oro.no weekly times w §SsÆ |j§§ in I toy Nichols ; - Courtice EBB PATTERSON’S SERVICE STORE PHONE 19rl9 WE DELIVER †SPECI A LS" Monarch Pastry Flour - » 69c Red Rose Tea, 1 -2 lb. - - - 31c Large Tin Canned Tomatoes, 3 for - - - 25c Red Rose Orange Pekoe, 1-2 lb. - - - - 36c Picake Shortening, 2 lbs. - 23c Fresh Prunes, 3 lbs. - - - 25c Kelloggs Corn Flakes with 1 small Glass Bowl Free, 3 packages - - 25c Granulated Sugar, 1 0 lbs. - - 59c Pork Sausage, 1 lb. - - 19c 1 Large Pkg. Oxydol with 1 small pkg. for - 23c Tall Tin Keta Salmon, 2 for - - - 18c Wonderful Soap, 10 bars - - 25c Canned Peas 3 tins for - - 25c Potatoes, bag - - - 49c Strawberry & Plum Jam - 19c Assorted Fancy Biscuits, 2 lbs. - - 25c Fresh Fruits and Vegetables in Stock ARMSTRONG’S I HATS 1 Your choice of any HAT in the store for ..... ^2 QQ g This is a real chance to get a NEW SPRING HAT CHEAP I DRESSES I SILK CREPE SPRING DRESSES, all different, frO QC 1 at ONE PRICE ......;. «pO.îfu I COATS 1 7 SPRING COATS. This ®s all the stock we have left. The 1 prices were from $13.50 to $19-50. d* 1 /X /* _1 I YOUR CHOICE ip 1 U.OU VaSn I SILK BROADCLOTH I Regular 45c. value. These goods come in cut end from 1 1-2 1 yards to 5 1-2 yard lengths ; a very special price, I SLIPS I HAND EMBROIDERED SLIPS, silk crepe, white <M £ft 1 only «pi.tlU I BLOOMERS 1 LADIES CELLO SUEDE BLOOMERS, in tea, j- Q I SHOES 1 LADIES’ FANCY TIE, all kid shoes, Cuban heel, steel arch 1 support; a very comfortable good looking d* O QC I shoe <P“e^v I GABARDINE 1 A very smart FANCY TIE SHOE, in blue only... ^2,45 1 REMNANTS 1 Wall paper Remnants, Curtain Remnants, Print Remnants, 1 Linoleum Remnants, all at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES 1 KRINKLE CREPE I In colors and plain, 36 inches wide, per yard 25C 1 BOOTS I Banco sole, grain! leather tops, beading around last <j*A OC 1 to protect insole. SPECIAL PER PAIR $L,LO 1 OXFORDS 1 Ascot Shoes cost more but look the part. If you <J*C A A g want a smart pair of Oxfords, try these shoes, pr «P U.vU """"" ‘ Trusses, Abdominal Belts, | and Elastic Hosiery 1 From the Ottawa Truss and Surgical 1 Co. may be purchased at Tyrrell’s Drug j Store. A complete line of Single and 1 0 Double Trusses is always in stock, They 1 are properly fitted and guaranteed. i TYRRELL’S DRUG STORE - Phone 68 Orono 1 LOCAL AND SOCIAL] It is expected 'around 4,500,000 trees will be shipped1 this season. Mais. : Jirihin Henry is spending the Easter week with her daughter in Toronto. Mrs,, Wallace Scott and son -Milam, of Cohurihus, visited Dr. and Mrs. McCulloch. ' Mrs. Amélie, Bradley spent Blaster •Sunday with her son, Mr. Keith Brad- ley, Pontypool. Mr. Ernes! Aimable, of Toronto, spent iiS'aiturday land (Sunday with frienidti in town. Mr. [and Mrs. Hesper Dean spent Easter Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Bowen. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. ‘Sloane, of Peterhoro, visited her father, Mr. O. W. 'Scott, on Good Friday. Mr. |Allison Cowan, of Toronto, visited his parents, Mr. and Mm T. CVnvan during the Easter week-end. Mr, [and Mrs. Mowat. of Oakville, were Easter visitors of the latter’s sister [and brother, Miss laind Mr. R. Hall. Mm.: Wilson, Misses Anna and Befem Wilson, of Ottawa, visited Mrs. O. G. Armstrong the fore part of Eas1. ter week. Mr. Thomas McNeil is spending the Easter week with, his sister, Mrs, John Stapleton and daughter, Mrs. Gordon Mlartin, of Newcastle. Mr. Joseph Coreforth and Mrs1. Fowler, of Lindsay, spent Wednesday oif last week with the latter’s daugh- ter, Mrs, Herb. Murray. Easter iSundlay guests of Mir, and Mrs. R. A, Forrester were, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Bouck and daughters, of Ton ai to, and Mr. land Mrs. George Bouck, ,otf Iroquois, A 'large number of 'Orangemen and todies journeyed to. Port Hope on Wednesday afternoon of last week •to, attend the Grand Lodge convention held there. Mrs, MeOiiHuch and1 daughter Miss Ida MeCuillodh, from near Scflinia, visited the former’s son, Dr. MoOul- Ibdh and Mrs. MbCullooh, a couple days last week. Thirty or forty men have been taken on art 'the Forestry Station and very shortly the staff will lbe brought, up to the required number. This is the bbsy season and the men are Working ‘ten. hours per day. Tea,others home for the Easter ,holi- days are, Miss Marion Dixon, Oamp- IbdiOlfoird!; Miss Margareft Dixon, CTairenTont.; Miss Mary Knox, A1 li- st on land Miss Kathleen Staples, Port Hope. Mrs. J. 0- Gainey is sipending a few days in Toronto. Mr. D. >0. Orterhout, of Ottawh, spent the Easter week-end with his parent»,- Rev. J.- II. and Mm Osier- haut. Mrs. II. Johnson and daughter Betty are spending the week with her sister, Mrs. W. Carleton, Mrs. Grease and son Paul', of Tor- onto, visited her mother, Mrs. F. Cowan, on Wednesday. Mir. and Mrs, Henry Yonke.r and son Freddie, of Preston, spent 'Sun- day with Mrs, Mavy Sisson and other relatives. Mrs. Bon. White entertained last week ait four tables of 500 and one table of crokinole. A pleiaisant time was reported by all. Miss Doris Ostefhout, B.A., of Mbnltreal, spent, the Easter holidays with her parents, Rev. J. II. and Mm Osterhoult. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hunter and son, Gilbert, Mrs. Hunter and Mrs, Kennedy, all of Lakfield. spent Stmu dlay with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cowan. Mrs. James Tamblyn and Mrs. Fred Brimaoomlbe received telegrams of the death of their brother, William R. Elliott, in his 78th year, in the hospital in Minneapolis, on Saturday, April 16th. His wife predeceased him on April 19th, 1937. We extend our heartfeflit sympathy to his broth- ers, Blisters and relatives. No other cor tan MATCH THE VALUE Only Mctaughlin-Buick has all these advanced, proved features „ . . DYNAFLASH Yalve-in-Head Straight Eight Engine . . . TORQUE-FREE Springing . . . Tip- toe Hydraulic Brakes . . . Genuine Knee-Action . . . Unisteel Turret Top Bodies with Fisher No-Draft Ventilation . . . Safety Glass . . . Torque-Tube Drive and Sealed Chassis, Nation-wide Parts and Service organization always at your command, anywhere. The man who has driven McLaughlin-Buicks for five, six or seven years is “just a youngster†in the loyal family of McLaughlin-Buick owners. For almost everybody can name a friend, or relative, who has been buying these great cars for twice as long as that. We can tell you of motorists who have bought McLaughlin-Buicks again and again through nearly thirty yearsâ€"a generation in their lives! Everybody who really knows the McLaughlin-Buick car knows nothing else can match the joy of owning it... And that’s particularly true this year! For the 1938 McLaughlin-Buick is not, only a bigger and. smarter car than everâ€"it’s the only car in the world with the brilliant-performing Dynaflash Engine, and ride-cushioning Tobque-Free Springing. Try them both, with a ride in the car we have waiting for you. *1278 (Series 44â€"Sport Coupe with Opera Seats; Delivered at factory, Oshatva. Government taxes, license and freight additional. Easy payments on the General Motors Instalment Elan. OWNERS KNOW fHAT NOTHING ELSE GAN TAKE ITS PLAGE Illustrated â€" 5-Passenger Sedan with trunkâ€"-Series 44-19-