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Orono Weekly Times, 12 May 1938, p. 7

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 AGENTS WANTED - AGENT, HANDLE PROFITABLE FAST k gelling household products, 1736 Dun- das West. Toronto. JUAN OB WOMAN FOR CUPID CON- centrated -Flavors. Fifty varieties. Long prollts. , Grand route salesman extra. Acme Direct Sales, 61.5 Yonge, Toronto. AGENTS! SALESMEN! MAKE TWO hundred percent commission selling new household necessities. Just in- vented, Canadian manufactured. Be the first and make big money. Write today free literature. Progress Wares, 27 Front E., Toronto. ART IF YOU LIKE TO DRAW, SKETCH OR .Paint, write for Talent Test (No Fee). Give age and occupation. Box 52, 73 Adelaide St. W., Toronto. UAHY CHICKS POULTR1 AND POULTRY EQUIPMENT NOW YOU CAN BUY TWEDDLE Chicks noted for Egg Production, and livability at greatly reduced prices for May, Get our May price list before ordering, Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Box 10, Fergus, Ontario. ONE WEEK SALE OF SURPLUS Chicks commencing May 16th. Leg- horns $5.95, Pullets $12.95, Barred Rock and New Hampshire Reds $6.95, ... __ pullets $9.75, cockerels 6 cts. Started V ‘ Chicks 2 weeks ,old add 5 cts. 3 weeks add 9 cts. per chick (Large Egg Quality) 1 ct. extra. $1.00 per 100 de- posit. Free Folder. All chicks from Government banded blood tested stock. Top Notch Chickeries, 16 Wil- son St., Guelph, Ont. LEARN TO FLY DUFFERIN FLYING SERVICE GETS your license on easy terms. Class “A” Instructors. New Cubs. Address Barker Field, Toronto, Ont. MATTRESSES FOR SALE MATTRESSESâ€"SPRING BARGAINS â€" New Felt Mattresses, $3.50; New Spring- Mattresses, $8.50, From factory to uger, \ flétan Bedding, 893 Queen St. West, Toronto. FURNITURE CHICKS ONE CENT EACH FOR TEN EXTRA, with every hundred ordered Ten Days in advance of delivery, prices lower May 24th and June 18th, Write for list. Trent Electric Hatch- ery, Box 533W, Trenton, Ont. LOOK AT THESE PRICES - FOR Baden High Quality Chicks from Government approved, blood-tested breeders. Standard Leghorns and New Hampshire Reds $7.95, Barred Rocks $8.95. Big Egg Quality l]/sc more. Special Sale of .Older Chicks while they last; Two weeks old add 8c, Three weeks old add 5c. Send for folder. Baden Electric Chick Hatch- ery Limited, Box 59, Baden, Ontario. FOR REAL PROFITS NEXT FALL, buy Bray chicks now. Last year H. B’s. 401. Bray pullets laid at 414 months, hit 200 egg's daily at 5 months and 240 at 6 months. Write for catalogue. Bray Hatchery, 130 John St. North, Hamilton, Ontario. BRAY COCKERELS BRING QUICK returns, F.J’s. Bray Hybrid cockerels dressed 1 pound 4 ounces each (heads off) at 7 weeks. For further infor- mation write for catalogue. Bray Hatchery, 130 John St. North, Hamil- ton, Ontario. F.W’s. FAST-GROWING BRAYr NEW Hampshire chicks laid at 4 months, weighed CIS pounds at 6 months. Get Fall profits-with Bra-y chicks this year. Free catalogue. Bray Hatch- ery, 130 John St. North, Hamilton, Ontario. BULBS SURPRISE GLADIOLI BULBS, Picardy, Bagdad, or mixed, %" to 114", $1.25 hundred prepaid. W. Glass, 38 Duff Street, Hamilton, Ont. CLOTHING FOR SALE FREE HATS, SHOES, SHIRTS, TIES, etc., with clothing purchase. Write for free illustrated catalogue of X clothing bargains, Dept. N. Yonge Street Clothing Exchange, 502 Yonge Street, Toronto. developing and printing EXTRA SPECIAL WHILE THEY LAST â€"Two. valuable premiums given with EVERY roll developed and border printed 28c. or with EVERY 12 re- prints 36c. Mention this advertise- ment when ordering. Fast Foto iFn- ishers, Winnipeg, FOR SALE PURE MAPLE SYRUP, first quality. Write for prices. Order early. John M. Gillespie, Abbotsford, Que. YORKSHIRESâ€"AT THE HEAD OF Shadeland Farms herd the Grand Champion, sire of “Sainsbury Tro- phy" and "Best Market Pen” at Royal Winter Fair. Sows include First and Second winners Toronto and First Guelph. Young males with "Advanced Registry” backing. For Sale. Shadeland Farms. Box 7, Eden, Elgin Co. HAIRDRESSING LADIES AND GENTLEMEN LEARN Hairdressing 6 months $75. Jones Hairdressing School. Listowei, Ont. HAIR GOODS WIGS, TOUPES, TRANSFORMATIONS, Braids, Curls, and all types of finest quality Hair Goods. Write for illus- trated catalogue. Special attention to repair work. Toronto Human Hair Supply Co., 528 Bathurst, Toronto. Sl.OO' LANDSCAPE BARGAIN! 23 PERENNIALS â€" SHASTA DAISY, Catchfly, Conefiower, Goldentuft. Marguerite, Canterbury Bell, Gail- lardia, etc.â€"2 Evergreens; Tree; Shrub; 6 Bulbs; 251) Seeds. Prepaid. Two orders $1.811. Dollar Nurseries. Fonthill, Ontario. ISSESllk RAYMAR, Canada'* Foremost Adviser on human problems, will send « Character and Personality Chart free to anyone who writes him. This ^mazing free offer i$ made merely to advertise ' (.(.& B. iron & Yeast Tablets and v/ill be sent together with e trial package of these wonderful tablets. 11 Vérité today, enclosing a self-addressed, stamped . ^envelope and your birth-date. Address*" MA&ON REMEDIES LIMITED 'i 4 MtCAVL ST. - TORONTO, CANADA Issue No. 20â€"’38 CLEARANCE SALE RECONDITIONED FURNITURE Every piece thoroughly cleaned and reconditioned and sold under a definite money back guarantee of satisfaction. This is your opportunity to buy high class reconditioned furniture at a frac- tion of the actual value. Buy now for your summer cottage. Here are some of the amazing values picked at ran- dom from our enormous stock. QE2 Large 3 piece repp chester- suite> Marshall revers- ible cushions. Thoroughly cleaned. o qK Large three piece suite in «pi0*270 English tapestry. Marshall cushions. A snap. ÛÛ Beautiful suite, 3 pieces in )3ran(i new repp cover, rust shade, reversible Marshall cushions (unclaimed). Chesterfield bed, tapestry ep,“0»DV cover, has large wardrobe compartment, in perfect condition, djoi Cfi Large dresser, rich walnut èp^ii.*vv finish, fun size bed, walnut finish, sagless spring and brand new roll edge felt mattress. &AO aa Beautiful bed room suite, èp^O.W jarge (tresser, chiffonier, full size bed and sagless spring, completely refinished. £2fVLarge f> piece bed room suite. ipiÂ'UU Beautiful dresser, triple mir- ror vanity, birch chiffrobe, full size bed and sagless spring. Completely re- finished. $24. Solid oak dining room suite, Common Moth Is A Drepd Enemy The Pest Should Be Asphyxiated Before It Lays And Rums Your Wardrobe?. 0£ the 10,000 odd insect pests said to infest the North American contin- ent, the common clothes moth is per- haps best known and most reviled. Yet the moth is, except as an access- ory after the fact, rather an innocent creature. It has no predatory in- stincts, lives but a little while, and eats nothing because it is physically incapable of doing so. The female of the species is only more deadly than the male because of its habit of laying eggs every day of its one or two weeks of life. It is at the larva stage of life that the moth species devours those things of animal origin on which it finds itself. Thus it eats wool, silk, feathers and hair, grows by what it feeds on and emerges into the chrysalis stage, at last taking wing after it lias cast off its case. Before The Eggs Are Laid To cut the moth off in its prime one must begin before It starts laying eggs, but since it does this on the first day of its short life, being pre- cocious, there is little time to lose. There are several ways of battling the moth species other than clapping one’s hands at it. These ways are all chemical. You can either repel Mother Moth, asphyxiate her, or put her or her progeny into a lethal chamber. The modern moth repellent differs much from the Victorian moth bail which was composed of coal tar naph- thalene of varying purity, and was only very little less anathema to most Bâ€"D large buffet, extension table, 6 leather upholstered, chairs and a fine 32 piece dinner set. *C7 Afl English oak dining room suite, large buffet, square extension table, china cabinet, and 6 leather seat chairs. Completely refin- ished. „ *ftq nn Fine walnut dining room Jp/y.VU suit6[ Buffet, extension table, China cabinet and 6 leather upholstered chairs. Perfect Condition. Breakfast suites, 6 pieces $13.95) Gas Stoves, $4.95; Kitchen Cabinets, $0.95; Sewing Machine (Singer), $12.95; Dres- sers. $5.951 Chiffoniers, $7.95; Beds, $2.50; Springs, $2,50; New Felt Mat- tresses, $3.05; Extension tables, $6.50; Day Beds, $3.50; Ice Boxes, $4.05. Write for free illustrated catalogue of new and reconditioned furniture and hundreds of valuable gifts free with purchases. LYONS TRADE-IN DEPT. 478 Yonge St., Toronto PERSONAL BE POPULAR: LEARN HOW. GET what you want by making people like you. Personal charm will give you more acquaintances, friendships, fun. Valuable social and business contacts. Individual, confidential co- operation in easy lessons by mail. Send 25 cents for introductory trea- tise and membership. (Prompt re- fund if dissatisfied.) Canadian Charm Club, 681 Broadview Ave., Toronto. ARE YOU RUPTURED? BELIEF, comfort, positive support with our advanced method. No elastic or un- der-straps or steel. Write Smith Manufacturing Co., Dept. 219. Pres- ton, Ont. IF YOU WANT AN AFFECTIONATE, romantic sweetheart with money, write: Mary Lee, 445-0, Rolla, Mis- souri. QUIT TOB'ACCO, SNUFF, EASILY, IN- expensively. Guaranteed. Advice free. Box 1, Winnipeg.• PHOTOGRAPHY ENLARGEM ENT FREE WITH EVERY 25c order. Roll film developed and eight prints 25e. Reprints 3c. Estab- lished over 26 years. Brightling Studio, 29-Richmond Street East, To- ronto. PROFESSIONAL RESULTS COUNT â€" any film developed and printed prop- erly. Mail with 25c to Professional Dept. A, London, Ont. Send your own choice of negative back with your second film for free Etchcraft En- largement. humans than to Mother Moth. Nowa- days an aromatic organic chemical, which is easily volatilized and readily aired from the goods, in sufficient con- centration, actually asphyxiates the pest. It is, however, quite harmless to humans. Fumigation Often Needed For things such as furniture, drapes, rugs, etc., the moth can best be thwarted by treatment of the material with a chemical which does not suit the dietary fads of the larva. When- ever infestation with moth eggs is sus- pected ordinary repellents are of little value, and the safest treatment is fumigation with a highly lethal gas. This can only be carried out by prop- erly equipped fumigators or dry- cleanersâ€"and most up-to-date dry- cleaning establishments now offer a combined cleaning, fumigation and storage service. Experts Declare Environment Is More Important Than Heredity, In The Develop- ment of a Child’s Intellect rat exterminator ALT. KNOWN DISEASES CAN BE CAR- vied by rats. Safeguard your home and stock by using- Ratpoxâ€"Harm- less to humans, domestic animals, poultry, : groundhogs, etc. If your dealer cannot supply you send 35c in coin for post-paid supply. Dealers write for particulars. National Sales Agency, 57 Bl.obr West, Toronto. Guard your home and stock with Ratpox. STRAWBERRY PLANTS STRAWBERRY PLANTSâ€"IMPROVED Dunlop, Glen Mary, Blakemore, Par- son’s Beauty, $3.50; Herbert Raspber- ry $15.00 thousand. Quantity dis- counts. John Whittaker, R. 3, Ches- terville, Ont. FIN WORMS' IF YOUR CHILDREN SUFFER FROM, these annoying pests, send two dol- lars for simple home remedy. Grat- ' tan Kelly, Postal Station K, Toronto. As civilization develops, the influ- ence of women is supposed to grow greater. Girls, is that one of the reasons why all civilizations fall? FEET HURT? >wr keel (*fv *** PaH | Smiles and f __ , „ % $ Chuckles & v A Friday the Thirteenth of May Only once in 1938 comes Friday the 13th. So frightened are the American people at the specter of the figure “13” that one of the largest hotel systems in the United States found it necessary to abolish room 13. And yet the proof is strong that this hat- ed numeral is one of the luckiest in all the arithmetic of life. Woodrow Wilson had such faith in 13 that he would be elected president because his name had 13 letters in it, and the number had always brought him success. For many years Woodrow Wilson wore a scarf pin a miniature of the .great seal of the United States. Why? Simply because 18 stood out all over itâ€"-13 stars, 13 stripes, 13 arrows, 13 olives, 13 letters in the motto, “E Pluribus Unum.” Columbjis first sighted the islands off the coast of North America on Friday, and he left Europe on Fri- day; left the West Indies for the re- turn trip to Spain on Friday; ar- rived at Palos Friday, March 13th; returned to land for the first time on the actual American continent, Fri- day, November 22, 1493; discovered Cuba, Friday June 13, 1494, and S. America, Friday, August 3rd. So might the lucky history of 13 run on indefinitely. Throw fear to the winds. Engage berth 13 for a trip on Friday the 13th and if it costs $13.13 for the journey, be glad â€"that it doesn’t cost more! â€"oâ€" Some people believe If the wish they make On a wish-bone Or load of hay fails, It is plenty of time To pray. â€"oâ€" Daylight saving is founded on the old Indian idea of cutting off one end of the blanket and sewing it on the other end to make it longer. Son (to his father)â€"How many kinds of wood are used in making a match ? Fatherâ€"ffust two, son. He would and she would. â€"oâ€"- Correct this Sentence â€" “Their board is part of their pay,” said the employer, “so I give them the best food I can buy.” With Few Exceptionsâ€"The Haid- er the Work the Smaller the Pay. â€"oâ€" White Frieydâ€"What are you do- ing now, Sam? Negroâ€"Ah’s an exportah. White Friendâ€"An exporter? Negroâ€"Yes. Ah was fired by the Pullman Company. “Oh,” sighs the Detroit Free Press ,“for the good old days when | life was simple and jig-saw puzzles ! seemed complex.” ! There is no correlation between the intelligence of children and their par- ents; and the influence of environ- ment determines growth or decline of children’s intellectual development, according to, the report of a 15-year study of children by Dr. Harold Skeels and Dr. Beth Wellman, of the Iowa University Child Welfare Station. Dr. Skeels, psychologist for the Iowa State Board of Control, has discov- ered that underprivileged children, taken from inadequate environment and placed in foster homes, respond t,o love, interest add comfort by re- markable intellectual gains. Duller In Poor Surroundings He finds no correlation between the intelligence of true parents and their children, but notes the longer small boys and girls remain in poor sur- roundings, the duller they become. He points out that if these children are removed early enough to foster homes they have a good chance to reach nor- mal or superior mental achievement. Dr. Wellman has recorded that higher intelligence levels are the rule rather than exception following the stimulating atmosphere of nursery schools. Significantly, during summer vacations at home, without the incen- tive of school and influence of com- panionship, children show little or no development. The Best Type of School Miss Wellman studied the later pro- gress of many hoys and girls who re- ceived careful and sympathetic early training and discovered those trans- ferred to progressive institutions of this type continued to gain in intelli- gence, while those who entered less progressive schools lost considerable ground. HAPPY ROLLING WITH OGDEN’S If you’re looking for a keen partner in rolling-your-own, siep out with Ogden's Fine Cut Cigarette Tobacco. Ogden’s rolls a happier cigaretteâ€" a smoother, cooler, mellower smoke, and wise !‘roll-your-owners” have proved it. Use the best papers, of courseâ€"I ike,lChantecler”or"Vogue11. Pipe- Smokers!- Ask For Ogden's Cut Plug “Children thrive best,” Dr. Wellmanj concludes, “in schools where they are, taught to think for themselves instead! of obeying blindly. They do best in] groups with children with capabilities | as great or better than their own.” The bump of benevolence is situ-- ated at the very top of most men’s] headsâ€"as far from the pocketbookj as possible. Belgium is considering the estab-j lishment of a special organization to] assist farmers in finding or maintain-, ing outlets for their products. Because of the large number of men desiring to join the British Ter- ritorial Army a special information bureau has been opened in London, j BURNS Mix equal parts of Minaret's end sweet oil, castor oil, or ( cream. Spread on brown paper. Apply to burn or « ecald. Before long the Here is the tire sensation of 1938. New in design, new in appearance, with a new high in Firestone qual- ity at a new low price. This new Firestone Stan- dard Tire has everything you wantâ€"safety, - mileage,, carefree dependability. Never before have you seen so much tire for the money. Every tire carries the Firestone name and guarantee â€" your assurance of, greater non-skid effic- iency, greater safety and longer mileage. Before you buy any tire this Spring, first go to your nearest Firestone Dealer and see how he can save you money with this new Fire- stone Standard â€"â€" the great- est tire value ever offered at these low prices. imtoii X TF ; 7 7 - - â-  - / l

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