ORONO WEEKLY TIMES NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS NEWTONVILLE Mr, Jack Colon Was in the village last week. Mr. and Mro. GHdiduis Jones and fiamlil'y, 'Ono-ruo-, visited Mr. and Mrs. Siam Jones on Sunday. Mr. Donald Stapleton and Mr. Bert -Stapleton visited at Mr. K, Gordon’s, El.'iz'alb-et-hvffilie,1 on1 Sunday. Mr. Reg. Gibbs, new manager of the Telephone Exchange at Gevaidtvn. with Mb. wife and daughter, visited friends in the village last week. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Henderson nmi Peter, „f Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Win. Etendeiwn, Bowman-vile, visited at Mr. Goo. Stapletons Jr. on Sunday. Mr. R. J. Rowe gave a Mothers Dlay talllk at- Crooked Greek Sunday School on Sunday morning. _ He and Mrs. Ro-we spent; the day with their daughter, Mrs. Fitink Gilmer, Mr. and Mus. W. C. Lane and Mr. land Mrs. ! C. Lane and f amily, and Hiss Mary. Lane attended the chris- tening in Port- Hope United Church on Sunday of the former’s grandson, Master Bobbie Lerity. Mr. and Mrs. E. Whittaker and girls, Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. S. Pethiek, En ni ski 11 en : Mr. FUbyd Pethiek and Misls Vernia Pethiek, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Ches- ter, -of Oshaiwia. spent Sunday tat Mr. Arthur Rtalkn'app’s. , The illustrated lecture “From opal nine to pulpit," by Rev. - Wallace, on Friday night was thoroughly enjoyed by -all present. Miss Frances Ellio-tt -siang a stolo, Mr. Dick Empty sang a sdiio†and Mr. Ronald Burley gave -a violin solo with piano- accompani- ment by Miss" Margaret Henan" t. â- When tit e program was ended the W. M.iS. ladies served: lun-ch in the Imsemeivi. Mr. J. .1. Mellbr gave the address for Mother’s Day at the United Sun- day school. His topic was “Mothers of" the Sibil,e†and he gave a' short talk mi each of the Mil-owing: (a) Eveâ€"the first mother ; (b) Joch-eibed â€"-mother of Moses; (c) Hannah . nroSier of Samuel; (d) Maryâ€"mother of Jesus- He -aliso spoke a. few words about, “My own mother†and Siwatv nah, mother of Joint Wesley. There was a good attendance present and the regular Mother’s Day program was carried out. NEWCASTLE SIXTH LINE Last ! ©utiday the annua1! Mother’s Day wins observed here. The pastor, Rev-. Eugene Beech, delivered an,. ad- â- dirésB à ipipPO-priaJte to tfhe occasion. Misses | Annie Thompson and Katie Stewart gave addresses named on the program -and appreciated service, was given by the volunteer choir, -as-sMed by Mr., Arthur Bell of Welcome, who sang two- suitable solos. iSinCe Oa-n-a- diians 'and Americans have adopted Mbtihers Day the interest -of the peo- ple has been, made sure to. thus pay this annual tribute to this special section] of our people and the dearest, earthly friend of the human- familyâ€" Our Mothers. Two entertainments were given in the Orange liai! on Tuesday and Thursday nights of last week by the 'Sixth Line and 'Shiloh- dramatic el-ubs -respectively. Youir scribe doe-s- not presume to single out any par- ticular! effort but would "emphasize the fact that here were two (attempts t-o amuse and instruct well worth while,. -Both events drew fair sized audiences and the Sixth Line play had previously been given in their eehooitj at Christmas. We -were sur- prised ; too at the elements outside when (Mrs. Ross Hall-owdB a-nd Miss Marion Green- were doing duty to a 'beautiful -p-iano chief- when contin- uous fiâmes were flashing from- an outside electrical s-t-or-m. The aud- ience listened to the music “The Uhlan]†undaunted by the continuous -performance outside. At both ervter- i iinnienis Rev. Etugene Beech pre- sided. I ---â€"------O---â€"sr----- Indications point to one of the best -game pishing seasons in Lake ISteugog. l.imgd ranging from to 8'5 pounds, and bass1 from- one and a half t-o four tiq-unidk have been seen1 at the Pori, Perry: end of the lake in, good num- bers. CROOKED CREEK Mites Annie Budieky and friends, uf Toronto, visited at her home on Sunday. Mr. Leonard Ireland, teacher at Zion, spent the week-end with Mr and Mrs. J. J. Metfor. Mr. and Mrs. U. J. Rowe spent. Mbbhms Day with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Giimer -and family. Zion, school played softball with our school on- 'Slaltnrday afternoon but lost the game by rather a large margin. M:iliter Raymond Gilmer bad: the â- honor! of speaking m the Ro-tary Club hnidiboii a't Bowmaivvil'le last Friday. On! Thursday some -of the mem- bers- of our W..MS. attended the W. MB'. IS-etot-ionall Rally in New-east!!®. Oui- spécial1 Mother’s Day service at -.nr Sunday School, under the leadership of Mr, R. J. Ro-we, . -of Newfenville, was Most interesting. The attendance at our school grows each week and -was. climlaxod by the preseniee o)f eight,y-tiiree children and their! parents. A large number of ehilidfen took part, in the service and Mr. 'Pliii|to-n, Farrow and Mr. John SeoitU helped1 wirli the music with their violins. Mils. R. W. Gibson spent Sunday n i- iRifouffvilTe 1 Mrs. II. Obcrrender is visiting friends in Toronto. Mr. Charlie Flood was in town, for the week-end looking up o-lld friends, Mise Arreatia Martin, of Toronto, visited her parents o-ver the week- end. A young people’s club, of Oshiawa, held a dinner party at the Newcastle Arms on .Friday fast. Miss (Salome Howard- is vis-king Mr. and Mrs. Martin Eet-ol at Queen’s Kingston, for ten days. Mr. and Mrs. Archie 'Glen-ny motor- ed t-o Toronto on Saturday last to .at- tend the baseball! game. Mr. and Mrs. D. Bradd and slrtaffi- daughter, of 'Toronto, were week-end •guests" of Mr. and Mrs. .Bradd. -The Misses Naomi and Audrey Tlorro-cka at tended the Crowe-Brewin wedding in Ron Hope on Sal tuxLay week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Sicott Howard at- tended the annual! games day -at Trinity College School, Fort Hope, on- Saturday lia-st. Mr. Murray Butler, of Toronto, was home for the week-end, having returned from a two weeks’ trip to the North country. The girls’ softb'all team with sev- eral' new members -are out for regu- lar practice now under Mr. George C'rowthers-’ training. Mrs. Alan M cEvoy -and Miss Helen McE.voy have returned to the home at Bondbead after spending the win- ter .months in New York. _ _. The Parochial Committee of St. George’S Church intend holding their annua! “Penny Tea†on Thursday the'26th in the Parish Hall-1. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Adadkin, -of Toronto, have taken Mrs. J. H, Gib- son’s house at itbe lake for the sum- mer. Mi’s. Gibson intends to stay -in Oahlatwa with Ralph. Mr. Bod ley, the C. N.R. section: head and Mrs:. B-o-dley intend moving- in to Mr. Crowdier®’ house, Mr. and Mrs. Aiken, now occupying _ the house, intend moving north of the village t.o the Arych -cottage. Mire. Aytoworth, of Trenton, was a week-end guest of-Mrs. John Doug- las. Mrs. Aylswovth -was renewing olid: friendships and: seeing olid lands mlarks, having been born in tlhe house now occupied by Mr. G, Jamieson ninety years -ago. Mr. Whiter Cro-wthere, Mr. George Meadows, Mr. Clarence Gaines and Mr. Bert Bremen motored to Tor- onto -Sunday for service at St. Mon- icas. The men’s clubs of the Dean- ery were invited for -a special1 ser- vice with Rev. Frank Mason, -St. George’s former pastor. -Airs. Stinson and- Miss Francis -Stinson, of Toronto, spent, the week- end with Mrs, George Eilb-e-ck. Mrs, Stinson and her daughter will be greatly missed from Newcastle’® sum- mer colony at, the lake as they are not taking'“Barkum IMP this sum- mer. â€"â€"â€"-------O !---------â€" KIRBY i FOR YEARS the name of Delanty has stood for courteous attention, high class workmanship and fair and reasonable treatment. To day, even more than ever, this firm takes pride is guarding and maintain- ing its proud recordâ€"earned through long years of straightforward dealing with the public. No matter how small or how large a proposition, we will gladly go into details in connection so that you can intelligently come to a decision, THE COBOURG GRANITE AND MARBLE WORKS DELANTY BROS. J )â- Far further,particulars see our local: agent MR. G, Â. BEAMISH - orono Mr. and Mrs. Win. Denill spent S u !-day af Mr. John Brown’s, 'Mr. Munit: Varnuni has been en- gaged by Mr. E. R. Bryson for the season. Mr. and Mrs. E, R. Bryson spent Thursday with relatives . in Pont, Hope. Mr, and Mrs. Mountjoy visited with Mr. and Mi's. Lome Wannon recently. 'Sorry to hear that Mr. Win. Ban- non is not improving as we would1 wish for. Air. A. J. Bigelow is. having elec- trii'e lights in-stalled in his home by Ernie Dent. Mi'. Lome Wannon will be opening -a -store in Kirby in the near future and we all wish him success, The W.M.S. and W. A. held their monthly meeting on- Wednesday last; halving a: good attendance present. There was rather a small gather- ing at church here on Sunday, and it being Mother’s Day made it more disappointing, but all those who, took pant: dii'd well. Mrs-. Roy Cornish, Port Perry, ac- companied by her mother, Mrs. Eva Allien, and Mrs. (Mey Chapman, spent a short vd-s-it with Pearl and A. Morrow on Saturday. "'Congratulations to Mr. Lome Wan- mm land his pupils in winning .the contest- at Orono. and we- hope they may meet- with the same s-uoces-s at the Music,all Fes-tivail: at Bowman vi '.ic- on May 10th. We -wish to congratulate Mr. Sid. Rutherford and Ms brilliant p-upil, Raymond Gilmour of Crooked Greek, by securing such' high bo-no,r-s- in -a very -hard competition, but it, must he remembered 'Sid. got his early training in the right, place, viz., Kirby. ' TyrrelPs Drug Store DRUGS STATIONERY KODAKS PHONE 68, ORONO FORMALDEHYDE ...... ..........16 OZS..25c. CERESAN POWDER ...... 16 OZ. PEG.,..$1.00 SPRING CLEANING SUPPLIES MOTH BALLS ......... 1 LB ..... 10c. MOTH CRYSTALS .. .....,... 1 LB. 15c. ELKAY MOTH FUME CRYSTALS.16 OZS. 39c DICHLORICIDE.............16 OZS......53c. MOTH PROOF GARMENT BAGS....15c;, 39c. and 49c, CAMPBELL’S TENNIS BALLS, VACUUM PACKED 3 FOR ..........:...-.-.. -...M-OO SPECIAL! THIS WEEK ONLY REGULAR 25c. DENTAL PLATE BRUSH FREE WITH 50c. DENTAL-FIX POWDER Both for 50 Cents Regular iqc: pkg. linen finished envelopes FREE WITH 25c. LETTER SIZE WRITING PAD Both for 25 Cents You Save With Safety At Tyrrell’s Drug Store PAY CASH AND BUY FOR LESS LADY BETH PURE THREAD S1LIC, FULL FASH- IONED HOSIERY, 6-strand, 42 gauge, extra fine knit, French panelled heel, latest spring shades, pair ....69c. HOUSE DRESSESâ€"Each week we receive new patterns in house dresses. This week we received another ship- ment of Misses’ Print Dresses alt ...................49c. Also Ladies’ House Dresses- ait .-............59c. As well a-s our favorite line pf .............98c. SPECIAL WHILE. STOCK LASTSâ€"Hot Dan’s Own Mustard Spoon wlh each boule French’s Prepared Mus- tard . U .. ...................., .... 10c- Anothler'Shlipiiieiit of MARASCHINO CHERRIES, full 1 tefluox .................*------- ----.............T5c. WEEK-END SAVINGS SHREDDED COCOANUT.........lb. 15c TAPIOCA, 2 lbs 15c Aylmer or Campbell’s (large) PORK and BEANS, 2 for 19c ..25c. ..25c. ........25c. 3 for AYLMER CATSUP (home made style), 2 bottles . CHERRY JAM, large 32-oz. bottle ....... SWEET CORN, dhaicfe, quality, 2 for .19c. 3 for ..-.25c. ORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE YOUR FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE Home and Building Improvement Pays You Big | Dividends, Both in Comfort and Convenience WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES AT ALL TIMES D. L. & W. GUARANTEED BLUE COAL The Coal that is Trade Marked for your protection SCOTCH COAL WELSH COAL COKE AND DRY HARDWOOD IN STOCK AT ALL TIMES TO MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS â€" PROMPT SERVICE PHONE 4SR16 Orono Coal & Lumber Co lii