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Orono Weekly Times, 3 Feb 1938, p. 3

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 | Classified Advertising| ARTBCLES: FOR SA.LE5 TRICKS, JOKES, PUZZLES A N 1) Magic Novelties. Send 25 cents for catalogue, deducting from first order of $> >>’ more. $1, $3, $5 assortments. r .. .t'.s Supply Company. ;12A Queen -v^asf Toronto. <6 1,APIIÏ1S* APRONS, MM toRST 'QUALITY “C A N A D I A N” W--1 Tints, Broadcloths; wash fast, new- est patterns’ Pockets,. Ties. Full size 1.4-52. “Refundâ- â- Guarantee.” Can- adian Textiles, Dept. 'LA, Montreal. M $ Si CAL INSTRUMENTS, CORNETS and tr um p e ts, t w e nty doll a r s. Cl ar - inets, Boehm system, thirty-eight dollars; trombones-,': twenty -.dollar's; Conn alto saxophone, thirty dollars; Terms. Barrow. 208 Victoria, Tor- onto. BEET) GRADER (KLINE). WEIGHS each Kernel', proof, best, Used Klines â-  bring price new (Farm Sales). Kline Manufacturing Co., Islington, Ontario. •2S y 1)1». QUILTING MATERIALS» :*I.'©0 .MILL CLEARANCE'! ASSORTED "TO 18“’ lengths. Choice of Cotton Prints, Broadcloths. Silks; for large Quilt Patterns. “Butterfly” Diagram free! “Refund Guarantee,”. Canadiâ-n Tex- tll. ea, Dept, LT, Montreal, AVIATION . COURSES .."IN' FLIGHT INSTRUCTION, n a v 1 g a t;i on, air pi a n e a. n d e ngin e m e - chatiics, home study courses. Leavens Bros. Air Services, Limited, Barker- Airport, Toronto. FASHION MAGAZINE FREE. VFASHION ...MAGAZINE FREE WITH two Beautiful Dresses' 99c. ' Ladies’, girls*. . Wash fast". Canadian -, Print's, Broadcloths. All colors, styles. Over- sizes 46-52, 99c each. “Refund Guar-, an tee”. . Canadi an Textiles, Dept. LO, Montreal. fimVlTIÃŽKE CL E All AN ÇE •: SALE CLE A R A N G E SA LE î ASSORTE D 12 ” to 36.” lengths; Silks, Crepes, Cottons, Broadcloths, Ginghams, Lî n e n s, . Voiles,.' Prints, Piques-;, for children’s clothes, aprons, dress trimmings,.etc. Values to 90c yard, .1.2-yard bundle 99ç. “Refund Guarantee,” Canadian Textiles, Dept. LY, Montreal. ' CLOTHING FOR SALE GOOD- USED CBOTHING,.; LOWEST P ri c e s'. W r i t e f o r e a-1 al o g ue. Y onge Street Clothing Exchange,." .502 Yong'.e Street, Toronto. COSMETICS START A HOME FACTORY. MEN AND women in every town, manufacture Cosmetics. Just add water to concen- trated ingrédients. Make $5 to $10 r"‘ daily. King Cosmetic Co., 37 Maitland Ht., Toronto, FILMS AND PRINTS ROLLS DE VE LOPE D, free enlargement 25c, for 25c. Photo-Graft, Toronto. PRINTED, 1 Re-prints 10 183% King E., Trade HAIR GOODS $39.00 LYONS’ â- ftE-I-N FURNITURE BARGAINS Listed below are just a few of the outstanding values picked at random from the hundreds of" wonderful bar- gains you will find in our Trade-In Dept. If you cannot pay us a visit be sure to write for our new 1938 illus- tra led catalogue to give you an idea of Lyons’ remarkable values in both new and used furniture. 4-Piece, walnut finish Bed- ro o m Suite: 1 a r ge d r esse r, chiffonier, full size bed and sagless springâ€"-completely re-finished, g\$\ 8-Piece Dining-room Suite m French walnut. finish : buffet, extension table and G leather scat chairs in good condition. E!a Beautiful 3-piece Chesterfield »«>y Quite, upholstered in figured French jacquard with reversible Mar- shall spring cushions. Thoroughly cleaned and re-conditioned. . gfn, Beautiful Brass Bed, full size jpi&eOU. ..with sag! ess spring and brand new all-felt mattress. »ry"| Six-pie ce Breakfast butte ]argo buffet with glass top, drop-leaf table and 4 Windsor type chairs- In. ivory enamel â€" in splendid condition, . AC qc Several 3-burner Gas Stoves «pQ.iLJ .with oven. Guaranteed. , #>jff no 3-Piece Chesterfield 'Bed r*w»UU suite, Kroehler Chesterfield ' bed with. 2 big chairs to match, uphol- stered in a good mohair with revers- ible Marshall cushions, in perfect..con- ; dition. Cost new $165.00. fM! 9-Piece English Oak Dining* <Pil9*My room suite, buffet, china cab- extension table and six chairs. Completely re fin- PENSIONED OFF A FIT MAN Rigours cf PoliceX,Je UG ü®1 Harm Hip» At 60 years of age be Was presum- ed to tie beyond the arduous demands of police duties. But WHS he : Rf isJ. what he says nowâ€"five years after he was pensioned:--» "1 am a man of 65 years. It is bow five years since i was pensioned oft from the â€".â€"..â€" Police, i went through thick and thin, day and night in all weathers, while I was on the Force, and am to-day as fit as any man still serving on the Force. Peo- ple often ask me ‘How do you keep so young?' and my answer is ‘Krusch- en Salts.’ I have used Kruschen now for the last 13 years, and I will certainly use these Salts 'for the rest of my days.”â€"W.J. The numerous salts in Krustihen provide just that gentle daily aid your intei-’ml organs require to en- able them to perform their work properly. These vital salts keep your liver and kidneys in top-notch effici- ency," so that they help to free yqtir system of poisonous waste matter. The result is a feeling of youthful health and vigourâ€""that Kruschen feeling!” KERO PRICES, EXPERT WORK. ROOT, with free enlargement 25c,. Trevaiina : Studios, 93 Niagara Street, St. Cath- arines, Ont. FREE!â€"TWO BEAUTIFUL ENLARGE- x men is (one colored) with roll de~ eloped, eight glossy, fade-proof prints, 28c; highest quality. Mae hr a y Films, Winnipeg. PRINT OUR OWN NEGATIVES AT home on any surface, cloth or paper, without skill or darkroom. Less than cent each! Miracle Foto Kit complete with instructions for 150 prints, $1. J. C. Williams, 6 Richmond East, To- ronto. FREE ENLARGEMENT WITH EVERY 26c order. Roll film developed and 8 prints, 25c. Reprints 3c each. Bright- hng Studio, 29 Richmond St., E., To- ronto. """ " DOGS ” FOR SALEâ€"ENGLISH COLLIE FUP- pies, $4.00. Cross breeds $3.00, Fe-" males $2.00. Yearlings, Watch dogs, B e e I e r s. ( 1 Simmons, Gorrie, Qnt. FUR FARMING MINK RAISING â€" SAMPLE COPY magazine 10c, book catalog free. Fur Journal, Box 21, Toronto, On- K *y ITI â f, Canada! Feftmatl Atfviitr on human problem}, wilt lend e Character <ind fcrsonollty Chort free to anyorte who writes him This omcimg free offer it mode merely to odvertise MASON'S 41 COLD RSMEDŸ »end it available foi o limited time only Writ# fodey, enclosing e tell oddressed, stomped envelope ond you» birth dote Addieiiâ€" Rsymar, Mason Remedies Limited f< MtCAUl iT , TORONTO C'AHAV* I net; square leather seat ished. . /' *e M Dressers- in assorted .finishes «ptJeefu with large mirrors and three drawers. 07 QC Chiffoniers in oak and walnut finish"with 'five large drawers. Singer drop-head Sewing Ma* chinos in good condition. Beautiful 6-piece Bedroom 4»v<JeUy â-  Suite in excellent condition. Large dresser, triple mirror vanity, chiffrobe, sagless spring, full-size bed and brand new all-felt mattress. Solid walnut Book-case, dou- ble door. Completely refin- ished. Dinette Suite in Flemish oak, •<p*>0»W buffet, extension table and 4 leather seat chairs. Completely re-, finished like new. S’ -e (n g ft 2-Piece Chesterfield Suite *â€"- large chesterfield with big chair to match, upholstered in a_heavy. English tapestry. A. real bargain. ,*i'a QK Walnut finish Chiffrobe with side wardrobe, five drawers, and swing mirror. Completely refin- i shed. *0 ’JC Studio Couch in rust shade H®1 • ** reppâ€"makes into twin beds with 3 cushions for back. Before purchasing anything in used furniture be sure to visit our Trade-in Dept., or if unable to do so write for our new 1938 illustrated free catalogue. Alt our merchandise is put in first class condition «and sold tinder a money-back guarantee if not satisfied. Carefully packed for safe shipment on receipt of money-order. LYONS’ BEDDING AND UPHOLSTERING CO. Manufacturers 478 YONGE ST. TORONTO MISCELLANEOII S FURS. AVERE THE ANIMALS FUR- nishfng your coat tortured in steel traps or do you buy humane furs? Information, Canadian Association Protection of Fur-Bearers, 73 Ber- nard Avenue, Toronto. NOVELTIES WIGS, TO U RES, TRANSFORMATIONS, Braids, Curls, and all types of finest quality Hair Goods, Write for illus- t r ft t e d c a. t a 1 ogu e. T 0 r o n t o H u m a 11 ' Hair Supply Co., 5.28 Bathurst, Toron- to. Il AIR I) H E S S 8 N G S' G H O OL S MADAME. HUDSON SCHOOL, HAJ.R- d re s s ing a 11 d B e a u t y G u 1 tri r e. Write for pamphlet. 707 Yonge St., Toronto. MEN AND LADIES, LEARN BARBER- inp; or .Hairdressing, under New Mo- 1 e v S y s t. e m. F r e e 1 n f o r m a t i o n. Write 690 Yonge Street, Toronto. MEDICAL 6(1(10 EDMONTON CITIZENS TESTIFY for (R. and S.) Powder, herbal reme- dyâ€"rheumatism, arthritis, neuritis, stomach troubles, etc. Two weeks, $1.50; one month, $3; two months, $5. Druggists, or J. -C. McIntyre, Edmon- ton, Alberta. FREE! "STORY OF BIRTH OF THE ) > i o une Bab ies,” with ever y j a r o t’ “Balsam Chest. Rub.” For stubborn Coldsâ€"head, chest, Qatar rah, Asth- ma, Bronchitis. Send 43 cents now, money order or stamps, to Canada Balsam Products, 23 Scott St., Tor- Finds Americans And Britishers Coming Closer Actor Believes They Are Both Be- coming More Human Through Laughing With Each Other. The Britisher who guffaws at an American joke â€" hut at the wrong pointâ€"is a figure of the past, Fred- erick Leister, the actor, declares. Conversely, the American or Cana- dian. who is left as cold as a frog in a frozen pool by English wit is van- ishing rapidly. Britons and Americans are tending to laugh more and more with each other, less and less at each other, and the reason for it mainly is that ubiquitous modern art medium, the cinema. Movies Have Helped “The cinema has done much to bridge the gulf between English and American humor” Mr. Leister said gravely. A recent arrival on these shores from Great Britain, Mr. Leister ; has. had 'abundant, opportunity to make hbovatory experiments coniparing the North American -end rl.e Britamiic- eharacteristics which a certain Broad- way columnist. eaUs a “sehsayuma.” In the dual role of leading player and director tif British Ian Hay's latest comedy. ‘‘The Housemaster,’â-  he was in Toronto in January. Both Sides More Alike On both sides- cf the Atlantic, Mr. Leister found that the laughs tame at the sarho time, were of approxi- mately the same intensity and dura- tion. “It was most remarkable,” he said, “in Boston or Toronto 1 felt just as if 1 were playing in London.” Third Generation Company Chairman Executive Management of Can- ada Starch Company Limited Continues In Hands of Benson Family. An announcement of interest is the change which recently took place in the executive management of the Canada , Starch Company Limited, manufacturers of “Crown Brand” Corn Syrup, Benson’s Corn Starch and other famous starch products. Mr. George F. Benson is retiring as President of the' Company after forty-four years of activity in that capacityâ€"and now becomes Chair- man of the Board of Directors of the Company. He is succeeded in. the Presidency by his son, Major George F. Benson, Jr., who was As- sistant General Manager of the Can- ada Starch Company and also Presi- dent of Canada Starch Sales Com- pany. The new appointment is remark- able as it means that the Executive "MAKE TRACKS FOR OLDENS!' J S % X â-  Xx, :A:vâ- : i;':1-- „ Hit the frail right how to mos-u enjoy- ment from the cig......... you sell your- self ! blip info any tobacco store cmd getyourself a pacitage,of Ogdenh l ine Cut. Thenâ€"roll a cigarette with this.:fragra,nt, mellow tobacco, touch.a t ight to it end.-mon I V ou 're there iâ€" you've Kllva the livre Cut that doos roil ’em smoother, sweeter, belter. And don't forgetâ€"Ogden’s rolls best with "Chantée!er” ortl Vogue" papers. A ' â- --rSfi r# " '<1 L \ " . If 'iS h-.N nS”- ^ Ifvgl ISSliEi; -,v . is.Lv i V ixx. Lk- •- I*. ManiigOmcnt of the Company goes m- o the third generation of the same amityâ€"whose name has been asso- ciated with the Starch industry in Canada for SO years. The late .W. T. Benson established the business in the year ISôS, and shortly after his death, his sou Mr. George F. Benson, who now retired from the Presidency was appointed a Director of Edwardshurg Starch Company, becoming President in 1894. On the incorporation of The Canada Starch Company in 1906, he was nominated President and has now completed a total of over half a century of service on the Directorate of the two companies. ALONG CANADA’S MINING HIGHWAY PORTRAIT IN FOLDER â€" FREE WITH EVERY BOLL PERFECTLY developed and printed. 25c (coin). Star Snapshot Service, 166 King St. West. Dept, Â¥., Toronto. PATENT ATTORNEY ROY L. KNOX, REGISTERED ATTOR- nèy. Information regarding inven- tion Patents; Drawings; Registra- tions; Sales. 14 Metcalfe, Ottawa. PATENTS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR. List of inventions' and full informa- tion sent free. The Ramsay Company, Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank St, Ottawa, Can, PERSONAL ARE YOU RUPTURED? RELIEF, COM- fort, positive support, with our ad- vanced method. No elastic or under- straps or steel. Write, Smith Manu- facturing Co., Dept. 219, Preston, On tv LONESOME? â€" WRITE THIS RELIA- ble Club, established 17 years. Mem- bers everywhere, many wealthy. Des- criptions free, sealed. Mrs. Budd, Box 753-W, San Francisco, California. POULTRY AND POULTRY EQUIPMENT POULTRY EQUIPMENT, HIGH QUAL- ity at. low cost. Made in Canada for Canadians. Write for our new cata- logue. Model Incubators Ltd., 196 River St., Toronto. WOULD YOU LIKE TO WIN 200 Tweddle Special Mating chicks ab- solutely Free. This is the first prize in the 1938 Tweddle Chick Contest. 25 Major prizes and a worth-while prize to everyone entering the con- test. Send for contest form today. Tweddle Chick Hatchery Ltd., Fer- gus, Ontario, Box 10. QUILT REMNANTS FIVE POUNDS !â€"QUILT REM N A NTS $1.00. Free!â€"110 Patterns, Designs, Wash fast Cottons, Prints, Broad- cloths, Silks. Collect Samplesâ€"25c. Re fund G u a r a n t: e e ! Ma r i 1 i m e T ext il e S. Department WTLS. 804 9 Degaspe, M ontreal. t ii LSIS. «QUILT REMNANTS” â€" $1.00 OR 15 POUNDS $2.25. '‘SURPRISE Package” Free! Choice of tub fast Cotton Prints, Piques, Broadcloths, T a p e si r y, S i 1 k. s. E iderdo wn, W ool- leiis, Repp, Flannelette, Tweeds. Large! “Refund Guarantee.”' Sample Bundle 15<\ Phi Boss Textiles, Dept. LE, Station E, Montreal. The Larder Lake area, located thirty miles west of Noranda and twenty miles east of Kirkland Lake, promises to be an area of intênse activity and In- terest during the next few months. Fernland hag started shaft sinking, Cheminis is preparing to diamond drill. Barber Larder has started shaft sinking and will be developing under- ground. Lav-Add will be doing surface work, Pel- angio will be diamond drilling. The above, together with the more advanced work on the Ghesterville and Kerr Addison, and the mining and milling on the Omega, makes a situation without parallel in Canadian mining development activity. Alert milling men are watching the situation closely, as from just such operations can develop the big winners that, come periodically. Kerr Addi- son, Moneta and McLeod Cockshutt are still fresh in the public remembrance. V 8 | Smiles and | 1 Chuckles 1 II KM >, AVI"" 'â- unl- it'as t: I iliS. Qlill.T V.KMXAXTS AND <10 natural cotton Quilt Balt, pi o to outfit $1.25 Choice (if w a t Cotton I’l-'ints, Picnics. Brondi Silks, lOidrialown. Fliimielette. Tweeds, Tapestry. Woollens. Ttepp. large! “Refund Gua ran| (-'ample Bundle 25c, (".-madia n T/xtilcs. l iept. I>fi, Montreal. A certain justice of the peace who was not over-alert recalled a witness. "My man,” he said sternly, "you may ye find yourself committed for per- jury. Only a few moments ago you told the court that you had only one brother, but your sister has sworn that she has two. Now, out with the truth.” There seem to be three kinds of workers. For example, when a piano is to he moved, the first gets behind and pushes, the second stands in the front and guides, and the third grabs the piano stool, RULES FOR HAPPINESS Life should be filled with love and song, Who cares when troubles come ? For when a little thing goes wrong, Just hum. If clouds do darken skies of blue SONG I'l III.IC ATKIN NORTH AMERICAN 8QN( offers lyric, and song « service. Percentage, btif' lion guaranteed Box 42, Shi lie. .SERVICE iters Free Publica- Wrife St. Givereg'o, Sask. Issue No, 6â€"’38 Bâ€"D And blacken everything, Take this advice, it’s quite the time To. sing. If the whole world seems very drear And lonesome all the while, And you make the skies seem clear, Just smile. For when there comes a wretched time That’s full of days so gray. To make the world get back in rime, Be gay. Lemuel â€" “May 1 take you home, Aniiabelle ?” Annabelle -- “Sure, where do you live?" In the good old days of adventure and romance a king’s jester one da,y found His Majesty bending over . a basin and washing his face. In a spirit of fun the: jester gave the king a re- sounding' kick on that part of his sac- red person situated directly behind his stomach. Deeply enraged the king ordered the immediate execution of his audacious jester, hut finally con- sented to pardon him if he would make an apology more oturageous than the original insult. The con- demned jester reflected for a, moment and then remarked: “Will your Maj- esty please forgive me. I did riot know it. WHS you. I thought it was the Queen." ' Patting yourself. on not push you forward. the back will There was an eminent lawyer in New York, years ago, who was font! of displaying his legal learning, eal pecialiy to members of his office staff* He was not too proud to give even tht office hoy the benefit of liis wisdoni and his experience. Someone asked the boy : Questioner â€" “How much doe^ your boss pay you?” Office boy â€" “Ten thousand dollari a year.” Questioner “What, ten thousand a year for an office boy?” Office Boy â€" “Yes, four dollars ai wreek in cash and the rest in legal ads vice. : _________ IN A Ml Ara you tormented with tbe itehins tortured et ecaema, raider, athlete'» foot, ereptioea. oroüngr at in afflictions? For quick and iiappy jybef, me cooling, atttiieptle, liquid t>. p, D. mrcpSr'.tte - - 1Rt‘ imeii fast. Stops toe most Ifitantly, A 35c trial bottle, at I proves itâ€"or inonty back; - Bunkers Herbal Pills for P I L E S Medical authorities quite generally agree ITCHING, BLEEDING Oft PROTRÃœP1 PILES are caused by an inflamed conditio) the lower bowel and congested liver, f HERBAL medicine lias been mad-a from extract of HERBS ONLY for over 76 years, treat, the INTERNAL.: CAUSE of PILES, PW $2.00 by mail, plainly wrapped. Send F„ 0. < Express Order. Your MONEY BACK if not K heved. Bunker's Herbal Medicines, Toronto 9, Ont., Can.

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