F Classified Advertising IIABV CHICKS 1*011 l.THV AND I'OCI.TKY I-',<11) I l*M I1VT QU,* LIT Y CHICKS AM’ A I.O'Y price for July. Leghorns $<>â- ?•'. Rocks, New Hampshire 'lieds $7.95. Large Erg" Quality rul'd le, Leghorn pullets 2c. Also started chicks all ages. Mop Notch Chitikeries, 1(1 Wilson St., Guelph, Ontario. NO DELAYS WHEN YOU ORDER your chicks from Twaddles.. We give prompt delivery ori day old or started, 10 day old to three â- week old, Barred Rock, White Rock, New Hampshire Reds and White Leghorns, pullets, cockerels or mixed chicks. Send for price list, T wed die Chick Hatcheries Limited, Box 10. Fergus, Ontario. last call for baby chicks ! Bray’s day-old chicles available lor ' immediate shipment between July 12 and July 26. First there, first served ! Order today ! Bray Hatchery, 130 ’ John St, North, Hamilton, Ontario. , weeks did," available July i5. Last chance to get Bray "Started Pul- lets,.: Get your order in now while the supply lasts. Bray Hatchery, 130 John St. North. Hamilton, On- tario. . HIGH EGG PRICES PREDICTED for next Winter. Cut yourself a .«hare of the profits with Bray chicks. Get your order in today ! Prompt shipment ! Bray Hatchery, 130 John St. North, Hamilton, ©n- NOT. TOO LATE TO BUY YOUR chicks, all Government approved, Leghorns $6.95, Barred Rocks, New Hampshire Reds $7.95. Also day old pullets, cockerels and started chicks, all ages. Baden Electric Chick Hatchery Limited, Box 69, Baden, Ontarid.______________ r: It FA It MING PERSONAL PERSONAL PROBLEMS SOLVED from your handwriting and signa- ture. Write us in confidence. Send 25 cents today. Kingsley Docu- ments, 221 St. Sacrament Street, Montreal. QUIT TOBACCO, SNUFF, EASILY, inexpensively. Home remedy. Tes- timonials. Guaranteed, Advice free Bartlett’s, Box 1, Winnipeg. EVERY MARRIED COUPLE AND those cu itemplating marriage should readâ€""Sex and Youth," 104 pages, postpaid 25c. Our 12 page illustrated catalogue of sex books, drug sundries, etc., free upon re- quest. Supreme Specialty, 169 Yonge, Toronto. MEDICAL TRY DR. McLEÃ"D’S SCIENTIFIC remedy Stomachic, for your stom- ach trouble. Clears up gas, nau- sea, bloating, indigestion. Drug stores or direct. Write fbr free information. 191 Albany A.ve., To- INFANT1LE PARALYSIS CRIPPLES recover the use of their limbs un- der our nexv treatment. We give the famous foot treatment for tired aching feet. Hay Fever re- sponds instantly to our treatment. Don’t suffer. Consult us regard- ing your case. Adanac Health Clinic, 1 mile west of Erin dale on Dundas Highway. MEDICALâ€"LIVE STOCK SWOLLEN UDDER â€" GARGET â€" Lang’s Mineral excells anything obtainable for Swollen Udder, Gar- get, Bleeding Teats, Ringworm, or Scratches on horses’ feet. Results quick and complete, saves worry and expense. Sent by mail. Free information. Lang’s Mineral Remedies, 946 Robson Street, Van- couver, LABRADOR, QUEBEC MINK BES1 foundation stock, prices reason- able. Write Miner Minkery. Kings- ville, Ontario FARM MACHINERY FOR SALE MINK FOR SALE AM OFFERING DARK SILKY Mink kits off choice Quebec stock $25.00 each for July and August delivery. C. Reilly, Richmond, On- tario. SALESMAN WANTED 22 X 36 AND 10 x 20 McCORMICK- Deering tractors ; 16 x 30, 20 x 35, and 25 x 40 Rumely tractors; also Blackstone Diesel Power Unit complete. Like new. Over 20 trucks nearly all sixes and makes. Write to-day for prices. Hanna’s International Sales, Guelph, On- FUIINI TURK LYONS TRADE-IN STORE 478 Yonge St, Toronto BARGAINS GALORE Every arlipl# thoroughly cleaned, reconditioned sold under a defi- nite mi no---back guarantee of satis- faction. 6-V$ ci - Large Uà &Stérfleld, tapestry k'h'/J cover, reversible spring REPRESENTATIVE WANTED, TO sell mining stock in the Malartic area. Generous commissions. Par- ticulars. 407 Central Building, To- ronto. NEWSPAPER OPPORTUNITY WEEKLY NEWSPAPER PROPER- ty and Job plant l’or sale in thriv- ing' Ontario town. Excellent job printing business, complete equip- ment in splendid condition. Re- quires $4,000 cash, balance on easy terms to responsible'purchaser. O. E. Brown, 114 Moore Ave., Tor- onto. Government revenues in Vene- zuela are mounting as the result* of increased petroleum production this year. I ' â- T Health in Secondary Schools How Are Canadian Teen Age Boys And Girls To Keep Fit? Vâ€"HOW TO AVOID TUBERCULOSIS By Dr. Norman Russell St. Mary's Hospital, Timmins, Ont. The following article, in a brief way, will try to outline what I con- sider the best method of controlling tuberculosis. In order to appreci- ate and intelligently carry out any campaign against tuberculosis one must have at least a working know- ledge of the pathology of the condi- tion. (1) Every individual who lives under the ordinary conditions of civilization is infected after birth and at some period between birth and adult life with the tubercle bacillus. (2) "Such infection, al- though it produces a definite body reaction, is not necessarily follow- ed by disease. (3) In the vast ma- jority of cases the individual deals successfully with the infection and all that remains is a minute scar. (4) In a certain percentage of cases, however, manifest disease occurs at a later date, this being due to re infection by the tubercle bacillus either from within or from without and this re-infection is com- monly preceded by a lowered resist- ance on the part of the individual. Control Active Disease It is obvious from the above that we can have very little hope of avoiding contact with the tubercle bacillus throughout life. Therefore our efforts must be directed to con- trolling the amount of active dis- ease and consequent deaths from this all-invading organism. From invasion by the tubercle bacillus which is ubiquitous there is no escape. Sooner or later ev- eryone Is Infected and it the pri- mary lesion occurs in early life and the dose is mass’ve the patient succumbs. If on the other hand the primary lesion heals and perhaps succeeding small lesions heal with- out any manifestation of disease then the individual’s resisting pow- er will be gradually raised to a point, where he will be protected under any ordinary circumstances for the rest of his life. First Act of the Drama Therefore it is perfectly apparent that the sqlutiqn of .adult tubercu- losis depend» almost entirely on the study of tuberculosis in children. It is in the children that we see played the first act of the drama, of tuberculosis which may go on to adult tuberculosis unless the pati- ent dies of some other condition or we are fortunate enough to control it. It is an established fact that the death rate from tuberculosis is de- creasing. It has gradually decreas- ed from first place to sixth place as the cause of death in all the age groups. But we must remember that tuberculosis is still by far the leading cause of death amongst ad- olescents and young adults. Methods in Preventive Work Bearing all the above points in mind it can be readily seen that the schools should be the centre of preventive work in tuberculosis. It is not suggested that the schools should be burdened with any more than they now have on their hands but it is perfectly obvious that the school is the logical point of at- tack. The question of ordinary hy- giene is taught in all bur schools and undoubtedly is a factor in con- trol and also the habit of spitting is a bad one and the question of bad housing conditions plays an import- ant part in the spread of tubercu- losis. All these things, however, are secondary to an Intelligent tuberculosis survey of your chil- dren carried out year by year. The method I would suggest is as follows: (1) Get the co-operation of either the Medical Health Officer or if he seems indifferent, find some medi- cal man who is vitally interested in children. (2) Enlist the services of your school nurses and also district nurses in making the survey. (3) Buy your tuberculin In quan- tities large enough to do your whole group. (4) Get the written permission of the parents to have the test done. (E) Do an Mracutaneous tuber- culin test on each child from, the kindergarten up to the top forms in the high school. NOTE: â€" This series on “Health In Secondary Schools" Is being discontinued during va- cation time to be resumed in the autumn. The Worm May Turn Tie up with a real treat! Roll-youf- own cigarettes with Ogden’s Fine Cut and you'll corral the fuller smoking enjoyment that this cooler and more fragrant tobacco gives. You'll roll them even better if you make sure to use "Chantecler†or “Vogue†papers. Canadian National Railways Revenues The gross revenues of the all- inclusive Canadian National Rail- ways System for the 9-day period ending June 30, 1938, were ................. $4,394,277 as compared with ....... 5,068,183 for the corresponding period of 1937, a de- crease of .............$ 661,906 The BOOK SHELF By ELIZABETH EEDY THE DARK RIVER By Nordhoff and Hall Messrs. Nordhoff and Hall’s last novel, “The Hurricaneâ€, made a most popular “movie,†and you can have considerable fun casting this cushions. $13.95 Marshal J $24.95 3 piece chesterfield suite, v el o u r e o v er, r ev.ers ibl< Spring cushions. Beautiful U piece chester- field suite, velour cover, figured reversible Marshall cushions. 4t‘A‘£k A.a Modern 3 piece chesterfield suite, new hard wearing repp cover, Marshal1 reversible cush- ion < . (fry* g* aa U ii este afield bed suite, » «frsO.Vv pieces (Kroehler) velour cover, reversible Marshall' cushions, y® |c7£* Solid oak dining' room i SUite, buffin'*; extension table and 6 leather slip seat chairs. aa Eight piece divanette suite «$r&*zc.UU [rl rich walnut finish, buf- fet, refectory table, and G leather seat chairs. ..... A, A B ea u t i f u 1 î) pi e c e d i n l n g «ftâXjnl/U room suite, buffet, china cabinet, extension table and (> leath er seat, chairs. , CTûi ftfl Earge English oak dining 3*# JUUU v; jm suite, buffet,/ cabin- . et, extension table and 6 slip seat chairs with cane panels. Aff\ Beauti ful solid walnut din- tpOvy'AIV jng room suite, buffet, china cabinet, extension table and G blue leather seat chairs *>j!- 4 piece bed room suite, dresser, chiffonier, full size bed and sagless spring in wal- nut finish. • Cq aa Beautiful walnut bed room fdiJ.uU suite, chiffonier, _ vanity with Venetian mirror, full size bed and -s agi es s' spring, éon aa 4 piece bed room suite, tjpvy.VU dresser, chiffonier, full size bed and sagless spring. ® 1 y* 'ypf Smart kitchen cabinets i-O wiih sliding porcelain tops. Radios, $1000; Dressers, $4.93; chif- foniers, $7.95; Gas Stoves $4.95; Sew- ing Machines, $12,50; Beds, $2.50; Springs, $2.00; New Mattresses, $3.95 China Cabinets, $10.90. Write for free illustrated cata- logue showing hundreds of other outstanding values in new and re- conditioned furniture and ree gifts with purchases. Lyons; Trade-In Dept; , 478 Ycïige St, Toronto films and prints ROLES DB1VELOPED AND EIGHT â- beautiful enlargements 30c. 8 regular prints and one FREE en- largement 25c. Service Guaran- teed. York Photo Service, 1835i King East, Toronto. ___________ GEORGIAN MAY SUMMER CAMP CAMP FRANKLIN’S PRIZE ESSAY Contest. First prize, one hundred dollars; second prize, fifty dollars. Themeâ€""Camp Franklin â€"- the Camp with Ideals.†Full informa- tion regarding Canada’s unique and pioneer recreational camp for young men and young women, from Camp Franklin’s Toronto office, 83 Yonge Street. PHOTOGRAPHY ifÜËÜÃÃœEMBNT FREE WITH EV-’ ery 25c order. Roll film developed and eight; prints 25c. Reprints 3c. Established over 26 years. Bright- ling Studio, 28 Richmond Street East, Toronto. Issue No. 29â€"’38 ... Gardening Notes... KEEPING CUT FLOWERS FRESH With garden flowers plentiful at this time, junior gardeners will be interested to know how to keep them fresh after they have been cut. The first and most important step is to cut carefully. Flowers should never he pulled or broken from their stalks, but-cut with a clean, slanting cut. This can be done with a sharp knife, or -a pair of specially constructed scissors which do not pinch the stems hs do ordinary shears. Cutting the flow- ers on the slant prevents the stems from resting flat upon the bottom of the container, thus closing the many tiny cells. Most flowers should be picked in the early morning before the heat of the sun robs them of their mois- ture. Hox.uver, according to an an- nouncement made by Cornell Uni- versity, gladioli, when cut in early afternoon, last longer. They may ! be cut when the first flower on the spike begins ’ > open. Most flowers should be gathered just when the bud is unfolding, although dahlias last longer if cut when fully open. This is also true of crysan them unis, mums. Don’t Crowd Them Any leaves which have a tenden- cy to decay in water should h" re- moved. Keep the flowers for a few hours immediately after cutting a-d before arranging in a container of water deep enough to allow the water to come just below the flow r parts. This treatment also often revives flowers which appear to POULTRY RAISERS Check ROUP (Bronchial Flu) With a Few Drops of 8« have wilted. The water should be changed daily and a piece of the stem cut off. This helps to pre- serve the flow r. An ice cube drop- ped into the water two or three times a day also is beneficial. Flowers, just as human beings, need air to breathe, so do not, crowd them tightly in a narrow con- tainer. CLOTHES PINS IN THE GARDEN When cutting a new edge for flower -bed or lawn, or truing up an old ^dge, use a string or cord ra- ther than rely upon the accuracy of your eye. In spite of his years of exp de a professional gard- ener v T always “run a string†to keep his edges straight. Common clothes pins can be very useful in holding the string or cord in place. Even though the cord may be tightly run from end s’ ,ke to end stake, one is apt to move the cord back and forth with the edg- ing tool, unless It is pinned in place at freq xnt intervals, with clothes pins. This same method of using stakes, string and clothes pins can be employed for planting straight rows of seeds in the home vege- table garden. THEY SPROUT THEIR SEEDS Interesting customs of the enter- prising Dutch gardeners might be follow d by gardeners elsewhere who wish to speed germination of seeds. According to a plant breeder who came to thh country from the Neth- erlands, the Hollanders place seeds in a cloth bag and hang the bag, in a nearby canal overnight. The bag is taken out and hung for 48 hours in the cow barn, where it is warm. By this time the seed has sprouted and it is broadcast by hand in the garden plot. Gardeners need not, o.f course, hunt up a canal or build a cow barn, but they may hang the seeds overnight in any water-filled con- tainer, then place the bag in a war- mer place for two days and nights. This practice is especially recom- mended for beets, carrot; and spin- ach seed. One of the most important branches of scientific work being undertaken in Canada today is the research on parasitic worms, which is well into its initial stages at the Institute of Parasit- ology, Ste. Anne de Bellevue, P. Q., says G. 9?. S. Calder, writing in the current issue of the C-I-L Oval. Parasitic worms, which are in no way related to the earth- worm : or the lug worm, do an enormous amount of damage to livestock and probably form the greatest single source of loss in Canada. Work to date which has involved the carrying out of over 12,000 experiments, indicates that the most likely means of ridding Canada of the menace of these worms, many millions of which are swallowed during the life- time of grazing animals, will be through the use of chemical fer- tilizer. Salmon Not So Smart, He Says Salmon which breed in the headwaters of fresh water streams and spend their adult life in the sea are not as smart as they have been supposed to be, says Dr. A. G. Huntsman, of the University of Toronto. It has always been believed that salmon swim far out to sea and then find their way back to the same tiny stream in which they were born with the accuracy of a homing pigeon, he declares. Actually, the fish must remain within the fresh water area where a river empties into the sea or they become lost and never re- turn, Dr. Huntsman declares. The return migrations from the sea to fresh water also depend largely on floods or freshets which give the fish their ..cue to start up the rivers again. FEET HURT? TOM___ Recommended by yam local CtfVt V U EACH CORN SALVE BUNION SALVE new work, “The Dark River,†for it will be gobbled up by Hollywood faster than you can say Dorothy Lamiour. Laid in the setting which these gentlemen may rightfully claim as their own private literary back- groundâ€"-Tahiti, “The Dark River†is one of their more sentimental works, concerned with polite Poly- nesians far removed from the rough characters of the “Mutiny on the Bounty†story, and abounding in lofty romance and quiet, discreet emotional conflicts. A Lovely Nature The story is based upon a familiar and perennially effective deviceâ€" that of one woman, a native Poly- nesian in this case, appropriating the infant daughter of another, an Englishwoman who dies at Child- birth, and bringing the child up as her own. The authors thug create a lovely daughter of lush Tahitian na- ture, wandering among the glades and tropical streams of the island with the abandon and dark beauty of a native girl, but with pure Eng- lish blood in her veins, a fact com- forting somehow to Nordic readers. The love story of the girl is the main theme of the book. When the collaborators on this novel write of the natives, of the storms and primitive life on these deserted islands, they catch some of the sturdy vitality of their earlier adventure books. Their novel has enough momentum of events and energy of characterization, too, to make it easily digested. The Dark River, By Charles Nordhoff and James Norman Hall. . . . 336 pp. . . . Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 215 Victoria Street, $2.75. “No talking pictures may be shown in church,†declared Dr. R, G. Parson, Bishop of Southwark in provisional regulations for his diocese in England, but he will permit approved silent films. ^Scratching ** RELIEVE ITCHING In A Minute Even the most stubborn itching of eczema, blotehe^ pimples, athlete’s foot, rashes and other «kin erup- tions,< quickly yields to Dr. Dennis* cooling, antbep* tic, liquid D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. ft,3 gentle oUs tKJotbe the Irritated skin. Clear, gre&rolm and state- lessâ€"dries fast. Stops the most intense itohing 1st* etantly, A 35o ti hi bottle, at drug stores, proves it *** or money back. Ask for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION,