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Orono Weekly Times, 7 Apr 1938, p. 3

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lassifled Advertising a<;i:> i «. wA.vriou IHMTII1UO AGENTS. UROl’ EVEHV'j.’HJNG KO It pur line. Whirlwind nelller. bit; rc- ÿeneater, a in a zing prufii ta. Craige : "îÿi- 31 hers, N i a s a ns Kails. G) i itario. AltTKI.KS FOR SAI.K (Ter ukui’Heai) sewing maoh- .nes â€" Reconditioned.i guaranteed '"like new, .$14.1)0, new Williams Drop-, beads, *9. Shipping a mi h-rea Unit. $2. extra. Sutherlands. 958 (se.rrard East. Toronto. DON’T ItEBURE THAT eInGINE. USE Ovrhaul patented, mineral plating, re- stores compression, stopif piston slap, smoking and oil pumping. Works while driving. Saves 50 p.c. of oil. Saves gas. 500,000 satisfied . users. Highest British recommendations. Costs $3.76. Money-back guarantee. Free information. Ovrhaul Distribu- tors, Box 63. Kitchener.: Ontario. ItKING MII(EUSEJ â€"FARMERS ,_.*aay real wonder, seed gjra.der, Kline Manufacturing, Islington, Ont. baby chicks now,Tit . AND .VOl I.TKV Eli I tlMJKM FOR BETTER CHICKS. BETTER liveability, larger eggs; better pro- duction, buy Pletsch’s s Government Approved Chicks at lowest prices in years. Leghorns, Rocks, Miriorcas, Sexed Chicks, Pullets. Write today, Pletsch Hatchery Strat.fjord. Route 6. Ontario BABY CHICKS, WHITE j LEGHORNS, from large blood-tested stock, good layérs of large eggs. Sail eggs set weight 2 02., or bver. Safe delivery ; ^guaranteed.. Price Is lovic Maple Leaf - Poultry Farm, Bèamsville, Ontario. WHOLESALE PRICES -4-~ OUR RED Seal Baby Chicks, the progeny of Registered and Pedigreed flocks, as- sures the public of the [highest qual- ity of chicks obtainable: Prices $7.50 to $10.00 per 100. Goddard Chick Hatcheries, Britannia. Heights, Ont, ICENS FROM weight when t f <$ beautiful portrait of a M fej motion picture star, Ï 8 m la Bj 1 CONSOLIDATED i I b till [j PHOTO SERVICE 8 I IB b m n 155 Catherine St. S s 1 1 1 iJ HAMILTON, ONT, fPIpPI R AYMAR/ Canada's Foremott Adv««r oft human problems, will send a Character end Personality Chart free to anyone who writes litst This amesing free j offer is made merely to advertise e MASON'S m COLD REMEDY ] and It evailabfe for « limited time oftfy. Write today, enclosing e self-addressed, stamped envelope and your birth «date, j Addressâ€"R ay mar* ,.. ÃŽ 4 MASON RIMEPKS UMITEP M.CAW ST, - lonomo. LYONS’ ANNUAL SPRING CLEARANCE SALE Reconditioned Furniture We must have floor spacè/l’egardless of cost. This is your opportunity to buy high class reconditioned furniture at 'a fraction of the actual value. Here are some of our amazing bargains picked at random from our enormous stock:â€" Ain on Beautiful three piece Mohair ytit.yV Suite, pillow arms, Marshall reversible cushions, thoroughly cleaned. $23 gQ Large three piece repp Suite, Marshall reversible cushions, full webb. construction, thoroughly cleaned. 1 *3 Large three-piece Suite in iplO'&O English Tapestry, pillow arms and Marshall spring cushions. A real buy. $39. J 00 Smart 3-piece Chesterfield Bed Suite in a good quality repp material (brown shade), with large wardrobe box, in splendid condi- tion. •A QC Three Piece Suite in English ipî/.î/v tapestry covering. Reversible Marshall spring cushions, thoroughly cleaned. d»on rtf. Modern Bedroom Suite: Chu- .pOv.UU,, n j, vanity with Venetian mirror, full size bed and sagless spring, completely refinished. QQ Large Suite in rich walnut $69 WOULD YOU LIKE CHICjl big eggs? Chicks that hatched, 2 lbs. per himdred more than the Government. required weight. If so, write for full details about Tweddle Extra Profit and Spe- cial Mating Chicks, and get our new April price list. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. FOULTRYMEN REPORT BRAY PUL- lets laying under 5 months. Up to 70% at (>Vz months. Bray chicks, or- dered now', can be laying heavily during’ Fall high price months. Write for catalogue, Bray Hatchery, 1.30 John St. North, Hamilton, Ontario. althy’'ohj:ckb~that "livf^and -ow fastâ€"K.A.S.’s 275 Bray White ../y&ndottes, bought December last, .all alive to 7 weeks, when cockerels averaged 1 lb. 6 ozs. dressed. Free catalogue. Bray Hatchery, 130 John St. North, Hamilton, Ontario. OFFICIAL FIGURES SHOW THAT, out of 89,387 Bray breeders, blood- ies ted this year, less than one bird 3n every hundred reacted. When you buy Bray chicks you buy healthy chicks. See catalogue. Bray Hateh- •ry, 130 John St. North, Hamilton, Ontario. DON’T "1' THINK FOR ONE MINUTE that because we sell Baden â-  Govern- ment Approved Chicks at a low price, they are not good chicks. 0ur low , overhead enables us to sell Baden ; Melts às low as 9%e, pullets 19c, ^J^kerels 2%c. Send for circular tell- ing you all about Baden “Big’ Egg” Chicks. Baden Electric Chick Hatch- ery Limited, Baden, Ontario. B.O.P. SIRED CHICKS, BLOOD-TEST- ed breeders. Established 25 years. Leghorns 8c, Rocks 9c White, Black Giants 10c. No better stock. Why pay higher prices, Schafer Sanitary Hatchery, Kitchener, Ontario. â€"' DEVELOPING AND PRINTING ROLLS DEVELOPED, PRINTED, 1 free enlargement 25c. Re-prints 10 for 26c. Photo-Craft. 183% King E., Toronto. ZERO PRICES, EXPERT WORK. ROLL with free enlargement 26c. T re vanna Studios, 93 Niagara, Street. St. Cath- arines, Ont. FREE!â€"TWO BEAUTIFUL ENLARGE- ments (one colored) with roll de- veloped, eight glossy, fade-proof prints, 28c; highest Quality. Mach ray Films, Winnipeg. BOLLS DEVELOPED AND EIGHT Prints with free enlargement, 25c. Reprints 3c each. Commercial Photo Service, Dëpt. B. Outrémont, Que. H AI II D ït ES SING SCHOoEi "" ANDREWS' ACADEMY” OF HAIR- dressing. Spring classes forming on April 3rd. Free literature. SCI Bio or West, Toronto. FREE ENLARGEMENT WITH EVERY ' 26c order. Roll film developed and 8 prints, 26c. Reprints 3c each. Brig1 tit- ling: Studio, 2 Richmond St, E.„ To- rOBt0, ! PHOTOGRAPHY SENDyOUR FILMS TO THE HOUSE OT QUALITY Higher grade prints guaranteed® by latest developing: process, THIS MONTH’S SPECIAL OFFERâ€"Any me roll developed. Every print enlarged ; or if you prefer, 16 prints. All for 25c. Free Film and Camera Coupon. finish, dresser, ehiffrobe. triple mirror, vanity, full size bed and sagless spring.. Completely refinished, e jjQ fir. Beautiful three-piece Suite, in v*v.UU two-tone walnut finish, dress- er with swing' mirror, chiffonier, full size bed complete with s agi ess spring. Thoroughly reconditioned. *a« en Solid Oak Dining-room Suite •«pAl.OU'-'â€"Buffet... extension table and six leather seat chairs: new condition. Afl Nine Piece Dining-room Suite y»O.UU;. ln solid oak, buffet, exten- sion table, china cabinet and 6 leather sent chairs. Completely refinished. _ /xfx Beautiful Ã"-piece Oak Suite, q»03.VU buffet, extension table, china cabinet and fi leather seat chairs. Com- nleteiv refinished. QQ English Oak Suite, sample, $119 nine nieces: buffet, (cred- renza type), refectory table, closed front china cabinet and 6 leather up- holstered chairs. „ „ Kitchen Cabinets. $11.00; Breakfast Suites fi pieces. $i:t.RO; Singer Sewing Machines, Gas Stoves, $4.9K$ Dining-room Extension Tables, $6.."MR Refrigerators, $4.t)R, Etc. Write for our free illustrated cata- logue of new find re-conditioned furni- ture and hundreds of valuable gifts free with purchases. All merchandise thoroughly cleaned and re-conditioned and sold under a definite money back guarantee of satisfaction. LYONS’ TRADE-IN DEPT. 478 Yonge St. â€" Toronto KIH'CATIONAI. BECOME AN AVIATION OR MARINE Radio Operator. Employment pros- pecta are the brightest for years. Our training' prepares you for the Dept, of Transport examination. A high percentage of our graduates p&es their examinations. STILL MORE IMPORTANTâ€"THEY SECURE EMPLOYMENT! Attractive work is offered in aviation, the forestry de- partments and other land servicesâ€" marine radio also calls for men, For complete information write, giving age, education, nationality, end ’phone numbér to: Dept. OHO, Radio College of Canada, 863 Bay St., To- ronto, Ont. . IIAIH GOODS WIGS, TOUPES, TRANSFORMATIONS, Braids, Curia, and all types of finest quality Hair Goods. Write for illus- trated catalogue. Toronto Hainan Hair Supply Co.. 628 Bathurst, Toron- to. HATCHING EGGS NEW HAMPSHIRES AND RHODE is- land Reds. Heavy layers, exhibition winners. Fifteen eggs, $1.00: Fifty, $3.00. M. Fisher, Enterprise, Ontario, ~ MATTRESSES FOR SALE " MATTRESSESâ€" SPRING BARGAINSâ€" New Kelt Mattresses, $3.50; New,Spring- Mattresses, $8.50. From, factory to user. Veteran Bedding, 893 Queen St. West, Toronto. . MEDICAL BEESLBY’S BITTERS (HERBAL TON- ic). Removes the cause of stomach troubles by building up and purify- ing" the blood. Mr. Thomas McGill, of 111 Eariscourt Ave„ Toronto, suffer- ed with stomach ulcer for seven years, had lost forty pounds, has re- gained his normal weight, and enjoys his food, eats whatever he desires. Vnur blood will heal your body if it is in good condition. Send for testi- monials. Price $1.50 and $3.00 Includ- ing Kidney Powders. $3,00 size lasts five weeks. Postpaid. Manufactur- ers, Mrs. TV VanCamp & Sons, 107 Langley Ave., Toronto, Ont.., Dept. 3. HEPATOLA RELIEVES STOMACH, \ liver, kidney and bladder trobules. Symptoms: Pains in right side, under shoulder blades and across hips, in- digestion, gâs, constipation, colic. Formula of German doctor. Price $5. Mrs. Geo. S. Almas Box 1073X, Sas- katoon, Sasl,.' PATENTS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR. List of inventions and full informa- tion sent free. The Ramsay Company, Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Rank St.. Ottawa. Pan PERSONAL QUIT TOBACCO, SNUFF. DRINKING, easily, inexpensively. Home reme- dies, Testimonials, Guaranteed. Ad- vice free. Box 1, Winnipeg. SAVE MONEY. MAKE FACE CREAMS, lotions, chest rubs, cleaners in your kitchen, fifty finest formulas 50c. Woodhead, Box 96, Stratford, Ont. BE POPULAR : LEARN HOW. GET what you want by making people like you. Personal charm will give you more acquaintances, friendships, fun. Valuable social and business contacts. Individual, confidential co- operation in easy lessons by mail. Send 25 cents for introductory trea- tise and membership. (Prompt re- fund if dissatisfied.) Canadian Charm Club, 681 Broadview Ave., Toronto. ARE YOU RUPTURED? RELIEF, comfort, positive support with our advanced method. No elastic or un- der-straps or steel. Write Smith Manufacturing Co., Dept. 219, Pres- ton, Ont. Headache After Headache Now She’s Free Fre*n Them A woman writes:â€"“I would like everyone who suffers front headaches to try Kruschen Salts. Before taking Kruschen I was seldom free from a headache. But since Ï have been tak- ing it regularly I have hardly had a headache, for which I am very thank- ful. 1 have been taking a small dose of Kruschen every morning in a glass of warm water, before my breakfast, and I feel so well.”â€"(Mrs.) A.E.D. How do you deal with headaches? Do you just take something to deaden the pain, without getting rid of the trouble which causes the pain ? Headaches can generally be traced to a disordered stomach and to the unsuspected retention in the system of stagnating waste material which poisons the blood. Remove these poi- sonsâ€"prevent them forming againâ€" and you'll never have to worry any moreâ€"from that cause. And that is just how Kruschen Salts bring swift and lasting relief from headaches. Kruschen aids Nature to cleanse your body completely of clogging waste matter. TAILORED SUITS FOR SALE FREE, PANTS VALUED AT $4.00. â€" The Greatest Bargain Offer in Can- ada. We will ship absolutely free a pair of Pants with every Suit order bargain priced at $13.95, a regular $19.00 value. Tailored from all wool botany worsteds, in Steel Grey, Blue or Brown: fitney designs. Advance Spring Patterns, Single breasted mod- els, sizes stocked 86 to 46. Limited, offer. CO.D. orders. Prompt refunds guaranteed. Please give chest, waist and leg measurements, also colour wanted. Include this ad. and 45 cents for postage. Crawfords Clothes, Box 395, Montreal. USED CARS FOR SALE AVE MONEY ! DRIVE WITH SAFETY and pleasure, in one of our carefully reconditioned cars. Fully guaranteed under Ford Company plan, 66% buy from us again. Mann Motors, Limit- ed, Used Car Lot, 840 St. Clair Ave. West, Toronto. GARDENING SPACING In planting shrubbery, a good gen- eral rule to follow is to allow about half as much space between plants as the height of these plants when fully grown. This will mean that the ordinary Spirea Van Houtei, for in- stance, a. shrub about 6 to 7 feet in height at maturity in most parts of the Dominion, should have at least three feet between it and a neighbor. The rule holds good for most things from eight feet down to a few inches, and it particularly applies to planting about foundations. Very often shrubbery is placed very much too close to the house wall or fence with the result that the full, beautiful symmetry of the bush is not attained. The rule about spacing does not hold good for large trees, however, which can be placed much closer to- gether for clump or background ef- fect hut must not be permitted to shade the ground entirely if grass or flowers are to be grown underneath. FIRST PLANTINGS Leaf lettuce, radish, spinach and the first of the garden peas will be among the earliest vegetables sown. These may be planted as soon as the ground is fit to work. All of the first named seeds should be sown at least three times at intervals of ten days so that there will be succession of vegetables. The second group to go in will he car- rots, beets, onion, potatoes, etc., that can stand a little frost, and then the beans, corn and tomato, cabbage and cauliflower plants, etc., which kill with frost, and finally those hot wea- ther vegetables like lima beans, the squash well started, egg and pepper plants, cucumbers, melons and simi- lar things. All garden rules, it should be remembered, however, are only ap- proximate and should be varied a little to suit the local climate and in- Kj $ | Smiles and | Chuckles | gg * $ $ â€" â€"----------------- The poor souls who take unto them- selves the worries of other people cannot fin’d much pleasure in life. Professor â€" “Pools ask questions that wise men cannot answer.” Frederick â€" “I wonSeml why I had flunked In that chemistry exam,” dividual preference. C.N.R. Operating Revenues Down MONTREAL.â€"The statement of operating revenues and operating ex- penses of the Canadian National Railways all-inclusive system for the month of February issued here last week shows operating revenues were $18,289,721, as compared with $14,801,856 in February, 1987, Op- erating expenses were $14,636,940, against $18,829,962, during the cor- responding period of last year. A. pun, says a humorist, is the fin- est form of humor. That is true, if you. happen to I: : the fellow who pulls it. Mrs. Briggs was vigorously powder- ing her nose before going out. Husband (who was patiently wait- ing in the hall) â€" “Why do you go to j all that trouble ?” Mrs. Briggs (shrugging her shoul- der and smiling) ~~ “Modesty, my dear Henry.” Husband (ejaculating) â€" “Modes- ty?” Mrs, Briggs â€" “Yes, I’ve no desire to shine in public." Manager â€" “What's the matter, ; Jenkins ? Can’t you serve this good customer?” Assistant â€" “No sir, He is trying to find two shoes which squeak in the same key.” READ IT OR NOT! A cafe in Loveland, Colorado, lias a sign offering “free coffee any time dur- ing any day the sun is not shining,” “Big Heat?’ Census Is Scientist’s Aim WASHINGTON.â€"The Smithsoni- an Institution wants to take a cen- sus of the nation's bigheads. Believing that the “thinking mus- cles” of the brain develop like mus- cles of the arms and legs, Dr. Ales Hrdlicka, Smithsonian anthropolo- gist, sent out a' call last week for re- ports from any man or woman who has noticed a recent increase in head size. Following a recent appeal through a scientific journal, Dr. Hrdlicka received reports from 20 scientists that their heads had grown. There is evidence, he said, that the heads of persons doing- intense mehtdl ex- ercise increase more rapidly than others. Today’* Youth Is Not Keen "On Warfare She - "Did anyone ever tell you how wonderful you are?” He â€" “No, I don’t think anyone ever did.” She â€" “Then I’d like to know where you got the idea?” ‘Give 'Em While They Can Smell ’Em’ Artist Chuzz (in front of dental dis- play window) â€" “I think I’ll get my- self a new set of teeth like those over there.” Mrs. Chuzz â€" “Hush, don’t you know that it's impolite to pick your teeth in public?” Along Life’s Pathway I’m treading life’s rough path, and I stumped, my toe against a stone ; And, oh, it hurts so terribly I utter- ed a loud moan! Had I been going slowly, I’d have seen it â€" and then passed; But in my haste I didn’t look, and met it â€" going fast. In pain, I thought:,' “I’m rushing to à date â€" and may be late ; But I, can aid some traveller, if I’ll just hesitate. I stooped and moved that stone aside, to help some unknown bro- ther The rocks which we have stumbled over, should ne’er retard another. â€" Lyla Myers Survey of Students Shows Opposi- tion to Fighting on For- eign Soil Unless Canada is attacked by an en- emy force there would be fewer young men mustering to the call of arms to- day than there were back in 1914 ac- cording to a survey of students of the Stratford Collegiate Vocational Institute, says the Beacon-Herald, Of about 40 students questioned at ran- dom as to what they’d do in case of war, 34 said they wouldn’t enlist to take part, in a war on foreign soil and the other six, mostly older students, said they wouldn’t go to war in any case, even if the shores of Canada were stormed by an enemy. Not Question of Patriotism It’s not a question of patriotism,” one young man said. “Today a young FREE FOLDERS TELL HOW NATURAL MINERAL PHOSPHATES Improves Yield and Quality of all Crops For full details write Dept. W. Mineral Colloids (Canada) Ltd. 137 West Wellington St,, Toronto Issue No. 15â€"’38 Bâ€"D "IT BEATS THE BAND â€"the way Ogden’s Fine Cut satisfies particular "roll-your-owners". They’ll fell you that this smoother, mellower Fine Cut is a sure bet for t the man who wants to drum Up a full measure of smoking pleasure,! Ogden's Fine Cut with “Chantecler" j or “Vogue" Papersâ€"that’s the marching tune to genuine satisfac- tion in rolling your own cigarettes. ; fellow isn’t encouraged to believe in the ancient spirit of patriotism which took the cream of the country out on- to the battlefield back in the days when everybody honestly believed every war was fought for some ideal rather than to line the pockets of a few men who have some dough invest- ed in armaments and munitions. They tell us nobody will make money out of the next war if there is one, hut how do we know the men who pull the] strings won't double cross us?” Opinion General Those weren't the words the other i “no’s” used to size up the situation,! hut that was the general opinion. Twenty-five young men between the ages of 19 and 16, not attending school! and members of various professional and trades, gave their views on th* war service question. Then of them! refused point blank, to serve under the colors, three said they would take up arms and two were doubtful. Older, men seemed more reluctant to state their views on the matter hut sagely believed that if thé country found itself, in a state of war they oould do no more than Offer their services, that is unless the country gets one step ahead and Issues a con- scription order before anyone has a chance to either offer or refuse to serve. KEEP CLEAN INSIDE! You’ll like the way it snaps you back, overnight, to the feeling of "rav- in’ to go” fitness ami inside clea.nlt- v.css! Helps eliminate the left-oveh wastes that hold you back, cause head- aches, indigestion, etc., Garfield Tea is not a miracle worker, but if CONSTL* RATION b.otbers you, it will certainly "do wonders!” 10c and 26c at drug- stores ~ or, WRITE FOR FREE SAMPLES of Garfield Tea and Garfield Headache Powders to: GARFIELD TEA O.O., Dept. 14A, 1 Close Avenue, Toronto; Canada. SHRDL , ETAOIN SHRDLU p,k,- SHR A TONIC AND BUILDER YOUR health is too important to be neglected. Poor appetite, in- digestion, gassy, sour stomach have been relieved by Dr. Pierce’s Gold- en Medical Dis- covery. Read this: “I had no appetite and was hardly able to sleep at night/* said W. J. Winegarden, 467 Main St. W., Ham- ilton, Ont., “I had become thin, under- weight, had no pep or energy and was barely able to do my work. I had acid... indigestion quite frequently too. But Ï felt like eating after I had used Dr. Pierce's Golden M edical. Discovery a couple of days* Gradually 1 gained in weight, had my old- time strength and felt as good as ever/*' Sold by druggists. Fluid or tablets. END PAIN â€" Soothe SORE HANDS by Rubbing in m

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