f OROXO WEEKLY TIMES NEWTONViLLE Mr. Frank Orem ha - been ill the past week. Airs. das. Darch spent last week in Lewmam ville. Miss Affile : iNèsbitt,: To ronto, was home for tire week-end. Al is. d. E. Anderson visited friends in Port Hope and ( 'obvurg. Mr. R. J. Rowe had tlho misfortune to Ball and break some ribs. Mr. Earl Wa.lkey was in. Toronto and PeteaitioTo last week on business. 'Miss .Eliorentee Burley is1 spending a few days with Miss Dorothy Scott. Mrs, J, Stark and D-onna visited Mrs. I. Stark, Starkviliv, Saturday. Mi-s Helen Keneuid. Osliawa, was a recent guest of Mias Annie Ander- son. Miss Deane Siemon, Toronto, is visiting her oo'uigin, Miss Gladys Pearce. The Quarterly Board meeting for this circuit wias held in Kendal on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Redknaipp and Al- fred spent the week-end with friends in Oshsnva. In addition to those mentioned last week Miss Betty (Stapleton is tak- ing the short course in Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Langs niff of Toron to were Sunday gu ests of his mother. Mlrs. Mabel Langstaff. Mr. and Mrs.. Oleland Lane and family spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. 11 any ‘Lane,. OoUborne. A number from here attended the ih bate between Kendal and Clarke leagues ait Kendal Thursday night, Mr. 0. M. Jones was in Toronto last week-end on business1 in connec- tion with the Port Hope Telephone Company. Mr. J, A. Barrie attended the an- nulai meeting of the Angus Breeders’ Association at, the Garisrite Hotel, Toronto, on Tuesday. February 8th. Mrs, ...Norman Samis visited with Mr. and Mm.. Beg. Woodbam, Tor- onto, , the past week. They motored her home Saturday. During her ab- sence lier motiliçr. Mrs. Thomas All in, visited Mrs, F, Couch, Newcastle. Newcastle Lb 0. League visited our League Tuesday evening. On ac- count of the thaw the skating party had to be cancelled but the visitors gave/ an exec!lent program and the Home Leagtners looked after the re- creation and lunch arid an enjoyable time wais spent. The Men’s Club met on Wednes- day, February 9fh,and was well attended. The first part of tire even- ing started off with an indoor horse- shoe pitching tournament. After the ' transaictioin of business the President, Mr. J. J. Mfell'dr, gave a very in- structive and interesting address on Hitler and Nazi-isin. which was fol- lowed. by « very lively discussion. Af- ter the smoke had cleared away every- body agreed we would rather have our form i0f government.. The. com- mittee in charge then ,surprised the numbers by serving oysters which were tastefully prepared by Laurence 8avery. Wo hope to have Mr. Boss 'Strike, Mr. George James and Mr. Virgin, Bowman ville at the next ineoii ng. â€"---------o:--------- COJHHB8 IN HOMSMAKTNG AR/FJ 11 FALLI.Y ABRECIATED BY GIRLS IN COUNTRY' LESKARD ML Roy Tenant has been busy tin past, week packing ice at the Orono Creamery. C'dllo Brown says;: business is good these days and hopes the ice will continue. Dioii’t forget to get your ticket on the Home and Sichob] .Club, cushi n io he given away on February 21st. Cars have been having some dif- ficulty on the icy : bill around here Lately, giving some drivers a good thrill1. Come to our social evening in the Sunday iSchool on Friday, February 18th. A good programme is expect- ed and we hope to see you, there. A number of our young 'people are attending the short course held at Orono this month and report they are getting some useful advice for both men and women. The Home and School Club will be held on Monday, February 21st in the farm ‘of a basket social.. The ad- mission will be 05c. Ladies with bas- kets free and purchasers of baskets wll have their admission refunded. There will also: be a prize for the highest priced basket. There will be a good program before the baskets are sold and iai dance afterwards. Come and enjoy a social time. •Do rural girls appreciate the oppor- tunity of attending short courses in Home Economics under the Women’s Institute Branch, Ont. Department of Agriculture ? The answer is an emphatic, “Yes.†"For example, how many city girls would get dp at 4.30 every morning, milk cow-; and do other chores, pre- pare breakfast, wash the dishes and then walk through deep snow drifts almost four miles to attend an educa- tional course ? The answer would likely be “None.†However, that is what several country girls are doing this winter. Not only the girls arc ! making sacrifices to attend these courses scattered through Ontario but their mothers are too. In homes on both hack and fron t concessions, mothers; are doing extra work in the home in order that, their daughters may get a worth while education to better fit them to take charge of homes of their own some day when the right, young man comes along, or to prepare them for a career that may be selfisnpportlkig. In other words, both mothers and daughters are ap- preciating these courses, put on and sponsored free of charge by the W. I. Branch Ontario Dept, of Agricul- ture. Miss Florence P. En die of the Wo- men’s Institute 'Branch, Toronto, has just returned from a, visit to a num- ber of these courses of which there are 38 this winter. They proved to be an inspiration. Ait W.i-ikerton she saw a spick and span kitchen in the town hall with 34 girls deep in a discussion of farm water supplies and ways and means of having 'these farm comforts made available. Following a demonstration by in- structor tin cleaning a chicken in latest streams lined manner, a. group of girls prepared and served a chicken dinner while another group cleaned silver. “This butter dish of grandmother’s hasn’t been cleaned in sixty years†laughed one girl as she handed Mi* Ko die the shining silver dish for in- soection. “Wonit granny be sur- prised when she sees, it ?†At \VIngham, plans were being maiie for the closing, banquet when Miss Badie arrived. Dresses made in class were being scored by the supervisors; girls were being taught the mysteries of an attractive appear- a nice by being well-dressed and well groomed and observing good health and food habits. A demonstration of sandwich making under the critical eye of the loçal W. I. and table set- ting service, were also features of Miss Eadie’s visit to XVingham. At, Stratford the course was being held at the Normal School. Some 20 girls were getting a real college course and will go back home with many new, worthwhile ideas. Stu- dents were taking full advantage of the school library, and were also busy preparing a ,pageant .of “costumes through the ages.†One girl had a gown 75 years old, while another, with many gig'gflies, showed. an even- ing dress of the 1926 vintage. “ The girls and instructors' are most enthusiastic†said Miss Karl to. “They are passing on their' enthus- iasm in the homes. This makes for better farm homes and rural living in general. It gives one a wonderful feeling of satisfaction to "Visit these courses and see how interested the girls are in helping themselves to become more proficient in doing their Simple everyday tasks, solving their NEWCASTLE Miss Ethdl Lockhart visited Tor- onto. on Saturday last. Mrs. 1). j. Galbraith is staying-a,t the “Newcastle Arme.†Miss Marion Allin was home from Bolton for the week-end. Miss Carrol, of Toronto, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. W. H. Gibson, The Misses Naomi and Audrey llorvoek- spent the week-end in Tor- onto.’ Mr. and Mrs. Win. Eilbedk and son Jack spent the week-end at their eotr i age at the lake. The High School bad a very jolly valentine party in the council chain her of tiie Community Hall on Tues- day evening. Rev. J. Scott Howard , and Mrs. Howard are leaving the end of the week to spend a month ait “The Wind- sor Arms.†Toronto. The Men’s Club of St. George’s Church,motored to Cobourg on Tues- day evening to be the guests of the Men’s Club o,f Sit. Peter’s Church. Mir. and Mrs. Frank Rickard were home from Ottawa for the week-end and Miss Dorothy and Miss 'Jean' Rickard also spent the week-end at home. Mrs. W. II, Pearce had the misfor- tune to fall on some ice at her back doorstep on Sunday morning last. A severe cut at the back of her bead required the attention of the doctor. The annual meeting of the Ontario limitiaolituraj Societies is being held Thursday in Toronto.. Newcastle’s representatives include the: President Mr. Harry Jose, Mrs. Jose, Mrs. J. A. Butler, Mrs. Law and Miss Black- burn. The Dance arid Card Party held in the. Community IIall on Friday last by .the H<*ne and School Club of No. 9 School Section was a ' very great si recess and a most enjoyable party. Kinaneiij'y. something over fifty dollars was cleared which was considered the best yet. The Piaroicbiall Committee, of iSt. George’s Church held1 a very suc- cessful shower for their annual sum- mer bazaar on (St, Valentine’s day at the residence of Mrs. J. Scott How- ard, A number of attractive and use- ful gifts were received 'by Miss Tren- with, eoiix-r-uor of the bazaar. The tea table was lovely with a lace cloth, Valentino décorations and centred with one of the hostesses valentines, a bouquet of spring flowers. COW AN VILLE Mr, Clarence Red visited' Air. and Mrs. W. A. Reid on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, W. E. Reid visited Mr. and Airs.. Leonard Heard on Sunday. Misses Viola and Ada Hollings- worth visited at their home over the week-end. Because of the bad weather and treacherous icy roadfa the pancake supper ait Clarke was postponed. We are sorry to report that Mrs. W. O. Orossley lmd the misfortune to fall and break her left wrist, We all wish her a speedy reooiverc. The Y.P.LT. of Clarke visited the Y.P.TJ. at Kendal on Thursday night and all report a nice time. Congratu- la nom ito Messrs’. Alfred Perrin and Westol Stringer upon winning the debate “Resolved that wealth causes more crime than poverty.†CLARKUNION Allias Ada IIolliragswoiTtlh spent the week-end alt her home in Clarke. Air. James Nixon shipped a truck load of stock to' Toronto last week. Miss Dorothy Sonch. who has been visiting in the city, has returned to her home. Airs. ITeezer and children, of Mark ham, visited her mother. Airs. Geo. Gain, last week. A number of the young people of this section are taking advantage of the short course which is being held in Orono. Home and School meeting will be held on Thursday evening of this: week. /Air, A. E. Summers, dhivie: representative of Bbwmanville, will be the guest speaker. We extend icbnigratulaitiionsi to. Mr. and Airs. Kenneth Cain, of Sudbury, who have been married recently. Ken- neth was at Clarke Union boy. being 'tire grandson of AIr.:tariff; Mrs. Cain. clothing problem's and feeding their families in -accord with modern nu- trition.†TyrrelFs Drug Store DRUGS STATIONERY KODAKS PHONE 68, ORONO FOR A FINE QUALITY HOT WATER BOTTLE at a moderate price, try THE ROXBURY sturdily constructed bottles with a FINE QUALITY SEAMLESS RUBBER SHOULD THEY FAIL WITHIN TWO YEARS WE WILL REPLACE THEM WITHOUT CHARGE Each...................... 69c Ace Hot Water Bottle ... 39c Monogram Hot Water Bottle, one year guarantee 49c Defender Hot Water Bottle - - . 99c Kantleek, combination hot water bottle and ice basr....................- $1.75 FREE With every purchase of REGESAN FRUIT SALINE (English type) 39c. per tin A beautiful decorated 10 ounce glass Tumbler 1 he design of this tumbler will continue through the year You Save with Safety at Tyrrell’s Rexall Drug Store! IT PAYS TO PAY CASH WESTCLOX ALARM CLOCKS, ... concealed alarms, . guaranteed against defects .........SI-45 STEDMAN’S QUICK DRYING ENAMEL, for paint- ing furniture, etc. Use Stedmans Quick Drying Enamel We have a complete stock oil" 15c. cans in I the following colors, Mauve, Ivory, Red, Alice I line, Yellow, Cardinal, Cream, Rose, Orange, Delft Blue, Dark Green,, Gray, Walnut, Dark Blue, Apple Green, and Medium Gray. SPECIALâ€"-COLGATE’S NEW FLO A TIN G TOILET SOAP, large bar, manufacturers sepcial..3 for.,11c. SUNBEAM SEEDED RAISINS ....,16-oz. pkg,....15c. SUN WHEAT BISCUITS, chosen for the quints as part of their diet .... ........10-oz. pkg...........25c DARK HONEY .................2 ib. pail.23c. MATCHES, week-end special -.z..3 for...21c. AYLMER TOMATOES, choice quality, 17 1-2-oz. tins .......................:...2 for..........15c. ORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE YOUR FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE Home and Building Improvement Pays You Big Dividends, Both in Comfort and Convenience WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES AT ALL TIMES D. L. & W. GUARANTEED BLUE COAL The Coal that is Trade Marked for your protection SCOTCH COAL WELSH COAL COKE AND DRY HARDWOOD IN STOCK AT ALL TIMES TO MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS â€" PROMPT SERVICE . " PHONE 48R16 Orono Coal & Lumber Co