GROINO WEEKLY TIMF.S 111 1 0 ml GARDEN SEEDS E I 1 B 0 Buy your Garden Seed in, bulk (more $eed) AT LESS MONEY SEED POTATOES â€"IRISH COBBLER MANGLE AND TURNIP SEED IN BULK The BEST PAINT for inside and outside, every can i Guaranteed MARTI N-SENOUR 100 per cent, pure ; Per Gallon......+....*.»...$4.55 Per Quart...........$1.25 C. V. HOUSE PAINT (pure), per Per QiiiaTt , «-.* r> re tt MD N D PA TNT ner QUiaTt gallon- .$3.75 ...,...$1.00 69c. Ivl'LymVl IN is L L V I IT x t pv-i M.n\r: A R PH PAINT ner G uarit 53c. iVlUlN /YIYUIJ. I Ali) I > |XCI H GENERAL UTILITY, per gallon $2.00 ROLPH HARDWARE Phone 43rl - WE DELIVER - Orono ^E^r=£IH=it^r==ir^»^r:^r^|^p=^r=^t^r:^l=ËI=ll= B B MAY WE SUGGEST Borden’s MelORol In Tones or in cartons of four. Take borne a carton of this SMOOTH, RICH ICE CREAM ICE CREAM BRICKS A||l flavours, Special Brick every month as well as. the new to flit into your refrigerator tray ALL BRICKS 25 CENTS CREAM NICKLE Deliciously coated with Butterscotch Flavour , GIANT ICE CREAM, PIE Special attention given to picnics. When ordering, kindly let us know two days beforehand so we may have it packed for you. ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE 1 W. J. RIDDELL Phone 49rl ORONO BOWMANVILLE About the most sensible article on sweepstakes is that given by John â- 0. Kirkwood last week. It is a com- fort to read what he has to- say af- ter wading through so much bog-hale matter limit have been written on- this subject. The new band pilaster,. Mr. Damp se,y, of Oshawa, began his work on Monday evening last, but it was more in the line of getting acquainted with the members and looking over the field of future action, in matters musical. Our old neighbor, Mr. Thus1. Boit ter-dll has just celebrated bis 81st birthday, and a cut, appeared in last week’s Statesman. Well,, Tom is one of the last of the old Upper Canada Fiurnitu re Go’s, employees and could give quite a history of times and do inigs of that busy period. Newcastle is sending quite a num her of pupils to take part in Massey Hall this week in the Ontario School Children’s Chorus. They have been coached by Mias Hattie Mason, the energetic supervisor of music in schools in that village. Some ten pupils will go uip mi the 20tih and may they have a jolly time. As far as we have learned there will. Ibe only one from this town take part in the orchestra at the Musical Festival at Massey Hall this week, a young man named Hutchinson, and hi a instrument, the cello. There are quite a number of violin pupils in town under the instruction of a vio- lin teacher from Oshawa, but not un- der school management. G ad son City, .some thirty miles east of Birmingham-, Alabama, has a boys†high school band of -sixty members. They played a;t several im- portant state functions this season already. Why should we not have a school band in this town- of at least fifty members ? The Goodyear Go. have a large rubber manufacturing plant in that city and in the music line is noted also for its vocal: club. We did not hear how the amateur entertainment panned out on Mon- day evening in the Opera House. We also, notice Blacfcstock will have _ a similar doing on April 25 th, which will give all and sundry an opportun- ity to show what they clan do in the line of entertainment. Well if they cannot do better than 4vine tenths of what Major Bowes amateurs do, they better remain tacit Many have fear- ful and wonderful ideas along the line of entertainment. This Thursday evening will be a busy one in -our neighboring town of Newcastle and the community hall will -be the objective -of the brethren of the Rotary -Clubs- of -many towns in this district. There will be a ban- quet of course, -a program of musical numbers, ami a few -orations, probably by prominent officials of the Order, followed by a dance. A feature of the musical program, will be the ap- pearance of that eminent violinist, Mr. Kuldot'sky. Toronto, aicoompan- ied by bis wife on the piano, Gwen. Williams. This will be a red letter day in the -annals' -of this quiet neigh- borhood. Npw is the time of year when base- ball imiagnates are getting in their work and from mow. on there will- be -any number -of “Dizzie DeanȠpic- tures- in the baseball columns. The hockey trib illation® will now retire and ib-e shelved for the season and1 the incense from numerous quarters of the earth will n-o-w arise and fill .the air with- that feeling tirait it; is- time to- bang up the fiddle and the bow and get down the s-hovel and the hoe, likewise get out the lawn mower for that comes on this program-,, and -al- though mankind- may be -a trifle wab- bly and. erati-c at times, the seasons -come around; in due time, likewise the small boy with his -basket of suckers which appear to- be as plen- tiful as ever -and -as bony as ever, still they help to fill the menu card in many homes at this season -of the year. -Sunday last the churches in town were filled with Easter worshippers. Many visitors- being in town for the Friday and Saturday holiday period. With Easter lilies and other blooms die flowers were very many and- beau- tiful!, especially in St. Paul’s .United Ghurch, representing memories of those who have passed away. Servi- ces both morning and evening were along the line of the E-aster season. It was a, busy service for the minis- ter and elders, for at- the. m-oroi-ng hour the -ceremony of baptism was given to three children and two young women, la-leo several were re- ceived into membership of- the -church. Communion- service was administered to a large number. At Trinity large congregation were present, -also at St. Andrew’s -church, but only at the morning service. In- the evening a large number mio-to-red up to Osh- awa to hear -the Moderator of the Presbyterian -Church, Rev. Hugh Muraroe, who * dame down- from Tor- onto a-nd was the -speaker. Mr. M un- roe was minister- here for- -a number of years and was extremely well liked: by ‘ -our citizens, The dinner given last week by the ladies of St. An- drew’s was wall attended and much commented on for its -excellence. Tihe attendance Friday interning -at. this church, sponsored by the Minister- i-ail Association, -was only sparsely, at- tended-, many people probably think- ing that church service is only suit- able for Sunday. PONTYPOOL The farmers; are busy seeding in this part of the country. There is -going to be another euchre and dance oim Apr! 22nd in the L. 0. L. -ball. Mr. -and Mrs. E. Mlaetemsi, of Myr- tle, spent Easter -at her father’s, Mr. James Musters. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carter spent Sunday -alt- KendlaO! with his sister, -Mrs. Howard Bbyd. Mr. Lome McGill took a truck load of ptoitato-esi to' Peterborough and realized a good price. We are glad to' see Mrs..James Masters -and Mrs. W. -Rennie out again after being on the sick list. IM'r. Gordon Fredrick has given, up Ms position in -the bake shop and! Andy Rennie has taken the position a® baker. -Mr. Keith Bradley secured -a posi- tion on- the Durham Forestry for the -summer and his son G-len has- taken over the farm. Mis® Annie Thompson, teacher of the public school is spending the Eas- ter holidays- at her home in Kendal: ; lalslo Mr. A. Higgs, teacher, is visit- ing in Toronto, -and Mir. R. Patton of Drum schlo-ol fe at Orono-. SIXTH LINE Recent visitors here -at Eastertide were, M!r. Percy Gilroy, Hamilton, at Els brother’s, Mr. J. A. Gilroy ; Miss- J-ean I. Stewart, Reg. N., Oshaww-a, and Miss Nellie Hill, of Northern Ontario. . . I.iawronce Thomas 1-eft o-n- Saturday last to take a pasdti-oin in- Toronto. Lawrence with hi® people -came here -a boy ini his teen-s and w-as -a scholar -at our school, No. 21. our -scribe wiliase helper he was cam -say this, of him, he was- a, crack shot with a. rifle -as well- as a trusty employee, and just before be left our neighborhood he received! from an institute of taxi- dermy in -Omaha, Nebraska, a dip- loma as an expert- taxidermist. The following named were repre- genitatives of Kenidlail L.O.L. at Port Hop-e on Wednesday night last at the Grand Lodge, Ontario- Bast, Regi- nald Elliott. Garland -Oa-thoart, Bert Holland, Wesley Elliott, John Stew- art, Mil mn Robinson-, Lawrence Greenwood, Jim Hoy, John Patton, Hartwell Lowery, Jo-hn McKeivey. iBilli W a nnan-, Lome Wannan, Fred Cornish. -Bro. Lowery was in charge of the Orono degree team -in the competition for the shield when -Rca- ibo-ro team won by a narrow margin •a very interesting event. KENDAL TEAM HARNESS UP $28.00 Mr. Thiomlais Tweddle visited -at his farm over the- week-end. M-r. Leonard -Buckler, Lakeshore, visited at Mr. John Paltton-’s. M-r. Charlie W-alk-er, of Toronto, is visiting lait Mr. C. V. Oo-oper’s. Miss Annie Thompson is spending her Barter holiday's with her mother and brother. Mias Mary Bo-sltobk, -of Toronto, visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Boisitbck. M-r. and Mrs. How-ard Linton and Florence spent iSundiay with her mother, Mrs. Underwood. Wednesday evening of Hast week a number of -our Orangemen- attended Grand Lodge in Port Hope. Mrs. Thomle’-s granddaughter and: girl friend, from O-shawa, are spend- ing the Eiart-er holidays here. Mrs. Wm. Mercer has- been- visit- ing her father near Dxlbridge, whn- nelcenltly fell and hurt his hip. Mr. Jlatoes Swa-rbriok bad -the mis- fortune to lose the -end of a finger in hie sawmill -one day laistt week. We had .a splendid -atltiendlanoe at ichumb tost Sunday morning and heard1 a fin© sermon from our pastor, Mr. land Mrs. -Carman Belli and daughter Jean, -of -Chnpbeloroft, visited: ait Mr. L. D. Bell’s last Sun- Mrs. George Thompeo-n and. baby- have returned hiotm-e after a visit with her • -sister, Mrs. Arthur Bell, Wtil- eo-irw. , Mr. and Mrs. Milton- Robinson and. Mr. and Mrs. L. Hoskiin motored to- T-oro-nlto o-n Monday -to visit with friendb. EASTER SCHOOL REPORT IS. S; No. 17, Clarke Grade 8 â€"iSiadie Oaithcart (-0). Grade 6 â€" Hilda Bell (A), Mary Mercer (C), Glen Thertell (0). Grade 5 :â€"George Wife-ora (D). Grade 3 â€" Juanita Mercer (B), Grant Thertiel-l (C). Gfiaidle 2 â€" J-ean Oath-cart (B), Jdhn, Oathtiart (C). Ptrimier â€" Roy Thertell (B). A. E. Hendry, teacher. WHEN IN NEED OF Harness, Collars, Sweat Pads, Harness & Boot Repairs TEAM HARNESS FROM $28.00 A SET UP see CORNFORTH - streets! - Lindsay S. IS. No. 7, C-rotoked -Crefek -Grade 8â€"Raymond Gilmer 76.82 (Hon.), Harry W-orrall 67.73, Frank Airdrie 63,18. Grad© 7â€"Ruby Sm-J -v ^ (Hon.), Jean Haile 69 den 66, Jean- White â- Grade 6â€"Clarence -s-enit), Loii-s Turner Si, 49,77. -Grade 5â„¢ Pr,anci< Hicka -58.88. Grade 3â€"-Jack 0 -Budiek.v 72.83, Ma lvii -Staple,ton 71 66.55, Arthur Fa. iSumiday fabsent). Gtrlald© 2â€"-Mildr I Stapleton; 64.6-2, 58, Clarence Suite Grade 1â€"Ami Wlotod-, Carl Ruud» S. B. : i