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Orono Weekly Times, 7 Jul 1938, p. 4

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ORONO W 1EKLY TIMES A party of English scientists and their wives visited Port Hope. last week and1 inspected the Eldorado Gold Mines Ltd. refinery, and were shown through the plant, the only one . of its kinds in the British Empire. Thrown from a motorcycle on No. 2 highway 'between Newtomwille and Pert Hope on Thursday evening last, .Marjorie Copeland, Port Hope, was taken to Port Hope hospital with a fractured spine. A passing motorist picked up the girl and drove her to Port Hone. 'Following a ten days’ illness1 there passed away at Port Hope on Tues- day, June 21st, 'George Morrisli Jones. Bum in Hope .Township on October 29'i.b, 1838, Mr. Jones was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Jones'. Until six years ago Mr. Jones fanned in Hope township, then moved to Port Hope. He leaves to mourn bis loss his wife (nee Melona E. Beibeo), four daughters and four Read the Advertisements. 248th Orange Celebration OF THE BATTLE OF THE BOYNE ORONO, JULY 12th, 1938 PRIZES WILL BE GIVEN FOR THE FOLLOWING: Best Brass Band ; Best Fife and Drum Band ; Best Ladies Lodge; Best Men’s Lodge; Best Juvenile 0r True Blue Lodge The parade will leave the Exhibition Grounds a't 1 p.m. and finish in Community Memorial Park FOLLOWING SPEAKERS HAVE BEEN ENGAGED: C. Frost, K.C., of Lindsay, guest speaker ; Rev. Dewdney, of Newcastle; Rev. BamriMef, of Bownton ville ; C, Mercer, M.P.P., Durham; F. Rickard, M.P-, of Durham!. SPEECHES WILL BE HEARD OVER A LOUD SPEAKER SYSTEM Following the speeches a full line of Sports for children will be held SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT GIRLS’ TEAMSâ€"3 p.m-â€"Newtonvilie, Newcastle and Orono. MEN’S TEAMSâ€"3 p.m.â€"Kirby, Newtonvilie ; Providence and Forestry. NO ADMISSION CHARGED TO ANY OF THE ABOVE EVENTS CASH PRIZES FOR BALL WINNERS CONCERT, TOWN HALL “LOOK ME IN THE EYE” Comedy play, by a caste of good players from Newcastle. DANCE In the Armouries and the Town Hall Two Orchestras. Admission, 25c. TIRE S Our low prices tell their own story of sensational savings on the Goodyear* Speedway tire ... it’s the finest low-priced value we have ever offered . . . come in and let us tell you how little it will cost for new Goodyears all around. Orono, Ontario Letters to the Editor : Having attended several Orange Parades I would like to suggest to the people on the streets next week to give the Lodges and Bands a big applause as they pass. It helps them and we would feel better. INTERESTED ORANGEMAN Dear Editor: As a citizen of Orono I feel we owe the Chamber of Oamimepce and the business men ;a great deal of thanks for their efforts' in arranging to have the band play during the summer, in front of the town hail. I understand they have not quite sufficient funds' to meet their expenses in this-venture and 1 hope that we, as residents, will chip in and give our share, so that we may be able to carry this entertain- ment on. Let. us all boost a little. INTERESTED Classified HELP WANTED To pick Currants ' and Raspberries. -I). G. Hooper, Orono; Phone Mr 14. a-24-p. FIELD DAY Kendal Field: Day will be held in the Harvey Jackson Memorial Park on Wednesday, July 2l7th. Please keep this date open. Professional Directory DENTAL DR. J. 0. MILNE, Dental Sur- geon, Orono. Office hours : 0.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Evenings by ap- pointment. Newcastle every Wed- nesday and other days by appoint- ment, Phone lSrl. TO RENT Stone house and about one acre oil Fifth Line, Township of Clarke, on Lot 22, Concession 5. Apply to R. R. Waddell, Orono. F. OAR FOR SALE Essex Coach, mechanically perfect, mileage 19,000; $100.00 cash.â€"John T. Allen, Newcastle. a-24-c. The Orangemen- of this district are doing us a favour by having their celebration in Orono, the first time in 30 years. Let. us return the compliment; l>y decorating our homes lavishly with flags and bunting, so that our visitors will feel they are welcomed by us all. Whether we believe in the Orange Or- der or not, we must admire their courageous stand in their loyal sup- lie Skshool port of ' the British Flag, the Pub- lic School and the Open Bible. I think by co-operation, we can make this 12th of July one long to be remembered. SPECTATOR NOTICE All persons owing accounts to Mr. George Butters for the past nine .months, are requested to pay same by the end of July, 1938, When they will be placed in other hands for collection. Mr. Wm. Riddell, Mr. W. Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. II. Murray, Mr. and Mrs. L. Hooey attended the Drum Head Service and Oddfellows’ Decor- ation 'Service on Sunday at- Brighton, being the occasion of their “Old Home” week. Two old Oronites, Mr. Orme Sharp and Geo. French asked to be remembered to their friends in Orono. Mr. Sidney Lambert, Padre of Christie St. Hospital, Toronto, was speaker at the drum head service and Bro. Burns, Grand Patriadh, of King ston. and Dr. G. C. R. Hall, of Lit tie Brittian, Grand Master, were guest speakers at the decoration ser- vice. Parade was- headed by B'elle- vi'.le Band and Prankford: Band. KIRBY MEDICAL DR. H. E. MANNING Physician and Surgeon Orono - - - Ontario Office Hours : 1.30 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. Sunday by Appointment AUCTIONEERS AMATEUR CONTEST At Kendal, on Wednesday, _ July 27th, at 8 pan., under the auspices of the Harvey Jackson Memorial Park, open to the Obunty of Durham. All entries to be sent to the Secretary, Catherine W. -Stewart, on or before July 16th. First. 30 entries accepted. Substantial Prizes, Watch for bills. b-25-c. TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Auction 'Sales of all eiaee and at reasonable rates. Communicate with him at P«rt Perry, Ontario, or see his Clerks, A. J. Staples or A. E. Morton, at Orono, for date. LUNN HARDWARE Mrs, Jas. L. Powers was a welcome guest in Kirlby during the festival. We noticed Mr. Philip Bigelow, of Port Hope High school staff, at home over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Deyman, Port Hope, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, E. E. Bryson, on Sunday. Mr. George Forbes has his garden designed so nice that it will com- pete with the most artistic. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Morrow and their two daughters Audrey and Helen were recent visitors of A. Morrow. . Mr. and Mrs. R. M, Bryson and Miss Marion, in company with Mrs. W. E. Welch were recent, visitors with friends in Orono and Kirby. Our popular mail clerk, Mr. Thomas, took a, trip last Sunday to Parry Sound and Andy thinks he should- have gone along for a safe re- tUMr. and Mrs. P. G. Wallace, of Peterboro, accompanied by Mrs. G. II. Johnston, Regina, and Mrs. W. G. Morrow, spent Sunday with Miss Pearl and A. Morrow. Mr. Lome Wanno-n. is leaving this wetefc for the summer -school at Guelph, leaving Mrs. Wannon and her sister Audrey in charge of the home and store, where they are do-mg a nice business strictly on the sqtiare. We wish them, every success. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Brown-, of Toronto, and their bright little son called on A. Morrow after an ab- sence of thirty-five years. Horace was was very enthusiastic over driv- ing horses and: was owner at that time of a beautiful roadster which Andy helped to keep it looking in, the best "of shape. His home at that time was in Owen Sound and. he was spending his holiday's with his uncle and a,unt, the late Mr. and Mrs, James Brown. The strawberry festival held here last, week in- aid of the -Sunday school was a. fair success, perhaps- not so largely attended, as in former years, owing to the fact that there were three more being held a short dis- tance away. However, /all present, seemed to enjoy themselves and after listening to the programme and Mr, Os terhout’s farewell and well chosen words to those present, all departed for their homes believing they had lost an able preacher. ORANGE SERVICE The Annual District Orange Church 'Service and! parade of Clarke District, comprising 'Brethren from Kendal, Newtonvilie, Newcastle and Orono and. the ladies of the LjO.B.A. of. Orono with visitors from- Tyrone -and1 Bowtnanville, attended divine ser- vice in Park Str. United Church on Sunday evening last. The parade was headed -by the Kendal Fife and Drum Bland with Wor. Bro. T. A Keid as District Marshall. -Our pastor, Rev. Bro. S. Littlewood, delivered an excellent sermon to the brethren,, “Orangeism, We Need It,” which brought, forth many favourable comments in the lodge room after the service. An anthem by the choir and a number by the male quartette of Messrs. Allen, Sutton, Reid and Porter was well rendered, with- Mrs. Sandercock organist. The service throughout was one of the best ever held in the district, the Order voicing its appreciation of the reception received from the pastor and officials of the Church. G. RICHARDS Practical Watchmaker All Repeire to Witches, Cloche, and Jewellery, will receive oer prompt attention PARK STREET - ORONO John J. Gilfillan Phm. B. QUALIFIED OPTOMETRIST Licentiate of the College of Optom- etry of Ontario Office Hours : 10 to 12 a.m. and 2 to 4.30 p.m and by appointment Office in C. B. Tyrrell’s Drug Store Phone 68r2 Orono Tinshop All kinds of Plumbing, Heating and Furnace Work Eavetroughing and Pump Work R. E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR Centre St. Orono Phone $0 r Iff ORONO 11; FORESTRY 8 On Tuesday evening Orono softball team took Forestry into damp by a, 11 t,o 8 score. This was one of the best, games of the season so far. Myles, pitching for the Oronites, held the big guns- of the Forestry team well in check throughout the game, Neal pitched a good game for Forestry, but he had two bad innings', the second and fourth when Oron© went for bis delivery and scored, nine runs, Myles gave up 12 hits, issued 2 walks and strulckout 2, allowing one homer by Sunny Wood, Neal was- touelied for 12 hits, issued, one walk and struck out' 2, he also giving up »a homer to- Powers. Orono .... ...2- 5 0 4 0 xâ€"11 12 0 Forestry .... .4 0 O' 2 1 1 * 8 U J *5* MHWMHMUBMH PARK ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. S. Littlewood Pastor i Sunday, July 10th I 11.00 a.m. "The Secret of the Lord" 00 p.m. "The Voice of God" j QOME AND WORSHIP nj»,t nflfrn n imrm fi mt! » iibâ€" m Ill ini» n mminriwnmmit tnt r , > Orono .. Forestry Kirby .. ..........4 1 .....3 2 .........0 4 PORT HOPE FRIDAY & SATURDAY Matinee Saturday, 2.30 The first ha,If of the schedule .is now finished and for the rest of the season a team from Oshawa will play, mak- ing a four team league, «---;-------O-..- --â€"----- jSlaturday, proved an ideal day for the Carseadden Reunion Picnic which was held in Elm Park, Wood- bridge, when about one hundred gathered. Those who attended from this locality .were Mrs. Thomas. Pat tersoin, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Patter-1 son and son Jim, Mrs. R1. N. Mortem, Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Galbraith and Marjorie, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Green- away, of Port Hope; Mr. and .Mrs. Cecil Ferguson and Mr. and Mrs Mount joy, of Macks,to-ck ; Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Elliott and Mrs. Reg. Elliott and son, of Kendal, and Mr. and Mrs. M. Dunbar and son Elliott, of Perry town ; Mr. and Mrs. J, W. Berry and Roy,. Mr. G id du s Jones, Clifford, and Eileen- Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Alien and-Ann Marie, of O'shawa, and Mrs. Freeman Eddy and daughter Joyce, of Newcastle, Lovable, Laughable “Judge Hardy’s Children” With Lewis Stone, Mickey Rooney and Cecilia Parker MONDAY and TUESDAY Last Show at 8.50 “Romance in the Dark With Gladys Swarthout and John Boles .yj n 'Go Chase Yourself A Riot of Fun, with Joe Penner WEDNESDAY ONLY That Fascinating Rogue “Arsene Lupin” With Melvyn Douglas and Virginia Bruce

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