ORONO UT K Kl. Y TI MK* N ! 1GHBORHOOD NEWS ' NEWTONVILLE Mris, Cecil Rob in son .lias been on . the- sick list. Mrs. Jeunes iStark Jv. is visiti ug her parents at Oastiletou. A number from here attended the Warden N' el de tien in Gbbourg. , Mr. and Mrs. A. Redktuapp and Al- fred. spent the week-end in 'Oshawa., Mr.. Al.iie.rt .Morton of Oro-no visit- ed his aunt, .Mrs. Arnett, Wednesday. Miiss Ftiiveli (Stone, of Toronto, spent -the week-end with Mrs. Frank Law. Mr. ,J, T, Pearce, of Lansdowne, spent, the week-end with Ills family here. Muss Audrey Burley spent the week-end with Miss: Helen Shell, Town Line. Mr. and. Mrs. Wills Jones were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mar- low, B'lackstodk on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Alec Merrill and Mr. Shorn. W-arkworth, visited Mr. and Miré. W tills Jones on Friday. Misses Isabel and Irene La-lug and M'essrs. Wim. and Archie I.aing were .Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Baling, Oroim. Mr. and Mrs. Victor; Milter and daughter, of Dayton,, Ohio, and Mrs. Covert, of Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. James Stark on Thursday. Messrs. Arthur and Leslie Welsh, Miss Lela Welish and Mr, Farewell Blackburn:, of iSaieiii, were Saturday guests nf Mr. and Mrs. L Saver,y. The W. I, met, in the Presbyterian Church basement on January 1,9th, after the business1. Mrs. J. T. Pearce, leiaid'er of Home Economics, took charge. Mrs. George Campbell gave a talk on. Sir Arthur Sullivan and played “The Lost Chord.†A paper was given by Mrs. Kaufman on the soybean, after which Mrs. Pearce read a fetter from a farmer who also grows the soybean. A solo was rendered, by Mrs. Reiehrath ac- companied by Mrs. Campbell A dainty lunch lindluding soÿbread. was served by Mrs. Pearce and her group1 and at social! time, en joyed. The next, meeting will be at Mrs., F red Love- kin’s, ; Newcastle,, February 16 th. CROOKED CREEK Mr. Gordon -Clysdale, of Oshawa, spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. J,. Olydsdaife. i i Mr. T. A. Reid, Reeve of Clarke Township, attended -County Council in OObourg last week. Our! Home and School Club meet- ings don’t seem, to materialize because of bad roads and zero weather. Mr. Marsden Sr., of Ro-seneath, re- turned home last week after visiting his: daughter, Mrs. Wilfred Sunday. Mr. Will. Andrews has returned to 'Newtonville after spending a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. J. -1. Metier. Messrs. Jack Reid, Sid Rutherford and John Stark attended the hockey game in Toronto on Saturday night. Mr. Lionel Hughes, of Oak IIi.ll, spent the week-end at his home and Mr.- Raymond Hughes, of Toronto, is having a week’s vacation. The boys of our school, along with some Newton ville boys, : played . two grimes of hockey on Newton-ville rink on Saturday, afternoon, . with the Orono Midgets and fin. Oro.no' Con- tinuation: School team. The Bowman ville Legion met in St. John’s Parish' Hall for the Instal- lation of 'Officers for the current year. Quite a number from Orono .attended the meeting. After the business' of the evening was transact- ed and Rev. Spencer and Mr, Ward were elected to attend the general conference, the . Bowman ville mem- bers served lunch, Tested Free j TUBES i \ All Kinds Carried j. j Chas. R. Knox j $ Phone 42r2, Orono j ! Serving the public for six years ! j (formerly with Green’s Radio,j Service), , 12th and Monterey Sts., j ï Detroit. j NEWCASTLE Mr. Fd. Hoar continues in a criti-l cal eçudit,ion. Mrs, Win. Jamieson, is visiting7 friends in Toronto. Miss Trudy .Bonathan was home from Oshawa for the week-end. Mr. George Spring-ham made a business trip to Guelph last week. Reeve Cecil Curvet h fiais: returned, from attending Oaten ties’s Council at Gobourg. Mrs. He nb. Brown has been in Tor- onto owing to the critical illness of her -mother. â- Mrs. I-. But,1er and Mrs. Ross Dickenson and busy auditing the town books for 1937. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Adams upon the birth of a son on Sunday week. Mrs. Samuel McLean: visited her dia,lighter and son-in-law iaed grand- son in Ottawa over the week-end. Ten ladies from the United Church attended the Prosbyterial Missionary Rally held at Cfer-eimon t on Wed- nesday last. Mr, land Mrs, W. C. Dawson, Mrs. T. C. Begg and Mrs. K. Black of Toronto: and Mrs. Alien, of Colling- wood, were guests at the “Newcastle A mils†for the week-end. The Misses Hbr-rocks entertained at tea- on Saturday afternoon last in honor of Mrs. Rex Wynn, of Brant - ford. Mrs. Wynn is vM-ting her sis- ter, Mro. A. I). W'heefor in Bowman-' viilc. The Men’s Club of St. George’s Ohu-foh met on: Tuesday evening in the Parish Hall and arrangements- -were made for the ptey-offis for the “O’Neil†cup for the best team of carpet ‘bowlers1. A very jolly , old. time sleighing tarty was given to the choir mem- bers of 6t. George’s Church on Fri- day evening Hast. After an hour’s sleigh ride with two bobsleighs the party ended up at the Parish Hall A. fine supper awaited the guest» of honor and the evening ended with cards-, carpet bowling, ping pong arid dancing. Brown’s School Section 'School arid Home Club held a very successful arid enjoyable card party in the courted], chamber of the Community Halil on Findlay everting last. About seventy-'five were present and euchre and “500†wore played. The prize winners were Mrs. Harry Jose : in euchre ami Mr. Syd. Brown and Mr, Clarence Turner in “500â€. The, two “lucky plate†prizes were won by Mr. Gordon Martin and Miss Mary Bowen. The officers; of the Woman s Asso- ciation of the United Church -were formcrliyy instailied at the inaugura 1. meeting of 1938. They are -as fol- lows : President, Mrs. Harry Jose; 1st Vice-Presid'ent, Mrs. IT. M. Alin ; 2nd, Yh-c-Prt-siileiit. Mvs. W. II. If. Cooke; Secretary, Mrs. Irwin Ooii- wil.il ; Treasurer, Mrs. Ross Dickin- son; Corresponding ‘Secretary, Mrs. R. T. Rutherford; Temperanee Sec- retary, Mrs. â- Thomas Rodger; Press 'Secretary, Mins. T. R. Pearce; repre- sents,tiyP to Official 'Board, Mrs Harrv Jose; Flower Committee. Mrs •!. A. Butler -and Mins, YV. II. I! C"'.okr'; Parsain-Rge Con rinttee, ' Mrs, W. J. T. Rickard'; Mrs. W. II, B. Cooke. Mrs .1. A. Butler, Mrs; IT,’ M. Al'in. Mrs. J. W. G fenny , Mrs. J , H, Kitchen Oornmitte-e. Mrs. - W. M. Clot-ike. Mrs, Alliin. Mrs. R-ickferd Mi-s. GobWodick, .Mrs. Jo to; Visiting Cio'- .imittee. .Mrs. S, MfeLean, .Mrs; IT. C â- Allin: Dovotiona.I Committee. Whs Douglas. Airs. Cobbled!ck. Mrs, Fid, T'hackra.v : ; Church Deco-raitlng Committee. Mrs. J. A. B.u tiler ; Group leaders,: Mrs. Percy Brown. Mrs, M. O’mke Mrs. A. W. 'Glennv, Mr,si W. -I. R. Rickard, Mrs. R. T. Bather ford. COWANVILLE We arc glad: to report that Mrs. Burley is recovering from a serions attack of bronchi,tis. 'Mr. and Mrs. L. A. IMiee and Ben- son; -visited Mr. and Mrs. George Henderson : on Sun day. Miss Ada Hollingsworth was home with her f.arents over the week-end. Mrs. Willis Farrow. Lak«shore, is visiting Mm. Wes to! Stringer. The oortimuuity was very sorry to hear of the sudden death of Mrs. Robert Reid, They wish to extend their deepest sympathy to the family. -------â- â€"o-----â€"â€"5- We have Jack Frost working with us tonight, but he is a hard, boss' he keeps us on the move. ' ' ' â€".Os-rr- -â€" Last car through Orono was at 2.80 a.m. and! the first car in the: morning was 5 a.m. There are ' still night hawks and early risers. BOWMANVILLE ISo-rry 'to 'learn of the illness of Col. L. T-, MeLaughl'i11, â- who, lis in the Christie St. Hospital, Toronto v . .< We notice Mr. James iRlicbards .is) down with the “Hu.†Well J immy, we; sympathize with you for ,we- had a; touch of it during the nice holiday: season wi th the accent on the nice; part. j That was a good idea of the; New-, ton ville people in organizing a men’s club, and with «... president of the) ability of .Mr. J. J. Mellor arid the; other) officers'. A beneficial; order will be thé result. Mr. and : Mrs. Thomas 'Coulter celebrated their 50th anniversary of thflir wedding day on Monday Has',, at their home on Church, street. This column wishes them many more years of happiness in their sojourn through life. Well, the old January - soft, spelt lias, hit us again, but it has made) walking extremely dangerous, espe- cially for elderly people, so a word to those who have charge of sanding the pavement not to neglect this pre- ventive. IS*. Paul’s United Church people will take stock this Thursday even- ing and a report of the year that is past will, be presented, arid every member and adherent is advised to be present. So do not forget the dale, ‘27th at 8 o’clock ;p.m. Hampton Brotherhood held a, pro- fitable evening when a fine program was rendered and the Brotherhood of Enniskililien were entertained. Mr. Beech was in charge of the orchestra, that furnished music for the occasion. Rev. Russell O’Brien of Whitby was the speaker of, the evening. Air. R. D. Fairborn. Toronto, was in town the past week and spoke of the idea of having the history of [Bowmanville made up in book form. It is -hoped that will not be allowed to go without feeing tried out. The late postmaster, H r. Fairbairn did a t One time, write up a small phamphlet along this line, but in book form, it would be much better and more liable to be kept. An old timer of the Organ fac- tory passed away the .past week in the person of Wm. Bearn, for many years employed in the Organ and Piano business. The family resided for years past in the northern part of the town.- Mr. Bearn was employed; by the street department when wood- en walks were in vogue. The funeral was from the funeral parlors of the Co. and private. Another old citizen of the town passed away the past week in the per- son of Mr. Jaimes- Gil, who for many .years was a trusted employee of the -Goodyear plant. He wbs prominent in the Stone of England, Masonic civ cio,s arid was- a stauneh: Liberal ;i: politics. He was a very much re- spected citizen and his family hiaive the sympathy of all citizens in their hour - of be rea vcirieot. : At a meeting of the Dominion- IS'tores Limited in Toronto lately the : managers of those ; .stores Who have served for 5, 10 and 15: years were re- cognized hy the (’•aniiany and were preseiJjfd with service pins in-r-ecog- iiiitiiO'fBf service rendered. (Mr, G-i] â- bert, JrS'nès, manager of the store m is town, lias bÅ"u 15) years with the om pany. lie j^^Bmanjber of the -Le - on Ban d-. ai^l^IPW^tary' of the .i.StoUiiz.ation: a iti lici-use on the Jet : of April .will: be $2.50, so that is tirait, whether you like it or not, W lia t •with the price -of newsprint away lip, arid shorter hours for the working man, â- aid those: things will stoeri be up- on the luxury) list, and we’may come back to it Ire time when one paper was taken in the neighborhood; à hd the -neighbors would gather and -hear the news of the day read' to)))them. “The air†was not: taxed though. There is a lot of kicking through- omt the country on the ' rkiâe of radio rates, and so there should be. The stuff ’.lia t geneva il,v (Mmes through is nothing short of atrocious. Take for example Major Bowes’ -ama- teur hour, some of that, 9-1 fill at any rate, is -nothing but of the fiercest imaginable, and what benefit to listen to tap dancing with so- much of it nowadays. The wonder is that people do not cut -loose and let the radio business “go hangâ€: so far as enter- tainment is concerned. 178 years ago on January 25th, was born that gifted son of Auld (Scotia: “Bobbie†Bums, and every- where - in all climes: there will be a gathering togetiier of people of Scot- tish birth to do honor to the occasion. The auld songs, the incomparable melodies of Scut land, will be sung and the heart of those away 7 from the hoirie lard wi!’ go' back to: the Imre shieling7 in the misty glen,; and this is wlrkt" makes -the. Scottish) peo- ple a it hoirie or broad the “iSeot of the Earth†and so- “Here’s fae us,, whia’s like us†Tyrrell’s Drug Store DRUGS STATIONERY KODAKS PHONE 68, ORONO F REE With every purchase of REGESAN FRUIT SALINE (English type), 39c. per tin A beautiful decorated 10 ounce glass Tumbler. The design of this tumbler will continue through the year Veterinary ^Supplies DR. BELL’S VETERINARY MEDICAL WON- DER .......................... $1.00 CATTLE CATHARTIC ...................... 50c. DISTEMPER, COUGH and HEAVE POWDERS......50c. STOCK EPSOM SALTS, 5c. lb. 6 lbs. for...25c. L. A. GAMSBY’S CONDITION POWDERS, 14 ozs...39c. COOPER’S DRI-KIL, 2 lb. tin............75c. 10 lb. tin .$3.50 25 lib. drum .$7.00 Bring in your favorite Veter'imary Formula and have it filled and prepared for the price of the ingredients Popular Sheet Music We have a complete stock of SHEET MUSIC <of the latest song bit's and dance favoirfltes. New numbers are constantly added. Orddrs for special music or special arrangements may be secured at shortest notice- You Save with Safety at Tyrrell’s Rexall Drug Store ! BE THRIFTY s SAVE AT THESE PRICES # THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY THIS WEEK ARE FEATURE SALE DAYS SEE LARGE SALE BILLS IN THE MAIL TO-DAY W,e wish to draw your attention to the KNITTING WOOL on ibis bill. STERLING WOOL is our regular 2 for 25c. Wool, o-n sale, ball ..............10c. DIAMOND S. BATTERIES, vour favourite Battery, mg. 10c., on sale, 2 for ....... .......15c. FANCY DECORATED CHINA CUPS and SAUCERS. As well as the neat red Chech pattern this special contains other patterns. Four Cups and four Saucers alt for.25c. Grocery Specials MANNING’S CELERY THINS, a Soda Biscuit flavored with celery, excellent for soups, box ..... 5c. OGILVIE’S MINUTE OATS, 32-oz. pkg .......15c. CURRANTS, Clean Stock, 2 lbs- for ...-15c. Make à list of the items you wish to see, then visit the store; earlv as We can notf guarantee the stock to bold out during the entire sale ORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE YOUR FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE - Home and Building Improvement Pays You Big Dividends, Both in Comfort and Convenience WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES 4S. AT ALL TIMES D. L. & W. GUARANTEED BLUE COAL The Coal that is Trade Marked for your protection SCOTCH COAL WELSH COAL COKE AND DRY HARDWOOD IN STOCK AT ALL TIMES TO MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS â€" PROMPT SERVICE PHONE 48R16 Orono Coal & Lumber Co â- v-f