OR0X0 WEEKLY TIMES NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS NEWTONVIiLE Mr. A. TJrry, Ottawa, sipemfl the â- week-end with his ..family here. Mias- I. Laing spent a few days with her niece, Mrs. B&içhe, Toronto. •Mr. Beatty and family, Elizabeth- vill'e, visited Mrs, JHoskin on Sunday. Mrs. L. iSavtiry won first prize in a 'contest; in the Oshava Laundry last week. Mr. and; Mrs. H. Rialby are peeuipy- Ing the house just north of Mr. J. T. Pearce’s store. Mr. ahd Mrs. A. George, Port Hope,, visited Mr. and Mrs, Sam. Jones on 'Sunday. 'Little ’Genevieve Stapleton, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Stapleton, has been under the doctor's care. Oongmtullati’O’Tiig to Miss Elsie Wal- lace who won. the silver medal in the solo class aid to Miss Elsie- Wallace @nid Mr. Sam. Castle who won, first in the duet, -also to- Miss Jean Camp- bell who won 92 per cent, in piano so’l'o, the highest mark in the festival. The May ’meeting of the W.M.S. of the United Church was held in the baisement of the. dhurch on Tuesday - Miay "10th. Three quilts were quilted. A report -of the sectional rally in Newcastle was given by Miss 1. Laing. A seport was also given of the amount of the proceeds from the lecture from “coal mir.e to pulpit†and .from the Sunday' service. Lunch was served. COWANVILLE Miss Dorothy Hollingsworth was home-from Bl'ackstock over the week- end. Mr. Leslie P :•] and Mr. Peter Grand visited Mr. T. A. Reid! over the week-end. Mr. A. T. Perrin made his usual week-end visi t at borne and now has gone to Sudbury. Mr. and Mrs. George Henderson visited" Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Walkey a.t Newton ville on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Crosslley and John Ba mes visi ted Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Crosslley, Zion, on Sunday. 'Congratulations to Armand FTol- iingworth upon receiving the silver medal for singing at the festival, in Bowman ville. Mr. Win. Burley and his mother Mrs. J. Burley, and Mrs. Langs ta IT. of N'ewtonvilhx visited Mr. and Mrs. Westol Stringer on 'Sunday. ---------------o-------- Competing against St. J .Jin’s, of BiO’wmaniville and St, Peters of Oo- bourg, iSt. Mark’s A.Y.P.A. of Port Hope took premier honors in the an- nual drama festival of Northumber- land and Durham. Deanery hehd in Port Hone on Wedneadav niwh f of last, week. Cant R. Maitiwaring, of N"ewoastle, was adjudicator. BOWMANVILLE [Sorry, to road of the death of Miss Aidaik Wrig'lilt, Toronto, daughter of the late Stephen Wright, weE-known in. this town in furniture and piano and organ work. Winy mot get on with the highway between Lindsay, Oron0 and Newcas- tle and give the out-of-work people a chance, Why wait until the winter season ortho relief funds are at the bottom of the list. â- So Shiloh, Clarke Town-ship, got away with the drama con rest at Osh- awia. - Well those countryside hamlets are ’certainly putting it over the hig- gler .places. After ’all why should they not- ? We have asked that ques- tion before. The schools in Cartwright and Dar- lington and also Clarke, are very for- t'uinia.te in having music teachers of this ’ability of Mrs. Luoile Siwitzer and Mrs. Donald Robb. A great deal of the success of the festival this year was through the efforts of those pains- taking teachers to whom credit, is due, 'We understand the! violinists, who appeared at the concert on Friday evening were coached by a. teacher from ’Oslbaiwa, who it happens is do- ing good Work in this line in town The piano acctunp.• ni i mehts were play- ed by an organist from Osbawa and was -of great assistance to the youth- ful laspirants. We notice the girls’ baseball lea-, gun is being formed for the season along the Lakeshore front. Well we do enjoy a good game of baseball, but as for gills in baseball we may be old: fashioned enough to imagine it is not a sport suitable for young women. The general atmosphere surrounding baseball is somewhat of a bois tenons nature and we do not look for that in girlhood! splort. We may be wrong but we have our idea of this line of sport. We understand Port Hope band has a new conductor. What has be- come of the last director Mr. Fro ft k ? Port Hope does not keep up tp the old days when Wm .'Philp was con- ductor and1 such members as Burns, 'Sketch, Joie Tyler, Alec Vint, Dick 'Smith and others we .could- mention were members. Then the old town had a! band that was1 known far and wide, but. it. does not line-up on ai par with the county town on the east, the Oo- boiurg. Kilties. Pleased to notice old No. 9 is on the comedy business. .No, 9 was .always in. it, especially in the old school -ait Belwoods Corners, but of course somewhat different at that period as it wias the real thing, while now it is1 the copying of some persons ideas in this line. The! ac- tors and actresses of that period were perhaps of Ithe Hollywood culture but it was the real life just the same, and the scenery was just as nature paint- s’, FOR YEARS the name of Delanty has stood for courteous attention, high class workmanship and fair and reasonable treatment. Today, even more than ever, this firm takes pride is guarding and maintain- ing its proud record-earned through long years of straightforward dealing with the public. No matter how small or How large a proposition, we will gladly go into details in connection so that you can intelligently come to a decision. THE COBOURG GRANITE AND MARBLE WORKS DELANTY BROS. For further particulars see our local agent MR. G. A. BEAMISH - BKMHWM >«#**• <)â- <* 1 ORONO | NEWCASTLE Mr. Russell HidKinian, ; of Toronto, was a week-end ; guest df Mr. and Mrs. Cecil !I.ii'vocks. M r. Dick Anderson has secured a position on the surveying staff of the Newcastle-Lindsay Highway. Mr. and .Mrs. Bradd have stored their furniture.' for the 'Summer mon- ths land are staying' with Mr. and Mrs. Hurry Dudley. Ten members of iSt, George’s •Church attended Rev. Victor Sjpcn- cer’s illustrated address on his- recent work in Japan in St. John’s Church, Port Hope, on Tuesday evening. . Miss Meta Conch, of Buffalo, is here looking after her property re- cently occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Bradd. Miss Couch is making alter- ations in the plumbing and drainage system. Mr. J. Stott Montgomery, former resident, who recently purchased the Will not house on Mill St., intends to completely renovate the house, dur- ing the month of June. Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery intend stayinb in •the village while the work is being done. 'Two showers were given recently for Mrs. Billy Brunt, formerly Ruby Shaw, by her fellow workers in the J. Anderson Smith Co., gave a kit,chon shower and another group of friends gave a very enjoyable miscell menus shower and card! party at the home cif Mr. and Mrs. Fred Graham. The bride and groom received many use- ful and tractive gifts .'to add to their new home on North iSt.,. having taken! part of Mr. Wm. Henry's resi- dence. 'Tlhe Girls’’ Auxiliary of St. George’s .'Church held a very pleas- ant tea- party in the Parish Hal] on Tuesday afternoon. Tire object of the party was to display to all inter- ested the work of the Dorcas Depart- ment of both Woman’s and Girls’ Auxiliary. The Woman’s Auxiliary bale consisted of a comirlete' year’s outfit for a child,in an Indian board- ing school and. a number • of quilts and knitted sox, scarves and mit- tens. The girls’ work was for baby’s outfits’, soft, quilts and white flannel- ette garments. A good collection of wa-rr second-hand clothing was also received: to be sent to headquarters for Western relief. ed it. May the younger -Xo. 9 go tin to gre'ater things in this line. Last week the weatherman, prom- ised us- fine weather for the week-end but it was; not of the picnic kind and not, many overcoats have been shied uip to- the present time. However, we can depend on it, that it will be O.K. for lihe 12th alt Oi'uno, for that will be the objective point by the majority of people in this district. Prépara- tions are being made by ; the citizens and may it be as memorable a day as when John Hilliard Cameron, the great Orange orator, was the speak- er on that occasion. How many in the district remember that 12th ? A vote was taken on Sunday last at, both morning and evening service as to whether it would be advisable to do away with, in the summer sea- son, the evening service, and the vote was in, favour of continuing the ser- vice. 'Simail'ler attendantes is the rule in the evening but it, would 'be bet- ter if those that go would fill up the seats nearer the speaker and not have such a space between as there always «tom's to be'a feeling to get, near the exits, and why we cannot explain. This vote was taken by the congrega- tion' of iSJ, Paul’s United Church. Rev. F. Bannister, minister. A. start has been made on the rest room to be situated in the basement of the reading room library of the town hall building. It has been to us rather strange that some one of the fraternal societies' did molt buy the congregational cbuToh property which would have made a fine ball for Ma- sonic, OddlDelO'WS or Sons. of Euig- iiuvl. or such, as it: is it has been a costly affair to the town and the dtemises are, well, see it for your- self. At one time we bad1 ten chur- ches in town, that is counting the 'Salvation, Army, now we have only half and another decade or so this1 number willl be less. Mouth 'organ or harmonica, instru- ments must he quite a trade from the 'appearance of tho-se in the, variety •stores and each season there appears to be a different assortment on view but when it comes to a combination of those instruments to produce har- mony or a tirade of cords, we are in the clouds. Perhaps there are rules’ or treaties on the manipulation of those instruments, but we have not '•orne across anything of that nature. We can understand a soloist, with his., variation and divers and other gym- nastics, but no further. However, if it affords pleasure to any One we are glad to allow them to have it. Those who tookopart in the festival is what started this spasm. The directors of the Durham Musi- - (Continued on page.four) TyrrelFs Dru DRUGS STATIONERY KODAKS SSSHr rr tt o PHONE 88, ORONO tmmsmÅ"mmoÊsmæKmmmmmiiBm Celebrate I lie 24th of May with Hand’s Fireworks We have a complete stock, priced from 1c. each to 15c. each Campbell’s Tennis Balls in sealed containers, 3 for $1.00 Regulation Softballs and Bats are Now in Stock You Save With Safety At Tyrrell’s Drug Store YOU ARE THE JUDGE Since opening the Orono 5c. to $1.00 Store our sales have been continually on the increase which proves we are suc- ceeding in filling your wants. We in turn are adding new lines to our stock and will continue to do so until Orono can boast of a complete 5c. to $1.00 Store. NEW WHITE PURSES .....................25c, 59c. and 98c. NOW FOR THE PEST FLY, Mosquito Netting, Wire Screening, Window Screen's, Fly Swats, Fly Coils, Ply Poison, Fly Spray, Screen Door Springs, Catches, Hinges, eltc. Grocery Specials SHERIFF’S JELLY POWDERS, flavours Wild Cherry, Strawberry, Raspberry, Pineapple, Orange and Lime, SPECIAL, 6 FOR ...................25c. ICING SUGAR, 2 lbs.15c. BAKING SODA, lb. 5c. NEILSON’S COCOA, 2 1-2-Hb. tins ...'..35c. WESTON’S SODA WAFERS, 2 pkgs. ....... DOME LEAD STOVE POLISH, 4 for ...... Large SODAS, 14b- pkg. .....r....... UNWRAPPED LAUNDRY SOAP, 11 bars .... PEACH JAM (added Pectin), 32-oz. jar .,. .....25c. ..... 9c. .....10c.. .....25c. ....25 c. ORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE YOUR FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE Home and Building Improvement Pays You Big Dividends, Both in Comfort and Convenience WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES AT ALL TIMES D. L. & W. GUARANTEED BLUE COAL The Coal that is Trade Marked for your protection SCOTCH COAL WELSH COAL COKE AND DRY HARDWOOD IN STOCK AT ALL TIMES TO MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS â€" PROMPT SERVICE PHONE 48R16 â€"â€" Orono Coal & Lumber Co I