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Orono Weekly Times, 3 Mar 1938, p. 8

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f ORONO WKKKI.Y TIMES :iGHBORHOOD NEWS KIRBY Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Stapleton Sr. are home again. Mr. and Mrs. James Stark and Donna visited Oastleton friends on Sunday, Miss Bacon, li.N.. and1 Miss Darke. R.N., Port Hope, visited Mr. and' Mrs. Sam Jones. Miss Irene Laiiig and Mr. Archie Laing left last week for their home in the West, Some oif our W. I. members attend- ed the Literary Course at the Short Course in Orono. MV. Gordon Ellis is in Port Hope •Hospital as the result of an accident to his foot while chopping wood. lA mmnlber from here took in the banquet sponsored by the Short Course at Orono on Friday night Mr. Harold Burley accompanied his umde, Mr. .Win. Burley, to Lind- say where they «were present at a “Thresher’s’ Banquet.” Mr. arid Mrs1. Charlie 1 Stapleton, Mrs. Jack Morris and Mr, Everett -Stapleton, of Orono, were recent visi- tors with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Staple- ton . • Mr. Ronald Burley accompanied some Port Hope friends to Peterboro â- Ool'legiate on Wednesday night to bear a musical treat, viz., “The Mad- rigal! iSihgers” and “The Toronto Con- servatory String Quartette.” The W. I. heM a social evening on February 23rd for the members and their families. Progressive euchre was played, the winners being : Ladies, 1st, Mrs. -C, Morris ; consola- tion, Mrs. C. Reid. Men, 1st, Mr. C. Morris 'and Mr. Lloyd Burley tied and Lloyd won out; consolation, Harry Burley. Mrs. L, Savery was in charge of League on Tuesday night. The pro- gram was as follows : Bible reading, Audrey Burley ; vocal solo, June Ware, accompanied by Margaret De- niiult : reading, MacGregor Jones ; topic, “Relationship of Government and People,” Mr. J. .1. Melfor. A flower contest was enjoyed. SIXTHliNE By a fall caused by a ladder giving way on the ice Anson Gilroy suffered a rib fracture recently which required the services of Dr. Manning to replace and we are glad, his condition shows improvement. W-e are glad to note that our Ken- dal people of the United Church gave triple increase last year to missions over last church year and that the re- port of NewtonviUo and Shiloh also was of a creditable kind. All the persons who in last issue of the Times reported ill from this section show signs of recovery, name- ly Mrs. Gilroy, Miss Alma Bell and John Cornish. Our long time friend, Mr. George Mercer, is in a serious condition of health at present and is the oldest resident in Kendal. In his sermon on Sunday the pas- tor spoke on the stirring incident from Judges where Deborah the dauntless, prophètes in Israel, with her lieutenant Barak attacked the mighty army of Si-sera; wi th Ms nine hundred chariots of iron and caused an utter riot of the proud and cruse enemy. The speaker pointed put also some excellent lessons to be taken from this ancient Waterloo. The discourse was interesting throughout and to your scribe the combat only accentuates the- denial that the almighty always fights on the side of the heavy battalions as Na- poleon once stated was the case. T â- recall also that Victor Hugo stated in his great book Les Misérables that there was one great reason why Wel- lington must win Waterlooâ€"'that rea- son GOD. Jim thinks it’s not far to the town •line.; Miss Marion Ba n non was home over the week-end. M r. Andrew : Morrow is recovering from his recent, fall on the ice. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 1X-.MU1, of Osh- â- awa, visited the latter’s parents on •Sunday. Mr. Wilfrid Bigelow spent the past week at home before leaving for a trip to Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Harold iSoueh, of Shi- loh. spent 'Saturday evening at Mr. J as. Wannan’s. Mi', and Mrs. Lome Wiatnnan and babe visited with Mr. and Mrs. Orley Chapman on Saturday evening. Mrs. Will Clark and son Lloyd, of •Ballyduff, visited her brother, Mr. Win. Winmail, who still continues quite ill. The social evening which was to have been held on Monday evening is postponed until Friday evening of this week. Remember we are still having the play from the sixth line. You’ll be sorry if you miss it. The monthly meeting of the W.M. iS. and the W.A. was held on Wednes- day of this week The program be- ing under the World Day of Prayer. The short course which was held in Orono the past, month finished with a banquet and dance. The young people report a good time. COWANVILLE Miss I. Bruce is y siting Mrs. J. J. W. iS-tringer. Messrs. T. A. Reid and W, A. Reid attended the road convention in Tor- onlto last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bob -Tones, Eighth Line, -spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Wesrtol Stringer. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nesbitt, and Mrs. Wm. Harris were recent visitors at Miss Flossie Graham’s. Several from this community ai tended 'the home and school club at Crooked Creek Thursday night, The Y.P.tT. met on Wednesday night with our Christian Culture convener, Sidney Hughes, in charge of the programme. All report a nice time. RADIO TUBES Automatic Volume Control Automatic Frequency Control | Inter-station Noise Suppression | Phase Shifting j All necessitate good test j instruments I HAVE THEM LESKARD Mr. Willie Bairstow was home on â- Sunday. •Miss Mildred Davey was home over the week-end. Mr. Bruce Tennant has secured a job with Mr. Boy Ball. Mr. Ross Robbins visited his par- ents, Mr. «and Mrs. A.- Bobbins, on 'Sunday. Mr. Fred Trull, who is giving up farming, is holding his sale on March 12th. I Sorry to hear Bob Ohaters .is con- fined to his bed wth influenza, and hope for his speedy recovery. The short course is over again and the boys- are hack home to work again. â- Watch for some up-to-date farming now. Mr. Jerry Duval has not returned to work as he has not yet fully re- covered from the short course ban- quet, Mr. Bertram Syer says lie doesn’t know where to live, in Leskard or Bowman ville when it storms like it did. on Sunday. But we noticed he stayed at the latter place till the storm was over. The basket social held on February 21st for the Home -and School Club was a very successful1 event, A good programme was given by the follow- ing talent : duet by Dorothy and Roy Scott; solo by 'Arthur Bell; mouth organ selection by Mrs. ’Skeld- ing ; recitation, of Boh Chafers ; mouth organ selection by George Ralph ; re- citation by Oscar Skelding; piano duet by Mr. and, Mrs. Carl Billings. Mr. George Ralph was then called on to auction off the baskets and made a good job of it, After lunch the tickeit was drawn for the cushion, with Miss Bear 1 Morrow of Kirby be- ing the winner. The remainder of the evening was. spent in dancing. The total proceeds amounted to $30. â€",â€"â€"â€"oâ€"-â€"-â€"•â€":â€": 'â-  NEWCASTLE Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Brown -spent Sunday in- Toronto. Mrs. Jim Smith, visited relatives in Toronto recently. Mrs. Fisher, of Belleville, is visit- ing lier mother, Mrs. George Rickard. Mirs, Stella Anderson spent several days in Toronto, the first of the week. Mr. Donald land Mr, Janie Wright, of iS'udbury, were home for the week- end. Mt. Hubert Anderson, of Windsor, is visiting Iris1 father, Mr. W. H. An- derson. Mrs. E, Pomeroy has returned to Orillia after spending ten days with Mrs. R. W. Gibson, Mr. Harold All in is now a member of the -Newcastle council, taking the late Mr. Ed. Hoar’s place. Mrs. Reg. Lovekin has returned to Toronto after spending a week’s holi- days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cou'ison. Mrs. Stella Anderson-, “the New- castle A nils,” enter tamed on Sun- day evening to celebrate her son Dick’s birthday. Wednesday being Ash Wednesday, there were . two services held in St. George’s Church, celebration of Holy Communion at 9 o’clock and1 Even- song at 7 o’clock. “Dick, the Gardener,” well-known •Ontario Hortieulturalisit and radio speaker, is to -address an -open meet- ing of the Newcastle Horticultural â- Society, on Friday evening in the council chamber. Congratulations to Mrs. John Douglas who celebrated her eightieth birthday ' on Monday. Mrs. Henry Riagen, from Toronto, spent the day with her mother, also Mrs. Gowdy, Mrs, Brittain’s daughter. A number of old friends called to offer their congratulations and felicitations and toll admired the numerous beautiful flowers sent to Mrs. Douglas for her birthday. CLARKUNION Mr. and. Mrs. James Ball, of Les- kard, visited at Mr. Alex. Watson’s on Sunday. A severe snowstorm passed over this section on 'Sunday, filling the roads quite badly in places. Mr. and Mes. Roy Cornish, of Port Perry, visited at her mother’s, Mrs. Eva Allin, over the week-end. Miss Eileen Sbuch visited at, Nia- gara Falls over the weekend, a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McLeod. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Best visited the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tennant, of Leskard, on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Power and daughter visited her mother, Mrs. Ida Stark, -at Starkville over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Rainey and daughter -and Mr. -and Mrs. A1 mont Bullock and daughter visited Oshawa friends- on Sunday. Mir. Roy Scott was operated for •appendicitis at Bowm-amville hospital on Monday last. We hope to see Roy -around again very shortly. The postponed meeting of the Home and Sfehool Club will be held on Thursday evening -of this week, weather permitting. Mr. E-. A. Sum- mere, district representative of agri- culture, Bowm-anville, will be the speaker. Come and enjoy a good talk. isn;t17thë™jth I ‘ Chas. R. Knox j Phone 42r.2, Orono . All Makes All Models j Guaranteed Service SALE REGISTER Saturday, March 12.â€"Auction of Farm Stock, Implements-, the property of F. W. Trull, mile east of Leskard .-â€"Elmer bur. Auctioneer. Watch for Bills. Sale rite., one Will- Sale There is a story going the rounds about a small congregation hunting for à new minister. The board mem- bers were perplexed and they sought the aid: of -one of the chief executives o-f their church who happened to be in town on official business. The executive met the board and they told him what they had in mind. One man suggested they need a great orator -and pastor ; another said the man they wanted would have to be a genius for organization ; another put in that they needed! someone with an eye to- finances ; -another intimated that -they would need a politician to keep the various- factions in mind, and another one wanted someone with athletic ability to -coach the young. The church executive listened at- tentively and then -said : “Well, gen- tlemen. all you want is a cross be- tween Rev. Dr. Pigeon, Sir Edward Beatty, Hon. Chas. Punning, Pre- mier Hepburn -and Lionel Oonacher, •and you want to get him for $100 a month. 1 tell- you it can’t be clone â€"tâ€"_â€"â€"to-â€"â€"â€"s-â€"' Travels of a French Fried Potato : In your mouth a few minutes, in your stomach a friw -hour’s1, on your hips the: rest of your life. T) lPWâ3h Of Ns j à 1 DRUGS STATIONERY KODAKS PHONE 68, ORONO If You Need a iieliable Tonic P E P T O N .1 Is a genuine tonic that has been, Used -in many fam- ilies for years. PE PTC) N A gives satisfaction. lit helps people with faded appetites to regain an inter- est in, really pulling a chair up to the table and wel- coming everything in the nival- Pcpvona also furnishes iron to -the- blood where if is lacking in the dlieit. It is especially i-n cases o'f simple nutritional anemia. Other people who are convalescing oir just feel weak due to a, cold find Peptona a great help in stimulating the appetite so -that more food iS1 eaten -to build new strength and. energy. Peptona is sold at Tyrrell’s Drug Store on a money-back Guarantee 16-ounce bottle for . . . $1.00 An Easy Way to Secure the Benefits of Cod Liver Oil EACH PURETEST COD LIVER OIL CONCENTRATES CONTAINS THE VITAMIN A AND D CONTENT OBTAINABLE IN ONE TEASPOONFUL OF LIQUID COD LIVER OIL These Golden Yello-w Tablets are easy to-take ! Just swallow them. No oily flavor! No disagreeable after-effects. Take â- Pure-test Cod Liver Oil Tablets to aid in the reduction of colitis. They aid also -in building body energy and in helping thin, run-down people to gain weight and strength where the diet is deficient in these vitamins. Bottle of 50 tablets, 65c. 100 tablets, $1.00 You Save with Safety at Tyrrell’s Rexall Drug Store • New Merchandise As1 in tile past we aim to give. Orono and vicinity a complete 5 c. to $1.00 store by adding new numbers to our already large -stbek and making this a store- with a CHOICE SELECTION OF VALUES for home and personal use with values equal to any store in the larger centre's. How can we do it? With, your continued support of the grocery department as well as the other depits, we are able to maintain prices, etc., equal to die larger towns and cities. Small and Medium size PAPER BAKING CUPS, for use in making individual cakes, etc., 60 in pkg...... 10c, New shipment Spring Colors TRIMMING BUTTONS. SMALL NIGHT LIGHTS, fit regular sockets, 2 and 5 SPECIAL, 6 cakes P. & G. SOAP and 2 cakes KIRK’S CASTILE SOAP, all for ...... ..... 29c. SIILVO SILVER Polish, tin,.......... 15c. BRASSO CLEANING POLISH, per tin.-.. 15c. SPECIAL â€" 1 pkg. SWANSDOWN CAKE FLOUR and one 4-oz. tin CALUMET BAKING POWDER, all for ........... .t.â€".......... 36c. Fresh CHOCOLATE COATED PEANUTS, half pound for...............<........ 10c. ORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE YOUR FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE Home and Building Improvement Pays You Big Dividends, Both in Comfort and Convenience WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES AT ALL TIMES D. L. & W. GUARANTEED BLUE COAL The Coal that is Trade Marked for your protection SCOTCH COAL WELSH COAL COKE AND DRY HARDWOOD IN STOCK AT ALL TIMES TO MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS â€" PROMPT SERVICE PHONE 48R16 Orono Coal & Lumber Co i

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