ORONO WEEKLY TIMES NEWCASTLE DEFEATS ORONO 11 TO 6 Tilie first league game of ; the season between Newoaetilie and O. O. S. was played last Friday night at the Orono arena. With G. Watson acting as referee the game got under way about eight o'clock. From the moment the puck Was centred off until the 'dose of thé period the game was very fast and exciting. Within a few minutes O. 0.iS. came through and Case scored for Orono o:i a pass from Powers. This was followed by one from Kells, who broke through and scored unas- sisted. [Newcastle tried their best to cut down the tiwo goal lead but were unable to do so before Jim Powers scored again for 'Orono. It was now nearing the dose of the first period and NewtifÈijle/ scored their first goal â- a few seconds before the boll sounded to end the period. The second period opened with [Newcastle anxous to bring their score to a higher level. This period was very fast with [Newcastle holding the upper hand. It kept the Orono boys at their best to withstand the at- tacks of the Newcastle team. Dur- ing the period Newcastle scored three goals, Bob Case was the only one to score for O.C.S. during this period. When the bell rang to end the period the score stood four all. The third period opened with New- castle still better than in the pre- vious periods. Within the first five minutes Newcastle scored two goals. However, J. Powers steered on a pass from Case. This somewhat bright- ened the hopes of O.C.S. but their hope® were quickly dampened when Newcastle continually batted in goals; Dick Patterson scored; unassisted for Orono during; the period but this was not enough to bring the score any- where near that of .Newcastle which soared to eleven goals to On mo’s six at the end of the period. A.Y.P.A MEETING A splendid program was enjoyed by all at iSt, Si-vviour’s A.Y.P.A. so- cial evening, on Friday, January 21st under the chairman-hip of the Presi- dent, Mr. G. Bruton. Everyone rendered their best to make the program a success, which consisted of the following selections : Vocal solo by Mrs. A. A. Drummond; two vocals by Mr, Art, Bell; folk diatnice by Pearl Cowan ; two instru- mental duets by Messrs. Geo. Rowe and Donald Hamm, each of the above was accompanied, by Mrs. Neil Ool- ville at the piano. A piano solo was given by Miss1 Ruby All,in, and a vocal solo by Miss Lois Wood with Miss A dele Morton, -accompanying ; also recitations were poured forth by Pearl Cowain, Chrisay Jordan, Betty Jordan, Monty [Richardson and: Bobby Wannam. The President heartily thanked all who took part and also those respon- sible for the program. After Mrs. II. Murray and Miss Doris Wan nan conducted a contest, the evening was brought to a close with the serving of a bountiful.lunch. Plain, to attend1 the Oyster Supper on Thursday, February 3rd. ------;--_0-----_____â€" Read the Advertisements. KIRBY The Kirby grocery was burnt to the ground Wednesday morning, Mr. A. Hbrrw end Miss Pearl Morrow are expected home soon. Mias Marion Melvelvey is on, the sick list. 'We hope for a speedy re- covery. 'Some of the farmers are short of water for their stock ,and are hauling water from nearby ,creeks. The Kirby road from Pontypool to Orono is almost impassable. Where is Heppy ? I wonder ! A number from here attended the presientation 'ait Leskard last Friday night for Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Gay. Miss Marion Bannon, nurse, Osh- iwa. 'Spent, the week-end: with her par- ents, Mr. and Mto, W, Bannon, her ‘o ther being ill. The West Group of the W. A. are holding their social evening on Jan- uary 28th. Be sure and come to hear Untie Joe’s Minstrels for a good time and laugh. ’LUNGE SEASON 'Opposition by the Peterboro As- sociation at its next, meeting to the resolution framed recently by the Durham and Northumberland Fish and Game Protective Association ask- ing earlier opening of the ’lunge sea- son was forecast at Peterboro by B. W. Harvey, pvesid'vnt. of the Peter- boro group. Earlier opening would interfere, he declares with bass spawning. Expressing agreement with the Bexvdley sportsmen that the best ‘lunge fishing of the year is to be hjad in the" first two weeks' of June, Mr, Harvey pointed out that the bass are still on the spawning beds <a:t this time of the year. The lat- ter fish, though protected by a closed, seasbn,, would ,strike at any bail thrown near the spawn, he bon tends, and would; be taken as well a-s the lunge. Even on July 1, a recent survey in local waters" showed, he pointed out, that many bass are still on the spawning beds. Opening of the ‘1 litige season was set in. Jull.y for this very reason, he states. RADIO LICENSES UP Radio license fees will be increased. 50 cents to $2.50 for the fiscal year starting April 1st, it, was 'announced Friday night last by Transport Min- ister Howe. The new regulation also provide that a, separate license will be requir- ed for each receiving set the present arrangement permitting a license to, cover a house and a car radio, being cam-tiled. The license increase will repre- sent, a, net revenue of $650,000' a year to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, boosting to $2,575,000 its income from this source. ‘The minister said the increased: revenue “is required to enable CB'O to carry out its programs and more complete coverage.†‘‘lit is the problem of the corpor- ation to bring- broadcasting service to, all parts of Canada, and to do this the corporation must necessar- ily look to revenue from 'license fees for its main financial support. Re- sponsibilities of public service broad- casting make it desirable to limit the commercial: activities of CIBO to within reasonabel limits.†January Specials HOCKEY STICKS, REG; 75c. SPECIAL ....60c. HOCKEY STICKS, REG. 35c. SPECIAL ....25c.' LICE POWDER, REG. 35c. SPECIAL.......25c- PURE COD LIVER OIL, PER GALLON .....$1.40 5 GALLONS FOR '.... ..............$6.25 KLEENALL LIQUID WAX POLISH...........75c. MONARCH PAINT (while stock last's), QUART................................»...53 c. MAPLE LEAF LAYING MASH, O.A.C.; MAPLE LEAF LAYING CONCENTRATE, O.A.C. ; MONARCH 24 p.c. DAIRY RATION; MONARCH 24 p.c- HOG CONCEN- TRATE; MONARCH PIG FEED; MONARCH PIG STARTER. SPECIAL NOTICE We are carrying a complete stock of Harness and Repairs ROLPH’S HARDWARE ORONO - - PHONE 43 r 1 Notice lo Creditors SON THE ESTATE OF JOHN FOGG, late. of the Township of Clarke, in the County of Durham, Farmer, Deceased : All persons having claims against the 'Estate of the said John Fogg, who died on or about the 5th day of December, 1937, are hereby notified -to- send to the undersigned Solicitor on or before the 24th day of Feb- ruary, 1938, their names: and address- es and full particulars of their claims and the nature of the securities (if any), held by them duly verified by statutory declaration. Immediately after the -said 24th day of February, 1988, the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties, entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been re- ceived. Da led-, .at -Orono this 26 th diay of January, 1988. R. R. WADDELL, Orono, Ont. Solicitor for Frederick IS. Blackburn and George V. Fogg, Executors. Why tax what you get out of the air. The government has raised radio licenses from $2.00 to $2.50, and all along we were figur ing that they would either lower this tax or take it off altogether. Who wants to listen to advertising, yodelling pro- grams, -sob stories that are numerous all along the dial when their is enough misery in the world without having to pay to listen to it. o------â€"-â€" Orono is again in the grip of old man winter after our couple of days mild spell at the beginning- of the week. On, Monday it rained nearly all days, Tuesday it got a little colder and on Wednesday night and Thurs- day morning it was down below zero. It is . remarkable how "quickly the weather can change, one day like spring and the next zero. CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY A, number of friends and relatives attended the-birthday .of-. Mrs. Rich- ard Woods pn Monday, J a unary 24 th, both afternoon and evening. Games were played and supper wa-s served èt 5.30 p.'m. M*s. Delbert Fiintoff, of Gsha/wa, a sister of Mrs-. Woods, made the birthday cake with the word, mother inscribed on [the top with icing. The following were present at this1 happy occasion: Mr. and Mrs. George Armour, I lampion ; Mrs. Herb. Brundeil and son Albert, of Bowmanvil-e; Mrs. W. M. Hoskim, of B'ttrketon; Mrs. Delbert 'Fiintoff, of Oslmwa ; Mr. Howard lloskin and sons Gordon: and Kcnnetih, of Osh- ava ; Mr. and Mrs. Ohiais1. Wood and so-n Neil, of Orono, and Mrs. James Wood, Orono. --- ----o------â€"â€" New Year Greeting The following C'hristma-s card was received in town from ‘Mr. and Mrs. Robert Best of Thomlmry, which is very original : Roads all blocked :and pump froze up, Cider’s gone and the goose et up; Chores ain’t done and we’re short on hay, But a Happy New Year to you any- way. MIDGET GIRLS PLAY MIDGET BOYS MONDAY A Midget Girls’ 1 loc-key team has been organized. They play their first gaim-e Monday night, January 21st, the -game starting at seven o’clock. -Come and see the fight; be- tween: -the two midget teams. Tickets can be secured from the girls’ mid- get; -players. They meed, your help, so please give them your patronage. Mr. Watson has. agreed to give the rink for $1.00 an hour. He has dome his part so now it; is- up the you to do yours. We -are looking for capital to put in our treasury and we sure need it. These girl's are no older than 13 years of age. So don’t disappoint the girls on Monday evening and tm-.n out to witness a good: game; Captain, Lillian Fowler; Treasur- er, Margaret Fiintoff ; team’s editor, Len-ora Wood. Team â€" Goal, Lillian Fowler ; de- fence, Mercides Mantle -and Eunice Middleton; wings-, Loris Mantle and Margaret Fiintoff; centre, I.enorn Wood. Coaches, Bob -Case and Wim. Kells. Any girls wishing to join apply to Margaret Flint-off, Classified COMING EVENTS A.Y.P.A. Oyster Supper in the Orange Hall on- Thursday, February 3rd, -at 5.30 p.m. Admission, 35c. b-2-c. The Orono Women’s Institute are having- a card party (Euchre and Five;Hundred) in the Council Cham- ber, Orono, Friday, January 28th. Games start at 8.30 sharp. Admission, 25c. . Everyone welcome. b-52-c. The Orono Public Library will hold a Five Hundred and Euchre in the Orange Hall, Orono, on Thuirs- diay, February 10th, at 8 o’clock. Ad- mission, 2-5c. Everybody Welcome. c-3-c. A Valentine Social evening of music, crokinole and other games with lunch will be held in the School Boom of the United'Church on Tues- day, February 15th. by the W.C.T. U, ladies. Come 'and enjoy the evening. Admission 15c. e-S-c. The Annual Dance of No. 9 Home and School Club will be held in New- castle Community Hall on Friday, February 11th, commencing at, 8.00 p.m. Admission, 50c. per person. Re- freshments' served. Cards. Merry- makers’ Orchestra in attendance. PIANO FOR SALE [Reasonable, in perfect condition. Box 100, Orono. a-l-c. WOOD TENDER'S Sealed tenders will be received up to and including February 15th, 1938, for 12 single -cords of wood, beach and ma-ple, body wood. L-owest ten- der not necessarily accepted. H. M. SCOTT tSec-Treas. Olarke Union School Bownumvilie R.E. 4 c-3-c. SAVE MONEY I 1938 6-tube Console Radio, all wave, tuning eye; list price $108. -'Special $79.50. 1 1937 5-tube Mantel Radio, all wave, metal tubes; list price $72.00. Special $49.50. Both are Westing- house -demonstrators'. Muist -sell at once. CLIFFORD P. TONES Agent, for Anker-Holth Cream 'Separators Notice to Creditors IN THE ESTATE OF MABEL LENA TUCKER, late of the Vil- lage of Orono, in the County of Durham, Spinster, Deceased : All: persons having claims against the Estât,ej of the said Mabel Lena Tu-cker who died -on or about the 8th day of December. 1937, are hereby notified to send to the under-signed Solid tor on or before the 24 th day â- of February, 19-38, their names and' addresses and full particulars of their claims and the nature of the-se- curities (if any) held by them duly verified, by statutory declaration. Immediately after the -said 24th day of February, 1938, the assets' of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties' entitled thereto, having regard' only to the claims -of which notice shall then have been received. Dated at Orono this 26th day of •January. 193-8. R. R. WADDELL, Oro’no Ont. Solicitor for the Executor. GORDON BRUTON Teacher Apply evenings at residence Now is the time to join the ORONO HAWAIIAN GUITAR CLASS LESSONS WEEKLY Hockey is the rage in Orono at the present time, there being no less than .six teams, three girls and three boys-. Professional Directory DENTAL DR. J. C. MILNE, Dental Sur- geon, Orono. Office hours : 9.0(1' a.m. to 5.00 p.m, Evenings by ap- pointment. Newcastle every Wed* nesetay and other days by appoint- ment. Phone 18rl, MEDICAL DR. H. E, MANNING Physician and Surgeon Orono ... Ontario Office Hours : 1,30 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. 'Sunday by Appointment AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Auction 'Sales of all «M arudi at reasonable rates. Communicate with him at Pert Perry, Ontario, or see his Clerks, A. J, 'Staples or A. E. Morton, ait Orono, for date. G. RICHARDS Practical Watchmaker All Repair» to Watches, Clock», and Jewellery, will receive o«r prompt attention PARK STREET - ORONO John J. Gilfillan Phm. B. QUALIFIED OPTOMETRIST Licentiate of the College of Optom- etry of Ontario Office Hours : 10 to 12 a.m. and 2 to 4.30 p.m and by appointment Office in O. B. Tyrrell’s Drug Store Phone 68r2 | PARK ST. UNITED CHURCH j Rev. J. H. Osterhout, B.A., B.D. i Pastor 1 SUNDAY, JAN. 30 i* 11.00 a.m.â€"Last of the series of ermons on the Lord’s Prayer. 7.00 p.m.â€"Ordination of new , Elders 'and Installation of Stew- ards j COME AND WORSHIP m,. â€" u â€" ii n .â- ii â€" n â€" . wm» â- >â€" “W FRIDAY & SATURDAY Matinee PORT HOPE Sat., 2 30 The Greatest Outdoor Picture in Years WELLS FARGO’ With Joel Mc-Grea, Frances Dee and BOB BURNS NEXT MONDAY ONLY Iloine-and-Sehool Nlight “TWO WISE MAIDS†With Alison Skipworfh and: Polly Moran TUESDAY TO THURSDAY The -Delightful Comedy “TOVARICH†(“ Comradeâ€), with CLAUDETTE COLBERT CHARLES BOYER EVENINGS AT 7.00 AND 9.00 KENDAL (Special Correspondence) Tln-vc- seems to be quite a few colds going around; Mr. Bert Holland has returned, from a visit to the city. The Women’s Institute held a meeting tost Thursday night at the Library. [Mrs.' Jackson has been in bed with a 'bad cold, but is feeling much bet- ter. Her daughter, Mrs. Will] Honey, is visiting her -at present. Mrs. I. Stark 'and Mias Helen Dar- lington -and- Mr. Jack Glover were 'Sunday visitors at Mrs. Dnrlbig-ton’s. ----------oâ€"--------- Subscribe to the Orono Weekly Time*,