ORONO WEEKLY TIMES LOCAL AND SOCIAL ........ ............ ..............i Send in your Easter visitors to The Times office. -Xliss Ahnw Ou-ttel spent the week- end in Toronto. Mrs. Geo. 'Mitchell spent the week- end with her sister in Belleville. Mis®' Eunice Waddell, of Bethany, visited, friends in Orono on Sunday. Mrs. -Sisson and Miss Hattie Wil- liamson, spent the week-end in Tor- onto. Mists Miairjoiiie Adams will spend her Easter vacation at her home in Omemiee. Miss Hilda. Rowland, Newcastle, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Tamblyn. Mr. Sid Hughes, Who- has been em- ployed in Port Hope throughout the winter, ha's returned to Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Fred .Freste, of Tam- worth, are visiting Mr, and Mrs. C$ha-s. Firosto (tomorrow) Good Fri- day. Mr. Thomas: Summerville is busy pfiianting Mb garden and expects to be the first one in Orono to have his garden up. Mr. a nd Mrs. E. Evans entertained their many friends on, Tuesday even- ing in -the Orange Lodge rooms, There were .sixteen tables played. Mre. Jiamies Tamblyn and Mrs. IFtred Brimlaico-mbe arrived home on [‘Monday ftrton Mihireaipoiliisi -and report, their brother William I!. Elliott in a very low condition- of health. -Mass K. Foster, -teacher in the Orono- -Ooutinju-afei-on School intends motoring to, Washington for the E-as- ter vacation, acicoimipamed: by Mrs. J. J. Oiifiilari land also- relatives in Toronto. Mrs. Milton Tamttyn, wlio under- wemt an operation in (Miawa hospital on her noise and throat -about two weeks' -ago, is still- conval-escing at her ,,si's tier’s, Mrs. Oaiwker, Bowm-anville. Her condition is improving slo-wly. Oil April- 7th three groups of the W.A. of Park -Street United Church quilted four quilts and sponsored a fine triple Easter supper, much to the satisfaction of all present. Proceeds amounted to $27.25. Mr. P. D. Brown, Municipal Auditor _ of the Department of Highways, is at present making the annual audit, of the road expenditures of the Township of Clarke in connection with the subsidy paid by the Provin- cial Government. A. large numbers of the Great War veterans went to Bowman,ville o-n -Friday evening -last to the Vimy banquet. In the absence of the .gues t meaker. Mr. M. McIntyre Hood, Mr. Were, or Toronto, took over the du- ties for the evening. Mrs. A. Henry and Mrs. MeDon- - old entertained Tuesday evening in their home at six tables of bridge. High score was won by Mrs-. Charles Knox. Prizes for grand slams- were won by Miss Marjorie Adams and Mrs. Charles Kn-;ox. M r. Stanley Bruton of Toronto is home for the Eaisit-ei" vacation. Mrs. E. A. Brag8'> of Shaw’s, Dar- lington, has been the guest; of Miss M. Davy during the past week. Mr. Ohas. Tyrrell -has Inistalled in his up-to-date drug store an i-oe cream counter and is expecting to install a, Ooeo Cola stand soon. He is alisb ins-tialMtig a complete change -of lighting" fixtures- and it is- now look- ing more like a city sitoîe every day. Mrs..1 C-ooper has received notice from Mr. M. A. Campbell-, 'Secretary of the Ontario Sdiodl Trustees’ and Ratepayers’ Association of appoint- ment, on the committee on Resolu- tions- of the Trustees’ and Ratepay- ers’ section- of the O.E.A., convening in Toronto on April 18th to 21st. Miss : Galloway was guest speaker at the Y-o-ung People’s meeting on 'Monday evening. Her topic was given on missions of Australia -and- other interesting pointe. Mr, and Mrs. Howard Walte-h conitribated » solo to the programme, and Mrs. H, Rowe gave an- article on leprosy. The meet- ing was well attended with Bob Keane, president, discussing business matters. Nen! Woods read the Scrip- ture and Myrtle Tamblyn, Secretary, read the minutes of the fast meeting. The conclusion e»f the evening was spent playing gauies. To popularize bathing in rural Chinese neighborhoods where bath- tubs, -are unthoug-ht-of, a Chinese doc- tor makes -shower tanks of 5-gallon oil -cans. THERE'S 50110 tOlHFORT IR IHEUROIET'S SHERI, HU-STEEL RODV PRICED FROM (2-Passenger Master Business Coupe) Master De Luxe Models from $892. Deliv- ered at factory, Oshawa, Ontario. Gov- ernment tax, freight and license extra. Convenient terms arranged through the General Motors Instalment Plan. BEVERLEY BAXTER. M.P....Transatlantic Broadcast from London, England ... Every Tuesday Evening Over Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Network. JUST to open the doors and look inside is to realize that you’ll be more com- fortable in a Chevrolet. Here is extra roominess . . . more restful cushioning' ... finer upholstery . ». fiat, unobstructed floors . . . plus many little conveniences and luxuries seldom found in a car of lowest price. Now step in and relax to the solid com- fort. of Chevrolet’s easy-going ride. Test the Fisher No-Draft Ventilation, so easy to adjust to every passenger’s liking. Notice the quietness and freedom from vibration achieved by new All-Silent construction. Experience the comforting peace of mind that comes from knowing Chevrolet protects you with a solid, all- steel body structure . . . roof, sides and floor welded into one safe, rigid unit â€" with Safety glass in every window. Enjoy this ride today. Learn, too, what, a difference Chevrolet’s * Knee-Action glide makes to your comfort. We have a car ready for you. * On Master De Luxe Models. r I PATTERSON’S SERVICE STORE PHONE 19rl9 WE DELIVER SPECIALS Granulated Sugar, 1 cwt. - $5.40 Orono Pastry Flour, 24 lb. bag 55c Habitant Pea Soup, 2 for - - 17c Quick Quaker Oats with crystal 27c - 25c - 19c - 19c - 23c 18c - 25c 22c - 15c ARMSTI RONG’S RAYON NETS A very pleasing inexpensive drapery, large assortment of patterns, 36 indh-es /»r wide, priced 00C DAMASK Figured and plain, a very nice overdrape, in rust, Rose and blue, 54d*1 AA inches wide, yard...Y MARQUISETTE We have a wonderful showing of this POPULAR DRAP- ERY, in a variety of shades, Rose, Gold, Red, White and green, 36 inches wide, OC*. Oft- OC» »m|] QQ/> Priced per yard titlv, Lie/U, vvV <11111 uJl CURTAINS Ruffled with tie back and 5ÃŽS* 59c to $1.69 Chintz, Cretonne In Floral and check patterns per yard... 20 tO 50C CURTAINS 2 1-4 yards long, in rayon nets. Priced $1.00 and $1.50 HOMESPUN Green and Pawn Stripe, 42 inches wide, per iO -yard v. Fig Bar Biscuits, 2 lbs. - - - Pitted Dates, 2 lbs. - - - - Fresh Ground Coffee, 1 lb. Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs. - Soap Chips, 3 lbs. Easifisrt Shortening, 2 lbs. Soda Biscuits. 2 lbs. - Fresh Eggs, 1 doz. - - - - Alymer Soups. Tomato & Veg. 3 tins for - 25c Rinso Large Package with 1 cake of Lifebouy Soap free 23c HOUSE DRESSES Blossom Time. A new Brand of POPULAR . PRICED HOUSE DRESSES, very attractive patterns and d* 1 AA well made, sizes 36 to 52. PRICED y 1*111/ Children's, in Cream, Yellow, Pink, Blue and Green, of a new homespun m'aiteriial, sizes 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 years. ^ 1 *00 WALLPAPER â„¢ More Remnants in Better -Class of Papers, These are at BARGAIN PRICES, from 3 to 12 mil lots, COATS AND HATS Easter Sunday is again with us. Get dressed up for this oc- casion, See our display of -spring Clothes for men and wiomen Trusses, Abdominal Belts, and Elastic Hosiery From the Ottawa Truss and Surgical Co. may be purchased at Tyrrell’s Drug Store. A complete line of Single and Double Trusses is always in stock. They are properly fitted and guaranteed. TYRRELL’S DRUG STORE - Phone 68 Orono