zà Advertising l’EItSOSAl- ahtno.mss roit sal» PANNING,- MILL (KUNE) â€"FARMERS "leay . sal wonder seed grader. Kline gjjlanuiVi.eHiring, Islington, Ont.____ 16 A It Y CHICKS - pOIJl/fl» AJND l-OCl/rKY KllVll'.MF.NT baby CHICKS, WHITE LEGHORNS, from large blood-tested stock, good layers of large egg's, all eggs set weight 2 oz. or over. Safe delivery guaranteed. Price is low. Maple L*eaf Poultry Farm, Beamsville, Ontario. 6101.00 PROFIT-FROM 100 TWEDDLE New Hampshire, Red Cockerels. Cock- erels dressed as high as eight lbs., writes Geo. Nelson, Thistletown. This proves that besides Tweddle pullets being noted all over Canada as heavy egg producers, Tweddle Cockerels are also money-makers. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Box 10, Fergus, Ontario. WHOLESALE PRICES â€" OUR, RED Seal Baby Chicks, the progeny of Registered and Pedigreed flocks, as- sures the public of the highest qual- ity of chicks obtainable. Prices $7.oil to $10.00 per 100. Goddard Chicle Hatcheries, Britannia Heights, Ont. WHY CAN WE SELL OUR GOVEKN- ment Approved Chicks from blood- tested breeders at such a low price à Larg-6 volume, small profit and low operating costâ€"the answer. You can purchase Baden Chicks for 9Vzc, pul- lets 19c, cockerels 2.14 c. Send for , FREE folder, Baden Electric Chick ; Hatchery Limited, Box 59, Baden, Ontario. U.O.P. SIRED CHICKS, BLOOD-TEST- ed breeders. Established 25 years. Leghorns 8c, Rocks 9c White, Black Giants 9 c. No better stock. Why pay higher prices. Schafer^ Sanitary Hatchery, Kitchener, Ontario. LEGHORN AND ROCK CHICKS, $5.95 to $8.95 per hundred. Niagara Farm, Niagara Falls, Ontario. JR S.’s 402 BRAY ROCK PULLETS laying at 4 months. Daily average 201 eggs at 5 months and 302 at 7 months. For real profits put Bray Chicks under your brooder. Free catalogue. Bray Hatchery, 130 John St. North, Hamilton, Ontario. BRAY PULLETS ARE NOTED FOR early and heavy laying. J. M. s Hiu Bray Rocks laid at 4% months. Aver- aged 405 eggs daily at 0 months. Try them. Write for catalogue. Bray Hatchery, 130 John St. North, Hamil- "â€"x, ton, Ontario. FOR MORE EGGS NEXT FALL, WHEN prices are highest, try Bray Chicks. They have proved themselves out- standing layers. See poultrymeii s letters in our catalogue. Bray Hatch- ery, 130 John St. North, Hamilton, Ontario. SINGLE COMB LIGHT BROWN LEG- HORNS â€" Bred to Standard, extra heavy layers â€" Hatching Eggs and Stock for sale. Box 13, Minden. i'll KNIT HUM CLOTHING FOB SALE FREE HATS, SHOES, SHIRTS, TIES, etc., with clothing purchase. Write for free illustrated catalogue of clothing bargains, Dept. N. Yonge Street Clothing Exchange, 502 Yonge Street, Toronto.____________________________ DEVELOPING AND PRINTING ROLLS DEVELOPED, PRINTED, 1 free enlargement 25c. Re-prints IQ. for 25c. Photo-Craft, 183% King E„ Toronto. ZERO PRICES, EXPERT WORK. ROLL with free enlargement 25c. Trevanna Studios, 93 Niagara Street, St. Catb- arines. Ont. FREE!â€"TWO BEAUTIFUL EX LA 1:011- raents (one colored) with roll de- veloped, eight glossy, fade-proof prints, 28c; highest quality, Machray Films, Winnipeg. ROLLS "DEVELOPED AND EIGHT Prints with free enlargement, 25 c. Reprints 3c each. Commercial Photo Service, Dept. B. Outremont. Que. FREE ENLARGEMENT WITH EVERY 26c order. Roll film developed and 8 prints, 25c. "Reprints 3c each. Bright- ling Studio. 2 Richmond St. E„ To- ronto. ........ FOR SALE MANGEL SEED â€" GIANT WHITE Feeding, grade one, 1 lb. 3oc; 3 lbs. $1.00; 5 lbs. $1.50 prepaid. 1 lb. 25c, 26 lbs. @ 20c, 50 lbs. or more 17c here. Sample free. We specialize in, and grow only one variety, Menno Sauder, Grower, Elmira, Ontario. PURE MAPLE SYRUP, first quality. Write for prices. Order early. John M. Gillespie, Abbotsford, Quo. FOB SALE OR EXCHANGE PERCHERON AND BELGIAN ST'AL- lions for sale or exchange. Get in touch with me before making your selections as 1 have a very high class lot of both breeds to choose from with premium certificates. Archie Redden, Strathroy, Ontario. GROCERY FOR SALE TORONTO GROCERY BUSINESS, NEW growing district, Twenty-One Hun- dred, monthly sales, low expenses, short hours, fixtures Fourteen Hun- dred, stock at invoice, terms. T. G ti- lings, 387 Belstze Drive, Toronto. HAIR GOODS WIGS, TOUPES, TRANSFORMATIONS, Braids, Curls, and all types of finest quality Hair Goods. Write for illus- trated catalogue. Toronto Human Hair Supply Co.. 528 Bathurst. Toron- to. , HAIRDRESSING Za DIES AND GENTLEMEN LEARN Hairdressing 6 months $75. J ones Hairdressing School, Listowel, Ont. HATCHING EGGS NEW HAMPSH1RES AND RHODE is- land Reds. Heavy layers, exhibition winners. Fifteen eggs, $1.00; Fifty, $3.00. M. Fisher. Enterprise, Ontario. $1.00 LANDSCAPE BARGAIN! 33 PERENNIALS â€" SHASTA DAISY, Catchfly, Coneflower, Goldentuft, Marguerite, Canterbury Bell, Gail- lardia, etc.â€"-2 Evergreens; Tree; Shrub; 8 Bulbs; 250 Seeds. Prepaid. Two orders $1.80. Dollar Nurseries, Fonthi.lI, Ontario. LYONS’ ANNUAL SPRING CLEARANCE SALE Reconditioned Furniture We must have floor space regardless of cost. . This is your opportunity to buy high class reconditioned furniture at a fraction of the actual value. Here are some, of our amazing bargains picked at random from our enormous stock:â€" . „„ . . djySO ftfi Beautiful three piece Mohair «FiSy.UU Suite, pillow arms, Marshall reversible cushions, thoroughly cleaned. efrt Large three piece repp Suite, ip<,0.3UMal.ghall reversible cushions, full webb construction, thoroughly cleaned. n rje Large three-piece Suite in «plO.Du English Tapestry, pillow arms and Marshall spring cushions. A real buy. $39, , QQ Smart 3-piece Chesterfield Bed Suite in a good quality repp material (brown shade), with large wardrobe box, in splendid condi- tion. . . ,. , qc Three Piece Suite in English «P<l/.9D tapestry covering. Reversible Marshall spring cushions, thoroughly cleaned. ' ..... .d»OQ, An Modern Bedroom Suite: Chif- 4l01y.vVon vanity with Venetian mirror, full size bed and sagless spring, completely refinished. &CQ, ftfl Large Suite in rich walnut «pOUM/U finish, dresser, chlffrobe, triple mirror, vanity, full size bed and sagless spring. Completely refinished, wn ÀA Beautiful three-piece Suite in ipriiïr.UU two-tone walnut finish, dress- er with swing mirror, chiffonier, full size bed complete with sag less spring. Thoroughly reconditioned. *oi rin Solid Oak Dining-room Suite .pzSI.uU â€"Buffet,, extension table and six leather seat chairs; new condition. OA Nine Piece Dining-room Suite tpMrU.VU in gong oak, buffet, exten- sion table, china cabinet and 6 leather seat chairs. Completely refinished. $65 00 Beautiful 9-piece Oak Suite, buffet, extension table, china cabinet and 6 leather seat chairs. Com- pletely refinished. *i|û OA English Oak Suite, sample, «pi V nine pieces: buffet, (cred- renza type), refectory table, closed front china cabinet and G leather up- holstered chairs. , „ , Kitchen Cabinets, $11.00*, Breakfast Suites 6 pieces, Singer Sewing Machines, $13-K0t Gas Stoves, $4.05; Dining-room Extension Tables, $8.50; Refrigerators, $4.05, Etc. Write for our free illustrated cata- logue of new and re-conditioned furni- ture and hundreds of valuable gifts free with purchases. All merchandise thoroughly cleaned and re-conditioned and sold under a definite money back guarantee of satisfaction, LYONS' TRADE-IN DEPT. 478 Yonge St. â€" Toronto DOGS FOR SALE PUREBRED WHITE COLLIESâ€"REAL beauties. Adult female, $15; Male pups, $10. Mac Freeman, Battersea, Ont. MEDICAL BE POPULAR; LEARN HOW. GET what you want by making people like you. Personal churm will give you more acquaintances, friendships, fun. Valuable social and business contacts. Individual, confidential co- operation in easy lemons by mail. Send 25 cents for introductory trea- tise and membership. (Prompt re~ fmU if dissatisfied.) Canadian Charm Club, 681 Broadview Ave., Toronto. ARE YOU RUPTURED? RELIEF, comfort, positive support with our advanced method. No elastic or un- der-straps or steel. Write Smith Manufacturing Co., Dept. 219. Pres- ton, Ont. KLÃŽK HAIR REMOVER. PATENTS Pending. Klik is a tried and true remedy. Safe to use and sure in ac- tion. Klik contains no harmful in- gredients, leaves a clean, soft skin ; is guaranteed to do the work or your money back. Klik, $1 per package, postpaidâ€"$ T, anywhere in Canada. A. Adams, Fort Langley, B.C. Refer- ences Royal Bank. IF YOU WANT AN AFFECTIONATE, romantic sweetheart with money, write: Mary Lee, 445-0, Rolla, Mis- souri. QUIT TOBACCO, SNUFF, ETC. EAS- ily. Inexpensive home remedy. Guar- anteed. Testimonials. Advise free. Box 1, Winnipeg. MARRY â€" WOULD YOU MARRY IF suited? Hundreds to choose from. Some with means. Many farmers’ daughters and widows with property. Particulars, 10 c. Confidential. Cana- dian Correspondence Club, Box 128, Calgary, Alta. Fm WORMS IF YOUR CHILDREN SUFFER FROM these annoying* pests, send two dol- lars for simple home remedy. Grat- tan Kelly, Postal Station K, Toronto. TAILORED SUITS FOR SALE HEPATOLA RELIEVES STOMACH, liver, kidney and bladder^ trobules. Symptoms: Pains in right side, under shoulder blades and across hips, in- digestion, gas, constipation, colic. Formula of German doctor. Price $5. Mrs. Geo. S. Almas. Box 1073X, Sas- katoon, Sask. (R. & S.) RHEUMATISM AND 6TOM- ach Powder, "The Great Eliminator." Contains ten of Nature’s ingredients, Removing thé cause and eliminating Rheumatism, Stomach troubles, Arth- ritis, Neuritis, Constipation, etc. $1.50, $3.00, $5.00. All Druggists. Agents Lymans Limited, Montreal. MALE EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY BECOME AN AVIATION OR MARINE Radio Operator. Employment pros- pects are the brightest for years. Our training prepares ÿou for the Dept, of Transport examination. A high percentage of our graduates pass their examinations. STILL MORE IMPORTANT â€" THEY SECURE EMPLOYMENT Attractive work is offered in aviation, the forestry departments and other land servicesâ€"marine radio also calls for men. For complete information write, giving age, education, nationality, and ’phone number to, Dept. CRO, RADIO COLLEGE OF CANADA 863 BAY ST., TORONTO, ONT. PAPERHANGING PETERS, TAi’ERU ANGER, EXPERT workmanship, guaranteed; prices rea- sonable; city or country. 40 Widmer, Toronto. AD. 2652. PATENTS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR. List of inventions and full informa- tion sent free. The Ramsay Company, Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank St., Ottawa, Can. FREE, PANTS VALUED AT $4.00. â€" The Greatest Bargain Offer in Can- ada. We will ship absolutely free a pair of Pants with every Suit order bargain priced at $13.95, a regular $19.00 value. Tailored from all wool botany worsteds, in Steel. Grey, Blue or Brown ; fancy designs, Advance Spring Patterns, Single breasted mod- els, sizes stocked 36 to 46. Limited offer. C.O.D, orders. Prompt refunds guaranteed. Please give chest, waist and leg measurements, also colour wanted. Include this ad. and 45 cents for postage. Crawfords Clothes, Box 395, Montreal. " STRAWBERRY PLANTS SENATOR DUNLAP STRAWBERRY Plants, quality guaranteed; 150, $1.00; BOO, $2.50; 1,000, $4.00. Prepaid. A. George, Douglas, Ontario. USED CAMS FOR SALE AVE MONEY! DRIVE WITH SAFETY and pleasure, in one of our carefully reconditioned cars. Fully guaranteed under Ford Company plan. 65% buy from us again. Mann Motors, Limit- ed, Used Car Lot, 840 St. Clair Ave. West, Toronto. v | Smiles and | 1 Chuckles | K< V God’s best gift to a man is a loyal, faithful wife and His best gift to her is a husband who has the desire, the ability and the opportunity to work, care for her, and make her happy. There was a loud knock at the door, and the doctor, who had just settled down for a nap, got up indignantly. Doctor (to little boy standing out- side)â€"‘‘What is it?†Boyâ€"‘‘I’ve been bitten by a dog!†Doctor (crossly)â€"‘‘Well, don’t you know that my surgery hours are from 3 to 7?" Boy (sadly) â€" ‘‘Yes, but the dog didn’t.†Patsyâ€"“You say you want to re- duce? Why don’t you try golf?†Fatsyâ€"“I tried that once, but it’s no good. When I put the ball where I can see it, I can’t hit it, and when I put it where I can hit it I can’t see it.†When In Toronto HÂRLEY- DAVIDSON Distributors Used Motorcycles, Parts and Accessories KENNEDY & MENTON 421 College St. Toronto ,. RÂYMÂil, Canada's Foremost Adviser out human proUems# wilt send a Character end Personality Chart free to anyone who writes him,, This «mazing free i offer is made merely to advertise MASON’S 49 COLD REMEDY and is available for « limited time only. , Write today, enclosing a self» addressed, j stamped envelope and your birth-d«te. Ray mar, * MASON REMEDIES LIMITED 14 KkCAUL IT. . TORONTO, CANAbA The Real Test , Thoughts, no matter how great they may be, Of life form but a fraction ; Thoughts alone are worthless, you see, Unless they are backed by action. A homely young Englishman, whose view was obstructed by the headgear of the girl In front of him, ventured to protest: Young Englishman (leaning over)â€" ‘‘See here, Miss, 1 want to look as well as you.†Young Miss (in a rich cockney ac- cent)â€"‘‘Oh, do you? Then you’d bet- ter run home and change your face.†Boogyâ€"“I presume that when your son went to college he was inoculated with the love of learning.†Woogyâ€"“Yes, but it didn’t take.†Read It Or Not Gorillas; like human beings, are right-handed normally. Proprietor of Mountain Hotel (to newly arrived guest)â€"“This is your room, sir. ; If you want a fine view over the mountains, put a dime in the slot and t}ie shutters open for five minutes.†Issue No. 17â€"’38 Stick To It! If the task is mighty tough â€" Stick to it. If the way is long and roughâ€"Stick to it. Overcome it, mile by mile, Meet its hardships with a smile, Courage is the thing worth while â€" Stick to it. Professorâ€"‘‘If I have talked too long, it’s because I haven’t my watch with me, and there’s no clock in this halt.†Studentâ€"‘‘There’s a calendar behind you.†Most people don’t mind doing a lit- tle charity work secretly, says an ex- change, if they’re sure they will be caught at it. Edithâ€"“What did you tell Clarence when he asked you for a date?†Ruthâ€"“Maybe yes, maybe no.†Edith â€"“Then where did he take you?†Wife (at breakfast)â€"“Could I have a little money f - shopping today, dear?†Plusband â€" “Certainly. Would you rather have an old five or a new one?†Wifeâ€"“A. new one of course.†Husbandâ€"“Well, here’s the one â€" and that makes me just $4 to the good.†AT HOME 20 WEEKS WITH RHEUMATISM Russians to Study Arctic Sea Bottom MOSCOW.â€"Soviet Russia, having explored the Far North from its ice floes and skies, disclosed plans this week to send natural scientists into its depths. A bathysphere, it was announced, is being designed for studies of the herring and cod Ashing beds at the bottom of Barents Set, It is planned for a crew of three with four large windows through Wife Feared Husband Would Never Work Again When her husband had been at home 20 weeks with rheumatism in Ms back, this woman began to think he would never work again. At last, she said to him: “Let’s try Kruschenâ€, and the change that took place was, in her own words, “like a miracle.†Here is her letter : “My husband is subject to rheu- matism and suffered terribly with his back. Some time ago, I had him in the house 20 weeks with it. I really didn’t think he would ever work again, We tried all the different kinds of salts you could mention, but none of them did him any good, Then I said, ‘Let’s try Kruschen.1 Since then, we have proved Krusch- en Salts to be worth its weight in gold. My husband is back at his job, thanks to Kruschen. The change it made is like a miracle,â€â€"(Mrs.) B, Two of the salts in Kruschen are the most effectual solvents of uric acid crystals known to science. They swiftly dull the sharp edges of the painful crystals and convert them into a harmless solution, which is then expelled through the natural chan- nels. which a motion picture camera could photograph underwater life. The Bathysphere, it was said, would have a diameter of 5.9 feet with walls more than an inch thick and would weigh four and a half tons. South Africa’s labor shortage has greatly decreased its number of con- victs. 'Ill Gardening Notes, B D 1 Bâ€"D QUICK GARDENS There are hundreds of annual flow- ers which may be satisfactorily plant- ed by the person who is not going to stay long in one place. These annuals will make their full growth in a few weeks and bloom profusely from next June until frost. Vegetable gardens, too, can be developed in a few weeks and will give ample returns in the same year. Even a fair layout of grounds can be carried out by a tenant. Quick growing grass will make a very fine lawn in less than six weeks and one infinite- ly better than a patch of mixed grass and weeds. Instead of permanent shrubbery and climbers, a perusal of any good seed catalogue will disclose many bushy annuals among the flow- ers and some climbers which grow up to twenty feet in a few months. There are at least a score of big, bushy an- nuals which reach a height of from four to seven feet and can be used for screening just as effectively as tall, slower growing shrubs. EARLY VEGETABLES The first of the garden peas, leaf lettuce, radish and spinach will be among the earliest vegetables sown. These may be planted as soon as the ground is fit to work All of the first named seeds should be sown at least three times, at intervals of ten days so that there will be a succession of veg- etables. The second sown will be car- rots, beets, onions, potatoes, etc., that can stand a little frost, and then the beans, corn and tomato, cabbage and cauliflower plants, etc., which kill with frost. Final seeding or planting will be those hot weather vegetables like lima beans, squash, well started egg and pepper plants, cucumbers, melons and smiilar things. WHY WE CULTIVATE A constantly cultivated garden, will seldom be affected by drought. This stirring of the top soil prevents evap- oration of moisture and it also keeps down those robbers of plant food and water â€" weeds. Especially during the early part of the season is cultivation necessary, and more particularly after each shower. With some of the many hand, horse or tractor-drawn garden cultivators on the market, this task is done quickly and without the old time back-ache. FORGET-ME-NOTS A few sweet herbs in a corner oi the garden will be welcome kitchen material. They are Inexpensive when grown from seed. The brilliant orange coloring in car- rots, called carotene, is the sign oi high vitamin content scientists tell us. The best way to assure an adéquats supply of cut flowers is to plant a few rtiws in the vegetable garden. See that your tools, mower and lawii roller are in condition for service. À little oil here and there will remove and prevent rust. Plant at least a few of the outs t and ing novelties this year. Many of then are improvements over old varieties and will be a welcome change. an Four Low - Priced Stocks With Outstanding Possibilities Orowshere Laconia Gheminis Kirkland Oateway G.""FIRTH BROKER 200 BAY ST. ' TORONTO Don’t pass up a garden because yoe have but a small space of ground, oi because you think the soil is too poor, Any small area will raise something: even if only a bit of lettuce and rad- ishes, and by following one crop ,/lti another, you can have a whole sea son’s supply. “IN* INFORMATION†For Indigestion or CONSTIPATION; Å'EÂMSE BMTEEMA11Y the tea-cup way,, Garfield Tea acts promptly, pleasantly, MILDLY. Not a cure-all, but certainly effec- tive In relieving constipation. Ât slrwg-stoi'esâ„¢* " 25c and iOc. free sample Write to; Garfield Tea Co. Slept. IS Brooklyn, M, V. 1 Close Avenue, Toronto, CanaSi Dept. 15A THE FAMOUS RUBBING LINIMENT Rub on -- pain gone.’ Get the new large econ- omy sizeâ€"Also avail- able in smaller, regular size. « 1 "