Household Science SUSAN By FLETCHER Christie’s Arrowroots SYNOPSIS Silas Spelle, high-handed, low-pmr tipled cattle baron, Is out to smash ihe local bank and force foreclosure »n the small ranchers of the Kanab desert country, so that he can seize their range lands. He is opposed by Ed. Starbuck, president of the Cattle- men’s Bank and by San Juan Delevan, prominent rancher who has been crip- pled by a fall from his horse. Tex Whipple and his partner, Johnny Cle- lioe, are cowpunchérs employed by Ban Juan Delevan to fight the rustlers and protect his interests. CHAPTER XIX It took Tex a long quarter of an hour to write four telegrams. They Were finished finally, however, and paid for. Then Tex went out, took his three jaded mounts to a livery stable, with advice that they were to be fed and cared for until Ids return. After that he ate a huge breakfast and then spent the balance of the time until WAKE UP LIKE A CAVE MAN Feel Full of Life-â€"No More Tired, Dull, Heavy Mornings Keep your liver healthy and you’ll feel great every morning. When you wake up feeling “rotten†your liver is out of order. Your liver clears the Wood of poisons, separates the nourishing part of your food from the waste. Supplies energy to muscles, tissues and glandsâ€"gives out bile, the body’s laxative, helps stomach, kidneys and in- testines to work properly. A mere bowel movement isn’t enough. “Fruit-a-tives†made from fruits and herbs, will strengthen and build up your liver like nothing else will. You’ll be amazed how well you are every morning. Try Fruit-a-tives. All druggists. FRUIT-A-TIVES ,«ii« ECZEMA 1 From Head to Feet Now Almost Cleared Up • Mrs. X of Fort William, Ont., writes: “My husband was cod- ered with eczema from his head to his feet... tried Bel-Zema... has used three bottles... clearing up . . . now only a very small patch on his back." Beî-Zema is an entirely new idea in a treatment for eczema and kindred skin disorders. It is easily applied. Itchinesa is relieved immediately. In most cases scale disappears in a few days, Bel-Zema is non-greasyâ€"has a pleas- ant odourâ€"dries quicklyâ€"does not stain or discolour clothing or bed linen â€"washes off easily with warm or cold waterâ€"is soothing and non-irritating even in extreme cases, For Sale By All Druggists Send 10£for Generous Trial Sample Department W2 HENRY EL WAMPOLE & CO. LIMITED Perth, Ontario BEL-ZEMA A Soothing lotion for local treatment oft Eczema Psoriasis Poison Ivy Dermatitis Pruritis Ana azt Issue No. 21-â€"’38 B the train had backed in and made up, dozing on a baggage truck in the sun. For thirty-two hours Tex rode west and south to the clicking of rail and wheel. It was late afternoon when he swung from the train at Sevier. He had hardly reached the platform be- fore there was a huge leonine bellow of delight and a huge, tawny bearded man caught him by the shoulders, and whirled him around and began pump- ing his hand mightily. . “Tex, yuh old sand hawk â€" how are yuh? What-cha want? I got yore telegram an’ come arunnin’." “Lafe â€" I need five thousand dol- lars. Got a chance to buy in 1er John- ny an’ myself on a regular spread on the sweetest bit of range yuh ever saw. The present owner, name’s Dele- van, is crippled, ' an’ he’s fightin’ range grabbin’ skunk who bought, up all the mortgages on a local bank what went under .due to a robbery. This range grabber gets ahold of a ten thousand dollar mortgage against Delevan who he wants special to put on the rocks. Delevan told me his own story so I’m figgerin’ on steppin’ in an’ takin’ up the mortgage for a part- nership split. I got five thousand of my own -saved up. Been waitin’ for a chance like this to get Johnny started on somethin’ worth while. If you can see fit to let me have the money on a personal note Lafe, I’d shore be oh liged.†Five Thousand .Lafe Stillman’s answer was to draw a checkbook from his pocket and twist the end off an old-fashioned fountain pen. “Five thousand be enough, Tex?†asked Date. “If yuh want more jest say so.†“Five’s plenty, Late, an’ -shore I’m thankin’ yuh. Well go round an’ see a lawyer an’ have him fix it up legal,†“Like he^ we will,†growled Lafe. “Yore word’s plenty for me. An’ fem- me tell yuh somethin’. If I hear yuh’re scrimpin’ an’ scratchin’ go’s to be able to pay that back, I’ll be damned if I’ll take it. Savvy?†During Tex’s absence Johnny had found plenty to keep him busy. Early on the same morning that Tex left, Delevan called Johnny and Pink Cros- by and Pod Fortune to the ranchhouse and announced that Johnny was now foreman cf the Box D. Johnny having already talked the thing over with Tex, knew what was coming, hut the other two were somewhat surprised, in view of Johnny’s tender years. But, however, neither of them had ever as- pired to the job, and so were perfect- ly content to see Johnny get it. Pink Crosly was a bright-eyed, and cheery young fellow with clean fea- tures and a peaches and cream com- plexion. Pod Fortune was hulking and slow going, with a booming voice and a laugh which made the walls of the bunkhviise creak. Both were honest and faithful. Delevan held Johnny after the other two had departed. “Sou,†he said. “Seem’ as this part- nership is cornin’ up we’ll want a few tallies to know where we stand, meb- be. So I’d suggest yuh take the boys an' comb the plateau, particularly the northeast side an’ make a count of the cattle yuh find holin’ up out In the meadows. The wildest critters gen- erally hunt that range. It’s good range too, but more or less deserted.†Johnny nodded and went away to the corrals. A half hour later he and Crosby and Fortune jogged off around the crest. The better part of an uneventful week passed, and then one day, when out alone, Johnny swung into the up- per end of a little and park and came upon a rider spurring easily about a SALAD SUGGESTIONS What inspiration there is in an at- tractive saladâ€"crispness, coolness, pi- quancy, colorâ€"all the qualities needed to give refreshing character to a meal! And every housewife knows how necessary salads are in the fam- ily diet, especially in the spring as the salad greens begin to appear on the market. The clever hostess fits a salad into any menuâ€"be it luncheon, dinner, supper, or picnic. But she picks her salads with care, choosing each one to emphasize the good points of her meal, to round out the variety, or to provide a substantial addition. Once the salad is chosen, there comes the fascinating task of gathering to- gether the ingredients, of chilling, blending and arranging. Remember that the entire sec t of salad excel- lence lies in a thoroughly chilled crispness, skilfully blended flavour, and attractive arrangement. Here are some grand salads with recipes for suitable dressings. New Chicken Salad lVz cups chicken, cooked and diced Vi teaspoon salt 1 cup celery, diced Vs cup canned or fresh pineapple, diced. % cup mayonnaise 8 ripe olives Toss chicken, salt, celery, and pine- apple together lightly. Chill. Before serving, add mayonnaise. Serve on crisp lettuce and garnish with olives and additional ni’- onnaise. Serves 8. Salmagundi 1 cup boiled potatoes, diced 2 cups bailed ham or pork, diced Vz cup cooked peas 2 pimientoe, chopped Vz cup celery, diced 2 sweet pickl.s, finely diced Vz cup mayonnaise Toss ingredients together lightly. Arrange , on crisp lettuce. Garnish with additional mayonnaise, sections . Z hard-cooked ->ggs, and beet slices. Serves 6. Apple and Tuna Fish Salad apples, pared ; nd diced Juice of y2 lemon. 2 cups tuna fish, flaked lVz cups celery, diced SA cup mayonnaise Help improve your personality with Wrigley’s Gum, Keep your teeth white, breath sweet, by using healthful Wrigley’s Gum dailyâ€"-as millions do. The chil- dren also love the delicious re- freshing flavor of Wrigley’s Double Mint. Take some home today, cs-as AAAAAAAAAÂA Sprinkle apples with lemon juice. Add tuna fish and celery; then mayon- naise. Toss together lightly. Arrange) on crisp lettuce. Garnish with addi-î tional mayonnaise and strips of green j pepper. F -vas 8. French Dressing 4 thin slices onion 5 tablespoons vinegar 2 tablespoons sugar 2 teaspoons salt Vz teaspoon paprika Few grains Cayenne .1 cup olive oil. or other salad oil Let onion slices stand in vinegar 30 !â- minutes; strain. Add sugar, salt, pa-j pi'ika, and Cayenne; mix well. Then! add oil. Shake in covered container,f or beat until thick. Chill. Shake again before using. Makes 1 1/3 cups. If less sugar is used, reduce salt also. Green Vegetable Salad Combine cooked string beans and, new peas, diced cucumber, and minced; onion; marinat", and serve on crisp1 lettuce with French dressing. Alex A. Fraser, appointed to the presidency of Christie, Brown and Company, Limited, succeeding Chas. E. Edmonds, who becomes Chairman of the Board of Directors after sixty-three years with the company. Mr. Fraser, a native of Arthur, Ontario, has been Vice-President in cxiaige oi production for the past eight years, and has many years’ ex- penence m biscuit manufacturing. group of cattle, apparently studying their condition and numbers. The rid- er was a stranger to Johnny and in- stinctively he bristled. I-Ie jogged on down toward the stranger and reined In warily at a little distance. “Hello there,†he drawled careless- ly. “Lookin’ fer somethin’?â€. The stranger faced Johnny coolly. He was a big man, and Johnny didn’t like anything about him. “I asked yuh somethin,’ †snapped Johnny, nettled by the silence of the other. “Wlio are yuh an’ what do yuh wati?†‘‘I'm Silas Spelle,†was the even, cold reply. “I’m merely looking over what will shortly he mine." “Oh â€" yeah?†said Johnny, openly skeptical. “Well, shore now that does sound pretty thin. Suppose yuh amble I on over to the Box D ranchhouse and tell that story to ole San Juan Dele- van. He oughta be plumb interested." I “Doubtless. Only I don’t care to talk to him today. My time to talk will be a little later. Then I’ll see him:†“Naw,†said Johnny. “Cain’t let yuh get away today without seein’ him. So yuh better amble along ahead of me.†Spelle stiffened and looked Johnny over intently. His surface examination was of a stalwart, curly-headed, good looking kid. Good-looking, yes â€" but not exactly dangerous looking. “Don’t be the fool,†growled Spelle. “I’m not interested today.†He turned to ride away. The next instant a hissing loop settled over his shoulders and he was dragged back- wards from his saddle. Spelle being a heavy man, hit the ground hard, and for a moment he lay half stunned. By the time he had recovered Johnny had expertly frisked him of weapons and was back o:i his horse, rolling a cigar- ette. (To Be Continued) CALM YOUR NERVES! WOMEN who suffer every monthâ€"who may have sicleache or headache due to functional disturb- ances, also those about to become mothers, as well as middle - aged, women who ex- „ , '“h. T , perience heat flashes, will find Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Pre- scription a dependable vegetable tonic. Mrs. Mary McDonald, 453 Bathurst St., London, Ont., said : “i found Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription excellent to build me up. I was in a dragged-out condition, my nerves were unstrung and 1 felt dull, tired and listless, but the_‘Favorite Prescription’ stimulated my appetite and gave me splen- did relief from this condition/* Buy of your nearby druggist today. 10 £ ;’s new â€"it’s diff- érent, A finer cigarette tobacco backed by 80 years’ experience. Try it. TF-28 FINE CUT