ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Vol, 2. No. ORONO. ONT., THURSDAY, JAN. 27, 1957. Subscription, $1.25 Per Year, Orono Times Celebrates 1st Year Of Publication St. Savious’s Church Has Balance To Carry For- ward Into New Y ear $200.00 Donation Set Aside To Be Used Only In An Emergency The Annual Vestry meeting of St. Saviour's Church was held in the Parish HM'l on Monday evening, January lTitih, with the rector, (Rfev. JDewdney in the chair. The meeting opened with prayer. Dr. Neil Colville was nominated to act as Vestry Clerk. The 'minutes of the last annual meeting were read 'by the Clerk and -adopted. The People's: Warden, F. J. Hall, presented his report, showing that -the total receipts of the year were $890.60 and the expenditures $665.52, leaving a 'balance on hand of $226.13 'with .a note due in. November of $100.00, bearing interest at 5 per cent. Tins would leave a net sur- plus of. approximately $128.00, The auditors report was read and adopted. F. J. Hall â€" R. H. Alin â€" That the $200 donated by the late- Mrs. George Price be set aside and used only in ease of emergency. F. J. Hall explained that the church -and sheds were insured in -the Pilot Insurance Co. a@ follows : On Church, land Vestry. $3100.00, on Church furniture $250.00, on Church «lieds, $350, making -a, total of $3,- 700.00. -R, H. A'lliin presented the envelope ' report, showing $139.10 for rector’s salary and $20.05 for Missions. The Rector appointed George But- ters -as hie Warden. Mrs. Harrison â€" E. IT. Ailin' â€" That F. J. Hal be the PeopWs War- den. The Rector appointed A, Manning and R. H. Alin a® his iSidesmen. Mrs. James Richards â€" Mrs. F. J. Hall â€"That Ed. Morton -and J. H. Morris be the People's Sidesmen. Mrs. 'Geo. Butters â€" Mrs. Harri- son â€" That F. J. Hall be. the Lay delegate, to the Synod with G. Bruton as substitute. Dr. Colville â€" "Mrs. Butters â€" That Wn:. Mitchell and G. Bruton be auditors for the ensuing ye ar. 'Mrs. 'Butters â€" Mrs, .Harrison -~ That R, H. Alin be the envelope sec- retary. li. H. Allin presented -the Sunday iSldhoiol report, showing the receipts to be $20.00 and expenditures: $18.85, leaving a (balance on hand of $1.15. : Mrs. B u tters presented the W. A report, showing total receipts to be ST. SAVIOUR’S W.A. The annual meeting of the W. A. was held on January 10th in the Par- ish Hail 'after prayers and singing of W. A. Hymns with the Rector, Rev. D. R. Dewdney present. The 'Secretary read the minutes of the last meeting and other correspond- ence andl reported on tost year’s work. The President, Mrs. R. H. Allin, re- signed after fifteen years of faithful service. Rev. Dewdney their took the chair â- and the following officer's were elect- ed : Hon. Presidents, Mrs. R. 11 . Allen, Mrs. F. J. Bail. linn. Vice Presidents â€" Mrs. D. R. Dewdney and Miss C. Colville. Dorcas (Secretary â€" Mrs, E. Mor- ton. Assistant Dorcas Secretary â€" Mrs. AM. AM. Harrison.. ISeei’etary-Tireasurer â€". M vs. Geo. Butter». Living Message â€" Miss O. Colville. LITERARY SOCIETY The first, public Literary meeting oil: Orono Continua!inn S-chnol was hold on Thursday nigtit last with President Thelma Myles in the chair. After the siingng of “O Canada,†the minutes of the last meeting were rend by Olive Brown and. the school paper was read' 'by editor LeRoy Myles. The treasurer, Ken Shackle ton, gave an encouraging fin a,racial report, Archie Watson, convener 1 of the program committee, then took charge. After a chorus by ArdhieV group. Ruth Goodie, Jean Forrester, Helen. Scott and Margaret MilLun. gave a demonstration, of club singing. A humorous ‘'Shadow Act†was- pre- sented by Jim Powers as doctor, Iiden Scott as nurse, Roy Forrester, Grant 'Moffati end Gordon Leamen as patients and Edna Myles as safes - woman. -Mary Baldwin gave im read- ing “ISb'ins'tei’-’s . iRightsâ€, which was followed by lantern .slides, of the pu- pils and pictures1 of some - notable- cities and . inidu.stni.es across..' Canada. Another chorus(brought, the meeting to a close. $4-2.89 and expenses $36.47, with a 'balaihee on hand on hand of $6.43. Mrs. F. J. Ital'i presented the A. Y P.A. report, 'showing receipts- of $140.- 46 and expenses of $129.68, land a balance ,,n band -of $10.78. iR, II. Alli.-i'i presented the Mission- ary report. Tire- meeting then adjourned. The Vote For Warden At United Counties’ Council The vote for Warden was recorded by the Co-unities’ Clerk: (as follows for 'the United Counties of Northurober- Ãœand-Durham : Reeve George .: Deputy Reeve W. J, Boggs, Mmrore Township; Dep- uty ReeVe Charles Burrison, .Ham- ilton Township ; Rleerve C. H. Calver, of Compbellford ; Réeve J. C. Cum- ..migfcey,. Man vers Township :. Deputy Reeve R. D. Dodge, Cobourg; Reeve G. A. Edmonstone, Bowman ville; Reeve ,T, F, Gedi'ge, Brighton Town- ship; Deputy Reeve Percy Gooding, Brighton 'Township Reeve R. Innés, llBeymour Township: Reeve L. E. Kelley, Hastings' ; Deputy Reeve P. M, Locke,. Cæûipibellford-.;. Rewé W. Off. Morrow, Murray . Township ; Reeve J. AM, Bacfey, Alnwick Town- s-hip; . Reeve- T, A, Reid-, Clarke Township; Deputy Reeve W. Rose, Seymour Township; (Deputy 'Reeve H. Sirrett. Otramahe Township ; Reeve â- -H, Snider, Brighton...Village; Recwe W. J. Troop. Oolbome; Reeve R. (Whittington:, (South Mottoglian ; Reeve AM. A, Wood, Cavan Town- ship; and Deputy Reeve 11. G. Wood- ley, I! i rpv 'Township. -For Reeve Mallory : Deputy Reeve A. W. Ann is, Darlington ; Reeve W. E, Ball, Millbvook: Reeve. II. Brisbin, Hamitoln; Reeve C. M. Garnithcv>, Darlington; Reeve C. R. .Carveth. Newcastle; Deputy Reeve Edmunds, Port Hope; Reeve J. N. Greenaway, Port Hope: Reeve R, R. 'Mallory. Percy Township; Deputy Reeve .AM. J. Pattern, Clarke ; Reeve AM. A, Prouse, Hope; Reeve 0. Quinn, Cramahc. ; Deputy Reeve T. G, Shield. Cavan-; Deputy Reeve Wf Ai Smith. Murray. For Reeve Deviney : Reeve -I. A. Deviney. HaliMmand: Reéve C. De viu, Cartwright: Deputy Reeve C. G. Morris, Bowmanville ; Deputy Reeve «. McBride, Haldim.iud : llrevc L. II. Wilson, Cobourg, 2. : Made Possible By Loyal Support Hearty Co-Operation By Clarke Township Grate- fullly|Appreciated The Orono Weekly Times publish ed on January 20th, passed its first year of publication in Orono, due to the wonderful support given to it by the citizens of Orono and' the sur- rounding country. No paper, no mat- ter how large or small, can exist without the co-operation of the citi- zens, and now that we have reached our first successful year it is up to the publisher to try liis utmost to give the people the latest news of the com- munity. We take this opportunity to thank 'all our advertisers for their loyal sup- port throughout the past year, they being -the life blood of a country paper, we a'ls-o thank those who have brought to our office their job print- ing, also those who have had other job work brought to us through their influence. W-e wish to thank our main,y subscribers that xve have enlist- ed during the year... All these to- gether are the ones that have made i t; possible for us to :o pen up a print- ing office in Orono and to- carry on successfully, in giving the people a real newsy palper, and; as time goes on wo hope to make if a bigger and better paper than ever. We have worked 'diligently to give the people of the «immunity their own weekly newspaper and it has been a, pleasure to us to work for you all, knowing that we had your loyal support be- hind us which will drive us on to greater efforts. We ni.-n wish to ' thank our cor- respondents throughout Clarke Town ship for their time 'and energy they have given in collecting the news of their -respective' districts, ", News at time».is hard' to find, but we have no complaints' against our corres- pondents for their budgets come in regularly for publication, this also helps us to build up our mailing list by (heir faithful work. People out- side of a newspaper -office seldom realize the difficulty an editor or Ms leoTrespondtents1 have , in collecting news when there is very'little going on. This -oo-uld be considerably over- come if everyone would phone their news to the- ‘editor or the correspond- ents ‘ in their 'district, thus helping along with a just; cause, AAUtli. this- week’s issue the Times changes. its volume No. "1 to volume 2, and: (Starts back to- No. 1 issue-for the start of its second year of publica- tion, All we ask is for the same -loyal support -this', year that was ac- corded- us last year In making this, the Orono Weekly Times a paper you will, be glad to have come into your homies, giving you the news of your own community each week. ' AMp gratefully thank you, (Editor), LIBRARY MEETING The folowing officers were re elected ;a:t the annual.nreetipg.:.of the Oronio Library Board which was held on Tuesday evening, January 18th : Chairlaidy, Mus, Henry; Treasurer, Mrs. T. 'Cowan; Librarians, Mrs. N. Honeywell, Mrs. R. C. Rosiborough, Mrs. H. Dean, Miss T. Cobblediok, Mrs. 0. AM. Rolph and Mrs. J. R. Cooper. Mrs. Dickson read the minutes and Mrs. Cooper the Librarians-' report, which is listed below. Mrs. Henry read the auditor’s report, signed by Mrs. Neil Porter and Mis* E. Rid- dell1. The treasurer's! report was read by Mrs,, â- Heavy and showed expenidi- Kms of $97.86 with receipts of $120.- 69, leaving a. Mance on hand of $22.83. Following are the books read : Gen- pral works 10, Philosophy 4, religion. I. natural science 3, literature 35, history 88, travel 14, bilog. 25, ."fine arts;,2, fictiop 3797,: juvenile 87, total reading: 4039 books. Increase over 1936, 152 books. 9 | books were placed in the Library in 1937. Fast, Exciting Hockey With O.C.S. Girls Taking The Game By One Point Thrills And Spills Through- out-â€"Strong Defences On Both Teams The Continuation 'School' girls’ hockey team defeated à picked team of town girls by a score of 3 to 2 on AMednesday evening before the largest crowd of the season to attend a hockey game. From the first ding of the beltl the two teams clashed, ‘both giving all they had to score a win. Pllay ranged up and down the ice with both goal- ies being called: upon the save shots fired at them' from all angles. Helen Case stick-bandied her way to the defence and broke through to out- guess Lillian Fowler in the net to give the school girls the first goal of the game, then Thelma Myles, not to be outdone, secured a- loose puck and banged it in behind Lillian to miake it to 2 to 0. Eunice Middleton, a Lard working forward for the town rfr-Is 'and who had been, threatening to score a few times during the first bait', wanked at a loose puck and banged it into the corner of the net before Doris AM annan could get her eyes on it. This ended the scoring in the first half. The second half of the game was oven, faster than, the first part. Both teams began to liven it up, handing out bumps in fine style and many a spill occurred in â- this hectic period, with play ranging up and down the ice. Phyllis Lovden, who -was: all over the ice, worked her way close to the net but dost the puck when she was checked. Players .«wambled , around the goal trying to get the elusive rubber, but Phyllis was the lucky one and' she made no mistake on her shot and evened up the score at 2 to 2. The school team then changed their forward line and: brought Helen Case, Ethel Stark and Ruth Goode into the fray and in no time this line had the winning counter- when Helen -shot the rubber between Lillian's feet to make it three to two and then staved! off the at- tacks of the opposing team to the end of the game. The two teams -played good hockey, hey arc all fine skaters and are fairly good stick handlers, but will have to learn the art of raising the puck up ' If the ice. AMe are not going to pick out any individual stars, for all played heads- up hockey, both .going and coming. One observer remarked .that age lias to make Way; for youth. We gues-s lie was correct. The line-dps: Town Girls-â€" Goal, Lillian "Fowler; defence, Mrs. Middle-ton and Mrs. AMest; Wings, Betty Clough and INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS The iSoms of England held their annual Installation of Officers on Monday, January 24th. There were a large number of visiting members from Bowmanville, O-iliawa and Whitby and Xewtonvilli*. The District Deputy being unable to 'attend on account of sickness, B'ro. Berry of Bowmanville vary ably acted as District Deputy, assisted by D. Deputy -Biro. Hinton of Oshawa Lodge. The officers installed for 1938 were as foll'lows : President -â€" Bro. AV. J. Halil. Vice-President â€" Bro, M. Harri- son. Oh'aplnin â€" Bro. T. Lewis. Secretary â€" Bro. AM. C. II. Mit- chell Treasurer â€" Bro. H. CM: Millson. Committee â€" 1st, W, Hoar; 2nd, AM. McFenziie; 3rd, F. Pearson ; 4tli, T. AM. Jackson; 5th, E, White; 6th, J. Ball. I. G. â€" Bro, O. Allen. < >. G. â€" I. Farrow. Auditors â€" J. Cornish and Geo. Cooper. Trustees â€" F. Ha'll, R. Wood and AMm. Cornish. After the installation of officers a very pleasant evening Was enjoyed, followed by a delightful lunch. THANK YOU The members of the -0:0jS. team, one a-nd allil, wish to thank alii those who have shown interest towards the improvement of the team. Especial- ly do we thank. ‘.Mr. Percy Lunn who treated the boy® to soft drinks after the game and who also donated three hockey sticks to the team. We also thank Mr. O. Gainsby who has- shown decided interest towards the O.C.S. hoys. The’team; is sure that they could do much better in their hockey, games if more of the Orono citizens would turn out and show a little in - terest in their, hockey. However, -they are hoping finit inure inti-rest will be shown in future games: The n-ext game wiiil be on. Tuesday, February 1st between Orono arid Port Hope at Orono. Lillian Allin; centre, Phyllis Low- den ; subs, Ruth Bebee, Elunice Mid- dleton and Mrs. Carieton. 'Continuation School â€" Goal, Doris AViann'an; defence, Olive Brown and Enid Gobbled iok ; forwards, (Ethel Stark arid Ruth Good ; centre, Helen. Case; subs, Jean1 Forrester and Thel- ma Myles. Referee â€" Gordon AM : Kirby Grocery Store Destroyed By Morning F ire The Kirby grocery store, occupied by Mr. Percy Mortlen was burned to the ground oil Wednesday morning, supposed to have been caused by a defective chimney. At eight o’clock while Mrs. Mor- tlen was lighting the fire in. the stove, smoke was noticed eircualting around the rooms. Mr. Mordent who was. present at the time, investigated and found the smoke quite dense in the upstair part of the house. He then went outside and .saw flames coming u p fli,rough the roof close; to the chim- ney, Rushing into the store he sent out a general call over the telephone to the neighbors for help. With the strong win'd blowing at the time the fire made rapid progress and soon the whole structure, was a mass of seeth- ing flames. Fortunately the wind was blowing from the west and sent the sparks into an open, field, if the wind had been in the east Kirby would in all probability bave been, wiped but. An electric refrigerator, chester- field, radio, phone, some tables, show- cases was all that was saved. The contents were partly covered by in- surance. Mr. Moirden does not know at yet what he will do and is at. present liv- ing in the house owned by Air. Mc- Kinnon, and recently vacated by Mrs. Bowers. It is reported that the chim- ney was on fire on Tuesday ami this may have also been the cause of the fire. SHKti