'""‘'â- '"Tffitjf V, â- â- A Classified Advertising AGENTS WANTED AGENTS. DROP EVERYTHING FOR our line. Whirlwind seller, big re- repeater, amazing profits. Craige Brothers, Niagara Foils, Ontario. ARTlCil.ES FOI» SATE SPECTACLE FRAMES, *1.60. PRK- seriptions filled. Special low prices. By mail. Schaefer Optical, 156 ronge, Toronto. SINGER DROPHEAD SEWING MACHâ„¢ ihea â€" Reconditioned, guaranteed like new, $14.00; new Williams Drop- heads, $9. Shipping and creating, $2. extra. Sutherlands, 358 Gerrard East, Toronto. DON’T REBORE THAT ENGINE. USE Ovrhaul patented mineral plating, re- stores compression, stops piston slap, smoking ancf oil pumping. Works while driving. Saves 50 p.c. of oil. Saves gas. 500,000 satisfied users. Highest British recommendations. Costs $3.75. Money-back guarantee. Free information. Ovrhaul Distribu- tors, Box 63, Kitchener, Ontario. DEVELOPING AND PRINTING FANNING MILL ( KL! NE) â€"FARMERS say real wonder seed grader. Kline Manu far luring*, Islington, Oni. BABY CHICKS l»Ol' L i lt, \ \ i> t-m I.TRY R<tm VM Ml XT FOR SEVEN YEARS WE HAVE USED more R.O.P. Pedigreed Males ill our matings than any other breeder or hatchery in Canada and 1938 is no exception. Send for - Tweddle Chica- log tie and read all about Tweddle Extra Profit and Special Mating Big Egg Chicks. These chicks are born with a head start and weigh when hatched, 2 bzs. more than the Gov- ernment required weight. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited. Box 10, Fergus, Ontario. BUTTER BA.B Y t'H ICRS FROM OUR large Leghorns, Wonderful winter layers of big, white eggs. Write for descriptive catalogue, Shad y nook Poultry Farm, Aylmer, Ontario. WHY PAY MORE WHEN YOU CAN purchase Government Approved Chicks from bloodtested breeders at these prices? Cockerels as low as 2Ce, pullets 19c, non sexed chicks !HAe. Send for circular. It tells all about Baden "Big Egg†Chicks. Baden Electric Chick Hatchery, Box 59, Baden, Ontario FOR BETTER CHICKS, BETTER liveability, larger eggs, better pro- duction, buy Pletsch’s Government Approved Chicks at lowest prices in years. Leghorns, Rocks, Minorcas, Sexed Chicks, Pullets. Write today, PI et: seh Hatchery Stratford, Route 5. Ontario, BABY CHICKS, WHITE LEGHORNS, from large blood-tested stock, good layers of large eggs, all eggs set weight 2 oz. or over. Safe delivery guaranteed. Price is low. Maple Leaf Poultry Farm, Beams ville, Ontario. WHOLESALE PRICES â€" OUR RED Seal, Baby Chicks, the progeny of Registered and Pedigreed, flocks, as- sures the public of the highest qual- -1 ty o f eli it; ks o b ta 1 h a b 1 e. Pri cos $ 7.5 0 to $10.00 per 100. Goddard Chick Hatcheries, Bri tann la Heigh is, Ont. 1333» V- "':C' r 'IIAYMAR, Csnsdet forcnioss Adviser on Kumait protiems> will S'Bhd i Cfi*r*ct*r sftd Personality Gieit free to enyone who writes him. This «mazîn$ Ifree j ©fier is made merely to advertise 4 MASON'S 49 COLD REMEDY ] *nd is available fat * limited time'only. Write today, enclosing « self-addressed, «tamped envelope and your birth-date. Addressâ€"Raymar# MASON REMEOSIEX UMITtB MiCAUl ST. * TORONTO, CANADA ROLLS DEVELOPED, PRINTED, free enlargement 25c. Re-prints 10 for 25c, Photo-Graft. 1881» King B„ Toronto. ZERO PRICES, EXPERT WORK. ROLL with free enlargement 25c. Frevanna Studios, 93 Niagara -Street, St, Lath-, ari nés,Ont, FREE!â€"TWO beautIFUI. ENLARQE- ments (one colored) with roll de- veloped, eight, glossy, fade-proof prints, 28c; highest: quality. Mach ray Films, Winnipeg. ROLLS DEVELOPED AND EIGHT Prints with free enlargement, 25c. Reprints 3c each. Commercial Photo Service, Dept. B Outremont. Que. HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS ANDREWS’ ACADEMY OF HAIR- dressing. Spring classes forming on April 3rd. Free literature. 961 Bloor West, Toronto. FREE ENLARGEMENT WITH EVERY 26c order. Roll film developed and 8 prints, 25c. Reprints 3c each, Bright- 11 ng Studio, 2 Richmond St. E„ To- ronto. EARLY MANDARIN (REGISTERED) Soya Beans, E31966; grade 1; germ- ination, 100%; yield, 8.2 bus.; grand championship awards. Gordon Fin- lay, Northwood, Ontario. I5MPLO Y HÉH'f WAH TED YOUNG, EDUCATED MAN WANTS work, any kind of risk. Write Box 12, Shcho, Sask. ran sale FOR SALEâ€"100 ACTIFS IN L.A.MRTON County. Apply N, Leach. R.H. No. 3, Wyoming. Ontario. FURNITURE $99.00 A BEAL OPPORTUNITY. GET ROE ~ “Quality Controlled†Chicks at new "" 1938 prices. Ask the folks who raise Roe Layers. They'll tell you of big husky birds .that live, lay lots of big eggs, make you more money. From a 10,000 bird breeding farm. Trap- nesting and pedigreeing under R.O.R, Leghorns, Barred Rocks, New Hamp- shire s. Sexed or Regular run. Write today for free catalogue. The. Roe Poultry Ranch, Box 6A, Atwood, Ont. OUT YOURSELF A SHARE OF NEXT Fall’s egg profits with April-hatched Bray chicks. Bray pullets mature early. 1.2 pure breeds also cross- breds. Free catalogue. Bray Hatch- ery, 1.30 John St. North, Hamilton, Ontario. POULTRYMEN REPORT BRAY NEW Hampshire pullets laying under five months and laying up to 80% at 7 months. Cockerels dressing 7 lbs. at 5 months. See our catalogue. Bray . Hatchery, 130 John St. North, 'Hamil- ton, Ontario. DURING OCTOBER, NOVEMBER AND December last, C.W.S. sold 1700 dozen -eggs, from 400 Bray White Leghorns, at 34 cents dozen. Income, 578 dol- lars. Feed costs, 204 dollars. Profits for 3 months, 374 dollars. Send for catalogue. Bray Hatchery, 130 John St. North, Hamilton, Ontario. BULBS, GARDEN SERBS, PLANTS MAIDEN HAIR FERN, 10c PLANT, postpaid; hardy perennials, bulbs, house plants, etc. Write for listâ€" Joseph Aiken, Lake View House, Que. HATCHING EGGS NEW HAMP8HIRES AND RHODE]“Is- land Reds. Heavy layers, exhibition winners. Fifteen eggs, $1,00; Fifty, $3.00. M. Fisher, Enterprise, Ontario. PHOTO GRAPH Y SEND YOUR FILMS TO THE HOUSE OF QUALITY Higher grade prints guaranteed^’by latest developing process. THIS MONTH’S SPECIAL OFFERâ€"Any size roll developed. Every print enlarged; or if you prefer, 16 prints. All for 25c. Free Film and Camera Coupon. FREE WITH EVERY ORDER a beautiful portrait of a motion picture star CONSOLIDATED PHOTO SERVICE 155 Catharine Si, HAMILTON, ONT. coo m LYONS’ 3 Room Outfit Furnishes 3 rooms complete with good, well constructed furniture. Every trade-in piece has been thoroughly re- conditioned and is sold under a definite money-back guarantee if not satisfied. You do not have to take complete out- fit as we will gladly substitute or omit any pieces you" do not need. Following is an itemized list of the 3-room com- plete outfit. Beautiful chesterfield suite, 3 pieces, upholstered in a fine mohair with re- versible Marshall cushions, brand new solid walnut chesterfield table, new table lamp and shade, new end table, new modern smoking stand, new bridge lamp and shade, full size steel walnut bed, sagless spring, new all-felt mat- tress, new pair feather pillows, _ large dresser in rich walnut finish, kitchen table and 4 chairs enamelled in. ivory, new 6' x 9’ floor rug, 3-burner gas stove and a beautiful 32-piece dinner set. 3 ROOMS FURNITURE â€" $!>0,6@ LYONS’ TRADE-IN DEPT. 478 Yonge St. â€" Toronto HAIR GOODS WIGS. TQ_TJP.ES,. :TRANSFQRMATIONS,. Braids, Curls, and all types of finest quality Hair Goods. Write for Illus- trated catalogue. Toronto Human Hair Supply Co.. 528 Bathurst. Toron- to. India Has Special Home For Snakes BOMBAY. -- Active in health re- search of all kinds is the Haffkine Institute of this city, which in recent years has performed such useful work as investigating the causes, incidence and remedies of bubonic plague. One of its departments is a “nursing home†for snakes, where at present there are about 40 specimens, including cob- ras, vipers, kraits and echis. There is a considerable export from, India of snake venom. Cobra venom is used in relieving acute pain from cancer and angina pectoris, and that of the viper has been found effective in checking excessive hemorrhage. One problem the institute has to bat- tle is the habit the cobra has devel- oped of going on hunger strikes. When the proposed “snake farm†in the in- stitute is established, the reptiles, un- der natural conditions, should have better appetites, and thrive and mul- tiply. This would relieve the trans- portation companies of the anxiety involved in bringing snakes from the jungle to the institute, Haffkine Institute got its name from Waldemar Mordecai Haffkine, distinguished bacteriologist, under the Indian Government, who died à few years ago. % Smiles and * Chuckles MATTRESSES FOR SALE MATTRESSESâ€" SPRING BARGAINSâ€" New Felt Mattresses, $3.50; New Spring Mattresses, $8.50, From factory to user. Veteran Bedding, 893 Queen St. West,, Toronto. MEDICAL 5000 EDMONTON CITIZENS TESTIFY for (R. and S.) Powder, herbal reme- dyâ€"rheumatism, arthritis, neuritis, stomach troubles, etc. Two weeks, $1,5.0; one month $3; two months, $6. Druggists, or J. C. McIntyre, Herbal- ist, Edmonton, Alberta. Agents: Ly- mans, Montreal. BEESLEY’S BITTERS (HERBAL TON- ic). Removes the cause of stomach troubles by building up and purify- ing- the blood. Mr. Thomas McGill, of Hi EarJscourt Ave., Toronto, suffer- ed with stomach ulcer for seven years, had lost forty pounds, has re- gained his normal weight, and enjoys his food, eats whatever be desires. Your blood will heal your body if it is in good condition. Send for testi- monials. Price $1.50 and $3.00 includ- ing Kidney Powders. $3.00 size lasts live weeks. Postpaid. Manufactur- ers, Mrs. T. VanCamp & Sons, 107 Langley Ave., Toronto, Ont., Dept. 3. HEPATOLA RELIEVES STOMACH, liver, kidney and bladder trobules, Symptoms; Pains in right side, under shoulder blades and across hips, in- digestion, gas, constipation,; _ colic. Formula of German doctor. Price $5. â- Mrs. Geo. . S. Almas, Box 1.073X, Sas- katoon, Sa s; Jr. PATENTS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR. List of inventions and full informa- tion sent free. The Ramsay Company, Registered Patent Attorneys. 273 Bank St. (Miawa Can .PERSON A I. QUIT TOBACCO, SNUFF. DRINKING, easily, inexpensively. Home reme- dies. Testimonials, Guaranteed. Ad- vice free. Box 1. Winnipeg. SAVE MONEY, MAKE FACE CREAMS, lotions, chest rubs, cleaners in your kitchen, fifty finest, formulas 50c. Wood bead. Box 9 6,. Stratford, Ont, SUMMER RESORTS WANTED HAVE YOU SUMMER ACCOMMODA- tionâ€"Hotels, cottages, rooms, cab- ins, picnic grounds, camping, etc. We can help you rent. Write now. The Canadian Vacation Guide, Canadian Building, 84 Victoria St., Toronto. USED CARS FOR SALE SAVE MONEY! DRIVE WITH SAFETY and pleasure, in one of our carefully reconditioned cars. Fully guaranteed under Ford Company plan. 65% buy from us again, Mann Motors, Limit- ed, Used Car Lot, 840 St. Clair Ave. West, Toronto. Three passenger and airmail planes bow leave each end of the Moscow- Vladivostok airway, 5,089 miles long, daily, and branch routes. to feed this matin trunk airway are being estab- lished. April fool conies but once a year, the other kind come every day. Young Sonâ€"“Say, Dad!†Dadâ€"-“Now what, young fellow " Young Sonâ€"“Nothing much. I was just, fighting these pesky flies and. wondering if Noah had two flies in the ark.†Dadâ€"“Why, I guess so. They say he had two of every kind of living creature oil that old boat,†Young Sonâ€"“Then, what I can’t figure out is why he didn’t swat both of them when he had the opportunity. Read It Or Not April Fool's Day is called: Trick Day in Portugal, Cuckoo Day in Scotland. Fop Day in Holland. Fish Day in France. Doll Day in Japan. - Joke Day in Russia. Boob Day in Spain. The word “April†is derived from the Latin aperire, to. open, as the buds begin to open, at this time of the year. In Nero’s time the month was called Neroneus. Woman -(to new acquaintance) â€" “Now you aren’t the kind, of a woman who, lets the -dishes pile up in the sink, are you?†Friendâ€"“I should say not. I make my husband do them.†The same fellow who can run a. newspaper with all ease and please all the people, is having a heck of a time to keep people pleased in his own line of business. Helenâ€"“What is an. octoroon?" Jacobâ€"“An eight-sided cuspidor." We want the best and . it is only fair that we should try also to fur- nish the beat. The proof of the pudding is the eat- ingâ€"not the making; Two men were hotly discussing the merits of a book. Finally, one of them said to the other: Firstâ€"“No, Friend, you won’t ap- preciate it. You never wrote a book yourself,†Secondâ€"“No, and Ã. never laid an egg, . but I’m a better judge of an omelet than any hen in the country.†Mandy â€" “Un si us. why don’t you work? Hard work never killed any- body.†Rastus -- “Dat shows' what you knows about it. I’ve already lost two wives dat way." Another approach to world amity: Never write a peace treaty until 10 years after the Armistice.†I-Ie (throwing stones into the water) â€" ‘I’m just .a little pebble in your life.†Sheâ€"“Then why not try being a lit- tle boulder?†Royal Winter Fair Continues To Grow Optimistic Outlook For 1938 Showâ€"Ever-Widening import- ance In National Agricultural Scheme. At the annual meeting of the Royal Winter Fair on March 23 when the Hon, G. Howard Ferguson was guest speaker, the directors, reviewing the past year, found ample cause for con- gratulation, they stated, that the Fair, now in its 17th year, gives abundant proof of a freshness and vigor to as- sure its permanence, and that public recognition of the annual service it performs within the national agricul- tural scheme continues to grow in ever-widening importance. The last Fair was notable for exten- sion in several departments and for consolidation of established lines of work, in other departments. One of the most significant developments was the expansion to twice their previous size of exhibits of Seed and Grain. There is no doubt, the report adds, that with more suitable grain-growing seasons the Show at the Royal Winter Fair will attain truly national import- ance. Signs of Healthy Growth Expansions also were made in the Women’s Exhibits and in. the Dog Show, as also in the local, and historic exhibits of rural activities, and a new activity was the revival of the Silver Fox and Mink Show, In fact, the steady improvement noted for several years past was carried forward with- out abatement in every department in 1937. The growing number of American live stock owners who exhibit proves the confidence it has established, notably in the Royal Horse Show and in the cattle divisions. The directors look upon this feature as one of the best signs for the healthy growth in their institution in the coming décade. The financial statement shows a small but satisfactory surplus for the past year. Following a penmanship contest between more than 200 Japanese' wives and girl students in a callig- raphy school in Hamacho, Japan, the scrolls were sent to Japanese soldiers in North China. High-speed and motion picture cameras are being used by the Afri- can Railway and Harbor Administra- tion to determine the speed at which trains can negotiate curves with saf- ety. Auto Radio Warns Of Nearing Train New Invention Causes It To Blare A Warning of Approaching Danger A red light will, flash on the (lash- board and the auto radio will blare a warning of trains approaching grade crossings with, a new radio invention described last week at Gary, Indiana- Designed to work in autos that are within the danger zone when a train approaches.a crossing, the device sig- nals the auto dashboard at the same time that it "starts the usual crossing lights and bells. • The device, Clausing, one of its In- ventors, explained, consists of a small radio transmitter placed at grade crossings and actuated by approaching ITCH ,.,STOPPED IN A MINUTE .. . Aft you tormented with the Etching tortures of ees-ema, rashes, athlete's toot, eruptions, or other skin afflictions? For quick and happy relief, use cooling, antiseptic, liquid D. D._ D« Prescription,, its gentle oils soothe the irri- tated skin Clear «reasdese and stainlessâ€"- dries fast Stops the most intense itching instantly. A I5e Dial houle,- at drug etop-r, prove# ifcâ€"of , money back* 30 trains 'as are warning bells and gates. A wire Is strung front the transmitter to a distance of about, one-quartef mile along the road on both sides ot the crossing. Picks Up Waves Waves emanating from the wire,' within ft 100-foot radius are picket'1 up by a mechanism installed in autp radio receiving sets. The pickup ip, the auto radio can he set to operate at varying distances from a crossing. It operates only when a train is ap- proaching. Even if the auto radio is playing music, the warning signal will drown out the harmony, said Its in- ventors. Installation of the red warn- ing light on the dashboard ,can be op- tional. The pickup, it was said, could be built Into radio sets for from $3 to $4, and the crossings transmitters could be installed for small cost. GARDENING PRUNING From March until June is consi4~| ered the best season for pruning, but there are a few specific exceptions.1 Most of these are the early blooming, shrubs. These should be left until' after blooming. Grapes must be pruned early in March to avoid ex- cessive bleeding. Raspberries arf pruned after the crop has been pro*; duced and then all the year old canes are removed. The main object of pruning is to open up the centre of the growth so that sunshine and air may penetrate' freely and also, of course, to product a symmetrical plant. Naturally -any'; dead or weak growth should be re-; moved and also branches that rub11 against each other. A HOT BED Where a fairly large quantity of flower or vegetable plants are to be started early indoors, a hot bed Is' indispensable, but where only a feyfj of each variety are wanted, the job may be carried out successfully in a1 sunny window. The hot bed is usu#i ally prepared in March and simply] consists of a bed of fresh horse m&T$f ure, which supplies the heat, aboii| 13 inches deep. On this, two or three' inches of fine soil are placed am) after the bed has heated up and then cooled down againâ€"a matter of three or four daysâ€"the seed is sown in rows a few inches apart. The be is protected by rough boarding alon the side or heaped up earth and oh top, about 10 to 18 inches above the bed, is placed a window sash well] glassed and sloping towards the south. When the plants have (level-1 oped their second set of leaves they, are thinned out and before being, transplanted outside they are hard- ened in a cold frame which is simply] a hot bed without any heating ma- terial. The window hot bed is simp-, ly a shallow box two or three inches] deep filled with fine soil, kept well moistened. COUGHS Take half a feaspootifiil of* Mi tiare?: s in molasses. Heat Miha'rcP®, mînale it. Also tub „ it well into your chest. You'il get relief 1 Issue No, 14â€""38 Bâ€"D