ORONO WEEKLY TIMES NEWCASTLE TIE HEADERS By I Seymour Wyns Newcastle held Bowmanville Royals to a 3-all tie Tuesday night, before a large home crowd, in a Lakeshore League fixture. An extra innings was necessitated', X ewe fistic having the winning counter on 3rd. Brunt and Phillips, rival mounids- mefi, both turned in a fine chore, the lefty having a slight edge. The hurl- era along with Bobbie Kent held the sw'atsmith honorsâ€"Phillips having a triple while Brunt and Kent had 2 bingles in 4 attempts. The rublbertown lads broke ice first 5n a scoring way. Porter Colville scampered home in the 2nd on Snub Piper’s single. Newcastle dame right back in the same frame to make it all even. Elliott who incidentally play- ed a great game scoring on Pollard's wild â- hdave to the hot corner guar- dian. Phillips tripled to open the 3rd frame, coming home on an in- field hit. Newcastle tied the count in the flame dhukker to go ahead in the 5th, only to have the Oordenmen make it 3-all in the 6th. This being the final score. Bowman ville .01 1 0 0 1 0 0â€"373 Newcastle ...0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0â€"3 5 3 . Phillips and Pollard; Brunt and Rickard. ----------oâ€"---------- Annual Trull Picnic will be held at Hampton Park Saturday afternoon next CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all our kind friends and neighbours for their many kind expressions of sympathy during our retient bereavement.â€"O. W. S'catt. V ARDEN’S EXCURSION Cobourg to Oswego, N.Y. $2.00 CHILDREN 5 YEARS AND UNDER 12â€"$1.00 With optional exfiensiibii. via Dd. & W. Ry. to Syracuse, N.Y., $3.00 CHILDRENâ€"$1.50 Wednesday, July 20th Schedule-Standard Time GOING- RETURNINGâ€" Lv. Cobourg . 7.00 a.m. Lv. Oswego . , 6.00 p.m. Ar Oswego, N.Y. 1.00 p.m. Ar. Cobourg . . 12.00 p.m. Midnight Music by Red’s Serenaders FOR ROUND AND SQUARE DANCING Bring your basket and meet your friends from neighboring Counties Extension Trip to Syracuse, N.Y. VIA DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND WESTERN R.R. CO. Lv Oswego, N.Y. 1.30 p.m. Ar Syracuse, N.Y. 2.20 p.m. Lv Syracuse, N.Y. 4.45 p.m. Ar Oswego, N.Y. 5.40 p.m. Tickets may be purchased on, steamer LOW PRICES FOR MEALS ON STEAMER Buy here and save! Choose from eight differ- ent Goodyears at differ- ent prices! A Goodyear to suit your driving needs and your purse ! Drive in today! LUNN HARDWARE Orono, Ontario GLORIOU3 TWELFTH (Continued -form page one) need of democracy today.†He said never to give tip the ballot as it is. one way to keep our freedom, that with it we oan always change our governments, but if we don’t get out and, vote, the ballot will dis- appear and will never come back, lie told the -Orangemen they would- have to take up the cudgels and see that democracy is made to work right, and that democracy has a great work to do. We stand for the British Flag and the British Empire and loyalty to the throne. There is enough red endowed in our Hag- that we don’t need an all red flag. '“Let Canada take their example from Great Britain for the- running of the country and other institu- tions,†he concluded. Mr. Cecil G. Froste, KG., of Lind- say, was, the guest speaker for the afternoon, and said he was pleased to be here on this occasion. That it Classified COMING EVENTS The Woman's Association will hold a special meeting at Orono Memorial Park on July "21st, follow- ed by a picnic lunch, each one to bring their own dishes. The Orono Women's Institute are holding their annual picnic in Orono Park on Friday, July 22nd, at 2.30 •p.m. (fSi.T.). We: are entertaining I lampion Branch. Will Orono mem- bers please bring pies, -cakes and tarts. The executive are providing the balance. The members of the llorieultural Society will meet at the Community Park on Wednesday, Ju-ly 20th, at 6 p.;m. Tea will be gened on Horticul- tural: Island after which the business- of the Society will be attended to and this will be followed by a discussion of the various Horticultural problems. Professional Directory DENTAL DR. J. 0. MILNE, Dental Sur- geon, Orono. Office hours : 9,C@> a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Evenings by ap- pointment. Newcastle every Wed- nesday and other days by appoint- ment. Phone 18rl. MEDICAL DR. H. E. MANNING Physician and Surgeon Orono ... Ontario Office Hours : 1.30 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. Sunday by Appointment AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON was a splendid march and congratu- lated the Orange committee for the splendid way all the arrangements were carried out. He said there were many great points in which we are celebrating today, and that these heritages bave been handed down to us by our forefathers. A few weeks ago the war veterans celebrated one of these, the signing of the Magna Oar ta. “Over 700 years ago there was a dictator in England, King John, who conducted the laws- of the country, he depressed the people by unfair taxes, and retarded the churches and other institutions by his rule. The people got tired1 of this and finally made the king sign, the Magna Oar!a and' brought forward a great step in the cause of democracy.†lie .-aid. “Today,†he said, “those privil- eges -are at stake. Let us as Orange- men, guard these as never before in this Country arid- the British Em- pire. What we want to day is fair piny, all to he used alike and a fair trial given to all, not by one man atone but a trial by jury. In coun- tries where the different isms are their laws are not ours, and we must pledge ourselves to maintain our lib- erty. ’ We, must preserve the right a> govern ourselives, so let us all keep together ajnd protect these liberties that have been handed down to- us by our forefathers,†(He said there have been many fights for the cause of religious liber- ties, even back two and a half cen- turies ago, when King William fought the battle of the Boyne, the victory that the Orangemen throughout the British Elmlpire celebrate today. We must stand and fight, for these liber- ties that our forefathers of that time handled doiwn to us. We in Canada are living in peace and harmony, but there are . other countries infringing on our rights. We must, stand shoul- der to shoulder so that this freedom may be enjoyed. “We see what is happening in Spain today, brother fighting broth- er, and the country sjpurged in blood, then on to Germany where the peo- ple under a dictator are massed and trained in a great machine, which is just whiting to take another demo- cratic country, and midst likely some of these countries have their eyes on Canada as a rovoted prize,†he said. “Canada should take an active part in defending her country from dictatorship, she should always be ready at all times to consult and help aid! the British Empire to maintain its freedom. The best way to prevent war, in my. judgment, is to be in league with the British Emlpdre, to be as a partner and work as a, partner an-d- Canada could play an important part in the causes for liberty and freedom.†(Mr. W. F. Rickard, M.P. for Dur- ham, was the next speaker. He said there were many changes since the last walk held- here. They had no paved roads, only on dirt roads- which were dusty and all must have been very loyal 'Orangemen. He also con- gratulated the committee in charge of the affairs of the day for the man- ner in which the " celebration1 was, held. lie said though he was not- an Orangemlan he always took a great interest in the /celebration. The Orange Order stands; for democracy, free speech and many other things,! The different ism throughout, the world today are trying to destroy our freedom. We fake the ballot to decide who we want to run our country. In the last few years we have made so- cial progress in our country. We have a democratic government in our coun- try that are elected by the people and who;, are for the people at ail times-. It is hard to run a country like Can- ada as there is such -a, difference be- tween the east and the west, that, what is suitable for one part might not suit the other, so all the points have to he be threshed out to decide the right policy. He Said if we are to preserve Canada for prosperity and freedom like our forefathers left it to, us, then it is up to us- to see that we do all in our power to serve our country in FIELD DAY Kendal Field Day will be held in the Har-v-ey Jaickson, Memorial Park on Wednesday, July 27th. Please keep this date open . TO RENT Stone house and about one acre on Fifth Line, Township of Clarke, on Lot 22, Concession 5. Apply to R. R. Waddell, Orono. tf. Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Auction Sales of all «aw and at reasonable rates. Communicate with him at Pert. Perry, Ontario, or see his Gierke, A, J. -Staples or A. E. Morton, at Orono, for date. G. RICHARDS Practical Watchmaker NOTICE All persons owing accounts to Mr. George Butters for the past nine ,m-onths, are requested to pay -same by the end of July, 1938, When they will be phi red in other hands for collection. AMATEUR CONTEST At Kendal, on Wednesday, July 27th, at 8 p.m., under the auspices of the Harvey J-atckson Memorial Park, open to the County of Durham. All entries to be sent to the Secretary, Catherine W. -Stewart, on or before July 16th, First 30- entries accepted. Substantial Prizes. W-atcli for bills. b-25-iC. LIBRARY BOARD PARTY A most successful, card party and afternoon tea was held o-n- the lawn at -the ,hbme of. "Mrs., A. Henry’s ..Park Street, Orono, on Friday afternoon of last week, when twenty tables- of card's were in progress. The proceeds of the party went towards the Orono Public Library. The Library Board were pleased to see such a splendid turnout, of both men and women. Mrs. MacDonald and Airs. Flint-off, in bewitching gypsy -costumes read the teacups' af- ter a delicious lunch of sandwiches. All Repair* to Watches, Clocks, and Jewellery, will receive our prompt attention PARK STREET - ORONO J. Gilfillaii Phm. B. QUALIFIED OPTOMETRIST Licentiate of the College of Optom- etry of Ontario Office Hours : 10 to 12 a.m. and 2 to 4.30 p.m and by appointment Office in 0, B. Tyrrell’s Drug Store- Phone 68r2 Orono Tinshop Now is the time to have your Furnace overhauled or new one installed Agent for Pease Furnaces R. E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR Centre St. Orono Phone 50 r 10 pickles, cake and tea was served by the Board members. Prize, winners- for the afternoon were -as follow^ Bridgeâ€"High lady, Mrs-. John Armstrong ; high gent, Mr. O. T. Miller; travelling prize, M-rs. Les. McLaughlin, of O-shawa. Five Hundred â€" High lady, Mrs. Wood; high gent, Mr, T. Cowan : travelling prize, Mrs. Walters. - Euchre â€" High lady, Mrs, D. Noble; high gent, Mr. R. Hall. Demonstration 4MHIIMMMMHN «•*& PARK ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. S. Llttlewood Pastor j . SUNDAY, JULY 14th 111 a.m. â€" Another Favourite Text ÃŽ 7 p.m.â€" Xo Service. i COME AND WORSHIP Wood’s Electric Feed. Grinder, Roller and Electric Fence AT Milton Tamblyifs Farm July 20th Day and Evening the beflt-interests' for d-c-m-ocra-cy â- and freedhm,,. Mr. Cecil .Mercer, M.P.P. for Dur- ham, spoke a few words: to. the -large assembly and said lie was- glad to be here with the Orangemen, that they stood! for free religion in this, coun- try and ’always helped along the cause of' d-emo'eracy so that we could- have a free country to live -in. In the evening those that, stayed enjoyed tbems-elve-s at the concert and! dance. The first, part of the evening the town hall was' filled for -a- play from Newcastle, - a comedy play, “Look Me In the Eye-.†1 After the play the hall was clear- ed: for dancing and 'the Armouries wa'a /also used- with Wilson’s Merry- maker’s and A, Barclay’s! Musicians suiptpyling the music. It was a grand day from beginning- to end, and great praise is due the Central Committee in handling the programmé. ' ... MONDAY mû TUESDAY in Human Hearts†With Walter Huston,, James- Stewart and Beulah Bondi Laurel & Hardy In . a Feature Comedy SWISS MISS WEDNESDAY tTHURSDAY A Happy, Snappy Hit With Irene Dunne and Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. mmgmg Thursday Mi FRIDAY & KtiSBP SATURDAY PORT HOPE Matinee Sat. Four Weeks in- Toronto ! aThe Adventures ef Robin Hood†With Errol Flynn, Olivia Del iavilkmd and Huge Oast IN BEAUTIFUL C0L0I