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Orono Weekly Times, 19 May 1938, p. 5

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OEOXO W l K K l .V TIMES | LOCAL AND SOCIAL] Wolverim.m'ptun Lodge No. 128, of the 'Sons of England, are holding - tiieir District Church parade on Sun, day, May 22nd, at 8 p.m. (standard time). Members are requested to be at the Lodge Boom not later than 2.30 Siumkiy visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. -Stmt’s, Mrs. Ella Wiiagge and Miss Gordon, Port Hope; Mr. and Mrs. Orme Beatty and Miss' Mary Grant, of Welcome, and Mr. Bolpli Stott land little daughter, of Bowniaiwil'le. The busy mslh at the Forestry i:s mow over and the men are at present working eight hours a day. Up to the present time, four and a half million trees have been shipped, tlms show- ing the interest that is being created in reforestation. The grandstand at the paik was raised on Tuesday afternoon. A call for help was1 sent out for the raising and! a little later some of the busi- ness men and a large-contingent from the forestry were -om hand to beljp-. The stand is now nearing completion. The local postoffice has been grant- ed the Wednesday afternoon holiday observed by all other places of busi- ness in. the village. However, -as this might affect the service to some pa- trons, the office will remain open every Wednesday afternoons until 5.00 p.m. when the last mail goes out. The Horticultural Society met on Tuesday evening, May 17th, at the Continuation School for general busi- ness. Mrs. O. W. Bolph gave a very interesting talk on the preview of the National Flower Show in Tor- onto. Arrangements were made to hold the annual tulip show and blos- som tour on Thursday, May 26th, at 3.30 p.m. Refreshments will be ser- ved. The tulip show and tea will be in the Grange Hall and a, charge of 25c, includes trip, show and tea. Messrs. Jim Nixon, Oswald Sam- derooek, Scotty Moffatt,, Bill Dawson and Percy Limn spent a day last, week fishing in a. river near Algon- quin Park. Mr. Sandencock was the I Ihckiest one in the party, he catching a brook trout 21 1-2 inches in length and weighing 3 1-4 pounds. He was using a limb off a tree for a pole and borrowed a piece of line, thus prov- ing that it is not always the equip- ment, that is responsible for the best catches. The only inconvenience en- countered was the black flies and mos- quitoes, the black flies being the worst enemy. DURHAM COUNTY LIBERAL ASSOCIATION j at 2 p.m ( Standard Time) ELECTION OF OFF [CERS AND OTHER BUSINESS The meeting will be ad CONANT, K.C., M.P.l F. RICKARD, M.P., HARRY MITCHELL, Association, and MRS. dressed by : HON. GORDON D. I, on matters of current interest ; W, C. G. MERCER, M.P.P.; MRS. President Port Hope Ladies’ Liberal J. CLARK BELL, President Bow- Annual Meeting To be held in the TOWN HALL, ORONO WEDNESDAY, MAY 25th man ville Ladies’ Liberal Association. ALL INTERESTED ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND C G. Mercer L. C, Mason, President Sec.-Treas. God Save the King RED & WHITE STORES THURSDAY DURHAM CORN STARCH 9c* pk& FRIDAY P & G SOAP .5 bars for 19c. SATURDAY 1 CORN BEEF 2 tins 25c. Oranges, 2 dozen 29c. Lima Beans, 2 lbs 25c. Canned Peas and corn, 3 tins for ...25c. Bulk Soap Flakes, 3 tbs. for 21c. Lifebuoy Soap, 3 bars...21c. Roaist-s of Veal, lb. 16c. Ohips'o, large pkg 21c. Silver Gloss Starch and 1 pkg. Reckettt’s Blue, all for 19c. Prairie Nuits and Toast- ed Rice Nuits-, large pikgs-, each .......lie. 4 kinds of Shortening, 2 lbs. for 25c. Whiting, 6 tbs. for 25c. Refugee Beans, 2 tin!s...21c. Fig Bars, 2 lbs. for 29c. Chocolate Marshmallow cakes, 2 lbs. 29c. Sweet Mixed Pickles, 28-o-z. jar 23c, SIRLOIN ROASTS lb 21c. ROUND STEAK ROASTS lb 20c. ORONO PASTRY FLOUR 54c. Maple Leaf PURE LARD 2 lbs. 25c. Good sized Pines, 2 for 25c. 9 for 98c J.. I. CORNISH PHONE 12r2 Mr. Thomas. Co wan is giving his house a new coat ot paint. Mr. W. E. Armstrong has returned, to his business alter a, week s sick- ness. (Mr's. Adolph Henry is having her home repainted with a, fresh coat of cream- paint, Mr. W. E. D-avey won the quilt in the drarw at McGreai’s church last Friday evening. Mrs. Arthur Drummond was visit- ing friends in London from Friday until Sunday evening. Mr, and Mrs. Lei and Keate and Eleanor spent, the week-end with Mr and Mrs. W. E, Davey. Mr. Jerome, of Syracuse, N.Y., is spending a few days with his sister, Mrs. iS. -Out,tell and Mr. Cuittell. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Gainey, Miss M. Adams and. Mr. Brown- enjoyed a -motor trip to Owen Sound -on Sim day. Mrs. MViedonu’d and daughter Mis-s M. Macdonald, of Toronto, were week- end- visitors with Mrs. A, J. Tam blyn. iMr. Harold Aude and1 family, of Toronto, spent (Sunday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ('has. Awde. The Misses Dorothy and, Mildred Henry, of Toronto, spent the week- end with their mother, • Mrs. John Henry. We «ire glad to report that Mrs. G. L. Cars cad den land baby had a fine trip- to their new home in Bouyn, Quebec, Dr. Patterson was in town on Sat- urday last renewing acquaintances. He said: he was also looking for a bride. Mr. and- Mrs. Shettler, of Belleville, spent the week-end with her mother and sister art the home of Mr. F. Blackbonrn. Rev. J. H. Osterbout, delivered- his usual fine sermon, on Sunday morn- ing, even if he was laboring under a very bad- cold. Mr, Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Stan- ley Seymour land Mr. Elgin 'Seymour, of Toronto', visited at Mr. Wm. Sey- mour’s mi Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. IT. Walker, of Port Hope, and son Rev. Victor Wal- ker, of Janetville, were recent visi- tors of Mrs; A. A. Rlolph. The three Conti-miation school teachers, Mr, Rosibonougb, Miss- Gallo- way -and Mr. Widdis, have been re- engaged for another term. Mar. E. Porter spent the week-end at Mr. W. E. Davey’s. Mr. Porter graduated -with second class honors from Queen’s University, Kingston. Mr. and Mns. O. E. Crease, of Toronto, visited, the latter’s mother, Mrs. Fred Cowan, on Sunday last. (Shirley Temple will be featured at Mr. Robert Foster has rerurned to The 'annual Sunday School Anni- Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Brown leaves. day morning. We wish them a, pleas- :nt sojourn in their new place of abode. Mrs. Robert Morton had the mis- fortune to I fall and fracture her right wrist. Dr. Colville was summoned to her aid and Mrs. F. Morgan is staying with her. She is getting along very favourably. 'Some eight or ten Government sur- veyors are busy -surveying the road between (Newcastle and Lindsay, picking out the bad corners that will need straightening out and any hills that will need, lowering. Mr. Clarke, of the Kodak Co., Tor- onto, showed two enjoyable_ pictures at the A.Y.P.A. concert on Saturday evening, ‘•'Lore and Hi sises” and “A Millionaire’s Trip to Monte Carlo,” also, a picture that amused' the chil- dren, "Our Gang.” Mr. R. E. Logan-, oif BowmauviBe, has purchased 'Mir. C. A. Brown’s tin-smith shop and on Monday will open, up for business. All kinds of tin-smithing and plumbing will be done, and he will also- be agent, for farm miaiehin-ery and parts. Mr. Lo- gan expects to move to- Group some- time in the summer, along with- hist wife if lie can find a place for rent, PATTERSON’S SERVICE STORE PHONE 73rl WE DELIVER Get These Values For One Week Golden Yellow Sugar, 1 Q lbs 50c Coffee, Morning Cheer, ground as sold - 29c Cake Flour Swansdown with 1 tin Calumet Baking Powder Free - - ~35c Peas, 3 tins for 25. Pure Lard, Domestic, Picake Shortening, 2 lbs. 25c Flour, Robinhood, Bread or Pastry, 24 lb. bag 95c Tomatoes, 3 tins for 25. Jams, Strawberry or Raspberry, 32 oz. - 25c Toasted Wheat Nuts, 1 package ______- 10c Wax Beans, 3 tins for - 25c - - - 19c - 19c Chipso, large pkg. Salmon Pink Tall Tins, 2 for Rice Nuts, pkg. 12i Biscuit Fig Bars 2 lbs. Biscuit Assorted Sandwich, 1 lb. 25c 18c Tomato Catsup, 2 bottles 19c Pineapple Week, Get Our Prices By The Dozen ARMSTRONG’S MATS We have a real bargain for you in Mats for your verandah, hall or summer kitchen. They are made of heavy serviceable Cocoa Fibre, strongly woven with design stenciled in durable combination colors. 16x27 . . 59c 27x54 . . $1.25 SHIRTS Mien’s Two-string Ballbriggan Shirts, natural shade, CA _ sizes 34 to 44. PRICE ......,... «ÏUC DRAWERS Men’s Baibriggan Drawers, ankle-length, sizes 34 CA- to 44. PRICE.. «Jvl SLACKS " Ladies’ Cotton Drill Slacks with white trimmings, fitted waist line in navy only, guaranteed not to (M 9A fade. PRICE..«pl.£*7 CHILDREN’S DRESSES We are now keeping a com- plete line of Children’s Dresses from sizes 1 to 14. We are hoping you will 'help us make this venture a suc- cess. Come in and see them “ HELMETS Straw Helmets for Men, adjustable hands.....*.. 2Sc COMBINATIONS Men’s Two-string Baibrig- gan Combinations, a-nlde length, short sleeve, QA. sizes 34-44. PRICE... ^ vv SHORTS Misses’ Shorts in navy Cot- ton Drill, with red & white trimmings ; smart for Cft _ sum,inter wear. Price TIC-TOCK We have short ends, of this new material, reg. OA 45c. for only... iaVlt A REAL BARGAIN STRAW HATS Come in and get a new Straw Hat: for only... ^Sc COTTON UNDERWEAR We have a complete line of Ladies’ Misses’ and Children’s SUMMER UNDERWEAR ait a price that suits everyone’s pocket! took. Trusses, Abdominal Belts, and Elastic Hosiery # From the Ottawa Truss and Surgical Co. may be purchased at Tyrrell’s Drug Store. A complete line of Single and Double Trusses is always in stock. They are properly fitted and guaranteed. TYRRELL’S DRUG STORE - Phone 68 Orono

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