V $ ---- « - a o & 1 Classified Advertising books on fur farming FURNITURE 5? >♦< •a ! FDR FAR1TOGâ€"PROFITABLE Busi- ness. 60c book now 23c. Fur Uarms Publishing Co., 31 Arcade., Utica, N.Y. CATTLE HEREFORD BULLS, HEIFERS, REG- istered, fully accredited, year old, by Aldon Model, X. General Greenly a Foreman, Palermo, Ont. CLOTHING FOR SALE good" used clothing, lowest prices. Write lor catalogue. Tenge Street Clothing Exchange, M2 longe Street, Toronto. ------- ------ COSMETICS START A HOME' FACTORY. MEN AND women in every town, manufacture Cosmetics. Just add water to concen- trated ingredients. Make *o.to *10 daily. King Cosmetic Co., 37 Maitland St., Toronto, CLEARANCE SALE CLEARANCE SALE! ASSORTED 12’’ to 36" lengths. Silks, Crepes, Cottons, Broadcloths, Ginghams, Line n », Voiles, Prints, Piques; for childrens elothes, aprons, dress trimmings, etc. Value's to 90e yard, 12-yard bundle 99c. “Refund Guarantee." Canadian Textiles, Dept. LY, Montreal. FASHION MAGAZINE FREE ËÂrTÃœ7)\ magazine free with two Beautiful Dresses, 99e, Ladles, girls’1, Washfast Canadian Prints, Broadcloths, All colors, styles. Over- sizes 46-82, 99c each. "Refund Guar- antee". Canadian Textiles, Dept. IX), Montreal. â- EMPLOYMENT PLANNED EMPLOYMENT 1) PR ALL workers. Send ten cents per copy to Sent. W. Canadian Placement Insti- tute, 21 Blindas Square, Toronto. *†FILMS AND PRINTS ROLLS DEVELOPED, PRINTED, 1 free enlargement 25c. Re-prints 10 for 26c, Photo-Craft, 18316 King E., Toronto. KERO PRICES, EXPERT WORK. ROLL with free enlargement 2Be. Trevanna Studios, 93 Niagara Street, St. Cath- arines, Ont. ______ !â€"TWO BEAUTIF UL E^HARGK men is (one colored) with toll de- veloped. eight glossy, fade-PtpS* prints, 28c; highest quality, Machray. Films, Winnipeg. îtRINT OUR OWN NEGATIVES AT Ihome on any surface, cloth or pasêi. without skill or darkroom. Less than cent each! Miracle Poto.Kit cdtiiplete with instructions for 1M print», JL j. c. Williams, 6 Richmond East, To- ronto. - FREE ENLARGEMENT WITH EVERY 260 order. Roll film developed and 8 prints, 25c. Reprints 3c each. BrW- linK Studio, 2!) Richmond St., E., To TOfttG,. *r' " FOR "iZîl'Ii"" 6 LADIES- APRONS, Idle ______ LYONS’ FEBRUARY SALE OF RECONDITIONED FURNITURE Every article completely recondi- tioned, and sanitarily treated. Toronto a largest used furniture market, _ All ’ goods sold on a definite money-back 1 guarantee If not satisfied, 11 QIC Kitchen Cabinets in perfect 11.!/3 condition. 6 95 Dressers, any finish, MCA Singer drop-head Sewing Ma~ ♦“u chines. 9 net 3 or 4 burner Gas Stoves. «SrîJ Guaranteed. , 1195 Chfml Cabinets, any finish. MCA 6 Pc. Breakfast Suites, enamel •«" finish, assorted colors. to 05 Bed Outfits, all steel panel J.&.573 beds, walnut finish, excellent springs and brand new mattresses. All sizes. , . , aa (ja 3 Pc. Walnut Mohair Chester- tihdraOV field Suite In perfect condition. Reversible Marshall cushions. A won- derful bargain. MCA 3 Pc. heavy taupe repp covered •3V guite, with reversible Marshall cushions, in" perfect condition. OÆ AG 8 Pc. solid oak dining room ArS.UU Sult.e, large round table and buffet with six chairs, leather uphol- stered, completely reconditioned. . . r»A aa 9 Pc. 2-tone walnut dining OÃ7.VU suite, large buffet, glass door china cabinet, square table with six panel back, leather upholstered chairs. This suite cost over $200.00 when new. Looks perfect. A real snap, no a A 5 Pc. bedroom suite, walnut OO.W finish. Large dresser, chiffon- ier and full size bed with sagless spring and new heavy roll edge alt cotton mattress. A1 condition. A-snap. fi-7 nn 6 Pc. Moderne walnut bedroom O/.UU suite, large dresser, chiffonier, triple mirror vanity, full size bed, sag- îe<Rs spring and new, excellent Quality all-felt roll-edge mattress. A real bar- gain in fine furniture. , Send money order for complete price of goods. , , Any chartered bank our reference. Money back guarantee. LYONS’ CHESTERFIELD MANUFACTURERS trade-in dept. 478 YONGE ST. TORONTO FIRST QUALITY "G A N A D I ANâ€- Prln la, Broadcloths; washfMj, new- est patterns! Packets, JW, IS1 L 14-62, "Refund Guarantee. Cfcft* adlnn Textiles, Dept. LA, Morn teak MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. (|oSîMs â- jld trmntiett, twenty dollars. UWj Diets, Bdehro system, Wtty-mhX dollar»; trombone», twenty dollars, Copn alto saxophone, thirty doimM_, Terms. Barrow, 208 Victoria, lor onto. fur farming WaCTvxR fttytnar/Canada’» foremast Advisor on human problem», will send « Character and Peftonolity Chart to anyone who write» him Ttm amoiing free ofler is mode merely to advertise MASON'S 4» COLD REMEDY _ and H available for a limited time only Write w today, entitling » self addressed, stamped envelope end ÿoi» birth-date Addressâ€" Raymar, Mason Remedies Limited U M.IMIL ST, ««ONTO. CANADA ÿ»Wr * PBHfGClSTS 1S« » <0« V1' PHOTO FINISHING 25c â€" BEAUTIFUL HAND-PAINTED enlargements with every e,gbt prints. Falcon Phoi°_J mishers, loi 8herbroole, WlnnjpeMan. ....... PU'PN DALMATIAN PUPS AND GROWN Stock; have to dispose of some. .1. A. jolinston, Elmird. Ont. POULTRY AND POULTRY EQUIPMENT BABY CHICKS THE BRAY CHICK DOES THE TRICK. Our 1938 catalogue shows statements and photographs of money-making customers from Nova Scotia to Sas- katchewan. Write for your copy to- day. Bray Hatchery, 130 John St. North, Hamilton, Ontario. BRAY XTRA-PROFIT CHICKS ARE' 25% heavier than required for Gov- ernment Approval. Never seem to lose this head' start. Sturdy, vigor- ous, thrifty birds. Twelve breeds. Catalogue free. Stay Hatchery, 130 John Street-, North, Hamilton. Ont. CROSS-BRED CHICKS ARE GAINING in popularity. Hybrid vigor. Bray cross-bred s- grive remarkable returns in 1937. Get our catalogue. Bray Hatchery, 130 John Street. North, Hamilton, Ontario. V..A HAÃR GOODS WÃGS, TOUTES, TRANSFORMATIONS, Braids, Curls, and all types of finest quality Hair Goods. JVrite for illus- trated catalogue. Toronto Human Hair Supply Co., 628 Bathurst, Toron- to, HAIRDRESSING SC'jttOÃ"ÈiS MADAME HUDSON SCHOOL, HMS- itréssing and Beauty Culture, Write for pamphlet. 707 V on go St., lordn td. MAGAZINES JERSEY GIANTS (WHITE or BLACK) Plymouth Rocks (White Or Barred), Indian Runner Ducklings. Catalogue. Edzell Poultry Farm, Princeton, Ont. ORDER YOUR CHICKS NOW AND Save $1.00 per hundred. Enter the Tweddle Chick Contest, 1600 Twed- dlo Chicks free. Send for catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatchery, Limited, Box 10, Fergus, Ontario. MY VERY BEST LARGE BRED TO Lay White Leghorn Chicks, 9c; big even Barred Rocks, 10c, All blood- tested. 100% arrival. Bob Kimber- ley, Box W, Essex, Ontario. ft LBS. «QUILT REMNANTS†â€" *1.00 OR 16 POUNDS $2.25. “SURPRISE Package†Free! Choice of tubfast Cotton Prints, Piques, Broadcloths, Tapestry, Silks, Eiderdown, Wool- lens, Repp, Flannelette, Tweeds, Large ! "Refund Guarantee.†Sample Bundle 15c. Philross Textiles, Dept. LE, Station E, Montreal. RESINANTS 6 LBS. QUILT REMNANTS AND 72 x 90 natural cotton Quilt Batt, com- plete outfit $1.26. Choice of waslifast Cotton Prints, Piques, Broadcloths, Silk g, Eiderdown, Flannelette, Tweeds, Tapestry, Woollens, Repp. Parée ! "Refund Guarantee.†Sample ËUndle 26c. Canadian Textiles, Dept, B, Montreal. SPECTACLES MAGAZINES' - WESTERN, EETEC- tive, Women’s- Stories, etc, 6 Back NttiUera 26c, Postpaid M, toontfiftte- ery, box 666, station F. Toronto. MEDICAL1 3» YDS. QtfiLTlNci MATiElilAIiS, fLjff fashJMffig "Refund Guarantee ’. Canadian Tex. tile», Dept. LT, Montreal. MINK! RAISING --- SAMPLE CGpL magazine 10c, book cataldg Ireg- gjj. Trade Journal, Box 31, Toronto, un tario. 6606 EDMONTON CITIZENS TESTIFY arm. alia ®) Powder, herbal rdme- â€"rheumatism, arthritis, ncmrrQe, comacii troubles, etc. Two week • .1.5(1; one month $3! two month», $6. )Vnçgl»t», or J. Q. McIntyre, Herbal- ist, Edmonton. Alberta. Agents: Ly- mans, Montréal, HEPATOLA RELIEVES STOMACH, llYer kidney and bladder trbublS- Symptoms: Pains In right side, under shoulder blades and across hipfl. In- digestion, fee, constipation, colie. Product of German doctor. Price Mrs. Geo. 8. Almas, Box 1Û73X, Sas- kafflon, Sask. JDS OR HEMORRHOIDS DON’T uffer needlessly, our remedy Davie lie Treatment†will help rid you the terrible discomfort of bleed- S, itching or protruding- piles. Sena istpaid in plain wrapper on receipt oi *1.00 Money back If not delighted With results. Address, Davis PhaTln- acal Company, 360 Galewood Avenue, Toronto. ..................... ~ MISCELLANEOUS " Eyeglasses. $1.75 up. we send ten pair to test your eyes. Satisfac- tion or money refunded. Glass eyes, $4,00 each, assortment rent, Accur- ate Optical, Dëjit. K, 67 Sussex, To- ronto- â- STAMPS SSLLÈCTQRS»..TÈAçSisï...CO&ON- âtSh Souvenir Stamps, 60 different, ahSwlng Who and what if 8 all about, l|o, Gtiitbh, box 14, Station K, 1*0- ^ pinto. . • , r , â- ' Go Without Sleep 100 Solid Hours Co-eds and Young Men End Uni- versity of Georgia Test “In Good State of Health†FURS. WERE THE ANIMALS FUR: nlshing your coat tortured m steei traps or do you buy humane furs. Information, Canadian Association Protection of Fur-Bearers, <3 Ber- nard Avenue. Toronto. .. PATENT ATTORNEY ROY L. KNOX, REGISTERED ATTOR- ney. Information regarding inven- tion Patents; Drawing's; Registra- tions- Sales. 14 Metcalfe. Ottawa. patents AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR. List of Inventions and full informa- tion sent free. The Ramsay Company, Registered Patent Attorneys, 2 ; 3 Bank St- Ottawa. Can.......... ..... PERSONAL LONESOME? â€" WRITE THIS RELIA - bio Club, established 17 years. Mem- bers everywhere, many wealthy. Des- criptions free, sealed. Mrs. Bund, Box 753-W, San Francisco, California. i MARRY â€" WOULD YOU MARRY IF suited? Hundreds to choose from. Some with means. Many farmers daughters and widows with property. Particulars, :10c. Confidential. Cana- dian Correspondence Club, Box. 1-8, Calgary, Alta. DO YOU FEEL SLUGGISH? Maybe you need more bile When you feel you haven’t a friend In the world and ljfe is not worth a red centâ€"that’s the time your liver Its getting' you down. Don t fall for It. Make your liver behave. ' Ta no I Tablets will do tne lob. t hey act directly on the liver, stimulating the liver’s production of bile, com- prising a special blend of certain lava- lives Tamil Tablets include a small proportion of calomel probably ttm most effective liver stimulant knoWm Iri a day or two your liver (e at work again as well as ever and you feel at friends with the wide, wide world. AU druggists have Tanol Tablets. 60c. (C) LEARN TRUE SIGNIFICANCE OF latent forces in your nature. Send stamped, addressed envelope, Box 352, New Westminster, B.C. QUIT TOBACCO, SNUFF, DRINKING, easily, inexpensively. Home reme- dies, Testimonials Guaranteed. Ad- vice. free. Box,T, Winnipeg. USE PIDARD ygigjÉk New and re- markable re- medy for MÊUÊÊÊKË heaves. Sat- Nf action is â- jj guaranteed regardless of NeTOBlEMlilHIIS†the severity or length of time your horse has suffered from this disease. By mail $1.00. Chs. Bug. Girard, Ste Dorothee, Laval, Quebec. Issue No. ,*38 Six University of Georgia psycho- logy students who gave up sleep for fOO hours in the cause of science were pronounced “in a good state of health†at the end of their ordeal. The four co-eds and two young men showed little effect outwardly from the experiment conducted to determine the action of sleeplessness on body and mind. Results For Science As the non-sleepers yawned about him, Dr. A. S. Edwards, head of the university psychology department and director of the experiment, termed the test a success, adding that he hoped it would “show results first for science and then furnish practical applications.†Observers Watched Them The subjects went through their regular routines of classes, meals, exercise and, in some cases, dates. Student observers kept vigil at all hours, prodding the subjects awake when necessary. Bridge sessions, walks and talks helped occupy the nights. Tests were made of reactions, steadiness, color perception, grip, typing, memory, temperance and visual ability. Hours Before Dawn Worst Miss Wallace and Miss Jimmerson agreed that it was hardest to stay awake on the second night and that the hours just before dawn every day were difficult. Newman said that the long loss of sleep, “while naturally stalling the mental and physical reactions,†pro- duced no outstanding detriment to his body. “For instance,†he added, “my grip on the gripping devices grew stronger as the experiment con- tinued.†The six professed willingness to undergo another no-sleep test if the results “would help science.†Another test is proposed, Dr. Ed- wards announced, to compare the re- actions of non-sleepers and those of persons with normal amounts of sleep. How Birds Are Exterminated Famous Ornithologist Tells Tragic Story of Bird Life Tragedy among the birds o£ this continent was unfolded upon the ar- rival at Montreal last week of Dr. Arthur A. Allen, professor of ornith- ology at Cornell University. Dr. Alien lectured on “Hunting with, a Micro- phone.†fie travelled 15,000 miles to record some of the vanishing bird voices of America and made a plea for careful conservation of a number of bird spe- cies which are today threatened with extinction. Passenger Pigeon Extinct To illustrate how a species can be exterminated he related the story of the passenger pigeon. This pigeon, he skid, once existed In flocks of a mill- ion or more. So large were the flocks that, they took hours to pass a given point while the birds were in continu- ous flight. Professional fowlers cap- tured them and shipped them by the carload to centres of population. Water Fowl Dying Out Repletion was so rapid that by the autumn of 1878 the birds, after winter migration, failed to return in commer- cial. numbers. For a few years occa- sional flocks were seen. The birds be- came fewer and fewer. Finally a large reward was offered for hews of a nesting pair, The reward never had be given. There, is now little doubt hat the species is extinct, he said. The Sahib fate threatens the ivory- bilièd webdpecker, among other spe- cie». Spgie Water fowl are also having a difficult time existing. Dr. Allen es- timâtes that there are B00 to 600 spe- cies existing ph the continent, of Which at ïëast a half-doKen species ate oh the verge of extinction. The Port Hospital at S.utto; Bridge, Lines., England, has had onlj one patient in fifty years. The pre§ ent staff has been there more that forty years, but the lone case wai before their time. WHEN COLDS BRING SORE THROAT Farm Facts Pear production in Canada has re- mained fairly constant since 1930 at approximately 450,000 bushels per annum. Apples, pears, peaches, and logan- berries are the chief fruits export- ed from Canada, the United Kingdom taking about 60%.. For the coming Passover season, Canadian Customs duties and taxes have been remitted on Passover bread, or matzos; on 12 matzos pro- ducts and on Passover vinegar, im- ported into Canada from 9th Febru- ary to 23rd April, 1938. In Canada the extent to which po- tatoes are used for the manufacture of starch and flour depends on prices for table potatoes. Two factories in New Brunswick are capable of hand- ling a total 0:f 1,750,000 bushels to the end of June. Principally through heavy exports of dressed poultry to the United Kingdom and large shipments of live poultry, chiefly from Ontario, to nearby United States markets, the poultry market in 1037 showed a dig" tinet improvement over 1936. The total wool clip in Canada in ; Canada in 1937 of approximately 19,000,000 pounds was slightly higher than that of 1936. After relatively stable prices during the summer of 1987, a sharp decline occurred in Oc- tpbér, "but prices remained above those of Ã936. Tears are a very powerful destroy- er of bacteria, and thus protect the, eyes. An international conference met ip Athens to discuss swearing. The high aim was to bring about a w<j|ld ban. Italy, said a Turkish delegate, was the country in which â- waring was worst. Discussion im- mediately became heated and . . . somebody swore! Aghast, confer- ence broke up. Relieves THROAT FAIN RAWNESS Enters Body Through Stomach and Intestines to Ease Pain The speed with which “Aspirin’* tablets act in relieving the distressing symptoms of colds and accompanying sore throat is utterly amazing.. . ana the treatment is simple and pleasant. This is all you do. Crush and dissolve three “Aspirin’- tablets in one-third glass of water. Then gargle with this mixture twice, holding your head well back. This medicinal gargle will act almost like a local anesthetic on the sore, irri- tated membrane of your throat. Pain eases promptly; rawness is relieved. • i'Aspirin†tablets are made in Canada. “Aspirin†is the registered trade-mark of the Bayer Company, limited, of Windsor, Ontario. Look for the name Bayer in the form of à cross on every tablet. MADE IN CANADA Bernaud and Get “AS P 1RS N i'How to Become a Hockey Star†by that great authority T. P. “Tommy†Gorman, a Great Book profusely illus- trated and containing many valuable tips on how to play the game. * also AUTOGRAPHIC PICTURES of GREAT PLAYERS {mounted for framing) ,, Group Montreal “Maroons†Group “Lea Canadiens â- or individual picture) of: , I Dave Trottier Johnny Gsgnoti Herbie La. Biddy Northcott Will.Cuds !’«’• !*a., n Russ BUnco “Babe†Siebert Pete Kelli 1 Earl Robinson Aurel Joliat Marty Bant fc Bob Gracie Walter Bus well Joffre DesilÇ h> Carl Voss George Mantha . Ac» Bail • . -tins Marker Stew Evans Frank Bouc^ jD&ve Kerr 1 og Bla-ke K â- GlatU 1 „ ~ or any of the most protmnmt phit/fr* on f#"1- *1 Maroons†or “Lee Canadien* club* e Your choice of the above • For a label from a tin of “GROWN BRAND†or “LILY WHITE†Com Syrup.â€"Write on the back your name and address and the words “Hoc- key Book†or the name of the picture you want (one book or picture for each label). Mail label to address below. EDWARDS BUHS CROWN BRANI COHN SYRUP the famous emerov fo< Tl,.CAKAB*Sm«OHCOMP»NY l»l|