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Orono Weekly Times, 31 Mar 1938, p. 4

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OTONO WEEKLY TIMES LESKARD -Mr. Walter Cornish has i holme from Toronto where been holidaying the past wcel iNew taxi for Leskiardâ€"-Mr man Tenant is now open for wheelbarrow service at all «turned he has c. Car- Ca-ll-aâ€" jrs. ho-u The next Home and School Club meeting : will be held on April 10th, this being -the last meeting of the sea- son. Spring is here. Mr. Will planted his garden last week ; E Duval is sport- ing his straw hat, and We see villagers talking on the. corner, (Somebody was getting in & supply of gas on club night a® Mjr. Bill Wanmui got gas at E. Duval’s store •on his way to the meeting and had to, get more before he could go home as the tank was dry. Next social evening for the Sun- day School will he on April 7th, A good programme i-s expected Com- mittee in charge, Harry Davey, Clar- ence Martin, Norman Baiirstow. Come and enjoy a social evening. The young people gave Mr, Arthur Bel!]: and bride a surprise on Saturday night when they chivareed them at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oàrl Bil- lings. The music was a little off tune but the volume was great. Arthur came out and invited everybody to come in and after hearty congratu- lations had -been extended to the bride and groom cards were- played for several hours. (Mm Billings ser- ved lunch which was enjoyec. by all. Mir. Borne Bobbins gave » •speech and Oscar tSkelding r couple of humorous numbers. All then joined bands and -sang “For they are jolly good fellows” and "Aw'd Lang Syne.” The social evening held -on Thurs- day night last was fairly well, 'attend- ed. A good programme was rendered and the . following numbers were given : -One verse of "What a friend wo have in Jesus,” followed by re- peating the Lord’s Prayer. Mr. -Geo. Ralph then favoured us with a mouth organ number. -Recitations were given Ii.v Miss Audrey Billings, Mr. Oscar Skelding and Robert Cimiers. Ivan Ball gave a fine selection on his guitar ; solo by Miss Patsy Mofiait. A -dialogue was then presented by Miss Alice B-airstow, Miss Edna Bi! lings and John Sy-er. Reading the Weekly Times supplied plenty good ‘humour. Lunch was then- served and an enjoyable evening was "brought to a close by -singing “-G-o-d Save the King.” The Home and School Club meet- ing held on Monday evening was' -a fine success. -Charlie Gay as con- vener and Edna Billings and John ISyer on the committee, are to be eon gratulated on the fine programme they presented. President Bertram iSy-er opened the meeting by singing “O Canada,” after which the Lord’s Prayer was repeated in unison. Miss1 Alice B-airstow then read the minutes- -of the last meeting. Charlie Gay then ing pro- stra : re- short joited a CROOKED CREEK A -special meeting of the Home and School Club was held in Xewionvihe Hall on Thursday, March 24th. A good programme was -presenit-ed, in- cluding a guitar and piano- accordion duct by M-iiss- Thelma Cowani and Mrs. !.. Smith ; vo-cal s-oio-s by Miss Hazel Reid and Mise Gwen Gilmer ; piano duet by Miss- Marion Green and -Mrs; R. Hallow-ell, and -a speech by Raymond Gilmer. The fea-tu-er of the evening was- a lecture, “the Sin- of Waste,” given- by Dr. Mill,son. This lecture, full of interesting -and valu- able information, was the more pleas- ing when, delivered in: the humorous and witty style of Dr. Millson. The regular meeting -of the Home and School' Club will be held in the school]' on March 31-st, A good pro- gramme is promised and the special -weaker will be Mr. Hbclgc-tt, of the Ch-ildren’s: Shelter, Port Hope. Ladies bring lunidh. â€"„----â€"o------.--- Mr. and ,,Mirs. E. J. Hamm, Mrs. D ixon and Mrs. Cut tel’ spent a few days last week in- Toronto, attending the flower show while there. Others attending the flower show were Mrs. Fred Tamiblyn and. daughter Mary, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lorriman and Mr. F, J. Lorriman. citations by Oscar Skelding -and Robt. Oh-aters ; vi-o-liin -selections by Cran- ston Sieo-tt, aceolmipanied by Miss 'Scott on the piano; solo- by Miss Dorothy 'Scott, accompanied by Mls-s Helen Scott on the piano ; solo by George Ralph: AI is,; Galloway was guest speaker, giving a splendid talk •on Australia, iStim-e of the listeners are planning on going to Australia to get some bananas at bargain prices. We hope to be able to hear Miss Galloway again in the near fu- ture as her talk was very educa- tional. Lunch was then served. The -rest, of the evening was spent in- denting. The -meeting closed by sing- ing “God -Stive the King.” Classified took charge of the follow gramme : Music by the orchi ^i=Mr===»r==Jr==Jr===1r==n:==|r:==Jr===Jr=*f=^r===Jr==|i==|i==*i==^r:==l. ui B B B E E B B B B B B B B B B B E B B B SPECIAL 10 DAY OFFER THIS COUPON IS WORTH 20c This Coupon wh store with 15c. in NE HEAT & M( fo Name. Address. ORONO Exclusive Agents j LH. ARMSTRONG 1 | Barrister & Solicitor | Moved to New Premises in ARMSTRONG BLOCK Over Rolph’s Store COMING EVENTS The LOB.A. will hold a Five Hundred and Euchre Party in the Orange Lodge ' Room, -Orono, on Thursday, M arch 31st, at 8.00 o’clock. Last card party of the season, Lunch served. Admission, 25c. a-10-e. The regular meeting of the Wo- men's Institute will be held in the Council Chamber -on April 8th. Com- mittee oil peace in -charge. Mrs. Cut- ; ell convenor. Roll Call : "Wlmt can il do to preserve peace.” -b-ll-c. The Horticultural Society will hold their next regular meeting in the Assembly room of the High -School on Tuesday, April 5th. at 8 o’clock. Mr. M. H. iStapl-es, who was -the dele- gate to the convention will give his report at this- meeting. Please note the change of date. DOST In Otou-o, on Wednesday, March 30th, Ladies’ White Gold Waltham Wrist Watch. Finder please leave at Orono Times office. a-10-p. County and S District News I FOR SALE 1 Wood Silo 12x30 ; 1 Plough, next to new ; 1 Fleury G ang Plough and- 1 Massey Disc Harrow. Apply to Mrs. Rosa J, Cornish, Leska-rd, or Phone 54 R 16, Orono. FOR SALE Baby Chicks, White Leghorns and Barred Rocks-, from Blood-Tested flock, sired by R.O.P. Cockerels. Ap- ply A. II. Clemens, BoWmanvibe R. R. No. 6; Phone 2433. tf. FOR SALE Two Purebred Hereford Bulls ready for service, Pania-ma and Gay Lad breeding, both are low set blo-cky type and good dark colour. Eor -par- ticulars apply M. W. Cornish, Orono R, B. North ; Phone 51 r 18. b-ll-c. NOTICE Mr. G. Gauld will give $25.00 re- ward for information leading to the •arrest and conviction of some un- known party or parties who have spoken untrue and false statements and of which will foe dealt with by the full penalty of the laiw, under the Criminal Code for disfiguring a char- acter. a-10-p. Port Hope junior baseball enthus- iasts -meet -on Monday night to dis- cuss the sea-son’s activities. * * * * -Suckers -are running in Port Hope’s river and, regardless of the low temperatures, residents are con- vinced that spring is on the way. * » * * Lindsay’s relief costs only decreas- ed $2.32 in February of this year, as compared with the same mo-nth of 1937, despite the falot there were 91 fewer recipients-. • « « * Thirteen men -and a girl were ar- rested after a raid -by Peterb-oro po- lice -on Saturday night last. On Fri- day night. 14 men w-ere arrested at a crap game. -*•#** The late Laura J. Chestnut, wife of John W. Gordon, Hope Township, was buried on Monday in Welcome cemetery. 'She died on Sunday in her 71-st year. * * * * Cobo-urg Rugby Club, winners of the intermediate “B” title, were pre- sented with the provincial’, cham- pionship trophy at a banquet held ait the British Hotel, Cobourg, on Fri- day evening last. * * * * Funeral services were held on -Sun- day -of Alfred Pro-use Jewell, L..rue- ville resident, wh-o- passed -away tin Friday last, aged 88 years. Services were ini Eldon Church, with inter- ment in Eldon Cemetery. * * * * Jo-Jo Grafooski, flashy one-eyed hookey player of Oishawa, was voted the No-. 1 centre player of -the Eas- tern United States Amateur League by sports- writers around the league circuit. He played for Hershey. * * * * There i-s -a possibility of a 45-mill rate for Port Hope -this year. At Monday evening’® council meeting of last weak, Deputy-Reeve R. J. Ed- m-undte, chairman of the finance committee of the council, reported a surplus of $13,000 existed at the present -time. In Orono EVERY SATURDAY Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 10 p m Phone 47 r 1 1 TORONTO--Care Jenner & Brunt, 171 Yonge Street El. 8131 Orono Creamery Prices The Orono Creamery will pay for butter fat this week : 42c. for special, 40c. for first and 38c. for second. en signed and presented at our cash within 10 days entitles customer to 1-4 PINT OF PTO-LAC IISTURE RESISTING ENAMEL \NY COLOR 15c. REGULAR VALUE 35c nly one to a Customer M. LUNN ONTARIO For Lowe Brothers Nepto-Lac Enamels [UI B B B Bfl B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B m COWANVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Heard and daughter visited Mr and Mrs-. P. Ste- phens on -Sunday. -Sève-rail of the men of this 'local- ity went to â-  help with th-e fine at Bruimett’s on. -Monday. -Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Farrow and Arthur, Mr. and! Mrs. Ivan Farrow and Mrs. Burley, visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank M-oGee, Toronto-, on iStui- day, League met as usual on Wednes-- da-y evening with Enniskillen visit- ing. Enniskillen won the deba;e which- was the main event o-f the evening. Next ‘Sunday is communion service at Clarke and ns- it wil-1 be the last Cqanim-uinion Mr. McLean will con- duct. he w’ould like to see all the members out. CARE OF GOLDFISH Professional Directory DENTAL DR. J. 0. MILNE, Dental -Sur- geon, Orono. Office hours : 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Evenings by ap- pointment, Newcastle every Wed-- nesdiay and other days by appoint- ment. Phone 18rl. MEDICAL DR. H. E. MANNING Physician and Surgeon Orono - Ontario Office Hours : 1.30 to 4 p.m, and 7 to 9 p.m. -Sunday by Appointment AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Auction -Sales of all size» and at reasonable rates. Communicate with him at Pert Perry, Ontario, or see his Clerks, A. J. ‘Staples or A. E. Morton, at Orono, for date. G. RICHARDS Practical Watchmaker All Repair» to Watcbe», Clock*, and Jewellery, will’ receive our prompt attention PARK STREET - ORONO John J. Gilfillan Phm. B. QUALIFIED OPTOMETRIST Licentiate of the College-of Optom- ' etry of Ontario Office Hours : 10 to 12 a.m, and 2 to 4.30 p.m- and by appointment Office in C. B. Tyrrell’-s Drug Store Phone 68r2 PARK ST. UNITED CHURCH 1 (Rev. J. H. Osterhout, B.A., B.D. j Pastor Many gold firth were given away at Tyrrell’® drug store, and -here -are a few rules -to -go by in the care of these fish : Use as large an aquarium that your -space and pocket-book will allow, as fish should not; ‘be crowded. Use some fine, washed hard -sand on the bottom of the aqu-arium, if you like. Put in suitable ornaments, according to the individual taste. In a -still water aquarium, with one three-inch fish per gallon of water and healthy growing plants, you- can man lain satisfactory -conditions almost indefinitely and will need only to replace the water which evaporates. It i® not at all unusual to -have an aquarium operate without -cleaning fo-r a period of -six months- at a time. If water is pure, the sin- gle -coll organism? called algae, will gro-w profusely, and will be recog- nized as -a green coating on- the glass,.. This is not slime. It is a valuable -aid to the fish. If the aquarium is prepared with all the accessories plac- ed properly, pouring in water from a considerable height will disturb them. This can be prevented by put- ting a board on th-e inside and let- ting the waiter fall on this board at first. After filling the aquarium, let it stand in the room several hours be- fore fish are -put in- it. This will re- move any excess of oxygen which -might have a tendency to smother the. Goldfish. In choosing water, we would re- commend : First, filtered rain water. iSeco-nd, city water from faucet, and third, water from a well placed last because some well water has a large amount of iron or sulphur in it, which is not best for goldfish. -Put some salt in a container (pre- ferably siea salt), a tablespooirful to a gallon of water, and let the fish re- main in this s-olution for five min- utes. Even if they, turn over on their sides and appear to be almost dead, they will quickly revive when transferred to the fresh waiter in the aquari um. Repeat this salt bath pro- SCe-ss at least onc-e a month, whether they seem to need it or not. -Gold-fish will tell when they need assistance, iby certain definite signs. If they have used up all the oxygen in the water, they will hang at -the to-p with their mouths protruding, gasping for air., If the fish are sick they will lie on the bottom with tins drooping. They are also sick if they show spots o-f white -cottony appear- ance. In ease of either of these trou- bles, give them the salt bath. As thé aquariums are small they have little exercise so need little feed. They should not be fed ainy -more than they will eat in a half hour, twice a week Feed the food so slowly that you can see each particle consumed. If there i-s a surplus o-f food in the water, it rapidly decomposes, liberating an acid which absorbs oxygen and po- intes the water. Tif necessary to change the water entirely, be careful to see. that the new water is practically of the same temperature. Clean the aquarium thoroughly and the ornaments- with a â- strong- salt solution. Do not use soap -or other similar -clean-sing materials. Do not handle gold fisli if pos- sible. Use a rounded, rather deep dip net for transferring them, under any condition’s. Do not even put the â- SUNDAY, APR. 3rd 111 a.m.â€"Rev. C, O. Miller, of ] Bridgeivorth. 7 p.m.â€"(Rev. C. O. Miller. Anniversary services April 10th. I i Guest preacher, Rev. N. E. Bow-1 i les. GOME AND WORSHIP THURSDAY FRIDAY & SATURDAY PORT HOPE Matinee Sat. Queen of the Ice SONJA HENIE In Another Great Musical Show “Happy Landing” With Don Ameche MONDAY and TUESDAY Two Weeks in Toronto WILLIAM POWELL ANNABELLA In a Comedy Treat “The Baroness and The Butler” WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY What Would YOU Do? MYRNA FRANCHOT LOY TONE Rosalind Russell in “MAN-PROOF ft EVENINGS AT 7.00 AND 9 00 hands in the water, because acids- can, start this way. Tin general cleanliness; good light â€"èbut not too bright; good distribu- tion of healthy plants- ; proper food in moderate quantities ; not to-o many fish for the aquarium’s capacity, are the real essentials for the successful maintenance of aquariums. -â€"--------oâ€" --------- The UiS. Department of Agricul- ture -stopped distributing free -seed in 19-23, bu-t every year thousands of: people hopefully request some. Try us for your next printing order

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