â- â- Classified Advertising V V ARTICLES FOR SALE CUT YOUR OWN HAIR LITTLE giant pocket barber, the automatic hair-cutter, for men •and boys. Really does cut and trim the hair, and does It well. Send for â€".circular. S. J. Jackson, 897 Bioox* West, Toronto, Canadian distributor. TRICKS, JOKES, PUZZLES AND Magic Novelties. Send 25 cents for catalogue, deducting from first order ,of $1 ,01* more. $1, S3, $5 assortments.. Crown Supply Company, 12A Queen East, Toronto. , MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, CORNETS and trumpets, twenty dollars. Clar- inets, Boehm system, thirty-eight dollars; "trombones, twenty dollars; Conn alto saxophone, thirty dollars; Terms. Barrow, 208 Victoria, Tor- onto. SEED GRADER (KLINE) WEIGHS each Kernel, proof best. Used Klines bring price new (Farm Sales). Klme Manufacturing Co,, Islington, Ontario. . ..AUTO KNITTERS, YARN, NEEDLES ; also machinés for extra coarse socks. Bellhoiise, 1.446 W. 8th, Vancouver. AVIATION COURSES IN PLIGHT INSTRUCTION, navigation, airplane and engine me- chanics, home study courses. Leavens Bros. Air Services, Limited, Barker Airport, Toronto. F IC AT IIBH S W AS T KI) FEATHERS BOUGHT, GOOSE AND duck. Highest prices paid. The Cana- dian Feather and Mattress Co. Ltd., 43 Spruce St., Toronto. FILMS AND " PRINTS ; ROLLS DEVELOPED, PRINTED, 1 tree enlargement 25c. Re-prints 1.0 for 25c. Photo-Cral‘1:, 18314 King E„ Toronto. ZERO PRICES, EXPERT WORK. ROLE with free -enlargement• 25.c. .Trevanna Studios, 93 Niagara Street, St- Cath- arines, Ont. FREE!â€"TWO BEAUTIFUL ENLARGE- monts (one colored) with roll de- veloped.. eight glossy, fade-proof prints, 28c ; highest quality. Mac hr ay Films, Winnipeg. PRINT OUR OWN • NEGATIVES AT home on any surface,, cloth or paper, without skill or darkroom. Less than cent each ! Miracle Foto Kit complete with instructions for 150 prints, $1. J. C. Williams, 5 Richmond East, To- free enlargement with every 25c order. Roll film developed and 8 prints, 25c. Reprints 3c each. Brig'llt- ,n, • ling Studio, 29 Richmond St., E., To- FURNITURE cfA 2-Piece Chesterfield Suite â€" large chesterfield with big chair to match, upholstered in a heavy English tapestry. A real bargain. ^14 CK Walnut finish Chiffrobe with side wardrobe, five drawers and swing mirror. Completely r efi ti- ls he<3. . , , Studio Couch in rust shade «p'O® 4 O reppâ€"makes into twin beds with 3 cushions for back. Before purchasing anything in used furniture be sure to visit our Trade-in Dept., or if unable to do so write for our new 1938 illustrated free catalogue. All our merchandise is put in first class condition and .sold under a money-back, guarantee if not satisfied. Carefully packed for safe shipment on receipt of money-order. LYONS’ BEDDING AND UPHOLSTERING CO. Manufacturers 478 YONGE ST. TORONTO Ft)II FARMING Smiles and Chuckle® MINK RAISING â€" ' SAMPLE. COPY magazine 10c, book catalog free. Fur Trade Journal, Box 31, Toronto, On- tario. CHOICE EASTERN MINK, TRIO’S, bred females, priced low. Hartford Fur Farm, Route 4, Blenheim, Ont. HAIR GOODS WIGS, TOUPES, TRANSFORMATIONS, Braids, Curls, and all types of finest quality Hair Goods. Write for illus- trated catalogue. Toronto Human Hair Supply Co., 528 Bathurst, Toron- to. Policemanâ€"Excuse me, sir, but it you’re the “pale faced gentleman who looks like a lop-eared rabbit,†T was to tell you that your wife has gone home on the 5.30 bus. There is an off season for nearly, all flowers except blooming idiots. Young wife (affectionately) â€" I shall miss you while you are on your hunting trip, dear,, and I shall pray that the hunters you are going with will do the same. Change to <f?uÉ-^9^fûuÂâd' TEA Red Label 33c >4 lb. Orange Label 3t5c 14 Sh Yellow Label 40c 441b. For Premium List of Wm. Rogers , & Son Silverplate write Thos. J. Upton Ltd., 43 Front E.,Toronto. $39.00 $27.50 $12.50 $5,95 .00 $59.00 inet, sin leather â- ished. $5.95 drawers. $7.95 $9.50 >.00 ?e dr frobe, brain $13.50 ished. $38.00 HAIR.DRESSING SCHOOLS MADAME HUDSON SCHOOL, HAITI- dressing and Beauty Culture. Write for pamphlet. 707 Yongé St.„ Toronto. MEN AND LADIES. LEAHN BARBER- ing or Hairdressing, under New M‘fi- ler System. Free Information. Write 590 Yongé Street, Toronto. MEDICAL In case you have forgotten it the name of this month, February, is tak- en ' from a Latin word meaning to purify . . . Was originally the month of purification ... And there is as much need for that now as there ever was. Many successes have been won by the marrow margin of a friendly con- tact. Read it or notâ€"The Vatican in Rome, Italy, is the largest residence in the world. Mrs. Blueâ€"How do you control your husband while you are away ? Mrs. Blackâ€"I leave the baby with him. Optimists are, even now, dreaming about the fine vegetables to be grown in their garden this spring. iOOO EDMONTON CITIZENS TESTIFY for (It. and S.) Powder, herbal reme- dyâ€"rheumatism, arthritis, neuritis, stomach troubles, etc. Two weeks, $1.50; one month, $3; two months, $5. Druggists, or J. C. McIntyre, .Edmon- ton, Alberta, Ml S GÃ3UUA N EOU S LEARN SHORTHAND, ACCOUNTANCY, Typewriting by mail. Satisfied stu- dents throughout Canada. Write for free prospectus. Dept. C., Canada Business College, Hamilton, Ont. MISCELLANEOUS LYONS’ TRADE-IN FURNITURE BARGAINS Listed below are just a few of the outstanding values picked at random from the hundreds of wonderful bar- gains you will find in our Trade-in Dept. If you cannot pay us a visit be sure to write for our new 1938 illus- trated catalogue to give you an idea of Lyons* remarkable values, in both new; and used furniture. 4-Piece, walnut finish Bed- room Suite: large dresser, chiffonier, full size bed and sagless springâ€"completely re-finished. on 8-Piece Dining-room Suite in French walnut finish : buffet, extension table and 6 leather seat chairs in good condition. Beautiful 3-piece Chesterfield Suite, upholstered in figured French jacquard with reversible Mar- sh all s p r i n g eus hi o n s. T h o ro u gill y cleaned and re-conditioned. Beautiful Brass Bed, full size With sagless spring and brand, new all-felt mattress. fin Six-piece Breakfast Suite â€"- large buffet with glass top, drop-leaf table and 4 Windsor type chairs in ivory enamel â€" in splendid condition. Several *3-burner . Gas Stoves with oven. Guaranteed. -eg* jT|j|a 3-Piece Chesterfield Bed guite, Kroehler Chesterfield bed with 2 big chairs to match, uphol- stered in a good mohair with revers- ible Marshall, cushions, in perfect con- dition. Cost new $165.0(1. 9-Piece English Oak Dining- room suite, buffet, china cab- inet, square extension table and six leather seat chairs. Completely refln- ished. . , Dressers in assorted finishes with large mirrors and three drawers. • ' . . nc Chi f f o ri i e r s i n o a k a n d w a 1 n u t finish with five large drawers. Singer drop-head Sewing Ma- chines in good condition. r\/r\ Beautiful 6-piece Bedroom èpOO.UU guye in excellent condition. Large dresser, triple mirror vanity, chiffrobe, sagless spring, full-size bed and brand new all-felt mattress. Solid walnut Book-case, dou- ble door. Completely refin- ished, • . , Dinette Suite in Flemish oak, buffet, extension table and 4 leather seat chairs. Completely re- finished like new. FURS. WERE THE ANIMALS FUR- nishing your coat tortured in steel traps or do you buy humane furs? Information, Canadian Association Protection of Fur-Bearers, 78 Ber- nard Avenue, Toronto.,* -' NOYEI/rlES PORTRAIT IN FOLDER â€" FREE WITH EVERY ROLL PERFECTLY developed and printed. 25c (coin). Star Snapshot Service, 166 King St. West, Dept. Y., Toronto. PATENT ATTOENEY ROY L. KNOX, REGISTERED ATTOR- "ney. Information regarding inven- tion Patents ; Drawings; Registra- tions; Sales. 14 Metcalfe, Ottawa. PATENTS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR. List of inventions and full informa- tion sent free. The Ramsay Company, Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank St., Ottawa, Can. , PERSONAL Boyâ€"Say, 33ad, how soon will I be old enough to do just as I please ? Dadâ€"I don’t know, Son; nobody has ever lived that long yet. Thoughtsâ€"The things that come to the man who waits are usually not worth waiting for ... The less a man knows the more he wants to tell it . . . Some people pray for more things than they work for . . . There is one good way to forget the faults of othersâ€"remember your own . . . Some people who think themselves a wit are only half right. Teacher (after erasing the decimal from a number)â€"Now, where is the decimal point? Pupilâ€"On the eraser ! Ticket Agentâ€"This train, madam, goes to Atlanta and points South. Madamâ€"Young man, I want a train to Richmond, and I don’t care which way it points. Doctorâ€"Well, my little man, you are quite well again. I was quite sure that the pills I left would cure you. Did you take them in water or sugar ? Boyâ€"Oh, 1 used them in my pea- shooter. Valley town when she saw smoke pouring from her store not far from the station. “Blow your whistle, blow your whistle,†Mrs. Lajoie pleaded with the engineer. ! He blew and blew until all the vil- j lagers came running to the station, j A volunteer brigade was formed and ' they saved as much as they could of the goods in Mrs. Lajoie’s store. One of our youngest starsâ€"Betel-! geuaeâ€"has a volume more than a million times givater than that of the sun. Wifeâ€"I wish I had talent; I’m just itching to write. Husbandâ€"Well, why don’t you sit down and try scratching a little? It’s a smart suitor, in February, who recognizes, in his fair companion, a June bride. Professorâ€"What do you know of the Latin syntax ? Freshmanâ€"Did they have to pay for their fun, too? Debtor So long.as my spirit still is glad of breath And lifts its plumes of pride in the dark face of death ; While I am curious still of love and fame, Keeping my head too high for the years to tame, How can I quarrel with fate, since I can see I am a debtor to life, not life to me? Locomotive Whistle Sounds Fire Alarm CAUSAPSÇAL, Quebec.â€"Mrs. Ad- rien Lajoie doesn’t know what, made her think of it, but, as the engineer said afterward, “it sure Worked.†: Mrs. Lajoie was boarding the train for Trois Pistoles in this Mr in pod in ARE YOU RUPTURE D ? RELIEF, COM- fort, positive support with our ad- vanced method. No elastic or under- straps or steel. Write, Smith Manu- facturing Co., Dept. 219, Preston, Ont. POULTRY AND POULTRY EQUIPMENT POULTRY EQUIPMENT, HIGH QUAL- ity 'at low cost. Made in Canada for Canadians. Write for our new cata- logue. Model Incubators Ltd., 196 River St., Toronto. îlEæSa Æ Râym«f/ Csnoda'i, Fetemoit Adviier on human problem*, will tend a Character tmd Penonolity Chart free to anyone who write* him This amoting free offer is made merely to advertise MASON'S 4» COLD REMEDY â- a. and is available for « limited time only Write w todey, enclosing o self addressed, stomped envolope and ÿovr bifth date Addressâ€" Staymer/ Mason Remedies Limited 14 MtCAUL *.T . TORONTO. CANADA ^Itching « TORTURE In A Minuit For quick relief from the iiehlng of mem, btotoh* puapics, athlete’s foot, ticalea, rashes end other akin eruptions, apply Dr, Dennis’ P'ue. cooling, nnttaep- tie, liquid D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. Its gentle oil. soothe the Irritated skin. Clear, ureaseâ„¢ and •tâ„¢* lensâ€"dries fast. Stop» the most atom ItoMmrm- ethrilly. A 35c trial bottle, at drue etWFOVM « rnuiirv back. Ask for D. D. D. PRESCBIPTION. 38 HOLD EVERYTHING â€" UNTIL YOU get our early 1938 price list on Mills “Sure Pay†chicks. Never before have we offered our Government ap- proved chicks at such low prices for early delivery. Don't delay, write to- day for price list. The Mills Hatch- ery, Napanee, Ont. WRITE FOR ILLUSTRATED ÇATA- log"â€"Hersom Brothers, Streetsville, Ont. Breeders of large type bred to lay single comb White Leghorns. | IF OVER-EATING CAUSES ÂG3I8 INDIGESTIONâ€" â€"HERE'S THE SENSIBLE THING TO DO No less than 200 fathers and Scout, Cub and Rover sons attended the 9th annual banquet of Ontario’s oldest Sea Scout Group, the 8th Oshawa. The continuous success of this sea- goingâ€"or lake-goingâ€"organization under “Skipper†Harry Rigg was re- flected in an annual report showing a crew of 16 Rover Sea Scouts, a troop of 52 Sea Scouts, two Sea Cub packs of boys under 12. The pre- sentation of. four King’s Sea Scout badges was made by Chief of Police Owen D. Friend, one of the strong supporters of the Oshawa Scouts. WOULD YOU LIKE TO WIN 200 Tweddle Special Mating chicks ab- solutely Free. This is the first prize in the 1938 Tweddle Chick Contest. 25 Major prizes and a. worth-while prize to everyone entering the con- test. Send for contest form today. Tweddle Chick Hatchery* Ltd., Fer- gus, Ontario, Box 10. «H H T REMNANTS FIVE POUNDS'â€"quilt remnants $1.00. Free!â€"110 Patterns. Designs, waehtast Cottons, Prints, Broad- cloths, Silks. Collect Samplesâ€"25c. Refund Guarantee ! Maritime Textiles. Department. WILS. 8049 Degasp e, Montreal. ' SALESMEN WA|fgT|f» TAILORING SALE8MÉN MAKE BIG money selling our Made-To-Measure Clothing. Free sample outfits. M0r- ton Ã"lôthes, 1108 St. Lawrence Blfd., Montreal. â€"-------- --"" "11 â€"* STAMPS AND COINS. WE BUY AND SELL OLD STAMPS, Toronto Stamp Company, 56 King- Street West, Toronto. 50 DIFFERENT STAMPS INCLUDING Jubilee Airmail, Commémoratives, 10 cents. Murray La n g i lie, Hopewell, Nova Scotia. Issue No. 5â€"’38 â€" The latest addition to Ontario’s Sea Scouts is the 2nd Galt" Group, which officially “changed over†from a land troop in December. The boys are now raising funds for the neces- Aek your druggist for the 75c Giant Package. It contain» one regular bottle and a trial ewe bottle. Use the trial bottle first and If not satisfied return the regular bottle unopened and the purchase price W†returned. GET YOURS NOW sary new uniforms, and to equip their troop cabin and boathouse on the banks of the Grand River. The international Canadian-Ameri- can Scout troop, of Coutts, Alta., and Sweet Grass, Montana, located on opposite sides of the boundary, has been revived under the sponsor- ship of the Coutts Elks’ Lodge, the Coutts-Sweet Grass Lions’ Club and Editor John Beckert of the “Toile County Citizen.†The fastest uay to “alkalize†is to cany four à l&üïim with you. That’s what thousands do now that gen- uine Phillips’ comes in tiny, pepper- mint flavored tabletsâ€"in a flat tin for pocket or purse. Then you are always ready. Use it this way. Take 2 Phillips" tabletsâ€"equal in “alkalizing†effect to 2 teaspoonfuls of liquid Phillips’ from the bottle. At once you feel “gas,†nausea, “over-crowding†from hyper-acidity begin to ease. “Acid headaches,†“acid breath, over-acid stomach are Corrected at the source. This is the quick way t;o ease your own distressâ€"avoid Offense to others. Bunkers Herbal Pills for P I L Ê S Medical authorities quite generally agree that ITCHING, BLEEDING OR PROTRUDING PILES are caused by an inflamed coniMttop of the lower bowel and congested liver. niis HERBAL medicine has been made from the extract of HERBS ONLY for Over 7IS years, to treat the INTERNAL CAUSE of PILES, price S2.00 bv mail, plainly wrapped. Send P. O. or Express Order. Tom* MONEY BACK if not re- lieved. Bunker’s Herbal MedU'tries, Toronto V, OM., Can. Completion of the first effort at the improvement of New Brunswick fishing streams, the construction of a dam in the Upper Golden Grove area by Rover Scouts of Saint John, was announced at a meeting of the Saint John branch of the New Brung- wick Fish and Game Protective As- sociation. file building of the dam, President S. C. Young stated, had provided cover and improved the na- tural food supply of fish in the Leni- lian Brook by creating* a pond above and a deep pool below. Over 400 junior Boy Scout leaders grtfth points in British Columbia and the State of Washington gathered at Victoria, B.C., for the 18th. annual; Stifle-Northwest Patrol Leaders’ Conference. The conference banquet fathering was addressed by His Horfr tiüï1 Lt,-Governor E. W. Hamber. DISTURBED IT NIGHT? A DIURETIC i -.*â- stimulant such' ; as Dr. Pierce’s 1 A-nuric is often in- dicated and usually ; it is sufficient to re- ; lieve minor kidney irreg- ularities, These A-nuric Tablets put up by Dr. Pierce and sold by drug- gists are of value in re- lieving the burning aM soreness, and the desir^ for frequent urinatipù eaused by or associated with excess acids lud they tend to ease the flow of urme Read this ; Ronald Spooner, 132 Brock St,’ Brantford, Ont., said : “In the morning Would be bo stiff and sore that I could bar9 ly stoop over to tie my shoes. Then agà v j A Cornwall Scout Certificate has heSn awardsd 15-year-old Scout Gor- don Taylor of Kingsbridge, Devon, notable service to others notwith- standing a paralysis that for ten years has left him only the use of his hands. He mastered shorthand and typewriting, and assists school teachers in various ways, acts as re- feree at. games and serves as an in- structor at Wolf Cub and Boy Scout meetings. He is said never to have complained because of his handicap. relieved of my misery.†Price, 65. cents. DO YOU FEEL 1 â- ÈLU6GISH? K Maybe you need motff| bile tlwj you down. Don’t fall far It. Ml yotii* liver behave. Vftsa Tnjuil Tablets will do the lob. act directly on the liver, stimula® the liver’s production of bile. Comp in g a special blend of certain laxatl' Tanol Tablets include a small propfl tien of calomel, probably the most S {active liver stimulant known. If) day or two yout* liver is at work ago well ms ever mid you foul at ifnetiiQ T,v It li 1 h e w i <"$ < , iv j d v woi'ld. 'A H dr WjB gists have Ttiiioi- Tablets, 50c. XU