| Classified £<<<<<<<*1<»>>>>>>>>>I<<*>>I> BOOKS ON FUR FARMING <<<<*>i<c<<<<<c*z»zc<<*>z»>>>i<<<5 >Z< % Advertising lhl<€<<€C<<<<C<€CCC<<<<<<€<C<<-IC' FIJR. FARMING FUR. FARMINGâ€"PROFITABLE , Busi- ness. 60c book now 25c. Fur Farris Publishing Co., 31 Arcade, Utica, N.Y. CATTLE HEREFORD BULLS, HEIFERS, RE 1st. creel, fully accredited, year ol by Aldon Model X. General Greenlj Foreman, Palermo, Ont. CLOTHING FOR SALE GOO 1) USED CLOTHING, LOWEST prices. Write for catalogue. Yonge Street Clothing Exchange, 502 Yonge Street, Toronto. COSMETICS LADIES! MAKE ALMOND CREAM Lo- tion, Brazilian Balm, Olive Oil Sham- poo; just add water to ingredients. Store value $5.00; satisfaction guar- anteed. Send $1.00 for 16 ounces of each. King Cosmetics, 37 Haitiapd, Toronto. CLEARANCE SALE CLEARANCE SALE! ASSORTED 1 to 36†lengths. Silks, Crepes, Cotto Broadcloths, Ginghams, Line n s, Voiles,: Prints, Piques; for children’s clothes, aprons, dress trimmings, etc. Values to 90c yard, 12-yard bundle 99c. "Refund Guarantee.†Canadian Textiles. Dept. LY, Montreal. DEAF? BONE CONDUCTION. A NEW METÃŽ-I- Od that gives you natural hearing- through the bones of the head. The Rotter Bone Conduction, the smallest made is applied to the bone behind the ear, nothing on nor in the ear. The miracle of the age,. Write to H. Potter Company, 405 Ryrie Buildir g, Toronto. Established 1917, FASHION MAGAZINE FREE FASHION MAGAZINE FREE WITH two Beautiful Dresses, 99c, Ladle girls’. Wash.fa.st Canadian Prints, Broadcloths. All colors, styles. Over- sizes 46-52, 99c each. "Refund Guar anteeâ€. Canadian Textiles, Dept. LO, Montreal, EMPLOYMENT PLANNED EMPLOYMENT FOR ALL workers. Send ten cents per copy to Dept. W. Canadian Placement Insti- tute, 21 Dundas Square, Toronto, FEATHERS WANTED â€" GINSENG GOLDEN SEAL poultry, goose and cluck featlie Satisfaction 'guaranteed. W. Hell6 147 Harrison St., Toronto. FILMS AND PRINTS ROLLS DEVELOPED, PRINTED, free enlargement 25c. Re-prlnts for 26c. Photo-Craft, 18314 King Toronto. ZERO PRICES, EXPERT WORK. ROLL with free enlargement 25c. Trevanna Studios, 93 Niagara Street, St. Cath- arines, Ont. FREE!â€"TWO BEAUTIFUL ENLARGE- mentS: (one colored) with roll de- veloped, eight glossy, fade-proof prints, 28c; highest quality, Machiay Films, Winnipeg. PRINT OUR OWN NEGATIVES AT home on any surface, cloth or pap without skill or darkroom. Less than tient each! Miracle Foto Kit complete ’with instructions for 150 prints, $1. i. C. Williams, 5 Richmond East, 9 ronto. FREE ENLARGEMENT WITH EVERY 25c order. Roll film developed anil 8 prints, 25c. Reprints 3c each. Brig.it- ling Studio, 29 Richmond St., E., To- ronto. ROLL DEVELOPED AND PRINTED, 2,5c. Free glossy enlargement with every order. Gem Photo Service, Box 729, Station H, Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE 0 LADIES1 APRONS, Pile FIRST QUALITY “C A N A D I A N†Prints, Broadcloths; washfast, new- est patterns! Pockets, Ties. Full size 1.4-62. "Refund Guarantee.†Can- adian Textiles, Dept. LA, Montreal. FOR SALE â€" THREE INCUBATORS, Buckeye; capacity 600-600-100; good condition. Sacrifice. R. Wellard, 5181 Cote Des Neiges, Montreal, Que. ELECTRIC, HAND OR POWER MEAT choppers and bone grinders; fully guaranteed. A. J. Deer Company, 158 King St. W., Toronto. 20 YDS. QUILTING MATERIALS, $ MILL CLEARANCE! ASSORTED 6†TO 18†lengths. Choice of Cotton Prints, Broadcloths, Silks; for large Quilt Patterns, "Butterfly" Diagram, free! "Refund Guaranteeâ€. Canadian Tex- tiles, Dept. I.T, Montreal. ' R*ym# i/Citinflda'i Foremfitt Adviser on human problem*, will send 6 Character and Personality Chart free to anyone who writes him This oma*m$ free offer is made merely re advertise MASON'S 49 COLD REMEDY ,*» and il available for a limited time only Write w toddy, enclosing a selli-addressed. stomped envelope end ÿout birth-dot* Addressâ€" fteymsr, Mason Remedies Limited 14 McCAUl ST.. TORO WTO CANADA ALWAYS TIRED REPAIR RAGGED t 4ERvEV-, That deadly weariness that drags you dovm , day is probably a sure sign of nerve-starvatid Serengtnen "your nerves with PHOSFEItlN! Tbi@ great-fcouie soothes ragged nerves, helj you sleep soundly and eat well, and gives y< confidence and • vitality. At druggists, SO >1.00 and 81.60. PHOSFERINETHE C“M 1 NERVE TONIC Issue No. 9-â€"’38 Bâ€"D d. .00 III (17 MINK RAISING â€" SAMPLE COPY magazine 10c, book catalog free. Fur Trade Journal, Box 31, Toronto, On- tario. GROW ANGORA WOOL! CLEAN! IN- teresting! Profitable! Free literature. Otto's Angora Ranch, Drawer 2098, Cplborne, Ontario. FURNITURE LYONS’ FEBRUARY SALE OF RECONDITIONED FURNITURE Every article completely recondi- tioned and sanitarily treated, Toronto’s largest used furniture market. All goods sold on a definite money-back, guarantee if not satisfied. Kitchen Cabinets in perfect condition. Dressers, any finish. 11.95 6.95 11.50 9.95 11.95 14.50 12.95 Singer drop-head Sewing Ma- chines. 3 or 4 burner Gas Stoves. Guaranteed. China Cabinets, any finish, 6 Pc, Breakfast Suites, enamel finish, assorted colors. Bed Outfits, all steel panel beds, walnut finish, excellent springs and brand new mattresses. A.11 sizes. so KA 3 Pc. Walnut Mohair Chester- field Suite in perfect condition. Reversible Marshall cushions. A won- derful bargain. 04 ciA 3 Pc. heavy taupe repp covered AS..UV suite, with reversible Marshall cushions, in perfect condition. 04 AA 8 Pc. solid oak dining room “i,uw suite, large round table and buffet, with six chairs, leather uphol- stered, completely reconditioned. tiQ nn 9 Pc. 2-tone walnut dining Vi/.W suitei large buffet, glass door china cabinet, square -table With six panel back, leather upholstered chairs. This suite cost over $200.00 when new. Looks perfect. A real snap. 'IQ flil 5 Pc, bedroom suite, walnut •JO.tfJ fln]ah. Large dresser, chiffon- ier and full size bed with sagless spring and new heavy roll edge all cotton mattress. A1 condition. A. snap. R7 OH 6 .Pc. Modernè walnut bedroom O#.VU RUit,e, large dresser, chiffonier, triple mirror vanity, full size bed, sag- less spring and new, excellent quality all-felt roll-edge mattress, A real bar- gain in fine furniture. Send money order for complete price of goods. Any chartered bank our reference. Money back guarantee. LYONS’ CHESTERFIELD MANUFACTURERS TRADE-IN DEPT. 478 YGNGE ST. TORONTO HAIR GOODS WIGS. TOUPES, TRANSFORMATIONS, Braids, Curls, and all types of finest quality Hair Goods. Write for Illus- trated catalogue. Toronto Hamah Hair Supply Co., 628 Bathurst, Toron- to- .. POULTRY AND POULTRY EQUIPMENT BABY CHICKS THE BRAY CHICK DOES THE TRICK. Our 1938 catalogue shows statements and photographs of money-making customers from Nova, Scotia to oas- katehewan. Write for your-copy to- day. Bray Hatchery, 136 John ht. North, Hamilton, Ontario. BRAY XT R A -1 • RO F IT CHICKS ARE 25% heavier than reu-ured Loi ~ eminent Approval. Kgver seem to lose this head start. Sturdy, vigor- ous, thrifty birds. Twelve breeds. Catalogue free. Bray Hatchery, 130 John Street, North, Hamilton, Ont. CROSS-BRED CHICKS ARE GAINING fn popularity. Hybrid vigor. Bray erdss-breds gave remarkable returns in 1937. Get our catalogue. Bray Hatchery, 130 John Street, North, Hamilton, Ontario. JERSEY GIANTS (WHITE or BLACK) Plymouth Rocks (White or Barred), Indian Runner Ducklings. Catalogue. Edzell Poultry Farm, Princeton, Ont. ORDER YOUR CHICKS NOW AN'Cj Save $1.00 per hundred. Enter the Twcddle Chick Contest. luOO Twad- dle Chicks free. Send for catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatchery, Limited, Box 10, ‘Fergus, Ontario. MY VERY BEST LARGE BRED TO Lay White Leghorn Chicks,, 9c; big even Barred Rocks, 10c. All blood- tested. 100% arrival. Bob Kimber- Iey, Box W. Essex. Ontario. (1 LBS. “QUILT REMNANTS†â€" $1-00 oil Ti POUNDS-" $2.25. “SURPRISE Package†Free! Choice of tublast Cotton Prints, Piques, Broadcloths, Tapestry, Silks, Eiderdown, Wool- lens, Repp, Flannelette, Tweeds. Large! "Refund Guarantee.†Sample Bundle 15c. Fhilross Textiles, Dept. LB, Station E, Montreal. RESINANTS 6 LBS. QUILT REMNANTS AND 72 x 90 natural cotton Quilt Batt, com- plete outfit $1.25. Choice of washfast Cotton Prints, Piques, Broadcloths, Silk s, Eiderdown, Flannelette, Tweeds, Tapestry. Woollens, Repp, large! “Refund Guarantee.’ Sample Bundle 25c. Canadian Textiles, Dept. LB, Montreal. SPECTACLES EYEGLASSES, $1.75 UP. WE SEND ten pair to test your eyes. Satisfac- tion or money refunded. Glass eyes, $4.00 each, assortment sent. Accur- ate Optical, Dept. K, 67 Sussex, To- ronto. . ------ STAMPS COLLECTORS! TEACHERS! COR.ON- ation Souvenir Stamps, 60 different, showing who and what its all u,hout, 25c. Guiton, Box 14, Station K, To- ronto. ........ ............... â€" “tanning EXPERT TANNING OF HIDES FOR harness, lace and robes. Bear, deer furs. Free list and tags, Towne & Sons, Merritton, Ontario. Dairy Production Continues Upward Keeps On Increasing In Canada During Past Hide Years Production of, milk in Canada has been moving steadily upward for the past nine years, and in 1937, the out- put of nearly 17 billion pounds was an increase of about 200 million pounds over that of 1936. Milk is used in a variety of ways with only about 40 per cent being used in the fluid form. Buttermaking takes the greatest amount of milk and close to 50 per cent of the total output is skimmed and churned into butter. It takes about 8 per cent of the milk pro- duced to make cheese and approxi- mately 1.2 per cent of the milk is pro- cessed into concentrated milk pro- ducts. The percentage going into ice cream manufacturers is relatively small. There was a significant gain in the value of all dairy products in 1937 when, due to increased production and higher prices, the value was the great- est recorded since 1930, Five rhinoceri, brought into cap- tivity at one time, would glut the en- tire world’s rhino market. Since the price of capturing a rhinoceros runs into thousands of dollars, not many zoos in the world can afford the ani- mals. IIAIR,DRESSING SC'tiOOLS MADAME HUDSON SCHOOL, HAIB- dresslng and Beauty Culture. Write for pamphlet. 707 Yonge St;. Toronto. MAGAZINES MAGAZINES â€" WESTERN, DETEC- tive, Women's Stories, etc, B Back Numbers 26c, Postpaid. M. Montgom- ery, Box 605, Station F, Toronto. MEDICAL 6000 EDMONTON CITIZENS TESTIFY for (R. and S.) Powder, herbal reme- dyâ€"rheumatism, arthritis,, neuritis, stomach troubles, etc. Two weeks, $1.50; one month $3; two months, $B. Druggists, or J. C. McIntyre, Herbal- ist, Edmonton, Alberta. Agents; Ly- mans, Montreal. HEPATOLA RELIEVES STOMACH, liver, kidney and bladder troubles. Symptoms: Pains in right aide, under shoulder blades and across hips, in- digestion, gas, constipation, colic. Product of German doctor. Price $5. Mrs. Geo. S. Almas. Box 1073X, Sas- katoon. Sask. PILES OR HEMORRHOIDS. DON’T suffer needlessly, our remedy "Davis Pile Treatment†will help rid you of the terrible discomfort of bleed- ing, itching or protruding piles. Send postpaid in plain wrapper on receipt of $1.00 Money back If not delighted with results. Address, Davis Pharm- acol Company, 350 Oakwood Avenue, Toronto. PATENT ATTORNEY ROY L. KNOX, REGISTERED ATTOR- ney. Information regarding inven- tion Patents; Drawings; Registi’a- tions; Sales. 1.4 Metcalfe, Ottawa. PATENTS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR. List of inventions and full informa- tion sent free. The Ramsay Compà iïy, Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank St.. Ottawa, Can. PERSONAL Awesome? â€" write this relia- ble Club, established 17 years. Mem- bers everywhere, many w.ealthy. Des- criptions free, sealed. Mrs. Eudd, Box 753-W, San Francisco, California. MARRY â€" WOULD YOU MARÛY IF suited? Hundreds to choose froin. Some with means. Many farmers' daughters and widows with property. Particulars, 10c. Confidential. Cana- dian Correspondence Club. Box. 128, Calgary, .A-ita, LEARN TRUE SIGNIFICANCE OF latent forces in your nature. Send stamped, addressed envelope, Box 352, New Westminster, B.C. QUIT TOBACCO, SNUFF, DRINKING, epzSiW, m^xpeiisively. Home reme* Along Canada's Mining Highway Outstanding favourable devel- opments in the mining fields of Ontario and Quebec have creat- ed hew and widespread interest. The new ore zone discoveries on Hardrock, found also to extend over on to the Macleod Cockshutt property, has put life into the Long Lac Camp of Western On- tario'. Nearby property owners ate filled with a new hope. In Eastern Ontario, close to the Quebec boundary, along a seven mile front from Larder Lake to beyond Kerr Addison, operators of properties are endeavouring to emulate the success of Barber Larder with diamond drills. In the Noranda area of Quebec, Brownlee Gold Mines has enlarged its property holdings, closely adja- cent to Powell Rouyn and Noran- da, and is starting a diamond drill- ing campaign. The Lacoma property in the Senneterre area of Quebec is rap- idly proving up an important ore structure. The East Lacoma prop- erty, adjoining, has diamond drill- ing starting under contract. An unprecedented season of mining activity is indicated1 from Coast to Coast, with great expec- tations in some quarters for the Gordon Lake, Athabasca and Great Slave Lake sections, of the North West Territories. Ill NfVfR GO TO DIN NIB WITH A BOY AGAIN UNLESS i HAVE ; SOME PHILLIPS' TABLETS in m PURSE More Cows There was an increase of 66,500 in the number of milk cows in Canada, from June 1st, 1936 to June 1st, 1937, Since that time there, has been a re- duction in livestock numbers in the drought areas of Saskatchewan aiid Alberta, but it is felt that this reduc- tion did not affect dairy cows as touch ak other classes of cattle. The business of a shoemaker is of great antiquity. Romans wore cork doles to guard their feet from, water, especially in winter. ^Itchiii# v T Often “acid indigestion†is dis- tressing to youâ€"and offensive to Others. But now there is no excuse for being guilty. You simply carry your alhaliper with youâ€"and use it at the first sign of “upset†stomach. Simply take two tiny tablets Of Phillips', Milk of Magnesia when out With others. Orâ€"-if at homeâ€"you can take two teaspoonfuls of liquid Phillips'. Both act the same way. Relief is usually a matter of seconds. “Gas,†nausea, “heart- burn,†acid breathâ€"all respond quickly. Just make sure you ask for “Phillips.†T5! -it TORTURE In A Minute For quick relief from the itching of eczema, blotches* pimples, athlete's foot, scales, rashes and other skin eruptions, apply Dr. Dennis' pure, cooling, antisep- tic, liquid D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. Its gentle oHs Soothe the irritated skin. Clear, greaaeless and Bfcain- lefleâ€"drlea fast. Stops the most intense Itching in- stantly. A 85o trial bottle, at drug stores, proves itâ€" or money back. Ask for D. D. D. PRE3C RIPTJ ON. 28 USE PIDÂRD Ml New and re- markable re- medy f o f heaves, Sat- isfaction is guaranteed regardless of the severity or length of time your horse suffered from this disease. By mail $1.00. Chs. Bug. Girard, Stei 1 Dorotb.ee, Laval, Quebec. vice tree;'Box;"ÃJ YVifîîiWf. ÂEe" YOU RUPTURED ? RELIEF, COM- loft, positive support with our ad- yauegd" method. No elastic or ündéf- stïà ps or steel. Write, Smith Manu- facturing Co., Dept., 219, Preston, Out. . PIlOTQ. PfllSHING 25ç â€" BEAUTIFUL HAND-PAINTED enlargements with every eight prints. Falcon Photo Finishers, 151 Sherbrook, Winnipeg, Man. PUPS DALMATIAN PUPS AND GROWN Stock; have to dispose of some. J. A, Johnston, Elmira. Ont. | ® GET YOURS NOW Ask your druggist for a 75c { Kmschen Giant Package. It con-1 tains a regular bottle and atnal I size bottle. Use the trial size I first and if not satisfied return the regular , bottle unopened. Youi* money will be cheerfully j I refunded. TIRED or NERVOUS? Is bile doing its work? Your fluid liver Your liver is lazy, that’s why you feel so rotten half the time, Your sys- tem is not getting enough bile. Your head aches, your back aches, lout- food doesn't digest properly. It stag- nates and decays for lack of bile. Bile is a digestant and an antiseptic, liver should produce IS to 36 ounces of bile every 24 hours. Ta.nol Tablets will make your do its work. Based upon a small pro- portion of Calomel blended with cer- tain other useful medicinal Ingredients, Tanol Tablets act promptly and direct- ly upon the liver, stimulating the How of bile. They are easy to take and provide a safe, easy way ol' using calo- mel. probably the most .effective liver stimulant known. They are not harsh. Blit they are efficient. Your druggist has them. 50c. (a) TOWN RY TOWN VILLAGE BY VILLAGE MORE ONTARIO HOMES SAT B3Ãœ Lei *BLUE be your guide fo better heating efficiency and greater eco- nomy. Kemember, vour furnace is de- signed to burn anthracite and 'blue coal' is the world's finest anthracites Order a trial ton. Six sites.;, a size to suit eVëry furnace. Consult yew neeiresl AS, coal' dealer ' today. - 3 'blue c- Ask your nearest ‘blue coal* dealer for free copy of FIRST AID TO BETTER HEATING, ot writ|t| Listen to “THE SHADOWâ€â€"-Every Wed., CFRB, 9 to 9.30 p.iRe