1 Classified Advertising J AGENTS WANTED FURNITURE AGENTS. DROP EVERYTHING FOR our line. Whirlwind seller, big re- repeater. amazing profits. Craige Brothers, Niagara Falls, Ontario. WANTED: MAN FOR RAWLEIGH Route. Route will be permanent if you are a hustler. For particulars write Rawlelgh’Si Dept. M.L. 897-101- C, Montreal, Canada. ARTICI.ES for safe PECTACLE FRAMES, $1.50. PTÃE- scriptions filled. Special low prices. By mail. Schaefer Optical, 156 Yonge, Toronto. BOOKS AND MAGAZINES YOUR FAVOURITE MAGAZINES OF- fer thrilling and fascinating enter- tainment, vital instruction, and help- ful inspiration at surprisingly low prices. Subscriptions make excellent gifts, too. Complete list free on re- quest.. D. Scott Service, Toronto 10, Ontario. CARPENTERS, PAINTERS Handbook for carpenters, Painters, Handymen, etc. Concrete, Bricklaying, Sawfiling, Brazing, Sol- dering, etc, 15c. O. Eynarson, 104 Gould St., Toronto. CLOTHING FOR SALE GOOD USED CLOTHING, LOWEST prices. Write for catalogue. Yonge Street Clothing Exchange, 502 Yonge Street., Toronto. EDUCATIONAL Stationary Engineers It is a waste of time and money to sit for examination unless you are proper- ly prepared. MAKE SURE OF SUCCESS Write School of Stationary Engineer- ing, Paris, Ontario.â- DEAF? BONE CONDUCTION. A NEW METH- od that gives you natural hearing through the bones of the head. The Potter Bone Conduction, the smallest made is applied to the bone behind the ear, nothing on nor in the ear. The miracle of the age. Write to H, Potter Company, 405 Eyrie Building, Toronto. Established 1917. DEVELOPING AND PRINTING BEAUTIFUL ENLARGEMENT, HAND colored in oils, free with each order. Roll developed and printed, 25c: re- prints, 10 for 25c. Ray’s Photo Ser- vice, Station J, Toronto. ROLLS DEVELOPED, PRINTED, 1 free enlargement 25c. Re-prints 10 for 25c. Photo-Craft, 183% King' E„ Toronto. ZERO PRICES, EXPERT WORK. ROLL . with free enlargement 25c. Trevanna Studios, 93 Niagara Street, St. Cath- arines, Ont. FREE!â€"TWO BEAUTIFUL ENLARGE- ments (one colored) with roll de- veloped, eight glossy, fade-proof prints, 28c; highest quality. Machray Films, Winnipeg. ROLL DEVELOPED AND PRINTED X- *5c- Free glossy enlargement with " every order. Gem Photo Service, Box 729, Station H., Toronto, Ontario. FOR SALE ELECTRIC, HAND OR POWER MEAT choppers and bone grinders; fully guaranteed. A. J. Deer Company, 168 King St. W., Toronto. FOR SALEâ€"150 ACRES IN LAMBTON County. Apply N. Leach, R.R. No. 3, Wyoming, Ontario. FOR SALE â€" EASTERN FEMALE mink bred to Steven and Martin males, $35. John Watkinson, Strat- forii, Ontario. FUR FARMING MINK RAISING â€" SAMPLE COPY magazine 10c, book catalog free. Fur Trade Journal. Box 31, Toronto. On- HAIR GOODS WIGS, TOUPES, TRANSFORMATIONS, Braids, Curls, and all types of finest quality Hair Goods. Write for illus- trated catalogue. Toronto Human Hair Supply Co.. 628 Bathurst, Toron- to. MEDICAL 6000 EDMONTON CITIZENS TESTIFY for (R. and S.) Powder, herbal reme- dy-rheumatism, arthritis, neuritis, stomach troubles, etc. Two. weeks, $1.50; one month $3; two months, $6. Druggists, or J. C. McIntyre,Herbal- ist, Edmonton, Alberta. Agents: Ly- mans, Montreal. NOVELTIES DRESSED DOLL, EASTER CHICKEN, Cow Boy Doll, Paper Hat, Balloon, Dancing Monkey, Blow Out and Horn all for 50c postpaid. Circular free. Robert Harvie. 238 King St, East, Toronto. OFFICE EQUIPMENT FIRE-PROOF SAFES, $50 AND UP, Cash Registers, Credit Systems, Coun- ter Check Books. Send postcard for illustrated folders. MeCaskey Sys- tems Limited, Galt, Ontario. PATENTS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR. List of inventions and full informa- tion sent free. The Ramsay Company, Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank St., Ottawa, Can. . R AYMAR, Cindt’i foremost Adviser on human problem#, will rend • Oiereder end Personality Chart free to anyone who writer hint, This «muring free j oiler it taede metnly to advertise JASON'S 49 COLD REMEDY end » available lot « limited time only. Write today, enclosing e tell-addressed stamped envelope end yoirs birth-date. | Addressâ€"Ray mar, LYONS5 TRADE-IN DEPT. 478 Yonge SL MARCH CLEARANCE SALIR Every article in our store marked down for quick clearance. We must have floor space, regardless of cost. This is your opportunity to buy high- class reconditioned furniture at a frac- tion of the actual value. CHESTEROTtELD SPECIALS dji •> QK» Three piece suite, upholster- «pleJWaJ e(i jn g.OÛ(ü quality repp mat- erial, Marshall reversible spring cush- ions. Thoroughly clean. cq Three piece suite, upholster- i.JU cd in a gbod repp material, pillow arms, reversible Marshall cush- ions. Ajf| Beautiful 3-piece suite in 4KM-UU English, tapestry. Reversible Marshall cushions. Thoroughly cleaned. #42 Three piece suite, upholster- v e(j in a rust shade repp mat- erial with figured reversible Marshall cushions, in perfect condition; Terms. MED ROOM SPECIALS sn Large triple mirror vanity, completely refinished, steel bed to match, sagless spring and new, felt mattress. &OQ An 4-piece suite, dresser, full «gjze pe($f With sagless spring, and chiffonier in 2-tone walnut finish. S45 Of) Beautiful 4 pieces in a rich, walnut finish, large dresser, full size bed with sagless spring, and large chiffonier. Completely refinished. $69 00 ^-p*ece suite, large dresser, 57»vv triple mirror vanity, full size bed, with sagless spring, and double- door ehiffrobe. Completely refinished. DINING ROOM BARGAINS $21 FlO Solid oak extension table, buffet and 6 leather seat chairs. $26 F£fl piece suite in rich wal- nut finish. Buffet, extension table and G leather seat chairs. $4S OO ^ine Piece oak dining room v suite, buffet, extension table, china cabinet and 6 leather seat chairs. Completely refinished. $££€} (){) Smart nine piece suite in ^ v English oak, buffet, square extension table, china cabinet and six leather upholstered chairs. Completely refinished. $RO OO Beautiful solid oak suite, large buffet, closed front china cabinet, square extension table, and 6 leather seat and back chairs. Completely refinished. BASEMENT SPECIALS $14 9S and up. Radios. Large assort- ment of all makes. All guar- anteed in good working order. $11 *ÃO kitchen cabinet with porce- lain top Good conditidn. $6 QS ^ and 4 burner gas stoves, all in g-00d condition. â- $5 9S anfî up- Barge assortment of dressers. $12 SO Sectional bookcases, com- pieteiy refinished. All goods are completely reconditioned and carefully packed, ready for prompt shipment on receipt of money order, and sold under a money-back guaran- tee of satisfaction. LYONS’ TRADE-IN DEPT. 478 Yonge St. â€" Toronto PERSONAL LEARN TRUE SIGNIFICANCE OF latent forces in your nature. Send stamped, addressed envelope. Box 352, New Westminster, B,C. QUIT TOBACCO, .SNUFF, DRINKING, easily, inexpensively. Home reme- dies, Testimonials, Guaranteed. Ad- vice free. Box 1, Winnipeg. ÂrËTŸou ruptürbd? i:17,7,RI:\ CO YD fort, positive support with our ad- vanced method. No elastic or under- straps or steel. Write, Smith Manu- facturing Co,, Dept. 219, Preston, Ont. SAVE MONEY. MAKE FACE CREAMS, lotions, chest rubs, cleaners in your kitchen, fifty finest formulas 50c. Woodhead, Box 96, Stratford, Ont. IF YOU WANT AN AFFECTIONATE, romantic sweetheart with money, write: Mary Lee, 445-0, Rolla, Mis- souri. QUIT TOBACCO, SNUFF, DRINKING, easily, inexpensively. Home remedies. Testimonials. Guaranteed. Advice free. Box 1, Winnipeg. POULTRY AND POULTRY EQUIPMENT BREEDING COUNTS. NAZAIRE BEN- oit, St. Jude, Quebec, writes: “Barred Rock Special Mating pullets com- menced to lay at 4 months and 8 days. Laying 62 per cent in October and eggs graded nearly all A large.†Send for copy of Tweddle Chicalogue and let our customers tell you their Jesuits with Tweddle Chicks. The Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Box 10, Fergus, Ontario. CHICKS â€" BARRED ROCKS AND White Leghorns; all breeders blood- tested and under Government Ap- proval; I. J. Ardagh. Streetsville, Ontario,' Box E. STARTED CHICKS â€" FOR WEEK beginning March 21. Chicks 10 days to 3 weeks old. Immediate delivery as long as this supply lasts. Write for prices. Bray Hatchery, 130 John St, North, Hamilton, Ontario. TRENT “BIG - REVENUE" . CHICKS are fast becoming a Buy-Word and Standard for Superior Chicks among poultry minded people, because they quickly turn feed and labor into "Profitsâ€. Ready now. Trent Elec- tric Hatchery, Trenton, Ont. POULTRY EQUIPMENT, HIGH QUA- lity at low cost.. Made in Canada for Canadians. Write for our new cata- logue. Model Incubators Ltd., 196 River St., Toronto. BETTER BABY CHICKS FROM OUR large Leghorns. Wonderful winter layers of big, white eggs. Write for descriptive catalogue, Shadynook Poultry Farm, Aylmer, Ontario. MA5QH UMCPm LIMH8D I 4 MiCAOl ST. • roaOHTO, CANADA |USE PIDARD New and re- markably re- medy f o r heaves. Sat- isfaction is guaranteed c^ardless of . .1 . the severity or length of time your horse has suffeied from this disease. By mail $1.00, Chs. Eug. Girard, Ste. •othee, Laval, Quebec. Crusade Brings Back Blushing Beauty Expert Says Lack of Blood In Faces Is Malting Girls Fade The common blush, practically dis- carded since sorority sisters discov- ered Freud and found that the whole business was just an inferiority com- plex, is going to be revived in an effort to keep American women from becoming a rac§ of gargoyles. A crusade to restore the blush to good standing was announced last week by Miss Grace Donohue, Chi- cago redhead, who described herself as a. “professor of beautyâ€"-within and without.†They’ve Forgotten How Miss Donohue said that the trouble with American girls is that “most of them have forgotten how to blush. The result is that they never get any blood in their face, their skin fades and they become ugly.†So she is forming a national asso- ciation of “blush of the month†clubs, the only requirement for which is a blush. Ten Grades of Blushing Miss Donohue will distribute mem- bership cards to her blush clubs and is preparing a list of 10 guides, to blushing. Among the slogans will be “How are your vaso-constrictors to- day?†and “try an old-fashioned blushâ€"it’s gland.†The vaso-eon- strictor, Miss Donohue explained, is the nerve that enables persons to blush and blushing is good for the glands. To the best blushers Miss Donohue is considering awarding as prizes pic- tures of Sonja Henie, Helen Hayes and Robert Taylor. She described them as the. best blushers of our time.†Smiles and Chuckles Instead of more people per square mile, the world needs more square people per mile. â€"oâ€"- About ail you can say for minding your neighbor’s business is that you never run out of something to do. Maybe we do get short weight for our money but the grocer has a long wait for it. â€"oâ€" We’ve tried everything, even going to bed early, but ideas don’t seem to come any easier. Still, how’d you like to be so homely, that, whatever you did, peo- ple wouldn’t talk about you? Ceremonies may differ biit true politeness is the same the world over. â€"oâ€"- It is well to be a leader, but be careful what you lead. â€"oâ€" The fellow who pulls on thé oars doesn’t have time to rock the boat. Someone has probably told you that a masseuse lives off the fat of the land. If she washes dishes for $5 a week that is servitude. If she does it for nothing, that is romance. Wasted opportunities are usually FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY â€" WE will have a limited number of day- old chicks in most breeds, available for last minute orders during' next two weeks. First come, first served, Bray Hatchery, 130 John St,, North, Hamilton, Ontario. CHICKS FROM 9%c UP, COCKERELS 2î4c up, pullets 19c up. Would you like Chicks that weigh 1% to 2 lbs. per hundred more than the Govern- ment Standard weight? Write for a circular which tells all about Baden "Big Egg†Chicks. Baden Electric Chick Hatchery, Box 59, Baden, Ont. EXTRA COCKERELS â€" WE ARE planning to have some extra cocker- els for delivery during week begin- ning March 21. Various breeds. Rea- sonable prices. Order today. Bray Hatchery, 130 John St., North, Ham- ilton, Ontario. GUARANTEED TO LIVE 100 V.C. AT LAST YOU CAN GET CHICKS guaranteed to live. 100 per cent which means that I will replace free all chicks that die in the first three weeks, It has taken ten years of blood testing, twelve years of Select- ive Breeding' and fifteen years of ex- perience to produce chicks that are 66 strong, healthy and otherwise per- fect that we do not hesitate to guar- antee them 100 per cent. Send for a price list, Essex Hatchery and Breed- ing Farms, Bqx WP, Essex, Ontario. Branches at Harrow, Cottam and Windsor, Corner Howard and Hilde- ga;rde Avenues. Phones: Essex 258, Harrow 133. and Windsor 3-6918. ' * found on a bench in the park or hanging around a pool room. - oâ€" A few may begin at the bottom and rise but more people begin at the bottom and stick there, Good salesmanship is selling goods which won’t come back to custom- ers that will. i One thing about a radio speaker, he stops when his time is up, not al- ways true of some after-dinner speakers. Today is no different from the day on which you began your record week. â€"oâ€"- Over the radio we hear classical music, jazzical miisic and jackassical music. It’s the easiest thing in the world for us to raise the devil with our children for raising the devil we used to raise ourselves when we were children. â€"oâ€" Read It Or Not No moving object can reverse its course without coming to a complete stopâ€"such as a bullet meeting, a cannonball. My Work Let me but do my work from day to day, In field or forest, at the desk or loom, In roaring market-place or tranquil room, Let me find it in my heart to say When vagrant wishes beckon me astray, x “This is my work; my blessing, not my doom; Of all who live, I am the one by whom This work can best be done in the right way.†Then shall I see it not too great, nor small, To suit my spirit and to prove my powers ; Then shall I cheerful greet the la- boring hours, And cheerful turn, when the long shadows fall At eventide, to play and love and rest, Because I know for me my work is best.â€"Henry VanDyke. TANNING BAND MALABTIC Boughtâ€"-Soldâ€"--Quoted Latest Information on Bequest. BRIDGET WAverley 3461 AJISSWiroKOlU* The tonONTO HOC* exchange 60 KING ST. W. - TORONTO EXPERT TANNING OF HIDES b OR harness, lace and robes. Bear, deer furs. Free list and tags. Towne & Sons. Mevrilton. Ontario. “AUTO-GLIDE’ A JOY TO RIDE Jne Hundred Miles per Gal. gasoline For men, women, boys and girls If you can a Bicycle ride, You can ride an Auto-Glide Sold by O. Mm pert - Hex peler, Ont. Issue No. 12â€"’38 Bâ€"D Sets Note Afloat In Ink Bottle Alton Clark of the Quebec pro- vince governed Magdalene Islands in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, wrote this message on a piece of paper and set adrift in a small ink bottle : “If any one finds this please write to Alton1 Clark, Magdalene Islands, Que., dated April the first.†Alt last summer passed with no word of his floating ink bottle. Just before Christmas he received a let- ter postmarked in France and con»; taining the slip of paper he had set1 adrift about nine months before. The message had. been picked up by a French boat in the Atlantic ji|! August. There was no one on hoard who could read English and it was] taken back to France for translation.1 The lifeboatmen of England saved 523 lives last year. cups G&RimD TEA, #» ehmynuothe eoef way to> KEEP CLEAN INSIDE! You’ll like the way it snaps you back, overnight, to the feeling bf "car- in' to go†fitness and inside cleanli- ness! Helps eliminate the left-over wastes that hold you back, cause head- aches. indigestion, etc. Garfield. Tea is not a miracle worker, but if CONSTI- PATION bothers you, it will certainly; "do wonders!†10c and 25c of drug- stores â€" or, WRITE FOR FREE; SAMPLES of Garfield Tea and Garfield Headache Powders to: GARFIELD TEA CO., Dept. 10C, Brooklyn, N.Y. B DRUGGISTS 35«1 E0= • 1125' C OLD S Head Colds î iïea't Minard’s* and inhale it. Chest Colds and Sore Throat; Hera, thenm 3* tub well into affected parts. Real relief . . . quickly ! REUNION of BRITISH FAMILIES We are prepared to advance passage money (without in- terest or other charges) to British people desiring to bring out to Canada their wives, families, relatives or friends. Apply far particular» to nearest Steamship agent or to BRITISH DOMINIONS EMIGRATION SOCIETY (Established1882) 217 Bay Street -, Toronto (Heed Offices London, Eng.)