-â€"1' OTIOXO WEEKLY TIMES mmasmmsmBsm "X "Mr. and Mrs. Kalmond Keatc, of Toronto, visited friends here over the week-end. ‘Sÿinipatiiy of the community goes to Mrs. .lames Kansibèrry in the loss of her father. Mr. and M'rs-. Charlie -Baxter, of Oshawa, were in town calling on sev- eral friends1 Monday evening. Mrs. Dewdney, of Toronto, who is visiting her son, Rev. D. R. Dewdney and Mrs. Dewdney, Newcastle, at- tended church service at St. Saviour’s on Sunday. The Masonic Grand Lodge of Eas- tern Ontario will meet at Port. Hope- on April 11, 12 and l"3th. More than 1000 delegates are expected and ar- rangements are already under nay to accommodate them. Some of the merchants have been doing a rushing 'business selling ice creepers to pedestrians for their shoes. They fit into the instep and are safe for ice walking, thus- keeping down accident from falls to a mini- mum. The streets of Orono have been a glare of fice for the past six weeks, and now most of the Orono citizens are doing the shuffle walk, a new step introduced with- the appear- ance of the slippery walks and cross- ings. Mr. W. E. Armstrong is having his ice house filled for the coming sum. mer. The ice this year is of excep- tionally fine, quality and is around 24 inches thick. It - is from the mill pond and being hauled by Fred Wood. Mr. -and Mrs. Harry Mercer enter- tained last Thursday evening to eight tables of euchre. Mrs. Charles Shaw won 1st prize, Mr. Ah. West was high gent, with Mrs. J. -Richards arid Mr. Jlesper Dean winning the consolation prizes. Mr. Roy L. Powers, of Toronto, spent Monday with his brother Jim, who- has been seriously ill with pneu- monia but is now nicely recovering. Master Grant L. Powers returned' to the city with his Dad after spending four weeks in Orono with hie grand- parents. Mr. and Mrs. James Tainiblyn celebrated their forty-fifth wedding anniversary quietly on Tuesday. Feb. 22nd. Many phone calls were receiv- ed throughout the day -and .evening wishing Sis happy married couple compliments of the day, also cards were received-. They were surprised by some of their friends who called in and bad tea with them.. We wish Mr. and Mrs. Tamiblyn many more happy birthdays1 together. H D Ãœ Ãœ Ãœ Ãœ E E B B 1 B B B B B B Talking Pictures TOWN HALL, ORONO Monday, February 28th GENE STRATTON-PORTER’S FAMOUS ' MASTERPIECE “A Girl of the Limberlost†With Louise Dresser, Ralph Morgan and others WORLD BROS. GUARANTEE this to be the greatest attraction to visit here this season ADDED ATTRACTION EXTRA â€"Sensationalâ€"SCOOP THE FAMOUS DIONNE QUINTUPLETS NO ADVANCE IN PRICES SHOW 8.15 p.m. ADULTS, 25c. CHILDREN, 15c. s i B B B 1 B B B B B B B B B 1 71 i=aJgas=ir=^r=^r=^n=^i=^ir=^'ir==ll'ri==irs=f'r==ir==Jn==3r^=ir==Jf=aii^ RED & WHITE STORES Large Bottles CATSUP 2 for 29c FRESH SPINACH 2 LBS 19c. NEW CARROTS 3 BUNCHES 25c. Large Heads Lettuce 2 FOR 17c Turnips 3 for 10c SPANISH ONIONS 4 lbs 25c. Grapefruit GOOD SIZE 5 for 25c Plain or Iodized SALT m FOR 9c M l I LEX’S Carbolic Soap 3 BARS 13c RED & WHITE Jelly Powders thc large pkg. 4 for 25c AND 1 FREE We have a small quantity of DEW LIST GOLDEN . BANTAM CORN left alt 3 tins 25c RINSO large pkg. with 1 bar LIFEBUOY SOAP, all for 22c. LYON’S TEA BLUE LABEL 1-2 lb pkg 34c. PLATE OF BEEF LB 10c. Sirloin Steak lb. 20c. Porterhouse ROASTS LB. 21c. Steak Roasts LB. 18c. Cottage Roll LB. 20c. Head Cheese LB. 15c. Silver Bright SALMON FISH LB. 12c Small Dried HERRING LB. 15c J. J. CORNISH PHONE 12r2 LOCAL AND SOCIAL Mr. James Eagleson has been laid ujp the -past week with a severe cold. M vs. I. Cobbledie-k entertained some of her friends on Monday even- ing. Mis-s 01 lie Dave,y has returned holme from- a two weeks’ visit in King- ston. Mrs. E. 'Bell1, of Toronto, spent the past -week with her friend, Mrs. Percy Morgan-. Mr. Orme Garnsby spent a few days visiting in Toronto, Odhawa and Bowmanville. Miss Hazel Winter, of Os-hawa, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. I. Winter. Miss Doris White has been home from High 'School this week quite sick with a cold. Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Baldwin, of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Robb. Mrs. Charles Knox returned home from Bowmanville hospital on Mon- day with her baby son. Mrs. Jaimes E'agleeon visited some friends at Cherry-wood recently, who are going to Ireland on March 4th. -Sid Hughes, who was laid off a.t the Forestry last fall, has- secuerd a posi- tion in Port Hope driving a bread truck. Mrs. James Richards made business trips to- Bowmanville and Oshawa on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Mrs. Anson Gilroy, of Kendal, is very poorly with heart trouble, Mrs. Hooey, 'of Orono, we understand, is waiting on her. Mr. and Mrs. Harold A-wde and family,- of Toronto, spent Sunday with, the former’s .parents, Mr. and Mrs.'-O. W. Aiwde. The local L.O.L. degree team are practising regularly for the Provin- cial competition to be held in Port Hope on April 13th. Mrs. L. Car-sead'den and young son, of Montreal, are with the former’s mother, Mbs. Dean O'arscadden, who broke her wrist recently. Mrs. A. Manning entertained a number of her friends to a crokinole party on- Tuesday evening. A good time was reported by all. Mrs. Weston returned home from the Toronto General Hospital on Tuesday very much improved in health after her operation. Mr. M. IT. 'Staples attended the Horticultural convention tlaet week held in the (Royal York Hotel, Tor- onto. He was the -delegate for the Orono Horticultural 'Society. The organization of the Committee of (Stewards was held on Monday night with Rev. J. H. Osterhout pre- siding. A. J. Tamblyn was appoint- ed chairman and A. A. Drummond secretary. Orono LO.O.F, Lodge No. 436 visited Bowmanville Lodge on Wed- nesday night, Mr. A. L. Brunner, of Ru-thven, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of -Ontario, was the guest speaker for the evening. A sh-ort meeting of the Session of Park iSt. United Church was held in Monday night, the minister presiding. Mr. Ewan Rainey was elected Clerk of the Session in place of O. L. Drummond, who resigned- because of his moving from town. M/essrs. Charles Tyrrell and Gor- don Bruton, accompanied by Mis-s- Eileen Riddel! and Miss Ruth Hamm-, of Bowmanville attended, the Phar- macy Graduation Dance held in Eaton’s Auditorium, College Street, Toronto, on Friday last. Mrs. Herb. 'Cameron, of Tyrone, who has been seriously ill with dou bile pneumonia, is now able to sit up in bed. Now her daughter, Miss Irene Cameron is confined to her bed with pneumonia. Mrs. A. IT. Keane is the nurse. We wish both a speedy re- covery. Mr. Jam,es Richards fis on his rounds again reading the, hydro meters. He has- had extra help re- placing some lights on poles that were destroyed by the heavy winds over the week-end. For some reason people do not like to see Jim every other month around the first of the month. Word has been received from. Mr. 0. T. Miller announcing Ms safe ar- rival in Clearwater, Florida, on Thursday morning of last, week at seven o’clock in the morning. He left Toronto Tuesday evening at 10 p.m. by train, and is now basking on the beach in that favorite summer re- sort. PATTERSON’S SERVICE STORE PHONE 19rl9 WE DELIVER SPECIALS Bread Flour, Cyrus, 24 lbs. 98c. Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs. 21 c. 4 1-2 lbs. HONEY, No. QUICK QUAKER 1 Amber 41c. OATS, package 21c. Pork and Beans, 3 tins for 25 c. Muffets, 2 pkgs. for 18c. Tip Top TOMATO HEINZ COOK ED JUICE- fancy qual- ity, 28 ozs., 2 for.21c. SPAGHETTI, 3 tin's for ...........25c. Cut Wax Beans, 3 tins 25c. MANNING’S BUT' ÃŽER RED C< »AT SALMON, SODAS, 20 ozs 15c. : 2 tall 1 ins 17c Durham Corn Starch, 2 for Hillcrest Shortening, 2 lbs. 17c. 25c. Good Sized ORANGES 2 dozen for ..,35c. PASTRY FLOUR, ECLIPSE, 24 libs..67c. Extra Special-~Lyon’s Tea, 2-lb pkgs. Blue Label, 32c. Yellow Label, 29c. ARMSTRONG’S †GEORGETTE We have yards and yards of these goods in nearly all colors, including black, while, salmon, pink, brown, b-iege, navy, sand. lit is wiofth $1.75. THIS WEEK ONLY d*1 1 C AT...................;... «pl'lv CLOTHING COOK CLOTHING SAMPLES are now in and on display in our window. Corny in and look them over. DRESSES 9 only, CREPE DRESSES. Regular $4.50 for. $1.39 SHOES 7 pairs of BLACK KID PUMPS, for SHOES 18 pairs of LADIES’ BROWN and BLACK TIE SHOES, in medium and high heels, all sizes. 75c. $1.85 BROADCLOTH rURSDAY, F RID SATURDAY, per yard ......... For 3 days onlyâ€"THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND J SWEATERS BOYS’ BLUE PULLOVER SWEATERS, all wool, zipper neck, all plain, sizes 26 to 32.. $1.00 .. YARN SCOTCH FINGERING YARN, 3 DAYS ONLY per lb. .. $1.15 KAPOK In 14b. pkgs. only. PRICED 42c TTSwiL-# COATS 4 LADIES’ COATS, REGARDLESS PRICE 0F $10.00 PRINT 10 pieces of PRINT. SPECIAL PRICE, yard 20c. TEA TOWELLING. A VERY SPECIAL, 2 yds Trusses, Abdominal Belts, and Elastic Hosiery From the Ottawa Truss and Surgical Co. may be purchased at Tyrrell’s Drug Store. A complete line of Single and Double Trusses is always in stock. They are properly fitted and guaranteed. TYRRELL’S DRUG STORE - Phone 68, Orono