01 >0X0 WEEKLY TIMES * DRIED OR PICKLED FISH ^T^SUPPER z/ • Even if that dauntless fisherman didn’t have any luck, today, he can have fish for supper . . . and he will like it! Your dealer can secure Dried or Pickled Canadian Fish for you no matter how far you are from open water. You can choose from such Dried Fish as Cod, Haddock, Hake, Cusk, and Pollock, and such Pickled Fish as Herring, Mackerel and Alewives . . . and every one of them can be served in tasty, different ways. Enjoy this food in your home. You can get Dried or Pickled Canadian Fish with all its goodness retained for your enjoyment. Ask your dealer. You will find it very economical, too. JÊ.adie4.! H6BB WMr, DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES, IQ IIS BBSi **< OHAWA. WRITE FOR FREE BOOKLET Department of Fisheries, Ottawa, 290 Please send me your free 5 2-page Booklet, "Any Day a Fish Day", containing 100 delightful and economical Fish Recipes. Name.. Address.. ,,WD2 AMY DAY A FISH DAY RED & WHITE STORES Orono Pastry Flour, 24-lb. bag for - - 63c. Wonderful Soap, 7 bars 19c. Veg. Soup, reg. 10c. size, now selling, tin............. 8c- Washing Soda, 2 pkgs for.................. 15c. Sage, tin ..»........... 5c. Herring in Tomato Sauce, 2 tins . .....,25c. Lemons (Jumbo’s), per dozen ............ 23c. Plain Olives, jar .....22 c. 4 1-2 lb pail Amber Kellogg's Corn Flakes, 3 for ........................25 c. Bulk Sodas, 2 lbs....25c. Super Suds, 1 pkg....25c. with 3 cakes Toilet Soap FREE Extra large Grapefruit, 3 for ............ 25c. Have you seen the large Oranges we are selling alt per dozen...........25c. Honey for FRY THEM COWAN’S WESTON’S Pea Meal COCOA Soda Wafers Back Bacon 1 lb. tins 2 pkgs. in piece or sliced 25c. 23c. LB. 28c. J. J. CORNISH PHONE 12r2 LOCAL AND SOCIAL Monday is St. Valentine's Day. Mr. Norman Winter is on the sick list. Miss Okie Davey is spending a week in Kingston. 'Miss Rosaline Gamsby, of Hamil- ton, is home for a few days’ visit. Mrs. D. Myles has returned home after spending a few days in Hamil- ton recently. Mr. and Mrs. Ah. West entertained a number of friends at cards on Tues- day evening. The new refreshment booth has been moved to the park ready for this summer’s business. Mr, Walter Sherwm, who has been residing with his son west of Orono, liais moved to his residence on Station street. Mr. 'Charles Brown and son George attended the Massey-Harris dealers convention at "Belleville one day last week. The 'Scarlet fever signis have been taken down from the home of Mr. Clifford Bruton and the house has been fumigated. County Master 0. A. Brown and Wor. Sro. W. E. Davey attended the Royal Arch meeting in Tyrone on Friday night, February 4th, The Continuation! school girls had a recreational evening on Wednesday night in the assembly room of the school with Miss Galloway in charge. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hamm and daughter Beatrice spent Friday and 'Saturday in Peterborough and at- tended the ski tournament held there. Mr. A. II. Davy, Mr. W. II, Dunn; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Fra’iek and daughter Ruby visited with Miss M. Davy and Mrs. L. Fralick on Sunday last. Mrs. Peter Laing left Monday to spend the winter in Florida, accom- panied by her brother and Ms wife, Mi*, and: Mrs. M. Wilbur of Peterbor- ough. Mrs. Welsh, of Wilsoirville, was called home owing to the serious ill- ness of her sister, Miss Fern ( hap man, who suffered a stroke on Mon day. The members of Orono Masonic Lodge attended the masonic meeting in Bowman ville on Wednesday night where the local officers put on the first degree. Mr. Douglas Cameron, of Belle- ville, and Mr. J, Stanley Mercer, of Toronto, and Mr. 0. J. Dent, of Lon- don, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gi'dduis Jones and family. Mrs. Sam Outtel'l returned home last Thursday after a two months1 G. I). Sicurgess of Hamburg. Mr. Jim Powers, son of Mr. and We wish Jim a. speedy recovery. W. K. Sloan e. Mrs. E, Rain ey re- turned home with them after a visit in Peterboro. The students of the Short Course gave a skating party on Tuesday evening art Orono rink. Everyone is welcome and they had1, a large turnout. After skating lunch was served in the town hall. Mr. Vernon Saunders spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur IStmnders. Mrs. Saun- ders accompanied him back from Tor- onto where she has been undergoing treatment for foot trouble. 'Miss Fern . Chapman, da ugh n Mr's. I. T. Chamimiam, while aitten ly recovering. 'The A.Y.P.A. oyster supper held in the Orange Hall on Friday even- ing last was well patronized despite the incitement weather and the slip- pery roads and sidewalks. Generous serving» were given of oysters, follow- ed by cake and pie. The curlers were unable to piny their games this week according to schedule, on account of the mild wea- iheni. The last game was played last Thursday evening between M. H. Staples’ team and Dr. Colville’s, the former winning by the score of 9 to (1. The leading rink to date is that of W. E. Armstrong, with a total of three wins and no losses. PATTERSON’S SERVICE STORE PHONE 19rl9 WE DELIVER WSÊBBCSSXSBSBXSSeSBSS^StltSSÊS^ËSBSS^S^^SSSSSeSlS^SSSas^^f Corn Meal, 5 lbs. Wheat Flakes, 5 lb. bag Shredded Wheat, 2 packages Pumpkin, large tin Extra Large Prunes, 2 lbs. Comfort, Gold, & White Pearl, 4 cakes, 4 for - Classic Cleaner, 2 |ins Oxydol, large package Toilet Tissue, 5 rolls Weston’s Soda Biscuits, 1 lb. - Piecake Shortening, 2 lbs. Large Tomatoes, 2 tins Bakers Cocoa, 1 lb. tin 2 lb. tin FRESH VEGETABLES IN STOCK 19c 19c 23c 7c 22c 15c 7c 21c 25c 15c 23c 17c 25 c 15c ARMST RONG’S OVERCOATS We would rather have money than COATS. This is strictly a cash price as they were worth from $20.00 to (S’ 1 C AA $30-00. Your choice of any coat in the store «P 1 v#UV SWEATERS All in Heavy Jumbo Knit. Coat of all wool yarn, d» I Of? in navy, black and maroon. YOUR CHOICE... «P 1 .OO UNDERWEAR Ladies’ All Wool Vests, Panlees, and Bloom-QQ- tirs, sipeciail each Ovv SHEETS Of Wabaska Cotton, 84 x 72. Special per (hi OC pair «pleOv YAMA 5 pieces of our regular stock tern's of checks and dots. Reg CLOTH Yania Cloth in pat- nw . 39c. for 4lG KIMONAS Of Blanket Cloth. Reg. $3-50 for - $2.69 RUNNERS Of Linoleum, 18â€xl08†’ long; a very useful floor covering, special 75c PITCHERS The best value we ever had in this kind of an arti- (â- * ey die, 1 quant size, 2 for SHIRTS Boys’ Fine Quality Broad- cloth Shirts with attached, collar. Priced 0Sc SWEATERS Boys’ All Wool Zipper Front Pullover, blue only PRICED OVERSHOES Men's 2-buckle Wool Cashmere Overshoe, reg. (bO AA $2.45 for t ♦ «P4.VV Mr. Wm. Seymour and Mrs. R. II. Alien: are on the sick list. Mr. E. E. Patterson is enlarging his grocery store by using some of the space that was formerly used for a store room at the rear and the paint brush is also busy brightening up the interior. â- Mr. H. Walsh received a letter from an old friend, Bruce Waddell, now living in Calgary. He writes- that he heard Bud Ro-lph’s voice over the radio from the Maple Leaf Arena in Toronto MS distinctly as if he heard him lust across his counter. Don’t forget to take in the an- nual Xu. 9 dance in the Community Halil at Newcastle on Friday evening. Clauds will be played by those who do no-t dance. A pleasant evening 's assured for both young and old alike. The many friends of Mrs. R. Mil- ler are sorry to hear of her serious illness when she was taken down with a stroke on Monday. Hear son, Mr. 0. T. Miller, who is wintering in Florida, has been called home and is expected to arrive ( today) Thursday, to be with his mother. Her friend's wish her a complete and -speedy re- covery.