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Orono Weekly Times, 3 Feb 1938, p. 5

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES The Port Perry Midgets, under the capable management of Mr. Roy Cornish, who was a member of the Orono Ramblers when they were at their best, will be here next Saturday to play the local midgets at the arena at 1.00 o’clock. Come and see these two clash, a good game is as- sured. Word has been, received that Mr. C, T. Miller is now at Florida and enjoying very pleasant weather for bathing. He says he ran into zero weather during his trip south. He states that Mr. Thomas Cowan has purchased five ton of coal to keep warm., but this seems a. lot of coal for Sunny 'Florida. Major J. C. Gainey, Mr. Widdis and Ernie Dent motored to Belleville on Tuesday evening where the offi- cers and N.O.O.’s of the Midland Regt. where given à demonstration on precautions against, gas. The mili- tia is now spending more time and money on the regiments and also strengthening the artillery units. Some new devices have been added in ease of gas attacks, but the old gas masks used in the Great War are still considered adequate in the present age against gas attacks. Subscribe to the Orono Weekly Times The Lodge Orange County Lodge in Durham West held their meeting in the Orange" Lodge Rooms, Orono, on Tuesday afternoon and evening with a good turnout. We understand the of July walk will be held in Orono this year. A full report of the meeting will be published in next week’s issue of this paper. A quiet wedding was solemnized at Port Perry with the Rèv. W. Smyth officiating, when Marjorie Tennant, of Lesfeard, became the bride of Mr. Horace Beat of Orono. The bride was smartly dressed in blue. Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Teamen were their attendants. Later the happy couple left for Toronto to spend a short holiday. Mr. and Mrs. R. 0. Rosborough, Miss Galloway and Mr. Widdis were in Niagara Falls on Saturday, view :iig the falls arid the havoc caused by the ice jams. Mr. Rosborough has pictures which he snapped white there that gives a clear illustration of the damage. Tie also took Percy Linn;'.- movie camera with him and. if the negative "urns out satisfactory, he will throw it on a screen in the school for the benefit of the students. The temperature early this morn- ing was 26 above zero. LOCAL AND SOCIAL E El B E B B E B E E B E B The FAMOUS READING | Super-Clean Anthracite CLEANER, SAFER, MORE DE- PENDABLE, SMOKELESS, SOOTLESS, EFFORT SAVING, QUIET,LONGER BURNING, EVEN HEAT, MORE ECONOMICAL Less than 10 per cent» ash Phone in your order this week for coal Car will arrive any day P. ORONO L U N N ONTARIO ^»=d|t=d^iF^i^r=^»^f^r=^r^i^i^r=dr=£Ir^r==Jr^If= B B B B B B B B B B B E B B B rn RED & WHITE STORES 5 lb. bag Rolled Wheat, èfzt, each 1 9c Spanish Onions, 4 lbs. for - 25c. Spaghetti, in Tomato Sauce, 3 tins for - 25c. â-  AUNT . JEMIMA PAN- CAKE FLOUR, pkg 15c. MAPLE SYRUP, per bot- tle ' -, ; 27c. HORSE RADISH, per bot- tle 18c. FRESH SPINACH, 2 lbs. for ...23c. SUPREME MOLASSES, 1 1-2 ]h tin nnly 9c. CHEDDER CHEESE, 1 lb for 25c. LEMONS, large size, per dozen ; 23c- GOOD HUMOUR CER- EAL, pkg 21c. FRESH HERRING, 3 lbs. for 25c ORANGES, good size, 2 dozen for .; 29c. 1 FRESH GROUND COF- FEE, lb. .....29c. SALTED SODAS, 2 lb. 'box for 33c BLUE RIBBON COFFEE, in qlt. jar, all for ...............41c- HAMBURG STEAK, 2 , lbs. for - ..25c. Bulk Macaroni 3 lbs. for 14c. Good sized PRUNES 2 lbs. for 21c. Pot Roasts Boned & Rolled No Waste 13c. lb. Order Early J. J 1. CORNISH PHONE 12r2 Mrs. Joseph Hall is on the sick list. The ice harvest, is now in full swing at Newcastle. Mrs. Percy Morgan spent a few days in Oshawa last week. Mr. 'Stanley Bruton was home for the week-end from Toronto. Don’t forget to attend the Oyster Supper to-night (Thursday). Ice cutting has begun at Hartwell Lowery’s pond just north of Orono. We hear that. Mr. Milton Morris lias been threatened with appendicitis. Mrs. J. 0. Gamey and daughter Glen are spending the week in Tor- onto. Mr. Sam Jeffrey, of Black-stock, visited: Mr. J. E. Richards on Tues- day. Mr. Charles Doncaster has gone to Oshawa to enter a hospital for treatment. -Mr. Buchanan, of Mount Forest, jis visiting his daughter, Mrs. A, A. Drummond. Mrs. Madison Hall has been visit- ing i-n Toronto with her daughter, Mrs. F. Adrien. Mr. Ohas. Tyrrell is having the interior of his drug store redecorated. Mr. Ten. Gams,by has the contract. . Mrs. E. Sear] is visiting her sis- ter-in-law, Mrs. F. Dring at Raglan and friends in Oshawa for a week’s vacation. Mr, Ernest Hamm was in Toronto for a few days last week, Mrs. Ida Kea.te, his sister, returned with him for a visit, The following entertained during the week : Messrs. Tom Lewis, Bob Ginn ville. Harry Lewis, Bid. Dean and II. Murray. iMVs. McDonald and Mrs. Henry attended the funeral of the former’s sister, Mrs. MlcOalpon, in Lindsay, on Wednesday of last week. The teachers of the High School attended a lecture given on the New School Curriculum held in Whitby on Friday afternoon of last week. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Bowen and daughter Mary attended the wedding of Mrs, Bowen’s niece, Miss Betty Stdokdale of Toronto, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Thompson, of Oshawa and Mr*. Charles Keate, of Toronto, attended the Women’s In- stitute? card1 game on Friday night Mr: George Brown and wife, who lived in Mr. George Taylor’s house in the south ward, has secured a position with Howard. Gibson on the Town Line. The -Continuation iSehool girls’ lockey team will play the town- girls it the Arena, on Friday night from seven to eight o’clock. Don’t miss this game. Miss Daveÿ, President of the Bark Street United Church W.M.S., accom- panied by Mrs. M, Staples, and Mrs. Dickson, attended -the Presbyte-rial meeting at Clan-mount. Mrs. J. R. Cooper is in Toronto" this week attending the convention of the Ontario Association of Agri- cultural Societies, -being delegate from the: Durham Central Associa- tion. Mr, and Mrs. Will Moffat wish to thank their friends and neighbors for their h-âlip during his recent illness and also to express appreciation of the many kind enquiries and good wishes. Mr. and Mrs. R. II. Allen, of Orono, celebrated their 54th anniver- sary on January 24tli, 1938. They gave a six o’clock dinner to their children and grandchildren and rela- tives. Mr. Mows!. Inspector of Public Libraries for Ontario, visited Orono Library and was well - pleased with the way -the work was being carried on. His report will, be received at a, later date. The icy roads of the past week have given the blacksmiths a busy run, and on Sunday the pedestrians needed extra spikes on their shoes as walking was very treacherous, many staying in the house. Mr. W. Mitchell, while going down the hill on his way to the Forestry on Sunday, : nearly skidded the car info. Mr. Watson’s front door. After the ear was brough t to a stop no damage resulted to the driver or the car. A number of our citizens have had nasty falls on the icy spots, especially So on the crossings. Why not give the Red Cross man a few bags of oats to keep the bad spots sanded and save the people from suffering injuries. e&easaa ..... spas shmi PATTERSON'S SERVILE STORE PHONE 19rl9 WE DELIV R SPECIALS Eclipse Pastiy Hour, 24 ib. bog 69c 7 lb. bag 25c Kellogg’s or Quaker s Corn Flakes 3 for 25c Ogilvie Quick Oats, package 1 9c Peas Standard 4’s 3 cans for - 25c Libby’s Pork & Beans, 22 ozs. 3 25c Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour - 1 5c Hillcrest Shortening, 2 lbs. - 25c Ginger Snaps, 2 lbs. - - - 18c Large Package of Chipso - 19c 4\ lb. tin No. 1 White Honey 55c Quaker Puffed Rice 2 for - 25c Cooking Onions, 9 lbs. - - 25c Cooking Figs, 2 lbs. - 23c ARMSTI BONG’S MONARCH YARN If you are interested in Good. Yarn, there is only one real uni- form quality. No off shades and all balls marked so they can be matched. This is Monarch, a high quality product. ANDULUSION, 25c. DOVE. 20c. SERGE 54 inches, All Wool Serge, in black, brown and *| A A maroon. REG. $1.50, FOR PER YARD V 1 • VV GIRDLES Two way st retch ; a well made garment, in sizes of small, medium, large, d* 1 PRICED V 1 CORSELETTES Wu'li inner belt; a well fit- ting garment at a popular price for a garment (PO CH of this quality QUILTING Rats, 72 x 90; a very spe- cial value 31C SPECIALS FLETTE, 27 iridiés wide. We sold a large quantity the last time we ad ver- OC _ tis'ed this, 2 yards “vl SNOW SUITS 2 only, sizes 4 and 6 yrs., 1-eg. $3.95, for $2.75 SKI SUIT 1 only of coa't arid slacks, reg. $7.50, for £JQ GOLOSHES FuH rimmed, reg. $2.95, fâ„¢ $2.38 Cotton Flannel Friday and Saturday only, reg. 40c. for 29c TOWELLING 18 inches, heavy quality tea towelling, yard ............ J gç TERRY TOWELLING 1 18 -inches wide, with heavy 1 krtap-p, fancy stripped bor- 1 der, yard 25c. 1 COTTON I 36 inches wide, Plain Colton, of a Good Fine Dual O S j ity. A SPECIAL, 2 YARDS FOR LC* 1 Much en thusiasm is being shown this winter in curling at the arena. The second schedule of the season has been drawn up and play is now underway. Following is a list of games ' played so far on the second schedule and: the scores: W. E, Arm- strong’s rink defeated Dr. Colville’s rink by 11 to 5; W. E. Armstrong defeated M. H. Staples 11 to 4; Meredith Linton defeated 0, W. Koïph by 9 to 6 ; At). West defeated M, H. Staples by 10 to 6; Alb. West defeated Meredith Linton by 18 to 2 ; 0. W. Ralph defeated Dr. Colville 7 to 6, and on Wednesday evening W, E, .Armstrong’s rink defeated Meredith Linton’s rink by 11 to 5, The young Orono friends of Do-nny Duffey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred. DiiliT-y, of Newmarket, vvihl be sorry to hear of his misfortune. He has been doctoring for a lump on his right wrist, without result. He was taken to Dr. Robertson of mine fame who operated on thé wrist. We hope for his speedy recovery and tlia-t the wrist will be in At shape again. 0 WOOD â€" In Orono, on Sunday, January 30th, 1938, to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Wood, a daughter.

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