T OBONO WEEKLY TIMES X-- Miss Margaret Dickson. was home for the week-end. iSweml: from here attended the horse show at BrookHii on Tuesday last. i Mav and Mrs. Bert Pilper, of Tor- onto,- visited friends here a few days: this week. The Band put up some good music â- on Sunday Jaisi while marching for the Sons of England:. 'Mr. -and Mrs. Alvin Widem-an and daughter Joyce, of "Markham, visited with Mrs. W. W. Sherwin on Sunday. -Mr. and Mins. Horace Lambert and son David, and Mrs. Zetta Andrews, of Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Brown on -Sunday. Visitors at Mr. George Butters from Toronto on the 24th were, Mr. and Mrs. George Mitchell, Mrs. W. H. Barton -and son and Mrs. Wim. Hindle. Dr. Kerslake. of Toronto, paid a visit to Orono on the 24th. of May. and -planted -shrubs, rose bushes and plants at the rear of his- property, now occupied by Dr. J. C. Milne. Mr. and Mrs. P. 0. Brown, of Whitby, Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Oster- hout, Mr. and Mrs. James- Taimlblyn and Miss; Florence Oolbbledick were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Bajgleson recently. iSfanley Chapman gave his wife and Ibaby, mother, two- aunts, Mrs. Ruth- erford and Mrs-. Alfred Chapman a pleasant drive through Western On- tario last week, spending the week- end with Mlrs. W. Welsh, Wilsomvile, There passed away at Leakard on Sunday, May 22nd, Mr. Nelson »Skeld- ing, in his 86 th year. The fjuneral took place from his late residence, lot 27, Coni. 8, Clarke, on Tuesday, Mlay 24th-, at 2 p.m., with interment, being made in Orono Cemetery. A full ac- count will appear in next week’s issue of this paper. The Sons of England marched to St. Saviour’s Church on Sunday last and attended1 divine service. The par- ade formed at the lodge rooms and headed by the Midland Regimental Hand paraded in a body. Rev. D. R, Dewdney preached a very suitable sermon for the occasion, and special music was rendered by the choir. Dr. H. E. Manning was token to •the. Bownianvilio Hospital on Tues- day morning suffering from an infect- ed throat On Monday and Tuesday of last week he did not feel very well and on Wednesday took worse and stayed in bed. His condition is ser- ious and latest reports show no change in his condition. Congratulation® to Mr. Wilfred Sherwini who was successful in pass- ing Ms second year term at the On- tario Veterinary College, with hon- ors. Wilfred, was also awarded the spécial prize for the second year award in, anatomy. He is at present in -S-utton-assisting Dr. II. 0. Stevens for a few months in veterinary work. -Owing to Tuesday being a holiday we were unable to, secure our papers from Toronto until Thursday evening thus throwing us a day late wi th this issue. Mr, Jim Tamblyn is now making his ohocollate milk: and can be secured at any of the following places : Kum- rite Inn, C. H. Froste’s, F. O. Coop- er’s, 0. B. Tyrrell, W. J. Riddell, E. E. Patterson, J. 3. Cornish, H. Dean and at W. Watson’s at the park. Dr. and Mrs. R. II. Henry, of H-aimdlitoin, spent several days in Orono over the holiday renewing old acquaintances, Dr. Henry is in the civil service under the Department of Agriculture and has recently been moved to Hamilton. He is a former player with Clarke United football club, and was an enthusiastic spec- tator of Saturday evening’s game. He is visiting with the Gainey family in town. Mr. A. J. Taimlblyn showed a num- ber of his Holstein cattle at Brook- 1 i n Fair on Tuesday and was- only de- feated once in his classes shown, se- curing six firsts and three seconds, as follows : 1st, aged bull; 1st, bull, calf; 2nd, aged cow; 1st -and 2nd, year olds; 1st and 2nd, heifer calves; 1st for herd, and 1st for best Dairy heif- er, any breed. This is a fine record for any breeder of high-class stock and we congratulate Mr, Tamlblyn on hie success. The 21 ih of May passed quietly in Orono and in the evening the chil- dren and adults were entertained by the display of -fireworks throughout, the town. iNb damage was done and no one burned, but at the United Ohurch yard some children were send- ing up skyrockets, when- one landed in the eavetrough of the church where it burned itself out. Then the play started: -again after the children s-aw that everything was all right. Last week we fini shed printing the football schedules of Clarke United football team. On this schedule we soloeited for advertisements to -ap- pear on- the schedule to the mer- chants and any others "hat we oou-ld secure. This year we are sorry to state that we missed one of our mer- chants, Mr. J. J. Corniish of the Red; and White iS-tore for which we are sorry that this happened. The sched- ule was, rushed through in a very short notice, which we blame for the slip and which should not have hap- pened, so we tender our apologies to Mr. -Cornish for this oversight. LOCAL AND SOCIAL RED & WHITE STORES THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Quaker Oats, large pkg. - 21c. Fig Bar Biscuits, 2 lbs - 29c. Rice, 3 lbs. for - - - 17c. Clover Leaf Fancy Pink Salmon, 2 large tins - 25c Keta Salmon, 2 large tins - 1 9c. Flaked Wheat Bernes, 5 lb bag 22c. Orono Pastry Flour, 24-lb bag - 53c. Amber Honey, 4 lb. tin - - 39c. Bird Gravel, pkg. - - - 9c. White Sugar, 10 lbs. - - 54c. Assorted Chocolates - - 23c. Chuck Roast of Beef, boned and rolled, lb - - 15c. Plate of Beef, Boned & rolled, lb 14c Mother Parker’s Tea, 1 -2 lb. - 27c. J. J. CORNISH PHONE 12r2 Mrs. J. R. Cooper spent the week- end at Colborne. Miss Stella Best was a week-end guest with Miss Eileen Jones. Miss Viola INloden is home for the summer vacation from Toronto Uni- versity. Mr. Burgess, of the north end. of the villMge, we are -sorry to report is very ill. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Irvin, of Mim- ioo, visited Mrs. I. Winter for a few days this week. Mr. Allison Cowan spent the week- end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tho-mtis Cb-w-an. (Mr. and Mrs. J. J, Gi'.fidan were in Toronto for the 24th visiting their daughter, Miss Viola. (Mr. and- Mrs. A. R. McDonald visited' her mother, Mrs-. E. Smith on Monday of this- week. Mrs. J. Cobbledick, Bowmanville, -spent a few days recently the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Walsh. Mis's Gertrude Perry, of iSpencer- ville, accompanied Miss Glen G-amey on her visit to her parents over the holiday. Mrs. Thomas Patterson has return- ed to her home after visiting her daughter, Mrs. Herb. Galbraith, Biacks-tock. Congvatuait.ions to Mr. Stanley R. Bruton who passed his first year ex- aminations at the Ontario College of Pharmacy. The grandstand is nearing comple- tion -at the park, only the seats re- main to be placed to complete the structure. Mr. Thomas Cowan- has purchased a new Dodge sedan and his son, Alli- son, of Toronto, purchased a new Dodge Coupe. Mrs. Conner George and little daughter Jeanette, of Rtoyal Oak, Mich., are guests of Mr. -and Mrs. Howard Walsh. 'The Midland Regiment Band at- tended the Spring Pair at Brooklin on Mlay 2#h, and interspersed music throughout -the afternoon. A number of ladies from town at- tended the hospital tea and musicale held at the holme -of Mrs. J. Spen- cer, Bowmlauville (today), Thursday. Mr. and; Mrs. J. Hoekin, of Osh. aw®, celebrated: their 40th wedding aninijversary at -the latter’s sister’s home, Mrs. R. Best, on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Sam Out-toll left on Saturday for Hanburg, where she visited her sister, Mrs. ISturges-s, and also- will visiting her son, Dr. F. J. Outtel-l, of Buffalo, N,Y. Mrs. Harold Walsh entertained a number of ladies -at luncheon on Fri- day in- honor of Mrs. (Rev.) Oster- bout, who is leaving Orono shortly to reside in -Ottawa. Mr. -and: Mrs, James Stevenson, of Montreal, also Mrs. G. P. P>reckon, of Toronto, are spending -a few weeks’ visit with their brother, Mr. J., F Lorrim'an, Cobb Hill. Mr. and Mrs. B. Janes, of New- ton ville. the Misses Dorothy and Mil- dred Henry, of Toronto, and Mrs. John- Henry were Sunday guests of Mrs. E. Searl and Mrs, 0, Cooper. Mrs. Mc.Fh'oy, Margaret and Keith, -of Peterboro, were recent visitors at Mrs. Noble’s. Keith’s- visit was in the nature of a farewell as he leaves- shortly on a vacation trip to Europe. -Owing to circumsitahices over which they have no control the Orono Horti- cultural Society are obliged to cancel fh-dir tulip show and blossom tour which was to- be held (today) Thurs- day. Don’t forget to take in the foot- ball game between Clarke United and Oourtice on 'Saturday evening at 6.45 p.m. Oourtice, we understand, is a rough team and the spectators are assured of a good game with lots of -action1. -Mr. O, W. Eolph has taken over the Massey-Harris repair business from Mr. It. Logan, who purchased Chas. Brown’s tinsmith business, and is now in a position to supply all parts need- ed. Mr. Eblph was . thé agent for Massey-Harris Co. before Mr. Brown took over the repairs from him. The thermometer at seven o’clock on Wednesday morning was down, to 38 degrees, just six points above freezing. 'Some time thraugout the- night the thermometer fell to belo-w freezing and ice was formed on tubs arid water troughs. We did not hear whether any gardens were damaged by the frost or not. PATTERSON'S SERVICE STORE PHONE 73rl WE DELIVER SPECIALS Raisins, seedless, 2 lbs. . 23c Icing Sugar, 3 lbs. . . 21c Orono Pastry Flour, 24 lb. bag Five Rose Flour, 24 lb. bag 55c $1.00 Macaroni, 1 lb. . Dates, 1 Oc a lb. . 5c 2 for 1 9c Good Humor Cereal, pkg. Quick Quaker Oats, pkg. . . 22c e • 21C Granulated Sugar, 10 lbs. Picake & Jewel Shortening 59c , 2 lbs 25c P & G White Naptha Soap 7bars Wonderful Laundry Soap, III bars . 25c 25c Peanut Butter, pint jar Sweet Prunes 3 lbs. 21c 25c Salmon Clover Leaf Pink, 2 tins Golden Bantam Corn, 3 tins Soap Flakes, 3 lbs. . . 25c . . 25c 19c ARMSTRONG’S HATS We only have a few HATS left so rather than keep them for another year we are offering them to you at the ridi- C A- cullously low price of -••••• vVV« SHOES We have our White Shoes in now,in the new Strap version And also in comfort- able walking Ox- 4C fords........ TOWELING A Heavy English Striped Cotton Terry Toweling that readily absorbs moisture, for roller or bath towels, Of . per yard “ol DRESSES We have a few Dresses of a new durable pre-shrunk ma- terial “American Print†in co-ait style and shirt maker in floral pat-$250 & $3.95 terns, atâ„¢ â- â- SHADOW CLOTH A material suitable for drap- eries, cushions and slip cov- ers, in decorative floral pat- terns, width 54 in- die's. Price... vvL. Tr usses, Abdominal Belts, and Elastic Hosiery # From the Ottawa Truss and Surgical Co. may be purchased at Tyrrell’s Drug Store. A complete line of Single and Double Trusses is always in stock. They are properly fitted and guaranteed. CORTICELLI HOSE We keep all -the newest shade's of HOSE, in medium;, Service, Chiffon, Crepe, Zephyr and Twinner, in knee high and full length. Twin n et is the very latest for summer *7 JX 0 wear, having meslh toe and heel, per pair...• dv Of «P 1 PANTS Odd PANTS for spoilt wear are very popular this year. We have a new line in stock, made in tropical worsteds. QC They are new and good looking. Priced .».... LINOLEUM 4 yards wide, all first quality, the best wearing Floor d*Q /*A Covering, yard ...............y*J»UU RUGS CON-GOLEUM RUGS have been reduced in price. This means a great -saving. 6x9 7 1-2x9 9x9 9x10 1-2 9x12 9x15 $4.75 $6.00 $7.25 $8,50 $9.50 $11.00 WALLPAPER REMNANTS We- have a large assortment of Room Lots. Come in -and look . them over. TYRRELL'S DRUG STORE - Phone 68 Orono