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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Apr 1938, p. 4

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Mn. turned Monday four m Florida -are Idol ter thei Florida iSoo-n ORONO WEEKLY TIMES RETURNS FROM FLORIDA nid Mrs. Thomas Cowan re- to their home in Orono on afternoon after spending on tihs a-t; Tarpon: -Springs, Both Mir. -and Mrs. Cowan ting in, the- best of health aif- r pleasant sojourn in Sunny -after their arrival in Florida Mr. Oowïun planted a small garden for his -own use amid had plenty of vegetables before their departure for home, : He informed ns that there are one j hundred pine trees on bis lot, ailso some orange, grapefruit and lemon trees, and just before his de- parture for home he picked six lemons form one of his trees. Mr. Cowan’s Chief -occupation was that of playing shuffl-d'toaivd, -a very popular sport in that place -and it also helps to keep you fit. They also attended ball games- aind watched the BoeI tes- ter Bed Wings of the International Baseball League in training. Mr. and Mix Cowan left Tarpon, Springs on Wednesday of last week, and had nice weather until they ran. into a, snowstorm on Friday. They arrived in Ontario on Sunday and Toronto on Monday where they visit- ed their son before -coming to Orono. '-Mir. Cowan told us flm t in the 1900 miles he travelled he never had to -change a tire or any ear trouble of lany kind. We welcome them -both -back to the community. There is much less moisture in- the air in winter than in summer. RED & WH ITE STORES > THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY { PICAKE SHORTENING 4 LBS. 47c. SMOKED Shankless Shoulders LB- 21C. YELLOW ! SUGAR - 10 LBS. 55c. < GiMekt’s Lye, 2 tins 23c. . Golden Bantam Corn ,2 tins 17c. Falcon Wax Beans, 2 -tins for 19c. Easifirst, Domestic -or Jewel Shortening, 2 lbs for 25c. Lifebuoy Soap, 2 cakes.„14c. Large tins Tomatoes, 2 for 19c. Dried Apricots, lb.. 23c. 'Large sized Prunes, 2 l'bs. f-or 25c. Fig Bars, 2 lbs ...27c- French’s Mustard with é S-poon,, jar ,10c. « Sugar Krisp Corn Flakes with Scribbler FREE, 3 for 25c. Robert’s Cough Syrup, j battle 35 c. ] Large jars Pickles 22c. il Oranges, 2 dozen 29c. VEAL Boned and Rolled per lb. 17c. ROASTS of PORK Wonderful SOAP PASTRY , FLOUR 1 per lb. 20c. SIRLOIN ROASTS Blue Brand Beef per lb. 20c. 9 BARS 25c. 59c. 24 lb bag ; Rose Baking Powder 2 1 -lb tins 25c J.. J. CORNISH PHONE 12r2 rrW-L & TIRE DRIVE IN TODAY DRIVE OUT ON GOODYEARS NO WAITING! Yes! We have it! Exactly the tire you’re looking for ... big, safe, new Goodyears . . . built for comfort and long wear ... at sensationally low prices. They’re Goodyear guaranteed. See us today! LUNN HARDWARE Classified COMING EVENTS The Quilt Draw and Annual Eas- ter Tea of the A.Y.P.A. will be held in the Parish Hall on Wednesday, April 2-0itih. Admission, 25c. and 15c b-12-c. ' The regular meeting of the Wo- men’s Institute will he held in the Council Chamber on April 8th. Com- mittee on peace in -charge. Mrs. Cut- :â- :•!! convenor. Boll Call : “What, can il do to preserve peace.” b-ll-c. iS-t. George’s1 A.Y.P.A. will present the comedy play “.Small Town Borneo,” in three acts, Orono Town Halil, on Friday, April 22nd, 1938, at 8.00 p.m., sponsored by Orono Y. P.IJ. Admission 15-c. and 25c. c-13-p. KENDAL FOB SALE b-12-e. F OB S ALE c-13-p. c-13-p. â- N-OTI-CE h-12-c. MUiSlC LESSONS . Dorothy Rowe Lynch, A.T. Special methods for young mi. Bates reasonable. Spring starts immediately ; Phone c-13-c. Miss A. Hendry spent the week- end at her home. Miss A. Hendry visited at her home in Newcastle over the week- end. Miss Georgina Darling ton, of , Al- monte, spent a few days here with her mother. Mrs. George Thompson -and baby •are visiting her -sister, Mrs, Arthur Bell, Welcome. Mr. James Tu-rl has moved onto the farm which he has rented- on the north boundary of -Clarke. Mrs. A. Jackson has accompanied her daughter, Mrs. Will Honey, to her home for a short visit. -On Alpril 14th there will- be a spe- cial Easter service in- charge of Rev. Beech in Kendal United Church. There is to he -a special service in the church Thursday evening, and we are -hoping for a go-od attendance. Mr. and Mrs. L, D. Hilda -and Clarence visited with friends at Welcome and Wesley ville last Friday. iGl-ad to report Mrs. Charles Thompson is home- from Bo-wmiauville Hospital, where she underwent a ton- sil operation. Friends from Kendal are -sorry to hear of the recent illness of Mrs. T, Wallace, of Greenbank, and- hope for a speedy recovery. Miss Annie Thompson was home over the week-end. Mrs. Wes. Elliott is staying with her brother-in-law, Mr. Fred B-rimaeomhe, while Mrs. Brmiia-eomibe is visiting her brother, who is sick in the S-ta-tes. On Wednesday, April 20th, Kendal Young Men’s Sunday Sehooil Class «re havng the Sixth Line young peo- ple present their short play in Kenr dal hall, followed by a go-od program and a. basket social. Ladles- with bas- kets free. Come and have a- good time. Professional Directory DENTAL DR. J. 0. MILNE, Dental Sur- geon, Orono. Office hours : 9.00' a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Evenings by ap- pointment. Newcastle every Wed- nesday and other days by appoint- ment. Phone 18rl. MEDICAL DR. H. E. MANNING Physician and Surgeon Orono - - - Ontario Office Hours : 1.30 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. Sunday by Appointment AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conduct» Auction -Sales of all mum and- at reasonable rate». Communicate with him at Petri Perry, Ontario, or see his Clerks, A. J. -Staples or A. E, Morton, at Orono, for date. G. RICHARDS Practical Watchmaker All Repairs to Witches, Clocks, snl Jewellery, will! receive owr prompt attention PARK STREET - ORONO ORONO ONTARIO PUBLIC MEETING A meeting of the citizens of Orono e held1 in the Armouries on -e money to crept a shelter m the Community Park. This for years bias been- urgently required and the Park Board trust- that the citizens will join in heartily and boost the wo-rk -along. Remember the DATE and PLACE, FOB S ALE Baby Chicks, White Leghorns and -Barred Rocks,: from Blood-Tested flock, sired by R.O.P. Cockerels. Ap- ply A. II. Clemens, Bownianvihe B. B. No. 6; Phone 2433. t-f. A sun-fast brown stain for wood- work can be made from a colloidal form of lignite. SIXTH LINE Mrs. Anson Gilroy is home after -a visit with the Alex. Hoy family, Osbawa, and her mother, who we are glad to state, is now improved in health. Mr. Cowan has spent -some months with her daughter, Mrs, W. W. Cbwan!, 91 Alice -St. As -noticed in last issue of the Times Mrs. Brima combe of the -Sixth Concession, and Mrs. Tiamblyn of -Orono, are on a visit to Michigan to see their brother, Mr. W. Elliott, wh-o is quite ill. Mr. Elliott was formerly a champion -skater and- is a brother -of our neighbor here, Mr. W-esley El- liott. tSomething novel here was the plan of the teacher and- -pupils- of our Kendlal school in co-operation. T-hey gathered siap from adjacent maple trees- in- quantity sufficient to feast ion that . spring treatâ€"pancake and- mola-es as well as a limited supply -of maple sugar also-. Mite Catherine W. -Stewart is our teacher. At the regular session of Kendal L.-O.L. mi Wednesday night last with a good attendance present, the meet- ing wais in charge of the Worthy Master Reginald Elliot, and- by re- quest the work of iniitififti-o-n of a can- didate was taken by -a Past Master, J. Hartwell Lowery, "with credit to him- self land all concerned. On his twentieth birthday the new member -was Roy Patton. Présent, as visitors were Bros. F. W. Bowen. Newcastle, and- Wm. iDayey, Charlie Brown and Ernest Hamm. Orono. Brother Bow- en gave an interesting talk -on the usages and -customs on Parliament Hill as well as d-esçriptioins of House proper, -the Senate Chamber, and also isket-Shes of persons- met there. The address was interesting, instructive •and spiced -with humor. iBiiw John J. Gilfillait Phm B QUALIFIED OPTOMETRIST Licentiate of the College of Optom- etry of Ontario Office Hours : 10 to 12 a.m. and 2 to 4.30 p.m and by appointment Office in C. B. Tyrrell’s Drug Store Phone 68r2 PARK ST. UNITED CHURCH | Rev. J. H. Osterhout, B.A., B.D Pastor 'SUNDAY, APRIL 10-th Anniversary Day 11 a.m. and 7 p.mâ€"Rev. N. E. Bowles, B.A., BJX, of Dixie, guest preacher. Mr. Bo-wles is one of the candidates for the vacant pul- | pit. | GOME AND WORSHIP hr ii him ii wn 11 rum il mu* ii mm *. -Our idea of ancient Romans is isitjern- land strongly-faced mien may come from the fad -that so many Roman p-or'traits were death masks. R. H. ARMSTRONG I ÃŽ Barrister & Solicitor Moved to New Premises in ARMSTRONG BLOCK Over Rolph’s Store KIRBY In Orono EVERY SATURDAY Office Hours: 9 a.m to 10 p m. Phone 47 r 1 Jenner « Brunt, 171 Yonge Street El. 8131 Mr, Win, Bann-on’s health is m-u-ch the same m heretofore. We learn that Mr. Ed. Ctapping is progressing favourably. The W. A. and W. M-. held their -annual -meeting last Wednesday which was well attended. : iRev. Bowles, of Dixie, conducted the service Sunday -at, Kirbyy -and all present were well pleased with his address. The school has- been closed for a f-ew days- -owing to our teacher, Mr. Lome Wannan, being laid1 up with a bad -cold. Kirby W.M.iS. will hold their E-a-s ter -Offering service on Sunday even- ing, April ,17th, a i 7.30 Mr. Mellow wri be guest speaker. Why -a-sk the Kirby congregation •to journey to Or-ono to cast their vote? Why hot take the vote ait home, either, in the church by two of the Elders, or by proxy -collectively, witch would be done on the square. No straw vote required. ---------o------------ Germany makes her oil supply go further by having o-ili from industries and garages cleaned, -so it can be used again. THURSDAY & FRIDAY Matinee PORT HOPE Friday, 2.30 Music and Fun The Big Broadcast’’ With W. C. Fields, Dorothy Lamour, Shirley Ross, Bob Hope and Martha Raye SATURDAY, 2,30, 6.45, 9.00 Zane Grey's Latest “Born to the West” and Feature Comedy “PICK A STAR” « MONDAY and TUESDAY Stand Up and Cheer Navy Blue and Gold” With Robert Young, Florence Rice and Lionel Barrymore WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY Two Feature Pictures “Thoroughbreds Don’t Cry” With Mickey Rooney, Judy Garland and Sophie Tucker “ESPIONAGE” With Edmund Lowe and Madge Evans Dear Editor : Prior to the last Provincial election we were told the Government were to take, -o-v-er the Newcaetle-L-ind-s-ay Highway in April, with a possibility of paving o-r ait least improving -same. We have noticed two Co-unity trucks a-nidi a local- contractor busy ro- movng the gravel from this road and •placing same west of -here. The question -arises, what -is going to- happen to- this road. INQUISITIVE

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