ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Vol. 2. No. 16. ORONO, ONT,, THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1938. Subscription, $1.25 Per Year A.Y.P.A Picture Show, Parish Hall, Saturday Night l.O.O.F. Present Two 25 Year Jewels To Two Local Members C. A. Brown Presented With Floor Lamp Before His Departure Wednesday night, May 4iih, will .long be remembered by the officers land members of Orono Lodge Ho. -.436, l.O.O.F. The regull-ar business of tiré lodge was conducted in short order. Cobourg Lodge 'No. 136 was •called to the chairs and they con- ferred tiie second degree of Odd fel- lowship on their candidates, the de- gree and floor work of this degree team was very .efficient and brought forth many comments. Lodge closed in due form 'and a very tasty banquet was served by the committee in charge, followed by an excellent pro- gram. Bro. John Gibson occupied the Chair and his remarks on the even- ing were will chosen, ami he then called on Bro. Wm. Gordon, of KIov- •eUoe Nightingale Lodge, Bowinà n- ville, D.D.G.M. of .Durham District No. 42, to present a 2-5 year jewel to Bro. John Berry of Orono Lodge. Bro. Berry, although taken by sur- prise, thanked the Brethren for this boaurifill jewel. Bro. Wenda® of Oakwood, P.D.D.G.M. of District No. 43, presented a 25 yoaf 'jewel to Bro. Lome Robbins stating that it was a privilege and, a, pleasure to be present -on this occasion and to take part in this gathering. Bro. Robbins also thanked the Lodge for the beautiful jewel. The guest speaker of the evening . was then called 'upon. Bro. Dr. G. C. !R. Hall, of Little Britain, Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of -Ontario. Bro. Hall spo-ke of the good work the Order had accomplished in the past, was doing, and the great task ahead to be done. He pointed out that just as the robbers robbed on- the Jericho road there were a great many robbers on the way of life, and asked the Brethren to stand pat to the teachings of Odd-fellowship in order that these evils may be left by -the wayside. Bro. Riddell, P.D.D.G.M. was- ask- ed to come forward and perform a very pleasant task, it being the read- ing -of an address -to Bro. Chas. Brown who has been a very active worker in the local Lodge and who has decided; to leave this district_ to reside in Fen el on Fails. Fri.lowing is the address : Mr. Chais. A. Brown : Dear -Sir and Brother,-â€"The Offi- cers aindf Members of Orono Lodge No. 436 of the Independent Order of Oddfellows learn with regret your decision to leave your residence and occupation with us and Wove to your former plaice df adoption. We know that these situations will! arise from time to time and we must of neoes- . .silty strengthen our lives for these changing conditions so that we may therefore he -ready. To u-s, (Brother Brown, you have al- ways been. a. tried ami true Oddfellow, ready and wiling to do your share in whatever task was at hand. Tour zeal for the promotion of the prin- TO INTERVIEW BAND RE BAND CONCERTS cipies of Oddfeloxvship has always been ardent and pure. 'Sometimes it was no-t -easy for you to do these thing-s which were asked of you- and it would have -been easy for you to have refused; but, that ever present faith* in Brotherly L-o-ve brought you up with <a. smile -and a ready answer “Dill be there.†These things of you will ever be remembered and -cherished by us. We trust rlnvt our fellowship to you has always been w-lrnt you would desire it to be. Tour absence here will create la vacancy but we know that yonder place is to gain by such. May w>e quote the words of Geo. Bernard Shaw as our summary of your activ- ity among us. “I am of the opinion that my life ' belongs to the whole community, and as long as I live it. is my privilege to do for it; whatsoever I can. I want to be thoroughly used up when I die. for the harder I work the more I live. I rejoice in life for its own sake. Life is no brief Candle for me. It is ,a sort of splendid torch which I have got hold of for a mo- ment and 1 want to make it burn as brighiHy as possible before handing it on to future generations. ’ We believe that you believe that : The hearts of a friend never wanders- or d-ou-bts, No matter if years- intervene;: The old faith is there, and naught can compare With the comfort if gives, though unseen. Tes, the heart of -a friend is the one thing I prize, As -life lengthens and twilight des- cends ; Tit’s ; the Hast» boon I’ finii-gh my task, That 1 live in. the friends. W-e ask you to accept from us this floor lamp. Not for its appraisal value but rather as -a slight token of remembrance of -the FetHloWs-hip, Friendship and Brotherhood tithes that have -been formed during your all too few years among us. May God's richest -Messing rest on you and your hlo-me and may he guide and. direct yo-ur daily walk of life. 'Signed on- bobeli' of the members of Orono Lodge No. 426, l.O.O.F.â€"- John Gibson Jr., N.G.; Allroo-mte Bul- l-o'ck, V.G. ; W. J. Riddel, P.G.; -How- ard .Wal-s-h, P.G.; and- E. R. Rainey, P.G. Bro. 'Brown was completely taken by surprise, so much iso 'that the Brethren engaged, in a sing song while lie collected his thoughts. He thanked the Brethren for t-h-eir kind- ness lo him during his-sojourn in Orono -and no matter where he wen t those fund mi-morie- of the Lodge roam, the Brothers of the Lodge, and the Brothers of the lodges in our dis- trict,, would, 'always be cherished by him. Hearty votes of thanks lo all who had taken a,part in the very success- ful evening were extended and receiv ed. The gathering dlosed with the singling of -Go-d Slave- the King. ask, wihen I hearts of my Will Serve Dinner To Orangemen On July 12th The regular W. A. meeting of Park Street United Church on Tuesday the lOtili, was held in the schoolroom of the church with the president in the chair and Mrs. W, Hoar at the, piano. Mrs. 11. W'a'feh having charge _ of t-lie devoti-o-nia1! period the meeting opened by the use of hymn No. 156, ‘•Oh Master let me walk with Thee," followed by prayer , offered -by Mrs. Wiallsh, who read from the 11th vers-e to the end of the 4th chapter of Pro- verbs, Which was very clearly pic- tured by th-e speaker. Mrs,.. Rowland Smith, accompanied by Miss L. Al- len, rendered a very fine solo. The minutes of the last meeting, also of the executive meeting were read by the recording secretary ; .treias- urer’is report by Mis-si I’. Cobhlorliek: finance report by Mrs, J. Dickson; corresponding secretary re-ad: several cards and letters of appreciation for flowers and cards sent to the sick. The -lladies planed to serve dinner to the Orangemen on July 12'tlh. The .medtli ng " .(closed with the Miz-pali Benediction. The regular meeting of Orono Chamber of Oomimerce wiais held in the Kum-Riite Inn on Tuesday even- ing of this week with a fair number of the executive .members present. The minutes of the former meeting were read and ordered passed-. -Mir. Neil, Porter, of -the Central Committee of the Orange L-odge was present and brought up the matter of forming sub-committees to work in conjunction with the Central Com- mittee in making arrangements for the day. He thought if the commit- tees were made up of peoipll'e outside the Lodige it would help to widen the interest in the celebration. He also said the Band would, .meet, the lodges, that the lodges would form up at -the AgricuO'tui'ali Park, the parade would be held then finally all would assem- ble at the Community Park for speeches and sports. -One speaker. Rev. Bannister, of B-o-wimianvilBe, will give -a talk on Paste-ism. The following committees were formed, with the first-mentioned of each to act as chairman : Parade -â€" J. C. G-amey, Albert Morton, Hartwell Lowery and L. A. D-en-t. Entertainment and Booths â€" 0. W. iiolpli, W. J. Riddell and Ted Wbodyard. iSipo-rta â€" Lyail Lowery and Albert Wash Prizes and Finance â€" R. R. Wad- dell, 0. T. Miller -and W. E. Arm- strong. Decorative â€" Nell Porter, 01-lie Cooper. Charlie 'Sha-w, II. Mercer, Ernie Dent, and Jack Morris. Grounds â€" E, J. Hamm, Wm. Watson,, ,Me,l. -Staples and II. : A. Clark. Advertising â€"- R. A. Forrester, C. IT.. Fruste -and Charles- Tyrrell. If . necessary, .other names will1 will be added to these -committees, 0. T. Miller â€" C. II. Frostc-â€"That the members of the executive of the Clio tuber ,-.f Oo-mfaierce each guarmi- tee a sum of $5.00 in c-ase -there is a -shortage of" receipts1 after the day’s- eefeb r a tiou.â€"lOa-med’. After some discussion, it was de- •ided to ask the merchants to c-lose ; heir |daces of business- for two hours, from 1.00 to 3.00 p.im. Neil Porter brought up the sub- ject of trying in some way to have the band hold band concerts through- out the summer months. This subject -has received a good deal-of diis-cussion in- the past to fi nd ways and means of raising money to play for the band for thèse -con-certs. So it wlae left; -to Mr. Porter to- inter- view the -band -and see wh-at they would -charge for open air concerts. Mir, R. OR,. Waddell informed the meeting that, when Charles Brown moves to Fenelon F-a-ls Orono would lii-albl'e to -Ire out the services- of a tin- -nt tilting and plumbing shop. He siaid this village offered a splendid! opening for this line -of business, and thought that the Chamber of Cbm" merce should put all: their efforts be- hind this and see if a suitable pur chaser could be secured, to take over the business and that it would have to be at once. It was decided to insert advertise- ment? in .the papers surrounding Orono and see what eou"d be done in the matter. Mr. 0.. W. RoOph brought up the question of seeing if Mr. Linton would issue cheques to the Forestry employees on Tuasdlay, Thursdays or -some suich day indtdad of Wednesday, and have the bank stay open longer on that particular day to cash the cheques and save the stores this in conveniences, also the employées. Mr. C. T, Miller waisi appointed to inter view M-r. Lin ton in the matter. The meeting -calme to- a cl-ois-e at ten minultes past midnight, with the members- feeling that, -a splendid meet- ing had just been completed. BUSINESS FOR SALE Tin-smithing, Plumbing and Farm Implement Bus-mess in Orono. Good opportunity for qualified man. ,Sac- rifice 'for quick sale,â€"Apply C. A Bro-wn, Orono. 'a-16-c -----------o-----:----- When inspecting oars at Port Hope, only 13 per cent, of those tested were up to, par. Over; 300 were found de- fective. , In many easels the 'defects were not of a serious nature. Tuesday’s Winners At Durham Music Festival ELECT OFFICERS Clarke United Football team re- cel ved penmisei-on to play their home garnies in the Orono Community Park. The first game will be on Saturday, May 21st with iS-olina. A meeting was held in Cowan’s Store on Wednesday n-ight with a large attendance present, and the fol- lowing officers were elected : Hon, Pres.â€"Orme Gamsby. President, M. Cowan. 1st Vice-,Pres.â€"W. E. D-avey. 2nd1! Vice-Pres.â€"Charlie Shaw. 3rd Vice Pres.â€"!.. Robbins. iSeo.-Treas.â€"'G. Shackletoh. Reo. S-ec.â€"-Leroy Myl-es. Manager â€" Bob Keame. Oo-ach â€" Tom Evans. Captain â€" Jiack Stoibibart, Practise will be -held on Monday, May 16th, at 6.30 p.rn. Judging by the enthusiasm of the players and the spirit that prevailed at the meeting, football in Orono is in, for -a bà nnier year. The -team is composed of the best that won- two chair,piioniships in succession and in addition there are many good pros- pects likely to make the team. The Orono public are indeed fortunate that the games are to be played here. .Those who have wanted1 t-o -see soccer at its best will now have the oppor- tunity. Give the boys a. good send-off on Saturday, May 21-st and let. us show them by -our numbers that we are right behind the team. W.C.T.U. MEETING A special meeting of the W.CVT.IT. was helid Tuesday afternoon in the basement of the Park Sir. United Church to arrange . for the silver â- medal icon-test which will: be held in the 'Sunday school room, on June 3rd, in which seven contestants will take part, ia-1-so other raient. Al, the officers -of last year were re-elected at this -meeting, which are as follows : Presidentâ€"Mrs. -R. Rainey. 1st Vice-Pros.â€"Mrs. II. Walsh. iSecrdtaryâ€"Mrs. R. Best, -Cor. iS-ec.â€"Miss F. C-obMedic'k. Treasurer â€" Mrs. A. Henry. iSup. of Flowers and Delicaciesâ€" Mrs. II. Ro-we and Mrs. Seymo-ur. WORKING ON STAND School Choirs Score High Marks On First Dayâ€" , Record Entry List The Presbyterian, Church shed that was purchased s-ome time ago by Dur- ham -Central Agrieu-l rural Society, ha® now been: torn down and the gun nds'iiamd ait the park i-s- also being The music of ohiMren’s voices was heard in Trinity United Church in Bowmanviiie on Tuesday as the Dur- ham County Music Festival opened! with an all-time record for entries. The festival' continues till Thursday until over 400 entries have been heard and will: close with a -concert of prize winners on Friday evening. Dr. H, A. Frieker is chief adjudi- cator, -with G. Roy Fenwick judging the school 'Choruses and Mrs, Hiek- ingbottom the elocution classes. Tuesday morning and afternoon sessions were devoted to school chor- uses and part songs, with the evening- program featuring boys’ and girls’ solo preliminaries. IS-.lS. No. 7, Caesarea, placed first in the rural uninson chorus competi- r.ion with a total of 88 marks. Stark- ville and Drum in schools -were sec- ond. In -the part-song class for rural school choirs (one room) -Starkvil'le took first honors- and Covvanviile and Dru-inm schools were second-. Rura-l school part-songs competi- tion (-two rooms) was headed by Co-urti-oe Slehool choir, -with -Orono second and Hampton Choir third. -Rural -choirs directed by Mrs, L. Switzer made a clean, sweep in the ol-a-ss for choirs not having previous- ly won shields. Bliaickstoek choir waa first; S.iS: No. 7, Mamvers’-Janetvilile, placed second, with Archers school, Bnzlseton, third. -Central School, B-owmianville, plac- ed first in the Urban public school part-song class with not more than- 45 voices. Second place went to Port Hope school choir. Biaekstock -and- Caesarea boys’ chorus placed first in the competition;, for unison chorus of 10 to 15 voices. -Oron-o placed second, with Kirby tied with Oonrti-ce for -third. In. the public school open class' for not more than 86 -voices B’iaoksîoek choir was awarded 88 points in first plaice. IStarkville was second and Bowmanvil-le third. dismantled. I-t was thought this building could be moved to its new site, bin this was found impossible owing to its flimsy condition. -Mr. Lome -Martin,ell, of Kendal, who has the contract to erect the new stand -expects to have it completed in about ten days. The s-tand will be made much larger -and will face di- rectly south. Glarke And Darlington Football Schedule, 1938 The local football season opens on Saturday, Miay 21st, when Solina visits the locals at -Orono Community P'ark. There will be new faces, in the Oron-o- line-up this year, along with old- pllayers,, and it is hoped that a very strong contending team will be rounded ouit. The young members need your en- couragement and the older ones your support to.m'aike a start on, the right foot. -Game to the park on Saturday, May 21st, at 6.45 p.iu. standard time, and- give your support and- enjoy a good gaim-e. Fo-llb-wi-ng is the schedule for the s-eafston of 1938 â€" Eastern Division,: M-ay 16â€"Zion at Enniskillen. 18- Court ice at Tyrone. 21â€"iS-dliha at Orono. 23â€"-Hampton at Enni-ki'lien. 2'5â€"Tyrone at Zion. 28-â€"Courtice at Orono. ' 30â€"I'miiskillen. a-t -Solina." June 1â€"Zion at Hampton. 3â€"Orono at Tyrone. 6â€"-Ermiskillen at Oo-urtice. . 8â€"'Solina, -at Zion. IIâ€"Hampton at Tyrone. 13â€"Sblina at Court ice. 15â€" Zion at Orono, 18â€"Tyrone at Enniskillen. 20-â€"Hampton at Court!ce. 22â€"Orono at Zion. .25â€"Tyrone at iSo-linia. 27â€" Zion at Cour lice. 29- â€"EiiiskiUen 'at Orono. July 1â€"-S-olimi at Hampton. STyrone at Courtice. , 4â€"Enniskill-en at Zion. 6â€"'Hampton at Orono. 9â€"-Solina at Enniskillen.. 11â€"Zion at Tyrone. 18â€"^Orono at Solina. 16â€" Courtice at Enniskillen. 18â€"Tyrone at Hampton, 20â€"Zion lit Satina. 28â€" -Orono ait, Il-amption. 25â€"-Courtice at, iSolin-a. 2-7â€"Hampton at Zion. 30â€" Enniskill-en' a:t; Tyrone, Aug. 1â€"-Orono at Courtice, "3-iSolin-a at Tyrone. 6â€"Courtice at Hampton. -8â€"-Tyrone at Oron-o. 13â€"-Hampton at So-lina. 13-â€":Orouo at Enniskillen. 15-toOourtice at Zion. ' 17â€" Eriniski 11 on at llampt-on.