O RG N O WEEKLY TIMES j NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS jj NEWTONVILLE 'Mr. J. T. Pearce, Mississippi, was lionne for the week-end. Miss J.'eane Siemon, Toronto', is visiting Miss U lady s Pearce. Mr. and Mrs. Davey, Toronto, visit- ed Mrs. Rutherford recently. The Masonic brethren will march to the United Church on July 24th. A ii lumber from here attended the Orange walk in Orono Sunday even- ing. Mr. and Mrs. L. iSavery spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. McGill, Argyll. Mr. and Mrs, W. McKay were Sun- day guests of 'Mr. and Mrs. Win Hal- lowed, Starkville. (Mr. and Mrs. L. Thompson and daughter, Tyrone, were Sunday guests of Mr. and1 Mrs. L. E, Millson. Misses Elsie Wallace and Mary Lane were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace at their cottage at Frankiford. The field day was not held July 1st on account of the .rain, We hope to have it: July 20th. The dance at night, on July 1st was a decided suc- cess. Congratulation# to Rowland Bur- ley who passed Ms music examination in Grade III. piano with 75 per cent. He is Mr. and Mrs. Fred Burley’s second son. Mr. and Mrs. Gunnell and family, Hamilton., spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. Couch ; Mrs. Gun- nell and children remaining for a longer visit, Mrs. Harry Clarke, Stoughton, Saak., Mr. and Mrs. W:. Cowan, Mr. and Mrs. "1. Col-will and Mrs. "Megitt and children, Newcastle, called' on Mr. and Mrs. George Stapleton Jr. on -Sunday. Dominion Day visitors: Miss Lois Wood, Orono, with Miss Rena Hog- kin ; Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Alexander, -Markham, at Mrs. G. W. Jones; Mr. MacGregor Jones, Markham, ait home; Mr. and Mrs. B. Leuty, Port- Hope, at Mr. W. 0. Lane’s; Mr. and Mrs. W. Chester, Qshawa, at Mrs. W. Whi ttaker’s ; Miss Muriel Morton, Orono, at Mr. W. Stape!ton’s; Miss Velm-a Cowan, CwaniviHe, at Mr. Roy iSimith’s ; Mr. and Mrs, Aide. Merrill, Warkworth, Mr. and Mrs. G, Honey and Mr. Mutton, Oaetleton, at Mr, Willis Jones’. COWANVÃLLE â- Mr. Perrin went to Sudbury instead of his weekly visit at home. â- Mr. and Mrs. B. Jones were Sun- day visitors with Mr and Mrs. Wcstol 'Stringer. ' Mr. and Mrs. R. Haskill were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Stan- ley Portevms. Miss Flossie and Mr. Milton Gra- â- halm attended the Gilpin and McKen- LESKARD Mr. Billie Fee, Winnipeg, is visit- ing with Mr. and Mrs, Norman Fee. Miss Thompson, Bowman ville, vis- ited with Mr. arid Mrs. E. Syers on Sunday. Don’t forget the Sunday evening service to be held in the church on July 17th. Mrs, Joe Martin, Osbawa, is visit- ing her n-eice, Mrs, Art Tennant, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pierce, Bow- inanville, spent -Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, G. Ball. Mrs. T. Butler and Mr. Horace Holly, Toronto, spent the holiday at their eotta-ge. Miss Annie Bairstow, Toronto, spent Sunday -with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. Bairstow. -Mr. and Mrs. !.. Bourne, Toronto, spent the .week-end with her parents, Mr. arid Mrs. Crowe. Mr. Lloyd Trull, Fenelon Falls, and Miss Edith Trull, Providence, are home for the holidays. Mr. Ross Robbins and lady friend, Toronto, spent -Sunday with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Art Robbins. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Dewell and family, Bowman ville, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Mary Spry. Mr. Roy Thompson and Miss Mary Brown. Bowmaii'vil.v. were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. Bro-wn, Miss Leone D-avey, Toronto, and" Mi## Mildred Diavey, Whitby, spent Sunday with their mother, Mrs. E. Davcy. The anniversary services on Sun- day were well attended. Mr. J. J. Mclior prea-clied two very interesting sermons, The Sunday School gave several numbers. The Orono quar- tette favoured with two hymns in the afternoon and- Mr. Bill Mitchell sang a solo “Beautiful' Isle of Somewhere†in the evening. On Monday evening the ladies served a bountiful su-pper oif strawberries and cream, cakes, pies and tarts. After all were served the S-olina y-oung people ga ve their play “For Pete’s -Slake,†which was certainly enjoyed by all. The pro- ceeds were around one hundred dol- lars. wedding in Toronto on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Marvin, Jean and Gertrude were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Hender- son. 'Mrs. B. Millson and Hector and Mr. K ins man were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R, Thompson, Canton. We are glad to welcome Miss De- yell and her sislter, brother and wife and family into our community on what used to bo the Allin: farm. ------ â€" o--------.â€" Subscribe for the Orono Times, FOR YEARS the name :of Delanty has stood .for courteous attention, high class workmanship and fair and reasonable treatment. Today, even more than ever, this firm takes- pride is guarding and maintain- ing its proud recordâ€"earned through long years of straightforward dealing with the public. No matter how small or how large a proposition, we ' will gladly go into details in connection so that you can intelligently come to a decision. THE COBOURG GRANITE AND MARBLE WORKS DELANTY BROS. For further particulars see our local agent MR. G. Â. BEAMISH - orono NEWCASTLE Mr. and Mrs. Ray Douglas are visiting Mrs. John- Douglas. Miss Gladys Bradley of Glovers? ville, N.T., is home for the holidays. Mrs. J. A. Butler and Mrs. Floyd Butler visited Toronto on Tuesday. Mr. Morton Cowan, of Toronto, is visiting his siater, Mrs. Ross Dicken- son. Miss Hatfie Mason leaves the end of the week to visit reatives in Il- linois. Rev. Borne Thomas, of Ottawa is visiting his mother, Mrs. Wm. Thomas. -Mr. and Mrs. Archie G'cnny motor- ed to Orillia for the holiday and week-end. Miss R. S. McIntosh spent the week-end With Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sutton at Colborne. Congratula Hons to Dr. and Mrs. Martin Estait, nee Molly' Simpson, upon the birth of a daughter. The Misses Ghidley, of Toronto, are again occupying one of Dr. Wal- ton Ball’s cottages for the season. Miss Ettie Holmes of the teaching staff of 0.4mwa schools, is staying with M r.and Mrs, Wallace Holmes. Mrs. Elmimcrson Fisher and chil- dren have returned from a week’s visit with her parents at Mountain Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Herrington, of S.vru. cu'se, have been staying with Miss Hedges and Mrs. Herrington for a few days. Joyce Cannon and Margaret Vel- leau, of O'shawa, have been visiting their grandmother. Mrs, T. M. Gib- son. for ten days. Miss- Mary YanDusen spent a week in New York to be present at the mar- riage of her sister Jessie, which took place on Wednesday last. Mrs. Myers', of Qshawa, with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.' Jarrett, of Toronto, has taken “Barkem Hall†for the season. Mias Salome 'Howard accompanied Mr, and Mrs. Allan Howard on a mtitor trip to Mt. Philo, Yermount over the holiday and week-end. Mr. and. Mrs. A. R. Wynn and chil- dren, of, Brantford, visited Mrs. D. J. Galbraith for the holiday. Mrs. Wynn h-ais remained to spend the next: two weeks with her mother. The annual strawberry festival of S;t. George’s Church was held on the Rectory. lawn on Tuesday after- noon, The beautiful green lawns and trees made a perfect setting for a yeï'ÿisutieessfui event. Other item,# of: the afternoon’s enjoyment were at- tractive flower decorated tablés, deli- cious .'strawberries,, thin bread and Imiter, fine cak.es, every known- var- iety of tarts and plenty of good hot tea. An i-ec cream booth and a candy table along with several varieties of the cane you ring, the cane you get, the cane you carry away, game tempt- ed those who came to remain long- er. Tickets were sold for guessing the weight of a basket of cherries, the weight of a “Meadow’s†fruit cake and for a draw on a garden Chair, a serving tray and a. box of as- sorted biscuits, Later the lucky ones proved to be Mrs. (Scott. Howard' who won the cherries, Mr. David Gibson and Douglas Walton - dividing the cake on an even guess. Mrs. Hudson Stone, the garden chair; Mr. Bert Bremton the tray and Miss Vivian Duck the box of biscuits. Miss B. S. McIntosh was the convenor of the festival and along with - the members of the various committees, appreciat- ed the a i tew ! ! nee of so many summer visitors from the lake and also from the congregation " of the' United - Church. Tyrrell’s Drug Store DRUGS STATIONERY KODAKS PHONE 68, ORONO r STARKVILLE SCHOOL RESULTS Names in alptafeetical order. 'Entrance â€" Hazel Farrow, Dan Shu-tka. To Grade 8.â€" Doreen Farrow, Isileen, Farrow (lion.), Phyllis Gil- mer (Hon.), Marion Moore . (Re-c.j, Kileen Todd. To Grade 0â€"-Lawrence Farrow, Helen Moore, ISbphie 'Shuttoa, Josie Trim (Hon,). To Grade 5â€"Dorothy Farrow, Billy Trim. , To Grade I...Audrey Farrow. To Grade 3.-â€" Lorraine -Farrow, David Thrower, Maiblo Thrower. To Grade 2. - -Beriy Farrow, Billy Farrow. Billy Moore. â€"Mut-ion J. R. Green, teacher KENDAL SCHOOL ' Grade YI to VIT.â€"Hilda Bell (A), Mary Mercer (B), Glen. Thertell (C). Grade V.â€" George Wilson (D). Grade III. to IV, •Juanita Mer- cer (B), Grant Thertell (B1). Grade 11. to Til.â€"Jean Gaèhéart (B). Grade IT. to III.â€"John Oathfcart (0). -Grade T.â€"(Bay Thertell (B). â€"-À. E. Hendry, beacher CELEBRATE JULY 12th IN ORONO The Entertainment Committee has arranged a day of fun for you and all your friends -that you should n-ot miss. Come Early and Stay Late The parade forms alt the Exhibition Grounds and Claris at one p-m. From an interesting programme with excellent speakers, two softball tournanïents, a play in t he hall in the early ev-eri ng, two dances at night with two fine dance ordh-es-tras. There will -be a programme that you will long remember Celebrate July 12th in Orono Special for July 12th Extra Large Sunset Balloons, each ... 5c. or FREE with any 25c. purchase of REXALL GOODS You Save With Safety At Tyrrell’s Drug Store Celebrate July 12th in Orono Specials for Gala Day FLAGS, FLAGS, FLAGS ... ...... 5c. to 25c. FOLDING CAMP CHAIRS ........25c. to $1.00 GRAPE NUT FLAKES ... ......2 pkgs...........19c. KELLOGG’S CORN FLAKES, 3 pkgs. w-ith FREE PAPER TOY BATTLESHIP ..... ......25c. CORNED BEEF (always handy), SPECIAL, 2 for .25c. SWEET MUSTARD PICKLES, large 27 oz. jar...19c. BORDEN’S SWEETENED CONDENSED MILK.20c. CURRANTS ........... , ....lb.10c. AYLMER TOMATO JUICE, 3 large 21-ounce tins.25c. ARROWROOT BISCUITS, oven fresh.lb.27c.. COLD MEATS Y ou are invited to bring your friends and visit the ORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE YOUR FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE Home and Building Improvement Pays You Big | Dividends, Both in Comfort and Convenience WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES AT ALL TIMES D* L. & W. GUARANTEED BLUE COAL The Coal that is Trade Marked for your protection SCOTCH COAL WELSH COAL COKE AND DRY HARDWOOD IN STOCK AT ALL TIMES TO MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS â€" PROMPT SERVICE PHONE 48R16 Orono Coal & Lumber Co