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Orono Weekly Times, 24 Feb 1938, p. 8

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)RHOQD NEWS NEWTONViLI iJM'ts. F. Law baa been ill. Mrs. Cecill l.'uney is under the doc- tor’s care. . . Mr. Jack Wade is visiting friends in Lindsay. Mrs. *lIosMn visited Mrs. Fred ’Smith recently. Mr. and Mrs. Stan. Boive were guests of Mr. and Mrs. L...Si,very. Next meeting of the. lefs Gltdb- will Ibe held March 9th in the Orange Halil. Mr. and Mrs. !.. Hayes and fam ily, Bowmanville, spent Sun jay with Mr. and Mrs, J. Barch. Miss Joyce Adains, who ha» been vising her grandmother, Mrs. Reich rath, has returned, to Toron I > O'BONO WEEKLY TIMES ,E KIRBY spent the •Mrs. 0. Sha w and children have returned home after a pleasant visit with Mr. and 1 Jrs. Harry Lane, Col- borne. [Mrs. Hiram M Olson and Miss Margaret Mill sun, Bowmanville, were 'Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lan- son Milteon, Mrs. Henry Jones and Mr. and Mrs. 'Sam. Jones were in Port Hope on Thursday attending the funeral of Mrs. Jaynes. NexvtoiiviHe W. I. met at the home of Mrs. Fred Lovekin, Newcastle, for their February meeting. It was_ de- cided : (1) To have a course from the Department in “Planning and Preparing Meals” March 7th to Uth. (2) To have a social evening on Fdb- ruary 23rd. (3) To have a St. Pat- rick’s Tea at the next regular meet- ing. Alii were pleased to have Mrs. (Roy Langmaid, District President, at the meeting. 'She spoke on the different phases-of our work and on the manufacture of rayon was served at the close. Lunch SIXTH LINE The play given in Kendal by the. Woman’s Institute drew a good at- tendance in spite of road and wea- ther conditions on ©t.- Valentine’s night. We are glad, to report that the condition of Mrs. Anson Gilroy has improved an'd1 that Mr. John Cornish, at present- a patient in St. Michael’s in Toronto, is on the way to recovery. Our venerable friend, Mr. Thomas Patton, has been in failing health but we are glad to hear of some improve- ment, He has passed four score years and has 'been, blind for some years. Owing also to road conditions there has been a marked falling off in church attendance in our Clarke area. • One day last week your scribe, Mr. John Stewart, tried to navigate Mill street, Kendal, lie found that thor- oughfare a very good skating rink from one end to the other and several humus and abrasions were the result. Several ingenious inventions in the way of neversiips were noticed. The ice still persists. On our Kné Mr. 'Sweet has moved part of his farm imfpilements here preparatory to working the Henry farm. Mr. (Sweet comes'from Dar- lington township and we extend to him opr greeting of good will as our new neighbor. Mr, Harry Berry, wlio vacates the farm-, has rented the well known Cooper farm, the long time the John Cooper family and later of his son George and family, and the present owner is Mr. S. Thomas, who we learn will remove' to Toronto. Miss Marion Bannon week-end: at home. We welcome Mr. and Mrs, Miarold McDonald as our neighbors. Miss Marion MlcKelvey, BjN., is nursing", Mirs. Miller at Orono. (Mks. Will, Wan nan has been sick with the flu but is much improved. Quite a number of our young peo- ple are attending 'the short course At Giono. . We are sorry to. lose Arthur Bell front our corntmiiiiity. lie was always willing to give of his vocal talent. Mr. and Mrs. Don.. Mackinnon, of Toronto, spent 'Sunday with his par- ents, returning home in tire evening. Mr. Wilfred Bigelow, of Gamp Borden spent the week-end with his parents,. Mr. and Mrs. John Bigelow. Mr. Angus Watson has been laid up with bronchitis for two weeks past. We hope to see him around again in the near future. We are all sorry to hear of the ser- ious illness of our esteemed, friend, Miss Fern Chapmen and hope for her complete recovery. The east group quilted at Mrs. Bigelow’s on Thursday of last week and those present report a good time in spite of the ice. _ _ The west group of the W.A. visit v,| Mrs. Oi Ivy Chapman mi Tuesday afternoon of last week and ‘Mrs. Mac kinuon Tuesday of this week. Sorry to hear that Mr. Win. Ban- non continues much the same. Miss Marionv their daughter, who is a, nurse in Osliawa, comes home every week-end. Mr. C. !.. Powers called on several of his old neighbors last week and gave us good information of the sick. We are pleased to steam all are doing fairly well. We are very pleased to hear of the improvement of our young friend Jim Powers, who has been suffering from pneumonia, and also Mrs. J. !.. Pow- ers, who has had a severe cold. Mr. Fred Bvimacombe intends put- in g up a cold storage as he has on hand a. very large quantity of eggs, and the ice eo bad on the roads that buyers cannot reach him, in fact, nothing short of a S.OjS. will do the track,. Maick has given tup all hope of ever collecting his debt, past due for some- time, for rendering solos. He claims that he’s up' against a crooked com- bination via., IStan. and Oxley. No litigation will scare them into hand- ing over the cash. Dame rumors claim that Frank Hall got that old worn out letter with Miller’s signature attached to it. They say distinctly my husband is done shovelling* snow and the fellers with the big truck loaded with sons of I England getting the kesh. We were very disappointed to hear that Mr. Percy Morden is going to retire from business in Kirby, as both he, and Mrs. Morden were very obliging in the store and they carried nothing that -would not stand close in- spection with prices second to none. The east, group will hold a social evening on Monday. February 28th. A good programme is being prepared of which the main feature will be a short play, entitled “Whiskers,” put on Iby talent from the Sixth Line. Come out and have a jolly evening. Admission 20 and 10c., including finch. Rev. J. II. Osterhout delivered an interesting sermon on Sunday to quite fair number of hearers but not near large enough. If the supporters in- tend to get good preachers they must turn out or some officious gent may move to have the appointment closed at a, meeting of the Board. Perhaps lie’s not deeply interested and has on- ly resided1 a. short time in the place, eo I warn you supporters of Kirby to be aware of such. -----------o----------â€" NEWCASTLE Airs. Reg. Love! in was home from Toronto over Sunday. Miss Muriel Bradley, accompanied by a friend, was home from Toronto for the week-end. There is a rumour in town that niumips have arrived. Chickenpox has only just departed. What next ! Mr. Jack Hare, of Queen’s, King- ston, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hare. Miss Ethel Lockhart has sold her home on Mill street to Mr. and Mrs. Hancock, who will occupy it April 1st. Mr. Harry Pearce and Mr, Regi- nald LeGresley are planing to build a plant for the pasteurization of milk in the near future. There is another case of scarlet fever in the village and several chil- dren who have been exposed to the disease are under observation in quarantine. Dr. Harold Young, 0f Toronto, ad- dressed. both the Women’s and Men’s Canadian Clluhs in Bowmanville on Monday. A good representation from Newcastle attended both meetings. The Men’s CM> of St. Peter’s Church, Cobourg, visited the Men’s Club of S t, George’s Church on Tues- day evening. The visitors had the high score in the carpet bowling match. Much excitement was caused by an alarm of fire on Saturday evening Hast, Fortunately it proved to be on- ly the chimney of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Law’s house on. the Kingston Road East, Despite the high wind the fire was quickly subdued and no harm was done to the dwelling house. Those from out of town who at- tedod the funeral of Mrs. Wm. At- kinson on Monday afternoon includ- ed Ah*. Joseph Atkinson, Mr. Joseph Atkinson Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hindmarsh. Miss Jean Go wans, of Toronto; Mrs. Edward Pomeroy and two sons, of Orillia' ; Mr. Wm. San- ders, of Stouff ville; Mrs. Meadows, Mrs. MeM-rum and Mrs. Sculthorpe, of Port Hope; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Gannon and Mrs. David Vallean, of Oshfflwa. The sincere sympathy of , the entire community goes out to Mrs. "Gibson in the loss of her beloved mother. o RADIO TUBES ! I j Automatic Volume Control j i Automatic Frequency Control | ! Inter-station Noise Suppression j j Phase Shifting j i All necessitate good test jj instruments jj i j 1 HAVE THEM C-lhas. K. Knox Phone 42r2, Orono All Makes All Models Guaranteed Service COWANVILLE Miss Velma Cowan spent Sunday with Mr. and! Mrs. Boy Smith, New- tonville. Air, and Mrs. Bichard Hasfcill, Port Britain, visited Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Porteous. -Mr. Beverley Henderson spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Marvin, of Morrish. Mrs. Burley has returned to her home in NewtonMlle somewhat im- proved in health. Mr. and Mrs. E. Stephens, of Port Hope, were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. P. ‘Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Cowan and family spent -Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. Osborne, Morrish. The T.P.TI. met on Monday night with our devotional convenor, Jack Barnes, in charge of the program. A three-act play, entitled ‘«Smite- A.-While” will be presented in Clarke church on Thursday evening, March 3rd. Lunch will be served to all. Ad- mission 25c. KENDAL We regret to hear that Miss Alma Bell is sick in bed with a bad’ cold. Mrs. Mabel Langslafl. Newtonville, lias been visiting friends here for a few days. On account of bad weather and slippery roads, there was no league here last week. Miss A. Henry, Miss' Helen Dar- lington and Air. Jack Glover were Sunday visitors at Mrs. Darlington’s. Mr. and Airs. Geo. Mercer, we are sorry to hear, have been on the sick list recently, but hoipe they will soon be enjoying good health again. -â€"-â€" -----o------------ The world’s largest clock is said, to be the mammoth clock of Montreal, which rises from the ground to a height of 330 feet, 12 feet more than the tower clock at Westminster. TyrrelFs Drug Store drugs STATIONERY kodaks PHONE 68, ORONO Just Arrived WE HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK OF THE NEW 1938 WALLPAPERS Newest, Pleasing Designs in Sunworthy Papers That will beautify and modernize your home. There is a wide variety of patterns to suit every need Papers of individual designs at higher prices may be procured in three days. Ask to see samples of them REMNANTS of the 1937 stock of Wallpapers are priced at Half the Regular AND ARE EXCEPTIONAL VALUE Small room lots complete, 7 C ^ as low as - - - - • ^ You Save with Safety at Tyrrell’s Rexall Drug Store ! I Values You’ll Appreciate THURSDAY â€" FRIDAY â€" SATURDAY This Week Are Feature tSale Days See Large Bills in the Mail Today JANUARY FEATURE SALE DAYS were the best we have experienced, more people look advantage of the SPECIAL OFFERS, so we are aiming to make this sale REAL GALA DAYS. GROCERY SPECIALS GRAPE FRUIT (medium size) ................ 5c. Or 7 for ..........'â- ............25c DOMESTIC or EA.SI FIRST SHORTENING, 2 lbs.25c. SODAS, 2 1-lb. pkgs...... ........23c- QUAKER CORN FLAKES, 2 pkgs. for ......15c. CAMPBELL’S TOMATO SOUP, 3 reg. tins ......25c. APPLE and STRAWBERRY JAM, 4 lb. tins .39c. AYLMER ASPARAGUS CUTTINGS, tin .......15c. AYLMER IRISH STEW READY DINNER, 2 for.....23c. MEDIUM CHEESE, good quality, lb...........19c. ORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE YOUR FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE STILL A LITTLE POMP The Ontario Legislature is again opened for business with the boom- ing of a 19-gun salute to the Lieu- tenant-Governor, marking the open- ing of the second session of the 20th Legislature. Lieutenant-Governor Hon. Albert E. Matthews requested that he be di-iven into Queen’s Park accompanied by ® mounted escort of Dragoons and to be greeted by the booming salute and to be received at the main entrante (by a guard of honor of the Royal Canadian Regi- ment. Premier Mitchell F. Hepburn has detoreed that this will be the last time the Legislature will be opened with any show of pomp. The Lieutenant-Governor still wears his Windsor uniform and cock- ed hat, .and he and Mrs. Matthews are accompanied to the chamber by five active aides, splendidly uniformed. ---:---i--Oâ€"-------- The mysterious1 theft of a haystack from a farm south of Deer Dake, in the Halibtirton County, has at fast been solved. The thieves were all of one family, a bull moose, his mate and three farwns. ----------oâ€"--------- I Try us with your next printing order. Home and Building Improvement Pays You Big Dividends, Both in Comfort and Convenience WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES AT ALL TIMES D. L. & W. GUARANTEED BLUE COAL The Coal that is Trade Marked for your protection SCOTCH COAL WELSH COAL COKE AND DRY HARDWOOD IN STOCK AT ALL TIMES TO MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS â€" PROMPT SERVICE " PHONE 48R16 Orono Coal & Lumber Col

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