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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Jan 1938, p. 1

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Vol. 1. No. 51 ORONO, ONT., THURSDAY, JAN. 13, 1937. Subscription, $L25 Per Year. Durham Central Agricultural Society Annual Meeting Friday Afternoon, 2 p.m. Chamber Of Commerce Still After Industries For A Spring Boom 0 ------------ Gas Pump Assaulted By Early Morning Marauder Who Leaves Hurriedly 1937 Officers Re-Elected â€" Hydro and Other Business Fully Discussed The annual imee ting of the Orono Chamber df Cdmraeroe was held in the Orange Hall on Monday evening with forty of the business men and â- citizens of thé town present. Mr. O. W. Rolph, President of the Association, opened the meeting. He welcomed the ladies wlho were present and was glad to see so many of the citizens present. He then call- ed on J. C. Gamey to read, the min- utes of the last annual meeting which were read and adopted. In the absence of the treasurer, J. J. Oornish, at; the earlier part of the meeting, J. C. Gamey read the â- treasurer’s.."report which showed a balance on hand of $142.88 and post- age stamps of $2.74. There were forty-nine members last year, and when the meeting open- ed this year there were nineteen paid members so far. The bills and1 accounts amount- ing to $5.75 were ordered paid. â-  Mr. W. J. Riddell thought it would be a good idea if some of the committees told those present what they had BfeeSmflished during the year and also wliat they had tried to do. Mr. E. J. Ha mm gave a. report of Ms tri r> eas,t acioomipauied by Mr. H G. Malodon'ald, He told of their in- tBrviBwmg â-  in 111 bûii c&ti nii% companies ; with the idea, of having !hi in open up a. branch in Orono, It W seemed that it was too late m the year for any of them to, open up a factory here, but that two -of those interviewed scented very favourably Impress®!, and might do so at a later date. Mr. Riddell said that Mr. Rolpli and himself were making a trap to T rentre next week to see what they car. do -about having a factory open in Orono. Tie -also gave a report of Ms oomftiïiitee for last year. That during the year Mr. Rolpli and him- self paid a visit to Mr. Bragg', then member of the Provint" al House, to find out if the Government would raise the pay of the men working at the Forestry Department. Eater on the pay at the Forestry was raised 50c. per day, though he did not know whether this increase was due to their interview to Mr. Bragg. The next order of business was the election of officers for the ensuing year. J. E. Armstrongâ€"P. Lunn â€" That all the officers of last year be re-elected as they have only been in office for ten months and that they are just nicely broken into harness. The motion carried. .Mr. Rolph then-: asked the members ('Continued on page four) The annual meeting of Orono Iibr- ticultural Society was held, in the Assembly Room, of the High 'School on Tuesday evening, January 11th, The various reports were given showing a very suioceasful year. The receipts for the year were $205.55, ard..the-expenditures $193.28, leaving ; a balance on hand of $12.27. The Orono Hortioulturail Society has " always given its members the full value of -their membership fee in any nursery stock they may desire at the lowest price the same can be procured, and always insist that only good stock be supplied. To do this it is necessary that all must work to- gether loyally in order* that the - civic plots are not neglected. The election of officers- resulted as follows : 'President â€" M. H. Staples. 1st Vice-President, Mrs. E, J, Council Takes Oath Of Office Will Try To Work Up Snow Fence Industry At Orono The inaugural meeting of Clarke Township Council was held in -the council chamber, Orono, on Monday, January 10th. Mr. A. J. -Staples, -clerk! of the township, administered the oath of office to the different members of the council, followed: by Rev. J. H. Os- terhout reading the. 91-st Psalm then leading in prayer. Mr. Wm. J. Patton then extended a hearty vote of thanks to Rev. J. H, Ost-erhout. Mr. T. A. Reid, Reeve, then took the floor and congratulated the,coun- cil upon being returned by -acclama- tion, showing that the ratepayers were well satisfied with the manner in which the council carried on the affairs throughout -the. year 1937. By -not having an election we saved the municipality -a considerable. sum of money. He told the members that this was his 8th year on the council and that he had never sat with a bet- ter body of men, and this is not boast- ing. We did not always agree on all matters bn t everything was always thrashed out and the best plan adopt- ed. Last year we had to spend oon- siidcraible suras of itibn-ey1 eir roads and bridges after the spring wash- outs, but this year we will have to be very careful! as I do not expect such a. prosperous year, for on the Chicago mlarket cattle dropped $3 and there are millions on relief. Mir. Patton said he was glad to be back again this year. That, the council go-t along so well together hast year* and that he would do all he could to help in the best interests of the to-wnship. Mr. La in a* said1 he was very pleas- ed wiith the honor of being returned by acclamation, and that he would give his whole-hearted' support to the council a.;s a whole for the benefit of the ratepayers of the township. Mr. Lowery said he did not; know very mulch about town-ship work when he was first elected last, year bu-t by asking questions from the older mem- bers of council, had received all kinds of helpful information. He said he was- always asking questions. He was pleased to be returned by ae- -clamaton, as it showed that the rate- payors were satisfied with the way the old council conducted the busi- ness last year, and gave them an in- centive to .work harder this year. 'Mr. Lovekin, the last member to speak, said there wasn’t much lie could add. This is the eleventh Ha.niim. 2nd Vice-President â€" Mm. F. J. Hal. 'Secretory â€" Mi-s. W. W. Harri- son. Treasurer â€" Mrs. Jas. Dickson, Auditors â€"- Mrs. A. A, Drum- mond and Mirs. B. Rosiborbugh. Delegate to Convention .... Mrs. M. H. Staples. Direfatons elected in 1937â€"-Mrs. Dean, Mrs. O. W, Rolph, Mrs. F. Tamblyn, Mr. W. Sherwin -and: Miss- Malici Davy. Elected in 1938â€"Mr. A, A. Drum- mond, Mr. W. J. Lea-man, Mr. E. .1. Hamm, Mr, E, E. Patterson and Mrs.: -John Tamblyn. A hearty vote of thanks was moved by Mrs. Staples, seconded by Mrs. DMdson, to the auditors for their kindness, after which the meeting adjourned. EARTH MISSES “BABY” PLANET BY FEW HOURS The Union of South Africa’s as- tronomer, Dr. II. E> Wood, told the press on 'Ranirelay last that on the night of October 3Û the earth nearly collided with a baby planet, “Bein- muth, 1937."’ missing it by only 5 1.-2 hours., Dr. Wood said that for a few days the world’s biggest disaster threaten- ed until the planet overshot the earth by the small astronomical distance of 400,000,000 miles, “This was the narrowest escape the earth has ever had in the period of astronomical observations,” he said. “From Otatdber 25 to October 30 it was rushing almost straight towards the earth. This sort of thing has happened previously, but it; is only since the introduction of astro- photography that we have been able to detect it.” wTæmeëtîng" The W. A, of Park Sir. United Church held their regular meeting on Tuesday, January filth. Miss M. Davy, the convenor of the devotional part, opened tin- meeting by singing Hymn No. 225 ‘•'Blest be the Tie that Binds,” followed by all repeating to- gether the Lord’s prayer. Two inter- esting papers were read by Mrs. 0. Wood and Mis; W, M, S-tutt, Hymn No. 363 “Lord as to Thy dear cross we flee,” was sung.; with Mrs. Hoar accompanying. Thé Recording Sec- retary, Mrs. Hoar, read the minutes of the last meeting. Various month- ly reports were read. ’ After the busi- ness part -and general discussion the president called the retiring presi- dent, Mrs. Owterhou.t to take the chair, when the following reports were read Tin- secret,arv*« >« port by Mrs. Hoar; Treasurer’s and Finance Treasurer's report by Mrs. J. Dick- son; Corresponding -Secretary’s re- port, by Mrs. J. Eagleson ; report for the quilt committee was given by Miss L. AJffiti. The meeting was closed by the President, Mrs. W. M. Shift, asking al'l to repeat together the Mispah. Agricultural Meeting The Regular Annual Meeting of Durham Central .Agricultural Society will be held in the Orange Hall, Orono, at 2.00 p.m. on Friday, Jan- uary 14th, 1938. Election of officers for 1988, presentation of the Finan- cial Statement, outlining policies- for ensuing year and General Business, Every member is- invited to come and bring an interested friend. W. II. Oarruthers, President; J. C. Gainey, Secretary, a-51-c. DISTRICT L.O.L. MEETING Clarke District L.O.L. met in Orono Orange Hall on Tuesday after- noon, January 11th, for their annual meeting with a good attendance. Plans were made for the West Durham County meeting, which will be in Orono in March. After a good deal of business bad been disposed of the following officers were elected and installed : I.P.M.â€"Wor. Bro. R. R. Waddell, 409, Orono. W.D.M.â€"Wor. Bro. F. T. Couch, 2-65 Newcastle. D.D.M,â€"Wor. Bro. A. G. Redknap, 311 Newtonvi-lle, Dist. Ree. -Sec.â€"Wor. Bro. C. A. Brown, 409 Orono. Dist. See.lTreas.â€"Wor. Bro. J, H. Walsh, 409 Orono. (Lecturerâ€"Wor. Bro. G. R. Morton, 409 Orono. Dept. Lecturerâ€"G. A. Brown, 409 Orono. Dist. Marshallâ€"Wor. Bro. T. A. Reid, 811 Newcastle, Auditorsâ€"-Wor. Bro. Geo. Spring- ham, 265 Newcastle, and Wor. Bro. W. E, D-avey, 409 Orono. The matter of District rally was left over until the June meeting. The District are again sponsoring a degree team which will compete for the H. C. Shipman shield at the O.O.L. of Ontario East meeting which will be in Port Hope this year. The meeting closed: at 5 p.m. God Save the King, Clarke Township Council Meeting $13,000 Estimated Expendi- tures For Current Year Clarke Township Council settled down to,-business after their inaug- ural -meeting on Monday, January 10th. The following offices were -fill- ed for the ensuing year : J. I.yall Lowery -was appointed assessor with a salary of $200.00. Cecil Robinson was appointed member for the Local Board of Health. Clarence All in appointed Live Stuck Valuator for the Township of Clarke for the year 1938, Auditors appointed were, J. 0. Garnie,y and M. II. Staples. A By-Law to appoint a Medical .Health Officer of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke which office' has become vacant by the resignation of Dr. W. (i. McCulloch. The Council of the To-wnship of Clarke herewith ap- points Dr, Neil Colville of Orono as Medical Health Officer for the said township. A By-Law to provide for thé total 1938 expenditure on roads in the Town,ship of Clarke, which will be as follows:' ..- Road construction 1,200.00 Bridge Constrm-tiop ...... 3,000.00 Machinery; ...... ... . . . . 400.Ob Superintendence ............ 600.00 Maintenance and Repair. . 7,800.00 Total estimated expendi- ture ,$18,000.00 Mi'. C. F. Awde was I appointed as School Attendance Officer under the School Attendance Act. The following resolutions were passed : That the Board of Management df Oron<> .Community Memorial Park for 1938 coneiet of. Reeve T. A, Reid and Deputy Reeve John Pat- ton to represent this council for the term of one year and until their suc- cessors are appointed. That the sum of $1594.93 be placed to the credit of the Police Trustees Bo-ard of -Orono for the year 1937, made -up as- follows: : Balance of levy after providing for debentures and interest coupons (standing agreement with the Municipality of Clarke as to maintenance of) : -Sidewalks ...... ........$ 537,00 Annual Tw-p. grant ...... 100.00 Dog Tax Rate in Orono.... 25.00 $ 1,694.93 The following bills were ordered The Twenty-Seventh Annual Short Course in Agriculture and the Fif- teenth Annual Short Course in Home Economies will be held in the Town Hall, Orono from February 1st to 25th, 1988, conducted by the Dur- ham County Branch of the Ontario Department of Agriculture. This course is free, with the ex- ception of a contingency fee of fifty cents for regular members. This will lie u-s-ed t0 pay for breakages and to purchase supplies required for prac- tical work. Adults attending special lectures are not required to pay the fee. . Classes will be held from 9.80 to. 12.00 find 1.80 to 4.00 Monday to Fri- day f inclusive). Courses - will com- mence on Tuesday, February 1st. at 9.30 a.m. -Kpeeiiirl Lectures, â€"Poultry Wed- nesday. February 9th. Sheep Market- ing Course â€"- Wednesday, February 16th. Soils arid Fertilizers -..- Fri- day, February 18th. Cream Grading 0 ________________________ Mrs. W. J. Riddell Gives Alarmâ€" Man Picked Up Few Hours Later Late Monday night or early Tues- day morning Peter S-tasuiok, of New Toronto and formerly of Pontypool, stole Dr. Storey’s car at Bbiwman- viille from his garage. He broke the lock, removed the doctor’s medical kit from the car and left it in the garage so as- not to. i neon v ienne the doctor if he needed it and drove away j:n search of gas. tie arrived in Orono around three o’clock Tuesday morning, stopping in front of O. W. Ralph’s hardware â- store and examined his gas pump. He then walked up to Percy I.unn’a gas tank in front of his store. After some inspection lie came back to the car and drove to Mercer’s garage. He tried to get gasoline from the pumps but these are worked: by electr-i-cty so hie efforts wore fruitless. He then drove down the side street, beside the 5c. to $1.00 store and later broke in- to the storeroom- and garage of Percy Lunii’s but nothing seemed to be disturbed. He then broke the lock on Mr. C. T. Miller’s garage and. stole tools from bis car, also a valuable robe, then proceeded to Main street and parked in front of G. IT. Fvoste’s store. Taking a tool he went, to Lunri’s ga-si tank where he smashed the locks, and pumped: gas into the pump, then went and brought the ear--to- the pump -grid,vstarted: filling the tank. Mrs. W. J. Riddell, who lives across the street was awake at the time and w'as- watching the pro- ceedings but if, never struck her that; he was going1 to steal gas. When she found out what he was doing she hollered at him from the window and the miscreant dropped the hose and drove away. He got -stuck in front of Mr. Samson Yen’s farm- on the An-tioch road where Mr. Bill Robin- son hauled the car -out of the drift wiith Mr. O-s. Cowan watching on. lie later motored to Pontypool where he again had- to be prilled out, this time by Lome McGill, most, likely trying to go north. He then came back throuigh -Orono and was- caught by Constables Stanley Whitehead and John Silvester on the Weston road shortly before noon on Tuesday. Peter Stasu.ick, aged 17 years, is charged with 'stealing a car and will appear in County Police Court on Friday afternoon. A school hockey league has been formed with four teams entering, comprising Orono, Millhrook. New- castle and Port Hope. They will play home and home games, each team playing six games -at home and six away; and Testing â€" Tuesday, February 22nd. Outline of Course in Home Eicon.- "inics-â€" February 1st to- February 25th. 'Glasses' 9.30 to 4.00 p.m., con- ducted by Miss M. E. Bell, Glanford. Household Scienceâ€"-Course opens on Tuesday, February, 1st at 9.30 a.m. Health Education, arid Home Care of the Sirkâ€"February 1st to Feb- ruary 25th. Glasses 9.30 to- 4.00 p.m., conducted by Mis- M. E. Misner, of Port Dover. This work places emphasis on positive and, buoyant health, health hybits-, personal Hygiene, home care of the sick, how* to prevent, spread of infection, first aid' in; common emer- gencies:, home arid community sanita- tion. The Department of Agriculture wishes to- express its appreciation to the Clarke Township Council, the Orono Women's institute and to all others who have co-operated to make thes-e Oou-rses possible. (Continued on page four) Horticultural Society Shows Balance After Year’s Work (Continued on 7>age four) Annual Short Courses Will Be Held In Orono

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