ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Local News The Orono L.'O.L. Degree Team were in Garden Hill on Wednesday evening where : they conferred the Orange degree. A slight -amount of hail fell on Wednesday, this being the cause of the continued cold weather. The weather has been very raw the past week and we are now looking for a mild, spell. Mrs. Renia Fairbairn, accompanied by Mrs. Deani Oarseadden and Mrs. Mrs. Laverne Oairsyadden spent a very pleasant day with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Thompson, in Oo- bourg recently. A large nmnbcr 'attended the Unit- ed: Church services on Sunday. Rev. O&terhouf preached on “The Mother of the Wesleys†ait the morning ser- vice. Miss- Myrtle Smith -and Miss Beatrice Hamm sian-g a lovely duet. M'ra. Bowen, of Deserouto, spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. W, J. Btu-tt, -a'too- Mrs. Dexvdney (Rev, Dewdney's mother) spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Sturt and Mrs. Bowen: On Aipril 30, Percy Limn is sup- posed to have caught the largest trout which measured 14 inches- and1 weigh- ed between 10 and 17 ounces-; but X-.nnan Thompson, of T.esknrd. Caught five nice trout, one 13 1-2 in- ches, two 12 inches and two 11 inches, and when weighed together tipped the scafeis better than f-our pounds. Many others were also- out, so,me returning with nice catches while -others1 were badly disappointed. RED & WHITE STORES THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Orono or Eclipse Pastry Flour, 24-lb. bag - - - 52c. Pitted Dates, per lb. - 10c. Fresh Pineapple, 2 for 25 c. Cream Qf Barley, pkg.....25c. 7-11). bags of Pastry Flour .............*..19c, Corn Beef, 4-lb. tins...69c. Golden Bantam Corn, 3 - tins for ...- .......25c. Cottage noils, lb. .:...22c. Sweat Pickled Picnic Shoulders, per] lb......18c. . Lyon’s Tea, Yellow La- bel, lr2 lb pkg ......29c- 3 lbs: Icing Sugar ....23c. Cream Tea Sandwich Biscuits, 2 lbs. for....29c. Magic Baking Powder (cash and carry) .......28c. Ice Cream Mix, pkg.....10c. Iodized or Plain Salt, in pkgs., 2 for ........11c. Bulk Macaroni, 2 lbs...11c. Magic Coffee, ground while you wait, lb......27c. Lemons, large and juicy, doz. - 25c. .. ........... Red & White Matches, “tW*, 3 for 23c Health Bran, 3 lb. bags, 2 for - 25c J. J. CORNISH PHONE 12r2 sAVE«vRe WORRYI „ "SX GOODYEARS Take this tip . . . cut down tire expense by riding on Good- year». We’ll show you the right Goodyear for your car ... at the price you want to pay. See us today â€" we save you money! S Lunn Hardware Orono, Ontario Classified COMING EVENTS The regular meeting of the Horti- cultural Society will bo held on- Tues- day, May 17th, at 8 p.m., in the High School Assembly Room. -a-16-c. lOibas. 'Clarke from the Kodak Co., Toronto, will present -a full evening of Mo tion Pictur e Enter t a in nn nt in the A.Y. P.A. Hall on Sa l unlay, May 14th, at 8 p.m. Admission, 20c. land 101c. a-16-c. The regular meeting -of the Wo- men’s Institute will be held in the Oo-uncill Chamber, 'Orono, oh. Friday, May 20th. Canadiian'iz-ati-on Commit- tee in- charge. Mus. M. H. Staples, Convener. Miss Galloway will- sipcia-k. Election of Officers. b-17-c. FOR SALE Wooden Silo.â€"D. A. Maekinnnn. Kirby. a-16-p. SHED -OOEIX FOR SALE Xo. 1 Seed Corn, all varieties, -$1.40 i bushel.â€"Cooper & Glanviile, Phone 53rl, Orono. c-18-p. HOE S ALE 'Six-roomed House, -new furnace, hardlwood floors, all modern -conven- iences, good: garden. Apply Mrs. F. L. Soueh, Princess -Street, Orono. tf TO REXT ISto-ne house and about one a-ere on Fifth Line, Township of Clarke, on Lot 22, Concession 5. Apply to R. R. Waddell, Orono. tf. HOUSE FOR- SALE- Good 2-storey Cottage 0-n Church St., prac'ticai'.y ne-w, hardwood floors, garage and garden. Apply W. H. Barrett, Orono. e-18-p. Local News We have just- corrected our mailing list land, we would -advise our readers to- glance at the label on their paper to- make sure that no mistakes- bee OBOUrr-ed. If there is ia- mistake kind- ly notify us at once and we will make the correction. Mir. and1 Mrs. H-eber -Sonch, Orono, Ont, announce the engagement of their younger daughter, Dorothy, to Harry, -only son of Mr. and Mrs. William Bailey, D-uirie St., Toronto, Ont., the marriage to take place quietly ini June. Mrs. G. L. Oarseadden -and b-aiby “bobby†who have been gn.iest-9 -of her hushand’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Oarseadden the past 3 months1, left on Tuesday -of this, week to join her husband in Rouyn, Quebec, in the Kirkland Lake district. A tie was made on- the guessing -Contest for the eongolenm rug' at F. F. Mb-rrie & Son .Furniture store, Orono, by Mrs. G. B, Brown and Miss Edna Myles, The tie was broken on Tuesday and Edna Myles- was the lucky winner of the rug. The tie Xo. being Xo-. 3769. Edna’s Xo. was 2500 while Mrs. Brown’s was 1882. Congratulations to the winner. It is expected that a consolation prize will, be given- t-o Mrs. Brown, In- inter- viewing Mr. Richards at the Morris Furniture st-ore, we were pleased1 to note the large supply of up-to-date furniture and- the wdl-li kept store which is -a. great credit to our town. -----------------o-------â€" The way to prosper is to read the -advertisements in the Orono Times. Professional Directory dental COCKERELS FOR SALE 3c. and -up, Blamed Rock and White Leghorn Baby -Chicks, started Chicks and Pullets, B'loodftested Flock, sired by R.-O.P. Cbekerels. Phone 2433, A. IT. -Cilemene, Bowmanviiie R.R. 6, near Hampton. c-18-c. STRAYED Onto the premises of Peter Sitep- koff, Lot 24 -and 25, Concession 9, on Samvdhy, April 23rd, 1938, one young pig, around one month old. Owner may have s-ame by proving property and paying expenses, c-16-c. FOR 'SALE â- Sewing Miaichinies, Clearance Sale, Singers, New Williams, Raymonds, $5 and up, -also purls and repairs to all! makes; machines and work guar- anteed. .â€"iF. T. Hobbs, Orono, across road from Community P!a:rk entrance. c-17-p. Township of Clarke Court of Revision and Appeal Notice ia hereby given that the first sittings of the . COURT OF REVISION for the Township of Clarke will be held in- the Tbiwm Hiall, in the Village of Orono, on FRIDAY, THE 3rd DAY OF JUNE 1938, at the hour of two o’clock p.m. (-standard, time), -t!o hear and deter- mine the several cnniphiints and omissions in the Assessment Roll for the said Municipality for the year 1938. AH persons having business' -at the Court are requested to attend -as -aforesaid. A. J. STAPLES, Township Clerk Orono, Mky 12-th, 1938. d-19-c. FRIDAY & SATURDAY Matinee PORT HOPE Saturday, 2 30 You’ll See a New ROBERT TAYLOR In the Picture He Made In England “A YANK AT OXFORD†With Maureen O'Sullivan and Lionel Barrymore DR. J. 0. MILNE, Dental Sur- geon, Orono. Office hours : 9.00 a.m. t0 5.00 p.m. Evenings by ap- pointment, Newcastle every Wed- nesday and other days by appoint- ment. Phone 18rl. MEDICAL DR. H. E. MANNING Physician and Surgeon Orono - - - Ontario- Office Ilnurs : 1.30 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. -Sunday by Appointment AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Oon-duote Auction Sales of all eizea and- at reasonable rates. Communicate with him at Pert Perry, Ontario, or see his Clerks, A. J. Staples or A. E. Morton, at Orono, for date. G. RICHARDS Practical Watchmaker All Repairs to Watches, Clocks, and' Jewellery, will! receive our prompt attention PARK STREET - ORONO John J. Gilfiilan Phm, B. QUALIFIED OPTOMETRIST Licentiate of the College of Optom- etry of Ontario Office Hours : 10 to 12 a.m. and- 2 to 4.30 p.m. and by appointment Office in 0. B. Tyrrell’s Drug Store Phone 68r2 « MONDAY and TUESDAY A New High in Hilarity EVERYBODY SING With Allan Jones, Judy Garland and Fanny Brice » WEDNESDAY ONLY At 8.45 “ Married Before Breakfast†Robert YOUNG Florence RICE 7.40-10.15 GENE AUTREY in “SPRING TIME IN THE ROCKIES’ DAYLIGHT-SAVING TIME PARK SL UNITED CHURCH Rev. J. H. Osterhout, B.A., B.D. Pastor SUNDAY, MAY 15-th 11 a.m.-â€"Morning Worship. 7 p.m..â€"-Evening Service. The minister at both services COME AND WORSHIP Ernest .Black, wealthy American resident of Oobourg, aged 40 years. .Was found dead in hi® bed with a bidler, wound in his head, by his chauffeur on Sunday morning When he entered his employer’s bedroom to awaken lrbm. A .22 calibre revolver was found lying across- his knees and the police- were satisfied that the wound was self inflicted. Mr. Black w'a-s Born -and educated in the United States, and was at-one time- eohmmfc- -ed with the American, diplomatie service. COWANVILLE Mr. -and Mrs. Ivan Farrow were Sunday visitors with Mr, and -Mrs. W. C. Crossl'ey. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil; Wa-lkey were -Sunday visitor» with Mr. and Mrs. George Henderson. Mise M. McPherson, . Cbbo-urg, was ,a, week-end- visitor with Mr. land Mrs, J. J. W. Stringer. Hr. ami Mrs. Wc-stol -Stringer were -Sunday visitors with- Mr. " and Mrs, Willie Farrow, Lak-eshbre, There was a good- turnout to hear the splendid sermon given- by Mr. Meliur on Sunday night in Clarke Church. Mr." -and Mrs. Morrish Osborne, Harold 'and Mrs. Hà ynes, Morrish-, and Mr. and Mrs. O. Cowan were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Brooks 'Cowan. ---------o----â€"â€" Prices rea-son-ablte on Job Printing. WHY NOT SAVE MONEY BY USING C. V. PAINTS CANADA VARNISH & PAINT CO. ARE OF- FERING 1 GAL. PURE WHITE PASTE PAINT, MIXED WITH 1 GAL. RAW LIN- SEED OIL, MAKING 2 GALS. OF PURE WHITE PAINT FOR $5.25 Or $2.62i| per gallon C. Y. HOUSE PAINT is the most Durable, Highest Quality, every gallon guaranteed to be Pure Paint and Oil, Whites and Colored, per gallon $3.50 Richmond Paints and Enamel, at per quart 69c. Sold at ROLPH HARDWARE PHONE 43rl ORONO