ORONO WEEKLY TIMES ARMSTRONG’S KNITTING YARNS We- bayé a® the summer shades of Monarch Dove and Andalutiou. Come in; and -see them, and start a: sweater for summer wear. Dove, per ball 20c Andalusion, ball 2Sc CURTAINING If you eed (.Yirtmining now is the time to get it. W'e have rayon and Cotton .Nets, ranging from 20c t0 40c yd. Dotted and Flowered Marquisette, in all colors. J0C tO 35c yd. Also Plain ISt-rkn at .......... 20c & 25c yd. Come in, and look them over. WHITE PURSES White Purses1 are the vogue for summer. W have a well select- ed assortment with zipper tops -and etasps. They are regular $1.50 apid'v;BS for QQ- on iy ....... . ; 27 0 V» GLOVES We have an odd lot of the smartest gloves of Max Mayer’s in beugaiine, ehamvisettc and mesh, in natural, white, green, Mue and black, forDA 0 CQ„ only per pair J v OL v«/L COTTON UNDERWEAR Ladies’ Cotton Bloomers in white and pink, 9 Ç R A s.,m.,l„ & o.s.oj a^jcpr Children’s, Cot-ton Bloomers in white and pink, OC OA. nr 2 y a* size-do 14..lU F1 STOCKINGS Ladies ! Here is a real bargain. We have five dozen pair of silk hose, we admit they are seconds but a real bargain at 2 00« 2 pair for /" . j. SUITS Young Men’s Suits of Fancy Tweeds and Worsteds of brown and grey mixtures, pinch batik, pleated model’; a very smart (M Q ÇA suit,'"sizes 36 to 40, 2 pants - . tplO.vU SPORT SHIRTS M-ade of fine quaEtiy rayon, blue amid gray ; a very t? flâ€" spec-al bargain for boys ^ "L. CAPS Men’s Summer CAPS of white, white and blank checks 9U also grey fleck, priced. . SPORT SHIRTS Bound neck of fine cotton jer- sey ; a very special buy for mien, in gold and white C A., priced w v. WHITE Men’s Fine Quality Calf Oxfords, perforation, sizes 6 to 10, priced . SCAMPERS MVale by Sisman, the best qual- ity, boys’sizes 1 to-5, (j?1 â€7 C OXFORDS with plain and fancy EJQ STRAW HATS Peanut Straw I5c. Helmets 25c. RED & WHITE STORES THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY ORONO CREAMERY BUTTER 1 st Grade . . • 27c 2nd Grade . . • 26c Orono Pastry Flour, 24 lb bag . 49c Oxydol, large pkg small pkg. « • 23c 9c. Fancy Salmon, Sunflow- er Brand, 2 tins 25c. Good sized Oranges 19c. Oyster Shell, 15 lbs ....25c. Pure Lard, Easiftrsit, Salt, in pkgs. 2 for ......lie. Pitted Dales, 2 lbs ...21c- Red & White Tea Bags, 25’s for 25c. Red Seal Salmon, 1-2’s, f Af 16r, Jewel, Domestic, or Pie- cake Shortening, your choice, 2 lbs for..; 25c. Kipper Snacks, 5 for 23c. Tuna Fish Flakes, 2 tins for 25c. Fresh Ground Hamburg 2 lbs. for 29c. English Brown with glass only 10c. Dutch I jnn f. Hi 29c. Chicken Rtill, l!b... ......35c. Wonderful Soap, 5 bars . . 13c Strawberry Jam, large jar with pectin, 24c Corned Beef, 2 tins 25c J. J. CORNISH PHONE 12r2 Order your printing at the Orono Timesâ€"Prices Right Classified COMING EVENTS Lasikard Sunday 'School Annin i- sary will be held on 'Sunday, J uOy 3rd. Services at 3 and 7.30' p.m. On Monday, July 4th, a Strawberry Fes- tival will be held. Programme con- sists of a pOiay from Soliua. A play, entitled •‘Smiling Bill,†will be put on by Elizafoethville young People, in the Orange Hall, Kendal, on Tuesday, June 14th, 1938, under the auspices of the Kendal Women’s Institute. . b-20-c. The W. A. of Park St. United Church will hold their Annua! Straw- berry Festival on the Church lawn: on June 23rd, followed by a new and well recommended program ini the church by Frederick Dawson, Humorist, Elo- cutionist and Versatile Entertainer of Toronto, “A Night in Humor Land,†two hours of mirth, music and merriment, good clean comedy, Songs at the piano,-stories and enter- tainment to be enjoyed by town and country ^oEfels. Everybody invited. Tea will be served from 5; p.m. to 8 p.m. Program at 8 p.m. Admis- sion for Tea and1 Program : Adults, 40c. ; Children, 25c. 'On Sunday, I une 19th, Kendal will hold: their 'Sunday School Anni- versary. The service will be conduct- ed by the Rev. Thomas Wallace, of Green-bank, at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. The music will be furnished by the 'Sunday School in the morning and Wctecme- Quartette in the evening. On Wednesday, June 22nd, there will be an ice cream Festival, 'followed by one of the famous lectures of Rev. Dr. Milisnn, of Welcdtoe, entitled, “The Building of Character,†also a program consisting of piano duets by Misses Ruth and Pauline Peters, vo- cal duers by Misses Eleanor Rctallick and Mary Taylor of Perry town, and the Wellcome Quartette. Admission : Adults, 35c. ; Children, 20!c. WANTED 'Grass Calves or for Veating. Ap- ply Arthur Curtis; Phone 57rl2, a-20-c. FOR SALE Hand Power Washer with Wring- er, ini excellent condition, cheap. See the Beatty das Engine Washer at Rolpth’s Hardware. a-20-c. PAPER HANGING' AND DECORATING Our prices are reasonable.â€"W. M. Macdonald, Leskard. Apply at Times Office. a-20-p. FENCE BUILDING All kinds of fences built or repair- ed, by the day or by the rod. Apply to John Gordon, R. R. 1, Orono. ia-20-p. DANiOE HALL OPENED The Spring Opening of Willow’s Pavilion, Orono, was celebrated on Saturday evening, May 21st. Dance to the music of Jack Galloway’s Or- chestra; every 'Saturday Night. TO RENT Stone house and about one acre on Fifth Line, Township of Clarke, on Lot 22, Concession 5. Apply to R. R. Waddell, Orono. t£. .FOR SALE Good rimming Wagon, 3-4 height, for siale cheap. H. S. Bowen ; Phone 54, Orono. e-21-ip. FOUND One Waterman’s Fountain Pern and one Automatic Eagle Pencil. Owner may have same by applying at the Orono Times office. FDR S ALE Six-roomed House, new furnace, hardwood floors, a© modern conven- iences, good garden. Apply Mrs. F. L. Souch, Princess Street. Orono. tf. Mr. and Mrs. James Tamblyn and Mr. and! Mrs. Cecil Elliott and fam- ily left this morning for a few days visit at Powassnn and parts west. AT YOUR SERVICE FOR 1st Class Shoe Rebuilding We have been receiving work from Orono and to make it more convenient for you we have ar- ranged with Lunn’s Hardware to take in orders and we will call on Tuesdays and Thursdays of each week. PRICES REASONABLE E. S. NAYLOR Shoe Repairer - - Bowmanville Clarke United And Tyrone Play Draw Game (Continued from page 1) ping several seemingly impossible kicks. Harry Daivey played an ex- cellent game land he was given fine .Support, by the rest of the team. J. Powers and T. Evans came close on several shots on go'al but failed to score. R. XLtedmia’.il took S toban’s position' on full back, Stobart going to forward to replace Shackleton. For a time it 'looked as if Clarke United Was sure to spore but as luck would' have it they were disappointed'. Dur- ing the remainder of the game the play ranged the full length of the field, giving both goal keepers plenty to do. However when the filial whis- tle blew the game was still scoreless. The next, game will be played in Orono on Wednesday, June 15th, be- tween Zion and Clarke United'. Come and see this garnie, as Zion is suppos- ed to have die 'best forward line in the league. The Clarke United team has been revamped and some of the old1 regu- lars will be on hand! to lead the boys to: victory. Make arrangements now to witness this thrilling spectacle. ---------oâ€"--------- |Officers Elected For West Durham W. I. (Continued from page one) guson, Burke ton. 2 ml Vice President â€" Mrs, Good- man, Tyrone. Secretory-Treasurer â€" Mrs. O. W. Rbljplh, Orono. Federated Representative â€" Mrs. John Baker, Hampton. . Auditors â€" Mies L. Reynolds, of Hampton and Mrs. W. W. Horne, of Hampton, SILVER MEDAL CONTEST The Women’s Christian Temjprance Union held (the first of a -series of Silver Medal Contests in the United Sunday School room on Friday, June 3rd, When Miss Lois Mantel and Mas- ter William Black lock brought the honors to Orono by winning the sil- ver medals on temperance oratory. There were - six contestants, three girls, Lois Man lei of Orono, Marion Wright of Kirby, and Patsy Fenton of Neweasfilie, and three boys, F'arn- coinbe DeGresley of Newcastle, Wil- liam Black lock of Orono, and Bill Boyd of Kirby. All contestants1 did remarkably well and put up some very forceful arguments against the liquor party. The judges were Mm W. J. Jewell, Mr. 'S. Rickard and Mr. Lyeett, who foud it difficult de- ciding aia there was only a fraction difference in some of the contestants. Medals were presented to the success- ful candidates and books to the others by Mis. Jewel, who congratu- lated tire 'Contestants on their splen- did efforts and urged1 them to con- tinue in this worthy cause. Rowe’s orchestra rendered several delightful selections which were much appreciated by all, also Mr. Mitchell gave two- splendid vocal solos, accom- panied ait the piano by Miss Morton. Mrs. Walsh favoured with a solo, ac- companied by Mrs. Lynch. Mr. Sher- xvin kindly acted ais chairman for the evening in the absence of the pastor who is attending conference at, Nap_ anee. MAGNA CARTA WEEK Professional Directory DENTAL DE. J. C. MILNE, Dental Sur- geon, Orono. Office hours : 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Evenings ' by ap- pointment. Newcastle every Wed- nesday and other days by appoint- ment. Phone 18rl. MEDICAL DR. H. E. MANNING Physician and Burgeon Orono - Ontario Office Hours : 1.30 to 4 pan. and 7 to 9 p.m. Sunday by Appointment AUCTIONEERS ~TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Auction Bales of all size» and at reasonable rates. Communicate with him at Pert Perry, Ontario, or see his Clerks, A. J. Staples or À. E. Morton, at Orono,,, for date. G. RICHARDS Practical Watchmaker All Repairs to Watches, Clocks, and Jewellery, will receive our prompt attention PARK STREET - ORONO John J. Gilfillan Phm. B. â€" QUALIFIED OPTOMETRIST Licentiate of the College of Optom- etry of Ontario Office Hours : 10 to 12 a.m. and 2 to 4.30 p.m and by appointment Office in O. B. Tyrrell’s Drug Store Phone 68r2 Orono Tinshop All kinds of Plumbing, Heating and Furnace Work Eavetroughing and Pump Work R. E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR Centre St. Orono Phone 80 r Ifr PARK ST. UNITED CHURCH j j Rev. J. H. Osterhout, E.A., B.D. | Pat tor j 'SUNDAY, MAY 12'th ! Services at 11.00 a.m. and I 7.00 p.m. ! Rev. J. H. Osterhout. will be in i charge at both services | COME AND WORSHIP “Magna Carta Wieek†will be ob- served throughout Canada from J une 12tli to June 19th, under the Ontario Provincial Command of the Chnudian Legion. It was on- June 15th, 1215 that King John met the rebellious barons of England in a. meadow named Runnymede, meter Windsor Castle, and was forced to sign, what, came to be known as the “Great Charter.†The celebration of "Magna Carta week†is not so far-fetched as it may seem ; for Magma Carta has become a sort of symbol of the principles, un- derlying the British system of gov- ernmentâ€"and, indeed), of the English •speaking peoples the world over. It is â- something in which the people of Grda't Britain and the British Do- minions may take pride equally with the people of the United States of America. It is because we have inherited from the Mother Country not only the English language and1 literature, but also the British - way of doing things, that we should celebrate “Magma Carta†week. Preparations are underway for a mlass demonstration at a Drumhead 'Service to he held in Bowmanville on Sunday. June. 19th at 3 p.m. To this demonstration, are invited all ex- service men in West, Durham, the Roy Scouts, Fraternal Societies1, Ser- vice Oluibs and the wives and mothers of a'll ex-service trafen. A "suitable speaker will be engaged for this dem- o-nstratiotti,. THURSDAY FRIDAY & SATURDAY PORT HOPE SaSly! 2.30 The Great Thrill-Romance “TEST PILOT†Starring CLARK GABLE MYRNA LOY SPENCER TRACY With Lionel Barrymore MONDAY and TUESDAY Fun in Switzerland “PARADISE FOR THREE†With Frank Morgan, Robert Young and Florence Rice WEDNESDAY ONLY Last Show at 8.45 GENE AUTREY in “The Yodeling Kid†GENE ANN RAYMOND SOTHERN in “She’s Got Everythingâ€