"V> OFvO.NO WEEKLY TIMES DR. JOHNSTON v. s. Port Hope, is opening, an office AT ORONO ON May 2nd, 1938 under the manage ment of D. 0. D.-wey, Cbibourg, who has com- pleted three years of -study at the Ontario College. He specializes in Surgery and Diseases of farm animals, and is well equipped to assist in the vet- erinary work in this district. Phone Day or Night Orono Central . Mr. and Mm Jaim-es Eagtesbin, ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. Li. Sher- wiii and Mrs. 0. Moon, visited Mr, and Mrs. W, D. Fowler, of Fétërlboro, on Tuesday, and helped celebrate Mr, Fowler’s birthday. Jidm Moline received the news last week that Ms two cousins are 'travel- ling abroad. -One has taken a six weeks’ cruise down, to South America -and calling -alt -all ports along the way white the other has gone on, a three weeks’ motor trip to California -and- the west. A new industry will soon open- up in, town. Art Béamish has purchased power equipment for the making of lawn chairs, bird houses, cabinets and anything else in the wood line. The set includes’ a circular saiw that can 'be adjusted1 to- any langte, a band saw, Sander and a drill. These machines will be lined up and driven by a 1-2- bm-fse power motor. The start will he made in the barn behind A. J. Sfa- â- plies’ residence, and sto-on Art expects to have a flourishing business. We hope him «ticca® in -Ibis adventure. LOCAL AND SOCIAL FOR THE FIRST TIME In the History of the Paint Industry LOWE BROTHERS Make Available a Marine Quality Paint to Householders at no Greater Cost A PRODUCT THAT 1. Is good enough for the hulls of passenger ship-s, freighters and other marine craft. A product that will withstand immersion in water. A paint that Will resist the extremes of tropical heat and arctic cold. That will survive the harsh treatment o-f frequent scrubbings. That will resist the severe friction and abrasion from rubbing and| humping. - - : That, because ft is! made from the finest ingredients pro curable and is usually well processed, provides die consum- er with the utmost in economy- 7. ONE QUART OF HIGH STANDARD MARINE QUALITY PAINT WILL GO AS FAR AS TWO QUARTS OF INFERIOR PRODUCTS. ‘'Good Enough for Steamship Hulls Best for Your Home†2. 3. 5. 6. 66°â€Ã® LUNN’S HARDWARE Orono Ont. RED & WHITE STORES THURSDAY Canned PEAS 3 tins 25c Large tins Pumpkin 3for 25c. Fancy Biscuits assorted * 2 lbs- 25c. Roasts of PORK per lb. 22c. Roasts of VEAL 17c. Hamburg STEAK 2 lbs 25c FRIDAY Breakfast BACON in the piece lb 19c. 12 oz bottles Catsup 2 for 19c. Golden Bantam CORN 2tins 17c Shelled Walnuts by the lb 3JC Rolled Oats fine or coarse 5 lbs 19c. Bulk SOAP FLAKES 3 lbs 19c. Salt Petre 2 lbs 23c. SATURDAY Libby’s Vege" table or To- mato 3 tins 25c Five Roses FLOUR 24 lbs $1.05 Orono Pastry Flour 24 lbs 59c. 4 kinds of Shortening 2 lbs 25c Bulk Soda 3 lbs 14c Soda Biscuits 2 Ibs 23c. The large 4-0z pkgs. Red and White Jelly Powders 5for25c J. J. CORNISH PHONE 12r2 PATTERSON’S SERVICE STORE PHONE 19rl9 WE DELIVER Mr. Milton, Morris spent ' Su-ndiay in Toronto. Mils» Miu'.v Somerville apenit the week-end! in Toronto. Miss Ollie Da-ve-y is spending a few days this week in.- Kingston. -MSsh Agus-tia Thornton visited firiendis in l.uiil-ay a few days- ago-. Olio-se onto one hundred men are now employed at the Forestry Sta- tion. Mr. and Mrs-, G. H, F-rosite made a business trip to Toronto- on Wed- nesday afternvon. A sofUva'd meeting will be held- in Ollie Oobiper’s Barber -Sihop on Fri- day evening, May 6th. Mir. a-nid Mrs. O. F. Aw-le spent Sunday ait Tyrone, the guests of Mr. and Mrs-. Diaye H'oopor. Mr. C. F. Aw-de has planted several hundred trees on toils pasture fail'd north- of the -village for shade. Mrs. John No-den, who was visiting her brother, Dr. baling, and' mother An Chicago, returned home last week. Mass Jean Forrester entertained a number of her girl friends on Friday, evening last to her birthday parts. Mr. Edward! Davey returned home on Tuesday after spending a couple of weeks visiting friends in Port Hope. Mr. Frank Hall attended blue Angli- can Church Synod -ait Toronto on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. We are pi Biased to see Mrs. J. Henry looking -so well after her re- cent visit with her daughter in Tor- onto,. The W. A. of Sit. -Saviour’s- Church packed -a, bale last week and shipped •it to an Indian school in the north country. Mr, Robert Oorulfarlth, -of Lindsay, was i-n town, oil 'Sunday evening and -took part in the I.O.O.F. wialk to- the United Church. Clarke United Football Club has been given permission to play their ho-me football; gtames. in Orono Oom- mu-nity Park this summer. -Mil's. Elizabeth Chapman is en 1er- •tanning some friend's to dinner this evening ( Thursday) in honor of M-r-s, Mary Henry of Toronto. Mr. Johnston, veterinary, -arrived in town last week and is now ready for business. See his ,advertisement on page 5 of this issue. . Mr. 0. F, Awde will build a new summer kitchen- at the east end of his residence this summer. Mr. J oe Martinet! has the contraeu ' Anyone interested in football are requested1 to attend the football meet- ing at W. J. Riddell's barber shop on Friday evening at eight o’clock. Mr! Robert Dl'anville, Otromo North, will in the near future have his barn resting on a new foundation. Mr. Frank Hall is- drawing the material in readiness. Messrs'. Ernie Leach, Manager of the G-l-eno'sla Hotel. Les. McLaughlin, of the Lumber and W-ood. Co,, and George Hart, of the City Dairy, Osh awa, vistilted Mr. Orme Gfatrtsiby on Saturday and also visited the trout streams around Kendal. Orme made the best catch with twelve, the rest securing twelve between them. Complaints have been „ received about the dumping of ashes in, the ravine on the property in charge of the, General Trust Company of Tor- onto. Signs will soon be erected1 pro- hibiting this practise, and thu-s closes on-e more convenient place to dispose of the accumulated rubbish that com tinua-lly collects around the yards. The children from Orono and Shaw’s were very favourably received by the capacity audience at the Con- servatory of Muei'C, Toronto, last -Wednesday af temo-o-n. . The Welsh end Irish dances were specially en joyed and many were the congratula tiome which came to Miss, Tamblyn and her school for their lovely three -pant chorus. -Orono Orange Lodge held their re- gular meeting on Monday evening of this week. Three new members, were minuted into the Newcastle Lodge by the Orono Degree team, Newcastle Lodge being present at, this meeting After the work -of the evening was finished, the Newcastle Lodge served a very tasty lunch to the local breth- ren. -for the services of the degree team. The Young People’s Union of Park Street United Church on Monday evening enjoyed a fine program given- by me of the members. Miss Mary Bfvlxlwi u gave a rceitatioh : Bob Keane -a. talk on temperance: Mtiseas , Lenora, Wood and Lillian Fowler slang a duet. Roy Berry and, Archie Watson, gave « report oh the- conven- tion held -a! Pickering on Saturday and Sunday. • Mise. Margaret Mi'llis-ou then taught some new games- which she had learned 'at the convention. "Next M,-nday evening â- will., be the last meeting- of the Young People’s- Un- ion for this -season. SPECIALS Ozono Pastry Flour, 24 lb. bag - - 59c Beehive Syrup, 5 lb. tin - - - - 37c Granulated Sugar, 10 lbs. - - 57c Matches, 3 boxes ----- 21c Easifirst Shortening, 2 lbs. - 25c Ready Dinner, Irish Stew, 2 tins - - 23c Heinz’s Soups, Veg., Pea, Asparagrus, Tomato 3 tins fer 25c Large Tin Tomatoes, 3 tins - - 25c Prune s, medium size, 3 Ibs. - - 21c Mild Cheese, 1 lb. - - 19c Princess Soap Flakes, 2 large pkgs" and 1 large pkg. free 29c Naptha or Comfort Soap, 7 bars - - 25c Fig Bars, 2 lbs. - 25c Chocolate Mallow, 2 lbs. .... 25c Milk Nut Biscuits, special, 1 lb. . . 19c For Quality and Economy Use Tender Leaf Tea SÉ‘ 28c. ARMSTRONG’S This ils Congdleum Week and besides giving a rug away FREE by guessing -the ht-cky number, we are going ho give you unheard of prices to go with, this contest. If you can match these prices let us se,e them, 6x9 7 1-2x9 9x9 9x10 1-2 9x12 9x15 $4.75 $6.00 $7.25 $8.50 $9.50 $11.00 Remember they -are Gold Seal and all 1st quality. These prices •are for Thursday, Friday and Saturday LINOLEUM 5 pieces to choose from, all smart designs, 1st quality, 4 yard's wide only, ^ FELTOL, A good wearing, inexpen- sive Floor Covering, in very attractive colours, Q_ 2 yd's wide, yard... OvrC per yard .... CONGOLEUM 3i yards wide. This is a very popular Covering as the patterns suit so many different rooms. Gom\e in and see d*0 A A these patterns, per yard...........:. <p«*vv DRAPERIES In plain Rayon, Dotted Marquisette Scrims, Homespunsâ€" OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT HOMESPUN This is new this year, make «a very j/refty drapery,0 7» 46†wide, priced v I V MARQUISETTE In dot's and checks, Rose, Blue, Green, Gold and^A- Black, priced .ùUit CURTAINS Bedroom, 2 1-4 yards long, in blue and pink bor- C A _ ders, per pair . RAYON 38†wide, in a very large as- sortment of patterns, priced 29c, 39c, 49c, 65c yd CURTAINS Madras in Ecru, 2 1-4 yards long, priced Hjjj JQQ Marquisette Curtains In plain and checks, regular $2.25 per pah, for|] 50 WALLPAPER All our paper will be reduced 10 per cent, 'this Thursday, Fri- day and Saturday, also we have a lot of good room lots at BARGAIN PRICES, Trusses, Abdominal Belts, and Elastic Hosiery From the Ottawa Truss and Surgical Co. may be purchased at Tyrrell’s Drug Store. A complete line of Single and Double Trusses is always in stock. They are properly fitted and guaranteed. TYRRELL’S DRUG STORE - Phone 68 Orono