Classified Advertising AGENTS W A NTED AGENT, HANDLE FRO El TABLE FAtiT selling household products. 1736 Dun- das West. Toronto. MAN OR WOMAN FOR CUPID CON- cënt rated Flavors. Fifty varieties. Dong profits. Grand route salesman extra. Acme Direct Sales, 615 Yonge, Toronto. AKT IF YOU LIKE TO DRAW, SKETCH OR Paint, write for Talent Tést (No Fee). Give age and occupation. Box 52, 73 Adelaide St. W., Toronto. BABY CHICKS POULTRY AND POULTRY EQUIPMENT IB" TWEDDLE PRICES GREATLY RE- duced for May* Still lower for June. Now is your chance to get these high quality chicks that develop into pul- lets that lay lots of eggs and cock- erels that top the market. Don’t buy until you get out* price list. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Box 10, Fergus, Ontario. EGG PRICES RISE IN JUST 4 MONTHS â€"Make sure of your profits this Fall with Bray started pullets. We have a particularly fine lot of 2-week-oId Bray Barred Rock pullets, priced right. Order them NOW while our supply lasts. Write for further in- formation today. Bray Hatchery, 130 John St. North, Hamilton, Ontario. CHICKS ONE CENT EACH FOR TEN EXTRA, with every hundred ordered Ten Days in advance of delivery, prices lower May 24th and June 18th, Write for list. Trent Electric Hatch- ery, Box 583 W, Trenton, Ont. FOUR DAYS FROM HATCHERY TO farm Bray chicks arrive all alive. You can't lose if you put hardy, vig- orous Bray chicks under your brood- ers. Write for catalogue today. Bray Hatchery, 130 John St. North, Ham il ton, Ontario. R.J’s. BRAY LIGHT SUSSEXâ€"NEW Hampshire Hybrids dressed out 1 pound 4 ounces each, heads off, at 7 weeks old. Put some of these fast' growing Bray chicks into your brooders this year. Write for cata- logue, Bray Hatchery, 130 John St. North, Hamilton, Ontario. BADEN STANDARD QUALITY CHICKS Leghorns, and New Hampshire Reds $7.45, Barred Rocks, $8.46. Big egg quality $1.50 more. Started chicks 2 weeks old add $5.00 per hundred, 3 weeks old $9.00. Lower prices for June. Send for complete price list. Baden Electric Chick Hatchery Lim- ited, Box 59, Baden, Ontario. QUALITY CHICKS FROM BLOOD tested breeders, Leghorns $0.95, 90% pullets $14.90, New Hampshire Reds and Barred Rocks $7.95, Pullets $10.95, cockerels $6.95, older chicks 2 weeks old add 4 cts. per chick, 3 weeks old 9 cts. Large egg quality add 1 ct. Leghorn pullets add 2 cts. Deposit $1.00 per hundred, balance C.O.D. Top Notch Chickeries, 16 Wil- son St., Guelph. JOHNSON'S SUPERIOR CHICKS HAVE BEEN REDUCED IN PRICE. We specialize in two breeds bred to lay Barred Rocks and Barron strain S.C.W. Leghorns. All breeders are blood tested and from R.O.P. males. Only the very best type of breeders are used and eggs set weigh between 25 and 30 oz. per doz. Price Barred Rocks, 9 cents; Leghorns, 8 cents each. 100% safe arrival guaranteed. J. D. Johnson. Fergus, Ontario. BULBS SURPLUS GLADIOLI BULBS, Picardy, FURNITURE CLEARANCE SALE RECONDITIONED FURNITURE Every piece thoroughly cleaned and reconditioned and sold under a definite money back guarantee of satisfaction. This is your opportunity to buy high class reconditioned furniture at a frac- tion of the actual value. Buy now for your summer cottage. Here are some of the amazing values picked at ran- dom from our enormous stock. €$C Barge 3 piece repp Chester- fle5(j SUite, Marshall revers- ible cushions. Thoroughly cleaned, q OC Large three piece suite in English tapestry. Marshall cushions. A snap. $*40 (ID Beautiful suite, 3 pieces in brand new repp cover, rust shade, reversible Marshall cushions (unclaimed). Chesterfield bed, tapestry cover, has large wardrobe compartment, in perfect condition. d»Of E*n Large dresser, rich walnut £. w*JU finish, full size bed. walnut finish, sagless spring and brand new roll edge felt mattress. itAA Beautiful bed room suite, SULW ]arge dresser, chiffonier, full size bed and sagless spring, completely refinished. Large (5 piece bed room suite. Beautiful dresser, triple mir- ror vanity, birch chi ff robe, full size bed and sagless spring. Completely re- finished. ^94, qe Solid oak dining room suite, ]arg-e buffet, extension table, 6 leather upholstered chairs and a fine 32 piece dinner set. English oak dining room ipui tUU suite, large buffet, square extension table, china cabinet, and 6 leather seat chairs. Completely refin- ished. $•70 no Fine walnut dining room 4M W suite. Buffet, extension table, china cabinet and 6 leather upholstered chairs. Perfect, condition. Breakfast suites, 6 pieces $13.1)5$ Gas Stoves, $4.1)5$ Kitchen Cabinets, $9d)5$ Sewing- Machine (Singer), $12.95; Dres- sers, $5.5)5; Chiffoniers, $7.95; Beds, $2.50; Springs, $2.50; New Felt Mat- tresses, $3.5)5; Extension tables, $6.50$ Day Beds, $3.50; Ice Boxes, $4.95. Write for free illustrated catalogue of new and reconditioned furniture and hundreds of valuable gifts free with purchases. LYONS TRADE-IN DEPT." 478 Yonge St., Toronto Some Trad© Marks May Be Invalid Viewed In the Light of the Recent Privy Council Decisionâ€"-Man- ufacturers Should Check Up on. Themselves MEDICAL SUCCESSFUL SCIENTIFIC STOMACH Remedy healed many obstinate cases. User states: For years I was troubled with gnawing- pain below breast- bone. It caused gas and bloating. I tried many remedies, but my only relief was soda, and that for short time only. After meals it didn't bother me for few hours; then if I ate something it stopped coming again after some time. The pain bothered me worse at night. After taking 3 bottles Dr. McLeod’s Stoma- chic I was free from pain. I kept on Improving and have now been well for 4 years, enjoying my meals with- out medicine. Drug Stores or direct. Write for free information. Dr. Mc- Leod’s Stomachic Co., 191 Albany, To- ronto, (R. & s.) RHEUMATISM AND STOM- ach Powder, "The Great Eliminator," Contains ten of .Nature's ingredients. Removing the cause and eliminating Rheumatism, Stomach troubles, Arth- ritis, Neuritis, Constipation, etc. $1.50, $3.00, $5.00. All Druggists. Agents Lymans Limited, Montreal. hundred prepaid.. W. Glass. : 8à Duff ! Street, Hamilton. Ont. 1. PERSONAL ' i’’01 % SALE YORKSHIRESâ€"AT THE 11 LAD OF Shadeland Farms herd the • Grand Champion, sire of “Sahisbury Tro- phy†and "Beat Market Pen†at Royal Winter . Fair. Sows Include First and Second winners Toronto and First Guelph. Young males with "Advanced Registry’’ backing. For Sale, Shadeland Farms. Box 7, Eden. Elgin Co. YOU RUPTURED? RELIEF, comfort positive support with our â- sa.vs.nqed. method. No elastic or un- es r steal. Write Smith ' « tug Co., Dept" 218, Pres- ton, Out. . IIAIR GOODS WIGS, TOUPES, TRANSFORMATIONS, Braids, Curls, and all types of finest quality Hair Goods. Write for illus- trated catalogue. Special attention to repair work. Toronto Human Hair Supply Co.. 528 Bathurst, Toronto. LEARN TO ELY DÃœFFERIN FLYING SERVICE GETS your license on easy terms. Class "A†Instructors. New Cubs, Address Barker Field, Toronto, Ont. MATTRESSES FOR SALE, MATTRESSESâ€"SPRING BARGAINS â€" New Felt Mattresses, $3.50; New Spring Mattresses, $8.50. From factory to user. Veteran Bedding, 893 Queen St, West, Toronto. THE FAMOUS RUBBING LINIMENT Rub on-â€"pain gone. Get the new large econ- omy sizeâ€"Also avail- able in smaller, regular IF YOU WANT AN AFFECTIONATE, romantic sweetheart with money, write: Mary Lee, 445-0, Rolla, Mis- souri. QUIT TOBACCO, SNUFF, EASILY, in- expensively. Guaranteed. Advice free. Box 1, Winnipeg. CHARMING RICH LADIES, REFINED well-to-do gentlemen, want nice sweethearts, husbands. Look at their photosâ€"particulars free. Confiden- tial. Union Club, Box 68, Station H, Montreal. PHOTOGRAPHY ENLARGEMENT FREE WITH EVERY 25c order. Roll film developed and eight prints 25e. Reprints 3c. Estab- lished over 26 years. BrightiinK Studio, 29 Richmond Street East, To- ronto. PROFESSIONAL RESULTS COUNT â€" any film developed and printed prop- erly. Mail with 25c to Professional Dept. A, London, Ont. Send your own choice of negative back with your second film for free Etchcraft En- largement. RAT EXTERMINATOR r RAYMAR/ Canada's Foremost - Adviser on human problems, will send a Character and Personality Chart tree tfs anyone who writes him. This .mating free offer is made merely to advertise 1 _ (.(.& B, Iron 4 Yeast tablets I and vril! be sent together with a trial package jof these wonderful tablets. Write today, enclosing * self â- addte tied, stamped (envelope and your birth-date. Addrest-, MASON REMEDIES LIMITED' I Æ M.CAUL ST. - TORONTO, CANADA ALL KNOWN DISEASES CAN BE CAR- ried by rats. Safeguard your home and stock by using Ratpoxâ€"Harm- less to humans, domestic animals, poultry, groundhogs, etc. If your dealer cannot supply you send 35c in coin for post-paid supply. Dealers write for particulars. National Sales Agency, 57 Bloor West, Toronto. Guard your home and stock with Ratpox. THE NEWEST GAME SENSATION BE THE FIRST IN YOUR COMMUN- ity to run the Kentucky Derby for your friends' amusement. Each game an actual, exciting race. Send 25c in coin for eight complete races. Agents write for particulars. Nation- al Sales Agency, Bloor Bldg., Toronto. Recommended by your local druggist Issue No. 21â€"'38 Bâ€"D All manufacturers owning trade marks which .are descriptive, geogra- phical, the name of a patent expired product, or the name of a person, firm or corporation, should be considering whether their trade marks are valid or not in view of the recent decision of the Privy Council in the case of The Canadian Shredded Wheat Comp- any, Ltd., vs. Kellogg, wherein the question of descriptive trade marks was discussed. Invalid After Forty Years This decision is of real importance to all trade mark owners who desire to protect their marks, because in this case a trade mark, which had been used for almost forty years in Canada, was held to be invalid. The Court points out in the decision what is ne- cessary in order to prove that such marks have acquired distinctiveness so as to entitle them to protection. It may be that in view of this de- cision an amendment to the law is ne- cessary for the protection of such trade marks. Trade mark owners in favour of such an amendment should, at the earliest opportunity, express their views on this point. Two Stars Shine As Single Body The Most Brilliant Star $n Forty Y em-a Appeared In the Heavens This Month The most brilliant star in 40 years, formed by the planets Venus and Mars standing apparently side by side, was visible in the western sky at 7.00 p.m., Eastern Standard time, May 7. This was the first time since 1898 that two major planets have come so close together. Without the aid of glasses the pair appeared to be one star. Venus moved up from the sun, Mars down toward the sun. Actually, in the heavens, they were 80,000,000 miles apart. Mars passed at that distance, almost di- rectly behind Venus. The Red Color Venus can be spotted easily just after sunset for it is now an ultra- bright evening star, not far overhead from the place where the sun sets. Mars is less conspicuous and is rec- ognizable by the slightly reddened color of his light. Mars’ red color, ascribed by the ancients to blood because he was the war god, is now known to be due to red color of his rocks. Mars has lit- tle oxygen and astronomers believe that the lost oxygen has been ab- sorbed by the Martian rocks. On the earth, rocks which have absorbed from the air are distinctly reddened. __ MILD,COOL AND SLOW-BURNING -THAT'S DIXIE! Ft prête nine! Moy test-; Te! was f How Diamonds Are Made From Carbon Chemically There Is No Differ- ence Between Pure Black Char- coal and the Glittering White Stone Out in McPherson College, Kansas, is Professor J. Willard Hershey, the maker of real diamonds. They are not exactly Kohinoors. A ffieweller would not even dignify them as “chips.†The largest, a colossus in Professor Her- shey’s eyes weighs only a thirtieth of a carat. It has been'known for a century and a half that chemically there is no dif- ference between pure black charcoal and the glittering white stone that flashes on a lady’s finger. Both are carbon. Crystallize the black carbon and the trick is done. But how? It may be that the engineer will never succeed in producing heats intense en- ough or pressures high enough. But he will try and try. If he succeeds, dia- monds are not likely to be sold in the ten-cent stores. Method Now Known The wonder is that the medieval al- chemist was more interested in mak- ing gold than gems. Today the labora- tory production of gold seems far more hopeless than the creation of the commercial diamonds. The reason is found in the advance of science. To juggle protons, neutrons and electrons and thus make gold, perhaps we need a star for that. But the qrystalization of carbon on an industrial scale? It. is not as easy as making ice out of wa- ter, but at least the method that must be followed is known. Professor Hershey is sure that the diamonds were formed by nature with the aid of high temperatures and en- ormous pressures. a «uni tic Line a household worn .. 7 Oie White .Dtar vessels are part of the great fleet which has for the six- teenth consecutive year carried more passengers than any other on the Atlantic. An extensive renovation, covering all classes of the Cunard White Star steamers, has just been effected. Cabin Class staterooms in the London vessels have been entirely rebuilt to include hot and cold running water . . . addi- tional rooms with private bathroom . . . beds instead of berths . . . larger staterooms and many other outstanding features. Tourist and Third classes, in all ships have been extensively overhauled and redecorated. These improvements will give a new appreciation of sea-going comfort, at exceptionally low rates. Rates range from Cabin Class $132. Tourist Class $117.511 Third Class $91. Apply to your local travel agent, or 1 â- j Comer Bay & Wellington Sts. (ELgln 3471) Toronto Securities Salesman or Executive FOR INDUSTRIAL ISSUE OF MERIT. LIBERAL COMMISSION AND FULL CO-OPERATION. ALSO OPPORTUNITY FOR PERMANENT POSITION WITH COMPANY FOR, MEN QUALIFYING. REPLIES TREATED CONFIDENTIALLY Colling Securities Corporation Ltd. 357 BAY ST. TORONTO Phone AD. 7441