weekly times LOCAL AND SOCIAL] â- V Mrs. I. Oofobledick has been ein the sick list. Mi's. R. Wood suffered a stroke one day last week. Mrs. Frank Hal is- on the sick list â- but is gradually improving. Mr. land Mrs. A. A. Drummond) and son spent Sunday in Toron to. Mïr. Frank II all 1 ’bias a new mullet net made and ready for use for the season. Mus. Gordon Moffaitt, of Clarke Union, has been siolt the past week wit'b itfhe flu. Miss Edna S'tuitit spent, the week- end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stutt Miss Mabel Davy and Mrs. L. Fra'lick .are visiting friend’s in Tor- onto and Aurora. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Davey, Mrs, A. Henry and Mrs. McDonald were in Toronto on Monday. Miss Agustla Thornton visited her brother, Edgar Thornton, in Mill - â- brook on Sunday last. Mr. Allison Oowian, of Toronto, ’Spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and, Mrs. Thomas Cowan. Mrs. AM. ’Chapman is having a mew chimney built. Mr. John Allin, Nowdaisitie, is dding the work. M r. and Mrs. Roy S. Hal, of Bow- maiiville, spent Mother’s Day with their mother, MrS. L, Bruton. Mr, Vernon Slaundens, of Toronto, spent the week-end with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Saunders. Mrs. 11. Murray has been assisting* in Dean’s Bake Shop during Mrs, Hooey’s absence for a few days, Mr. Weldon Inch and lady friend, of Weston, were Sunday guests of the former’s grandmother. Mrs. Samuel B'ilinigs, south ward. Anyone wishing to enjoy new potatoes in the near future cam call on Mr. H. G. Macdonald, who is lead- ing in the potato race. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Gray and fam- ily, of Perry town, and Mr. Dunbar, of Port Hope, were visitors with Mrs. J. R. Cooper on Sunday. Miss Florence Harris, Reg. N., an;d girl friend, of OabouTg, spent one day this week with her parents, Mr. a nd Mrs. Charles Harris. Mr. George Elagtleson, of B'ailieboro, and Miss Mary Eagieson, of Mill- brook, visited a few days with Mr. and Mrs. J. Eagieson recently. The south endors are waiting very patiently to tear the hum of the saw at Att Allen’s sawmill, where a great number of logs have been collected. Mrs. Mary Henry, of Toronto, Mrs. J. Henry, Mr. A. Henry, Mr. George Cooper and Mr. J. Eagieson, visited the iÇStarlk family at Bethany on Sat- urday last. We are sorry to ’lose Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierson as citizens, who moved to Bownmnviti.e one day Hast week. What is Orono’s lose will be Bownuan- vile’a gain. The' Public school children had a holiday on Tuesday, ns several groups of children with their teachers w,ere taking part in the Musical Festival held in Bow man ville on that day. Mr. II. Hamm and family, Bow- mlanville, Mr. and Mr>. Keats and son Rayimonde and Mrs. Keats Sr., all of Toronto, were Sunlay guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hamm on Sun- day. Mr. W. E. Armstrong has been sick in bed1 this week with the flu, sup- posed to have been contracted while after the wily trout, We hope he will soon be able to resume liiis duties at the store. Miss Renia Ball, Lestoard, won- the cimgoleum rug in the lucky draw contest at Armstrong’s store. The draw was made on Monday morning*, the number being 3*975 and Miss Ball’s guess was 3974. Mr. and Mrs. Bert ‘Smith and daughter Audrey, of Toronto, visited at the home of Mrs. Smith’s aunts Mrs. Margaret Cooper and Mrs. E. Scarf, on Saturday last. Mrs. Smith’s mio'ther, Mrs. Mary Henry, who has been visiting friends in Orono re- turned home with them. -----------o------â€"â€"- Try us with your next printing order PATTERSON'S SERVICE STORE PHONE 73rl WE DELIVER SPECIALS Rose Baking Powder, 1 lb. 12c Quick Oatmeal, Fine or Coarse, 5 lbs. - 19c Golden Bantam Corn, 2 for 17c Large 8 oz. Jug Vanilla 15c Campbell’s Pork & Beans, 4 tins 25c Extra Large Prunes, 2 lbs. 23c Sheddred Wheat, 2 boxes 23c Cream Soda Biscuits, 1 lb. pkg. 2 for 23c Eclipse Pastry Flour, 24 lb. bag 55c Roman Meal Package 29c Super Suds Large with 1 pkg. Free 20c Canned Peas, 3 tins - - 25c Oranges, 2 dozen 25c Cooking Figs, 3 lbs. - 22c Ginger Snaps, 2 lbs. for - - - 18c Handy Ammonia, 1 pkg. - - 5c Cederdale Milk Fresh Each Day MODERN MODE STYLING GENUINE KNEE-ACTION* *./.*r.i’ïvgV.:.'*., u.V ...• vj,*, ; -,?? p- V• ;v" ROOMIER ALL-SILENT ALL-STEEL BODIES NEW TIPTOE-MATIC CLUTCH BEVERLEY BAXTER, M.P______Transatlantic Broadcast from London, England ... ROY NICHOLS - Courtice UIITH THE snumGS of n SIK! Illustratedâ€"Chevrolet Master Special Sedan with trunk. THE POWER OF HH EIGHT HERE ARE THE PERFORMANCE FACTS: The exclusive Chevrolet Six Valve-in- Head engine develops its full 85 horse- powerâ€"without extra, gasoline-hungry cylinders ! Recent road tests have again demonstrated this Valve-in-Head super- iority. In these tests,* the 1938 Chev- rolet out-performed the other cars in its class with faster hill-climbing â€" and faster acceleration through every speed range. AND HERE ARE THE ECONOMY FACTS: Owners report getting as high as 25 and 27 miles to the gallon of gas, consistently. They’re unanimous in saying that the new Chevrolet saves them money on oil. And, as many point out, Chevrolet costs less than any other car for upkeep. BUT JUDGE FOR YOURSELF; Come to our showrooms, take the wheel, and let your own driving reactions tell you, “It’s wise to choose the Chevrolet SIX for power plus economy.†*Y»ur dealer will gladly show you the actual results of the tests. Ask him. Master De Luxe Models. PRICED FROM 820 (2-Passenger Master Business Coupe ) MASTER DE LUXE MODELS FROM $892. Delivered at fac- tory Oshawa, Ont. Government tax, freight and license extra. Convenient terms on the General Motors Instalment Plan. C-208B ARMSTI RONG’S LADIES’ SPRING HATS We have one dozen Hats left in the latest styles, Bonnets, Halos and Pilllj Box, in the newest colours; -while d* 1 A A they last $1.43 CORCELETTES This inexpensive Corselette BLOOMERS Ladies’ Hello-Suede Bloom- of peach dolly cloth has elas tic inserts and light boning across the diaphragm and back sizes 30, 32, d*1 OC 34, 36, priced t IrLtJ STRING SWEATERS Ladies’ String Sweaters in bliue, maize and pink, in all sizes, this week AÇK only i " OL ers, in Si., M. and L., in nose and white, priced PQ per pair ........ dHt 0. S. in same malterial..95c. SOCKEES Ladies’ Rayon Plated, lastex top Sockces, in all OA cdllors, pair , L wL GLOVES A wonderful variety of Max Mayer's sample Gloves in all colours 59C PANTEES Misses’ Cotton Mesh Pan- tees, in M. and L, perO C _ pair “ MEN’S SHIRTS We have just received our New Shipment 0f Tooke Shirts. Wie guarantee you one that will suit you if d* j CA 0 <1*0 you come in and see them y 1 »vV tt POLO SHIRTS Boys’ 'Cotton Mesh Polo shirts, in yellow OQ- and white SOX Men’s Cotton: Work Sox, in grey and maroon, 9A priced KNEE PANTS Boys’ Knee Pants, a nifty style, for juniors, the “Nu- Way†Shorts, made of grey flannel with last ex in QC« sert at the back vJv SHIRTS Men’s Guaranteed Work â- Shirts, made on collar-at- tached style, with coat front and button-band ^ j| QQ Trusses, Abdominal Belts, and Elastic Hosiery From the Ottawa Truss and Surgical Co. may be purchased at Tyrrell’s Drug Store. A complete line of Single and 0 Double Trusses is always in stock. They are properly fitted and guaranteed. TYRRELL’S DRUG STORE - Phone 68 Orono