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Orono Weekly Times, 5 May 1938, p. 1

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Vol. 2. No. 15. ORONO. ONT., THURSDAY, MAY 5, 1958, Subscription, $1.25 Per Year s . '*% Remember Mother On Mother’s Day, May 8th I ; â- v. Rev. J. H. Osterhout Preaches Inspiring Sermon To Oddfellows On Sunday Between Eighty and Ninety Brethren Attend Headed By Band Between eighty and .ninety Oddfel- lows met ait the J.O.O.F. Lodge rooms,’ Orono, on Sunday evening to join with the Ideal brethren to di- vine service in Park Street United Church. i Ida,hd by the Midland Regimen- tal Band the brethren marched down Centre street, then turned north on Chuirdh street to. Mary then on to: Main street to the town, hall, 'then from there down Park street to the dburoh. A very large congregation was pres- ent for this special occasion and the ushers were made up of members of the lbca'1 lodge.. Mrs. A. A. Drum mend and Mrs. R. ISimlith rendered a very beautiful solo, and an anthem was sung by the dmiv. After the reading of the scripture, a one minute silence was observed for the brethren who have passed beyond. Rev. Biro, •!. II. Osterhout, pastor of the church, had charge of the ser- vice, and gave a very inspiring aer- mlon -on the “Love of Jonathan, for David,’- who had been sent out by his father, and brought the s'tory uip to the present day by asking the 1.0.0. P. io practise daily that type of love. He explained to those on the outside of the lodge the splendid work that lils being ciàïried on by the I.O.O.F. Order im caring for the widows and orphanist'ihd also of visiting the sick and! the dastressed. In his closing re- ,marks, Mr. Osterhout asked for a, closer band of brotherhood of all •Clu-i.-tinns everywhere. The brethren marched from the viiim-h to the Lodge rooms, heladod by the Band and then dispersed. Mem- bers1 were present from: Port Hope, (Jobourg, Bowmanvilie, Newcastle and other places. W M S MEET1N G DUET AND CHORUS WINNERS Held in the Town Hall, Orono, On Thursday Of Last Week The Woman’s, Missionary Society met on Tuesday afternoon in, the sehololl room of Park Street Church with the president, Mias- Davey, in the chair. The topic of the meeting “Peace” and suitable hymns were sung. .After the business was: disposed of a number of the members gave scrip- ture readings, dealing with the foun- dation of world peace, this was- follow- ed by a reading on missions and pdace by Mrs. Franck. The president -aisiked a number of questions which were answered by different -memlbers on what the Woman's Missionary Society can and are doing far pdaee. As the June W. M .8. meeting i-s on Temperance, the members of tthe W. 0.T.Ãœ. have charge of the program. -----------0----------- Edward Brown, of Port Hope, dl-aimed $130 wages from Fred K. Brown, of Morrish, and received $42 and costs. The claim, -was in connec- tion with farm services; The following programme was given : “O Canada.”, by all present; two choruses sung iat the O.E.A., by Sltarkville and Providnce Schools, led by Miss Edith Trull; Mageonacre, old Enigllis-h Diamoe, Orono girls; Un- ison -Chorus-, -competition, thirteen en- tries, test piece, “The Jolly Miller.” Adjudicator. Dr. Partridge of Bo-w- m-anvili-e; .-two choruses from the 0. E. A . Programme, Providence and iSltafkville,, led -by. Miss Marion 'Green; iS-oo-tch 'Bed] (foursome, Oron-o girls; D-tnet, competition, test piece, “When the Children Sleep,” with 14 en- tries; Two- Choruses from 0. E. A. Programme. led by Mise Edith Trull; Uriah Jig, iby four Oron-o girls; Two -Ohoruses from the O.E.A; Program, led 'by Miss Marion Green; Welsh Dance by three Orono g 1rs; Presen- tation1 of Medafe -and, Prizes ; Judge’s decision on Chorus and. Due* Com- petition ; God! -Save the King. In the choir 'competition there were thirteen- schools represented with 'three schools being selected as runners-up. Foil-owing are the differ- ent schools -and the results : iShia-w’-s- School, directed by Miss E. TaiulMyni; Leskard School, dirotod by Mise G. Gray ; Kirby School, directed by Mr. L. Wnnmui ; So'lina iSdh-ôol, directed: by Mr. W. Blackburn ; Eiben- eezer School, -directed by Miss Ar- nold; 'Salem School, directed by Mr. F. Blackburn ; Lockhart.’.? school, dir- ected by iMiss E. Brookes; Antioch School, directed bvAPiss A. Ye© ; Ken- dal School. M-iiss K. Stewart; Maple ( trove 'School, Mr. W. Lyoett; Base Line -School1, Mr. F. Miller; B-ethesda iS'cho-ol, Mr. H. S. Male; Enterprise iStehool; M-iss Patterson. The three -selected were, Kirby School, iSoliina School and Maipl-e Grove School. In the duet competition thirteen groups competed and of thes-e six were chosen to compete next week alt the Durham County Musical Fes- tival which will be held at Bmvman- ville next week. Following is the 'list of entries : Helen- Wood and Ted Co-athiam of Antioch 'School; Patsy Fen tom: -and Ruby Gibson of Lockhart’s School : 'Eleanor IRan-berry -and Mildred Cochrane of Enterprise School; Jean iSiyer anld Muriel Tenant of Leskard .School ; Eileen Todd and Phyllis Gil- mer of Stark ville School; Jean Mer- cer and Myrtle Falls of Kendal ISichodl; Len-ore Collacutt a-n-d Doris Stevens of Maple Grove School : Jack Colville and Bob Swinford of Clarke Union School ; Carol 'Staples land Mercedes Mantle of Giro no School; Làiwfenice and H'azel Farrow of S ta-rkville School ; Dorothy • and Bea- (Contiimed on page four) MUSIC FESTIVAL Results Of Public School Bowmanvilie, May 10,11, 12 Clarke-Darlington Football League Elect Officers k. The Clarke-Darlington Football League held a meeting on Monday evening ait Hampton town hall for the election of officers and: -other busi- ness. A- very good-turnout was on hand from each clliilb which auguré» well for football this season. There will he ten -teams represented this year, the same as last, and will be -divided into two groups, Eastern and Western. The Eastern- group -consists of Hampton, .Sti-Unla-, Curtis, EmuMti lien, Tyrone and Clarke United, Wester-n group of BOwimlanvi-lle, Osfoawa. Brooklin tmd Chtrouvoiit.. Last year -the Clare tnonr. Club won the cup from Clarke United. The following officers were elected : President, Rowland Bates, Bow- manville. 1st X'ice-president, Edgar Hum, Hampton. 2nd Vice-President, Ben- King, oif Bowmanvilie. 3rd Vice-president, Wm. McLaugh- lin, Enniskillen. Secretary, Elmer Wilbur, Hamp- ton. All these -o-fficers- are old football "h'i.vers and -should make a great exe- "iitive. The schedule wil-l he drawn up at I lani-p-ldi next Monday night. Tuesday, May 10th Class 44, Rural Unison' Chorus .(one room), 9.00 a.m. to 10.10; Class 47, Rural, no previous- winner, 10.10 to 11.20; class 46, Rural School Part Song ('two rooms), 11.20 a.m. to 11.5-0; -class 45, Rural School Part Song (one room), 11.50 -a.m. to 1.00; -class 48, Urban- 'School Part -S-ong, 2.-00 p.m. to 2.25; class 50, Boys’ Chorus, open., 2.25 pan. to 3.45; class 49, Public S'cboo'l, opn el-ass, 3.45 p.m. to 5.00; cl-a-ss 42, Girls’ Solo, 15 years and under, preliminary, 6.00 p.m. to 7.30; class 40, Boys’ S-o-l-o, unchanged -voices, preliminary, 7.30 p.m. to 9.00, Wednesday, May 11th -Class 39, Boys’ Solo, 9 years and under, ptviminary, 9.00 a.m. to 10.30; -class 41, Girls’ 'Solo-, 11 years and under, preliminary, 10.30 a.m. to 12 ; class 39, Boys’ Solo, 9 years- and un- der, finals, 12.00,1a.m. tio 12.25; class 41, Girls’ Solo-, 11 years and; under, finals, 10.25 a.m. to 12.50; class 42, Girls’ -Solo, 15 years and under, finals, '2.00 p.m. to 2.25; class 43, Duet, Pub- lic -.School, preliminary, 2.25 p.m. to 3.55; elass 18, Piano 'Solo, 16 years and under, 3.55 p.m. to 4.20; class- 40, Boys’ -Solo, unchanged voices-, fi- nals, 4.20 p.m. to 4.45; class 43, Duet, PuMlio: School, finals, 4.45 p-.-m. to 5.10; cl-a-ss 5, Orchestra, 6.00 p.m. to 6.35; class 20, Mezzo-Soprano, 6.35 p. 7.35; ckwe 22, tenor, 7.25 to 7.45; class- 35, Home and School Choir, 7.45 p.m. to 8.-00; dlass 29, Male Duet, 8.00 p.m. to 8.10; class IT, Harmonica. Band, 8.10 p.m. to 8.35; class 4, Mixed -Quartette, 8.35 p.m. to 8.45; class 28, Ladies’ Duet, 8.45 p.m. to 9.15; class 23,: Baritone, 9.15 p.m. to 9.55 ; class 25, Ladies’ Challenge -Solo-, 9.55 p.m. to 10.30; class 2, Male Quartette, 10.30 p.m. to 10.40. Thursday, May 10th Class 15, Piano, 9 years -and under, .pi'tjhninar.v, 9.00 a.m. to 10.1-0; cl-a-ss 16, Piano, 11 years land -under, pre- liminary. 10.10 a.m. to 11.00; class 15, Piano, 9 years -and under, finals, 11.00 a .in. to 11.3-0- ; class 16, Piano', 11 years- and under, finals, 11.30 a.m. to 12.00; dlass 36, Violin Solo, 11 years ain-d under, 1.00 p.m. to 1.45; class 37, Vio-liin Solo, 18 years and un- der, 1.45 p.m. to 2.00; class 17, Piano Solo, 13 years and under, 2.00 p.m. to 8.10; class- 3-8, Violin Solo, 16 years and under, 3.10 p.m. to 4.00; class 17, Piano Solo, 13 years and under, fi- nals, 4.00 p.m. to 4.20; class 52, Ac- companiment, 4.20 p.m. to 4.40; class 21, Contralto, 6.00 p.m. to 6.35; class 30, Mixed Duet, 6.35 p.m, to 6.50; 'class 7, Comet, open-, 6.50 p.m. to 7 ; class 19, Soprano, 7.00 p.m. to 7.25; class Id, Violin, open, 7.26 p.m. to 7.50; • class 31, Rural Church Choir, 7.50 p.m. to 8.25 ; -class 9, Clarinet, open, 8.05 p.m. to 8.40; class 32, Vil- lage -Choir, 8.40 -p.m. to 8.55 ; class 10, Brass' Quartette, 8.55 p.m. to- 9.15 ; class 33, Urban Choir, Class B, 9,15 p.m. to 9.30; class 26, Men’s Chal- lenge -Solo, 9.30 p.m. to 10.20. HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Thursday, May 12th Class 57, Reading, Girl-s under n years and under, 1.00 p.m. to 2.05 ; class 56, Reading, -Boys 10 years and under, 2.05 p.m. to 0.30; class 53, Reading. Girls 7 years and under, 2.30 p.m. to 3.05; class 59", Choral Speaking, 3.05 p.m. to 3.25; class 55, Reading, : Girls 10 years and under, 3.25 p.m. to 4.05; -dlass 58, Reading, Boys 14 years and under, 4105 p.m. to 4.35; class 14, Reading, open, 4.35 p.m. to 5.00; -class- 51, Folk Dance, 5.00 p.m. to 5.45. All competitors muigt be on hand fifteen minutes before their respective competitions are scheduled to com- mence and report to the Secretary in charge. 'By referring to your class number you will find- the -dates and times on which your competition will be held. A concert by the First Brize Winners in -all the competitions will be held in -the Trinity United Church, Bowmanvilie. on Friday,' May 13th, 1938, comroeticin-g at 7. p.m, stand- ard time. All sessions open to the public on the payment of a -small admission fee. Adultsâ€"'Mornings', 10c.; Afternoons. 16 c.: -Evenings, 15c.; Childrenâ€" Mornings?.- -and Afternoons Free; Evenings,; 10-c.; Fin-ail- Concertâ€" Adul's, 85c.: Children, 26-c. â€"-J. H. Johnston. President : Mise Helen Morris, See.-Treas. Children At Musical Fes- tival At Orono Wednesday NEWCASTLE W.A. PRESENTS PICTURES O-n Monday evening, May 2nd, a very p'le&slamt evening was spent in the school Room of Bark Street Unit- ed Church, sponsored by Group No. 2 of the W.A. Rev. J. H. Osterhout, presided, land -spoke very fittingly of the location and trirraetive village of Orono. wel- comed- the visitors -and Mira. Walter Rieka-rdia -Group of Newcastle, who presented1 their excellent program of readings; by H. S-qua-ir and Mr. Foil- ley, trombone s-olio by II. Alii in- and songs, music and pantomine “Pic- tures Qlid and New” to the enjoy- ment of all présent.. Mrs. Percy Hlare, in her usual good manner, introduced! her album pi et ures as follows :- list, King and Queen, Mr. and H-rs. A. O. Parker; 2nd, Princesses, Beta Cook land Barbara Buna than ; 3rd, B-el’l of the Show, Mrs. George P. Rickard: 4th, Preacher and Wife, Rev. S. and Mrs. MacLean; 5 th, G randnioth'er. Mrs. -S. E. Bona than ; 6th, Gran.dfi'iitbcr, Walter Couch ; 7th, Mother. Mrs. T. II. Oleir.cnee; 8th, Siquiilr-e, Mr. W. J. Oleraeniee ; 9 tit, Goldc-11 Wedding, Mr. -and Mrs. X or- nate. Alin-; 10/th, Dr. Dafoe, Harry .Jose, dllare and Nonna Allin, Helen Turner, Ruth Alton -and Annie Cry- dermani; lltlji, Popey-e, Ernest Oil- bank; 12itli, Gossip, Mrs. N. L. Rick- ard1; 13th, Irish Ooil'teen, Jean Promt; 14lh, Jigge and Maggie. Mr. A. Promt -and: M-m W. ('ouch; 15th, Spinning Wheel, Mm Fred B. Ijoveki-n-; 16th, 25 years married1, Mr. ia,nd Mrs-. Har- old All in; 17th. School Teacher, Mm. Harold Couch; l>th. Aunt Jemimia, Chas. Olemenoe; 19th, Organist, Mrs, E. O. Fisher : 20th, Choir Leader, W. J. -S. Rliekialrd : 21st. Lady of the Rlosas, Mus. “Dr.” Rutherford; 22-nd, S-. S. -Suiperintendenlt, Thomas A. Rodger : 23ni. Kris Kri nglte, T. W. Jiaetooui; 24th, Editor, H. R. Pearce; 25th, Cousin Mary Ann, Mrs. H. J. •Tosc: 26th, Farmer, Howard Allin; 271tih-, Bri-de and Gro-om, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wall ton.; Parade of the caste. The group from Newcastle were heartily thanked for .their excellent entertainment in a netait -speech by Mm J. E&gteson, 'leader of Group 2 of the O-rono W. A. Ninety-Five Pupils Compete For Honors To Enter Fes- tival at Bowmanvilie Cb-bo-urg Town Council at. -a special meeting decided to put to ia vote of the people the question oif building an -addition- to the Collegiate Insti- tute. It will be in the form, of a by- law. The Junior Cbildreini’s Music Fes-;;; tival contest held in Orono Contin- uation school on Wedines-day eveni-ng drew many contestants from the dif- ferent. schools. Mr. Brethour, of Toronto, wlas âd- judiicator for -the evening and told- till© children all the fine -po-inits on sing- ing whi.-u should lit-1 j. them consider- ably when they meet in, Bowmanvilie at the Durham- 'Oo-unty Musical F-ea- t i va I next week. In Junior Glass 1 there were 24 entries' and the test piece was “A Merry Lad the Farmer Boy.” This class w-as, for boys under 12 years of age, and the prize winners were, Douglas Wilson, Grant Broo-ks, Ro- land Coomhes, Armand Hollings- worth, iNeil: Metcalfe and Eos-s Met- calfe. The todj ud-ioator told this class that they should learn the words of the song -so that the song- will tell them a story and- impress, it on their minds. Class 2 was for girls under 12 years and there were 25 entries,' in, this class, the test piece being “Three- Ships.” The winners were Betty Os- borne, Gwen Chatterton, Muriel Ten- tiam-t, Dorothy Quinney, Lorraine Wight and Helen Cox. The adjudi- cator judged this class on the rhythm, words and tun-e. These are a ll -very .necessary â-  to a si.ns«- -and also give it the necessary swing to the piece being suing. Class 3 was for senior boys, 10 years and over, ’-and there were 26 entries, the test piece being, “The Lin coins! i ire Poachers,” The win- ners- in this clasis were, Lawrence Farrow, Bobby Lockhard, Alex. Si,fl-ehyruk, Jack Colville and Arthur Clemen-ce. Olase 4, senior 'girls; over 11 years-, had 20 entries and1 the test piece was “-Oh dear what can the matter be.” Winnersâ€"-Mary Gettlicb, Violet: Hoi. lings Worth., Ei’cen Todd, Ruby Allen and Margaret Harris. The adjudicator told ithe senior boys that when they are singing they m-u'st pronounce the words cleanly and not slur them- into one another, also to open the mouth in a north land! south movement (up and down), and hot, -east and west (sideways), that each phrase roust foe finished out and to keep the speed very -steady, no* (Continued on. page four) Council Receives $6,349.55 Subsidy From Government Cîairbe Township Council met in regular session on Tuesday, -May 2nd with Reeve T. A. Reid in the chair and all councilors present. A c.inummiciatimi wais- received from the Horticultural Society of Newcastle, which is- holding a flower éhow on August 12-th in Newcastle,, asking htilp in golliciiting their prizes. This commun ic»i ion is being held over. Clarke Township Council received a cbeque from- the Onmrio .Provincial Government for -the amount of $6,- 349.55, being 50 per cent, of the money spent, on township roads for the year 19:37. The following. bills, were paid: Henry ,1. Casement. Toronto Gentefla'I Hoapitall, $22.50; Jiasv Tay- lldr, Torotno -Gen-eriail Hospital, $7.88; Car! Brown, hospital for iSiek Chi!- dren,, 88-c. ; Biaby and Mrs. Arthur Lockhart, Oohourg G'en-erial Hoispital, $10.28. Relief at Kendal, - $14:1.2; Federal Tnisu-rla-nce (Smith and Porter), town hall, $34.00;. E. E. Patterson-, relief vo-ueh-er,' $1G ; Lanicjastor’s garage, Newcastle, Brown faim .ily. to Toronto Ho-nital, $5.00; (B. II. Wood, care- taker, $10.85 ; Lynl! Lowery, aBsesso-r, $220.40 ; Mire. E. Rn n-da K, R vs- F, $40; : Var ious Bond Holders,- re local 1 mprovyment By-Law No. 934, $430,- 69; W. E. Davey, taxi, Mira. Baldwin $2.25 ; Lornie iMiartinell1, 6 bags of cement for sidewalk in, Xewitonville, $9.08; Dr, 0. E. Wilson -and Dr. W. H. Stanley, profersional services re Mrs. Baldwin. $10.00; Orono Weekly Times, printing, $9.00; Road Vou- cher No. 5, $281.76. That the collector- of -rates and tax- es,- Mr. C. F. Awd-e, be 'and he i-s here- by authorized to continue the colliec- r.ii'ii of la-ll unpaid taxes in the niuni- cipaity up to June 7t!h next in. the manner provided by by law for the general levy -and coilecwlon of the sterne. Tinat"this -dO'usicil now adjourn to inte-e-t again in the- -douin'cil1 chamber, O-r-o-no, on Tuesday the seventh day oif June -ait 9 o’-elo-ck -a.m. for the 'tria-nsiactiion- -of genieiial business and hofkliing a couri. of Revision of the As- sessment Roll for the year 19-38, the said -Court to. open ait 2 p.m. (stand- an 1 Time). .\

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