Gruehy, /wild' wi'll .take over, lier new post in the Spring, - is at present assistant minister atâ-  Bt>" An dréwi’s United Ghurelv, Mpose 'Jaw. tihe was ordained early in 1987 a I .Moose J aw. â€"------------o------------ Japan expects- l/ti reduce its eon- suiin'pti'O'n of gasoline, heavy oils, and ‘Cou 1 consumption 10 per cent, by re pl/aieing. oil-uising indu.-itrial engines; witii.hitiefrlc, gas, and eoal units. NEWCASTLE /.(Too bite, for last Week) Mr. Wells i-ipicnt (lii'istmas in B elle vide. /: . Miss/ B. "S, Mcilntosh entertained at a large tea party on Sunday tifter- ndbn . -5.". â-  "ti;1"" Afr. arid Af-rsf W. E.: II. Ward'.are speiidnig; the; Christinas holidays' . an Toi'outo.... Mr. and Mlrs. E. W. 1 ‘ 11i • j> entei" ta/imed a few ..'friend» at a Gihristmas dinner 'party. /.Misti' Ethel L.-.-khari lia- gone te To ront'o / to Vi si t f r i en d's and relafiiyes for. a few weeks, i - : Air. Joseph Avkin>on of Toronto visited Mr- Wmi. Atkinson and Mrs. R. W. Gilbson oil Sunday. ...Miss .Margaret Sand, r<;m ie speml jnd, the ho-iiday.-. in Irindsay and Mass Orchard with her family at, Port Perry. Marion Elizabeth, infant daughter of Mr. and1 Mrs. Harold Gibeon was christened in tit. George’s Cliurcb on 'Sunday miorning fast. Friend' of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gook gave them a surprise party in the; séjhool roams df the United eiurceli on Monday The oo .casion was to celebrate tiie recent t w e 11 : y - i i f t ! i a i, n i versa ry of Afr, and Airs. <V>,,k'- wedding. They were pre- sented with a very liandemne tea wag'on, a / Zsiîliver tray, a pair of silver candle sticks and a silver cake plate. A number present made speeches of felicitations anil C'ongi"atu'lations and a delightful! vu piper was ; served; by a ladies ctiinimittee. 'Ghristmas visitors were numéros», in Newicasitl e. The weather and the rodd's were kinid this year. Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Kay, Dr. and Mrs,; Be Roy tiufi’ner, ojf New York, Mr. anil AH'. Wm. Eilbeck and son Jack, Mrs. Stinson '/and' 'Miss .Frailties Stihson, alii ; ;;of. Toronto, with Mrs. George Eil- beck; Mli'-s Olive Thorne, of Tor- onto, .and -<M;r. a n;d: 'Mrs.; Martyn -Bs- tol ‘ Kingston, with "Mrs. 1) B Simpson;. Mr- Will ti'eman’s nephew with Mr. and; Mrs; Bernai, : .Miss. Peggy iA'ild'crsoii, -bf Toronto, with hew grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. O'eicil -Hdrrock's ;/ Mis:-- Arresta Mar tin with Mr. a nd Mrs, If Martin ; Miss /Salome MBwa/rd and Mac Allan Howard with their parents; Miss Muriel Bradliey oi Toronto and Miss Gladys Brad- ley, ,of G'lnver'ville, " N.Y., with Mr. and' Mrsf J ohn Bradley, Migs Ohii"a "Gaswell of Toronto with Mr, and 'Mrs. Gaswtiil:;" Mr. Wun. Sanders; of Rtonlfville and Miss Jean Gbwans of .Toronto' . with Mrs. Wmi.. Atkinson and Mrs. R. W. Gilb-on; Mr. Murray Bn tier of" Toronto and Mu'1er Danny Butler of Oshava with Airs. Floyd To/Plife; Mlisiaf.M.ia'rgartif' "Topi's " and Mr. Bill Toi/mç with Air. and Mrs I bub. Toms; Mies, Evelyi/t /Rickard1 Miss. Dorothy Tv.i ckïrr'H fiai d /Misti' .fFean Rickard wth Mr. 'and Alps./ ..Frank. Rickard ; Mr, and ".Mrs, Jehu Hays lin'd Air .ILu'i.v 'Gutter, of iShorbot Lake, Mr;,-â- ant! 'Mrs, Wal-h and chih' d ri n. of /Port Hope, and Mr. a lid Me Pat Chtler jii and Alts Ptrnce ' Cotter ', Mir. Alorton Oovan ivi.l/li,A,tti. and Mrs. iRcss; Dickciison ; Miss Helen Lycett "/of - Oshava with M r. Tlipsv- "Ai/offatt; Mass tiladyis Rh'f'iw with Mr. and’ .Mr-. I). Shaw; Miss Eva Grieves of Guelph with Miss/ Ethel Wade, COWÀNVÏLLE - :':I.Mrs.' J, .Burley, otf Newtonville, is Staying with Mr. arid Mrs. Westol /Stringer. \l v. and Mrs./: 0. Bcd'win and Mr, F. Parker sipenl Sunday will) Mr. F. Parker, Lakdslxire ' Mr. T. J; Sini]ison and family spent N'ew Year’s day with Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Simpson. ' Becim-i' of the rogdls being block- 'd with snow church service was instil,,ned on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, Erwin Farrow and 'family spent New Year's Day with 'Afr. N. Andrew- and family. . Afr. ami Mr>. Wesio'l Stringer arid /Mrs. But-icy spent New Year’s' Day tilth Mrs. MZiiJtion and family. x Mr. and Mi's. Perrin, Alfred and 7ti Frank Parker spent -New Year’s xTby mill, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Reid. '.Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cowan arid :Yclma spent New Year’s day with /Mr. and Air-, Roy iSimitli, - Newton- ville. - 1 • . (Mir. -Slid; Mrs/ Brooks Cowan and 'family spent N-ew Year’s day/ with (Mr. and ( Mrs. Morrish Osborne,- of -Mo'rrish. ' ai nd ’Mlrs; -W-. Gi. Qrossley, Jack Barnes apil Mr, W. li Haw- thorne 'witit 'Mr. and Mrs.-. George Henderson du New Year"' Day. BBti- Ontario maaf who shot, an eagle ill he prosecuted by the government '-Ta delicate 'Compiliimctu-t, we trust, /our A ni cric an cousins /will not over- look. Tyrrell sL/r a - DRUGS STATiOMERY â-  KODAKS V . 68, ORONO Dependable Winter Tonics WAMPOLE’S EXTRACT OP COD LIVER OH......$1.00 “KEPLER" COD LIVER EXTRACT, 1 LP,............95c. 2 LBS. FOR...i.....................$1,50 “MUSKEEKEE” TONIC...................$1.00 PERK I EST EXTRACT QF MALT WITH COD OIL, 1 LB. ........................ 53c. „ 98c. 2 LBS. FOR.... SCOTT’S EMULSION, SMALL LARGE .................. 53c. 98c. Dale Estate Flowers We arc agente for the DALE ESTATE ait Brampton, who offer a compldte line of CUT FLOW ERS, PLANTS, FUNERAL WREATHS and SPRAYS, WEDDING FLOWERS and SPECIAL ORDERS of any kind on shortest notice. Dale Estate are known for their HIGH QUALITY, REASONABLE PRICES and QUICK SERVICE FLORAL TRIBUTES FOR FUNERALS ordered before 1 a.m. are delivered here or to any centre in Ontario served by a morning mail, all noon : the same day. ' As'sk to see our Album of Dale Floral Designs. You Save with Safety at Tyrrell’s Rexall Drug Store ÃŽ Week-end Specials MEN'S 36-LNCH LEATHER LAi ES........PAIR . 5c. TOASTED ROLLED WHEAT..........Ï.5 LB BAG.....21c. ROYAL YORK PEANUT BUTTER .........12 oz. jar:.23c. BAG SALT .3 1-2 LB|. \..... 5c. NEW CHEESE, MEDIUM ....................JEB...Ù.49c. OLD CHEESE ............... ............LB... ......25c. CHEDDAR CHEESE ..................*.....LB....27c. DEz LUXE SODAS ,2-.L:BS,;...',...;.23A, JELLY POWDERS, ALL FLAVOt 1RS- .,.,,4 POR,,/...18c. Change in Store Hours During the Winter Monlths this store will close at 6-30 every night BUT SATURDAY. Assist ns in shcfrlening store hours by shopping during tihe day. ORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE YOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE PHONE 48R16 Home and Building Improvement Pays You Big Dividends, Both in Comfort and Conveniehce WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES AT ALL TIMES D. L. & W. GUARANTEED BLUE COAL The Coal that is Trade Marked for your protection SCOTCH COAL WELSH COAL COKE AND DRY HARDWOOD IN STOCK AT ALL TIMES TO MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS â€" PROMPT SERVICE Orono Coal & Lumber Co

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